《The Death Simulation》The Dual Wielding Samurai II
Another sword came out, in my empty right hand, almost immediately. Everyone in the room gasped, everyone had thought the skill went away with Searing. Hailey, though still weakly lying on the floor I checked my skill specs, the skills specs... were different. Searing didn't have a agility and damage bonus, but I did. That was probably because, he was never meant to be part of the death simulation. Or maybe the skill, was improved? Who knows. In either case, I felt much faster and much more powerful. I was able to move at the same speed of the boss. We clashed, and his two swords attempted to get through my two katanas, while I was deflecting every strike. While he was still on offensive despite me having a new skill, I had to think of a way to beat him. I then decided to use my one katana to block two swords, sure enough there wasn't enough power for one katana to block two, but I was able to use my other to get a clean hit in the boss. While he, also got a hit on me. We were both on red, and I was desperate. My face showed the expression of a raging warrior, fighting for all he had. I had to use, my ultimate attack, something stronger than infinity slashes. My katanas glowed blue as I charged towards the boss, the boss's two swordhands glowed blue too, and he charged at me. We continuously hit each other making light scratches, on each other. While we also dodged lots of attacks the opponent made. By the 60th blow I made I had 1% health left. It seemed that I was going to die, but I knew wasn't ready... To die. I shouted while slashing the boss: "Listen up... Monster, no... Communist party of China.This is for Searing and Rosie who you murdered with your damn filthy hands, and this is for all the players who you trapped in here and this is for almost killing my friends, and Hailey." After saying that, I bought the boss's original 25% health, Down all the way to 1%, with 24 slashes from me His combo ended with 75 slashes, which I entirely dodged the last 15, while mine ended with 84 slashes. I knew no one else could face the boss, since they were all too low and too slow. I had to risk my life, for Hailey. Both of us backed down, and then we proceeded to use our most powerful two simultaneous hit sword skills. I used, X slash while the boss used an unknown one. We charged towards each other while I shouted: "Haaaaaaaa" I managed to barely dodge the slash with it only grazing my hair, and I could see the boss knew there was no escape after that, so I slashed down both of my swords. After I saw the blows hit, I immediately fell down unconscious.
I woke up and I saw someone touching my face, it was a gentle touch. I saw a beautiful, cute black haired girl holding my hand. I asked: "Where am I? Am I dead?" The girl said while crying: "You won him Jason, don't... Ever scare me like that again." After that as collapsed in tears while hugging me, she put her head in my shoulders while at the same time putting her arms behind my back. I hugged her too, embracing her. I asked her: "Hailey? What's going on?" I saw Luke come over with Peaches holding his hand and he asked: "That's what I want to ask you." I told him about Searing, and what he gave me before he died. Luke nodded and Leo said: "How about naming that move." I never really thought of a name, but I still gave a bit of thought to it to think of a name for the sword skill which saved all of us. Seconds later it hit me, I replied: "Celestial Expansion." Everyone clapped, and Luke said: "We're going to go open the teleporter to teleport all of us back to tell the news to all the players. You stay here and Hailey'll take care of you. I nodded.
Hailey cried out: "What would I do without you, my life wouldn't have a meaning if you were gone." I said: "It's alright now, it's alright." She cried out while taking her heads out of her shoulder: "You still don't get it? The truth is.." She blushed like a tomato "I love you, Jason!" I was hit by a pang of happiness when I heard that, I finally knew my feelings were mutual between us. She asked: "But.. Do you.. Love me?" I replied while going closer towards her face: "I do, and I always will." After that our faces began moving closer to each other, and we finally kissed. Her soft lips touched mine and we were finally together. I couldn't resist her anymore, and I realized that it was better for the two of us if I admitted I loved her. After our kiss, she cried out in tears: "I was so worried, during that final clash... If you died, I don't know what I would've done." I held her in my arms, and she accepted it as her head went right under mine. I hugged her, while saying: "I'm not going to die, you got that? We're going to clear the simulation together and we're going to live together in the real world. She looked up and nodded, while wiping off her tears.
We held hands, as Jingxi came back to inform us: "The boss's personal portals open. Let's go lovebirds." We blushed and I stood up, and said: "Let's go, Hailey." She replied: "Right! Jason!" I held her hand as I helped her up. We both held hands as we went towards the teleporter together. Luke gave me his congratulations by saying: "You finally got the courage to tell her." I nodded, while I heard Peaches congratulate Hailey: "Hey, you finally got him to like you. So, you switching rooms too?" She blushed a bit and nodded. With that we walked back towards the teleporter, and teleporter to Shinpong.
We all happily returned to Shinpong to spread the news that the boss was defeated in the afternoon and that we were hosting a celebration, at Shinpong Clearers square in 3 hours later, 8pm in simulation time. Surely enough by 8pm just about everyone left in the simulation was gathered in the clearers square. Everyone waited for me to start speaking, but I didn't feel like it today so, Leo took over my spot and began speaking: "Today we are all gathered here to celebrate. But celebrate what? The defeat of a boss? Our survival? No not just that, I hope that everyone can think that a day in here is more so the same of a day outside. That's why, we must celebrate for not only events like clearing bosses, but new relationships." At this moment, I knew it was me and Hailey he was talking about. "After going through life and death situations, spending a hell of much time together and always talking with each other one on one. Who wouldn't know that they were going to love each other? Congratulations to Jason and Hailey. Everyone looked towards me and Hailey. We were blushing as red as a tomato, Hailey was sitting next to me while holding my hand, and she held it tighter after the speech. I looked Hailey and she nodded, we both stood up, while still holding hands and walked in unison together towards Leo. I said: "Thank you everyone, for supporting our relationship. I wish you all good luck in the simulation." Hailey held both my hands and looked towards me. After a brief moment she looked at the audience and said: "The hope to escape this death game is still here, and it shines brighter than ever, Jason taught me that today when he fought the boss one on one. There's nothing we can't do, so we will escape from here and return home!" After that she had a small blush and she put her arms around me, and I put mine around her. We went closer and closer to each other and kissed. After that kiss we looked at the crowd while holding hands and blushing. Everyone applauded and we returned to our seats. Luke teased: "You blush so much yet you kiss in front of 8,000 people." Hailey said: "Shut up, jeez that's none of your business." Peaches the teased on: "Even me and Luke weren't like that." I replied: "just stop please..." Everyone was laughing, and I heard Leo speak again: "Now that honeymoon episode one is over." The crowd laughed. "Let's party to our hearts content, of course we aren't paying for this go use your own money." With that said we all jumped down the stage and began partying at clearers square and drank. I shouted: "Yin Bei." Everyone lifted their drinks and cheered. Life at the simulation was sometimes actually much more fun than real life, even with the dying mechanic.
I danced with Hailey at the party, played games with other players and soon our guild decided we were handing back. At 2am simulation time, we were back at our inn at the 2nd town. Me and Hailey said goodnight to the rest of the guild. Peaches before leaving to her room with Luke said: "Have fun together." We both nodded and after she left we laughed. We went over to the counter and registered as a couple, and we were given several room type choices: Twin bed room, single large two person bed room, or Japanese styled tatami beds. We were obviously not going to do Japanese, and we weren't married yet so I was about to click twin bed when I heard: "stop." From Hailey. I looked over and she was blushing. She said: "I... Want to spend every moment with you, Jason." I smiled and nodded, I said: "Alright then, I suppose there's nothing stopping us from sleeping together right..." After I said that her face lit up in happiness. She held my hand as I clicked: "Single two person bed room." After I clicked it she looked at me happily and said: "We finally did it! Now we can be together for every second we're in here!" I said happily: "Yeah!" We went to all the others rooms and told them where our room was. After that we finally went towards our new home. I asked Hailey: "Are you ready?" She nodded. i put my on the door knob, while she put hers on top of mine. We opened the door, and took off our boots and we saw our new home. A wide living room connected to a kitchen, in the back of the living room there was two rooms. One led to our bedroom and the other to the bathroom. Although we didn't actually need to use the bathroom, taking a bath was refreshing at times. And finally, the bedroom. A relatively large room, with a desk in front of the bed in the right side of the room, while there was a bed in the left side. A singular bed, with two lamps generating light beside it. Hailey let go of my hand and jumped on the bed, she said: "This bed is so comfortable, right Jason?" I nodded in agreement after I went over and sat on it. She said with a smile: "Well let's change and go sleep together." After that she took off her clothes and only a white bikini and underpants remained. For the first time I saw her as white as snow skinned body. I blushed bright red and said: "Wait... Wait... Why're you doing that here? Shouldn't you be doing that in the bathroom?" She replied while blushing: "I don't mind... As long as it's Jason that's seeing me like this..." After she changed into her blue nightgown dress she looked at me and said: "You too! It's embarrassing for me if only I'm seen to change..." I nodded, and blushed a bit as I stripped down to my underwear. After that she said: "So you do have a six pack after all, and here I thought you were a complete nerd." I blushed and replied: "I do some sports like table tennis and basketball.." She smiled and said: "Come on, let's sleep." I saw Hailey crying, so I went onto the bed and I put my arms around her. I asked her: "What's wrong Hailey?" She answered while sobbing: "I'm afraid... Have you seen what happened today? All of us nearly died. Especially you... What would I do if you died? I don't want you to leave me, ever." She continued on while sobbing even more: "All I wanted us to do was to live together, grow old together and start a family together." I said: "But we can't do that until we clear the simulation, however I can promise you I won't die, and once we get out I will make sure we get married, officially." Her face brightened a bit, so I continued on: "I will protect you, so it's alright don't worry." She replied: "Al..right.. I won't... cry... anymore." I nodded and she put her head next to my chest. She stuttered while asking me: "Will everything be really alright?" I replied: "Yes, it will be." After that, she went to sleep and didn't move anymore. I looked at Hailey, even when she was sleeping she looked cute. After my thought, I soon slept too with my cute, beautiful girlfriend right beside me.
The next day soon arrived, and we were closer than ever to clearing the next part of the simulation. I woke up with Hailey pushing me and saying: "Come on sleepy pants, time to wake up." I said: "Come on... Just a little longer?" A reply came out: "No! Come on, help me with breakfast for everyone." I sighed and got out of the bed, I changed and went towards the kitchen, and there was Hailey with her battle skirt on with her yellow apron on as well. Hailey gave me a blue apron and told me what to do. Over the course of 30 minutes I learnt how to slice up meat, vegetables and bread correctly. Hailey was surely a great cook, real life or here. After Hailey and I packed in the last sandwich for lunch, and finished the macaroni for breakfast, we went to the table, and sat right next to each other. We held hands as the others soon arrived. Terry came in first, and he said: "Congratulations on your engagement." Hailey said: "Thanks Terry, you're so nice." I then said: "Thanks man." Terry then quietly sat down on his seat. Leo and Jingxi came in together, and Leo congratulated us, while Jingxi was about to open his mouth when Hailey stared at him. I laughed and Jingxi said: "That's just bullying Hailey." Finally Luke and Peaches came in, with Peaches saying: "So Hailey I see you have a twin bed there, what have you been doing last night hmm?" Luke laughed and went along: "Did you guys do it on the first night?" Both me and Hailey blushed and made a X shape with our arms while saying: "no no no no, we only slept together." Peaches continued on and asked: "Is that so?" I answered her: "Yeah yeah, we only wanted to be closer to each other, not do that..." Everyone but me and Hailey laughed, and we both blushed red.
Soon after breakfast we walked out of our inn towards the teleporter, in a path made by the cheering crowds. We shouted: "Teleport! Harbing!" A blue flash separates me and Hailey for a brief while, but once we arrive we held hands once more. A snowy village, with ice buildings. Houses, apartments, statues made of houses. Peaches and Hailey both said: "Wow! It's so beautiful!" Luke said: "Yeah... who thought that even ice could make this?" I then continued on: "I never thought they could even make this with the physics engine tech the world has now... why would they put so much work?" Everyone else shrugged, as we proceeded towards the ice gate, which led to outside of the safe zone. As the simulations sun rose, we walked outside of the gate, ready and determined to take on the simulation. Me and Hailey were last to go out, I asked her: "Are you ready?" She stuck out her hand and said: "let's go, Jason qianbei" I nodded and took her hand. Together we held hands and went through the gate.
Outside the simulation
Zac wakes up, and around him he sees his numerous subordinates looking at him. A young brunette steps out of the crowd. The brunette started speaking: "Sir..." Zac replied with a harsh tone: "Talk woman, don't just stutter like some 5 year old." The brunette continued on: "We have received the data sir, and once again the Bioroids were triggered on when you fought him." Zac replied: "Good, now begin analyzing the data." Everyone but one person replied: "Yes sir!" The sound of footsteps, the sound of the door opening. After hearing those sounds Zac slowly remembers the events that happened in the simulation. He was defeated by that "boy" a second time. He thought he could bare that he lost to the boy, but this was not reality. The reality was he wanted to kill the boy, torture the boy in anyway possible. The boy must be tortured to death for his sins, winning against a superior being cannot be forgiven, slaves should not act, they should only stay quiet and serve.
An old Chinese man with smooth short, combed black hair and wrinkles on his face, wearing a black suit with a red tie called out to Zac: "So Zac, you lost?" Zac stood up, bowed down and replied in a respectful tone: "That's right sir, no I mean President Shen Lazha." Zac looked down at the small man, at first look he may seem unintelligent and weak but his knowledge, power and intelligence surpassed Zac's. This was the man that was the first Death Simulation supervisor, the man which invented the time acceleration technology, the man who used the council for his own means to gain the titles of president, head of the army, Chief Executive of the communist party and premier of China. He manipulates people as he likes with his utmost intelligence, this was the man that Zac looked up to, this was. His mentor. Lazha said: "Now now my student, there is no need to be so formal just call me master." Zac replied: "Yes master." Lazha went on: "Have you found a probable breakthrough?" Zac answered while bowing: "Yes, but the answers we were seeking are inside a boy, whom I despise, can I not break anyone I despise master? Can I not have everything I want master?" Lazha replied: "Patience, is the key. Once we are done with the "Boy" you desire to "die", you may play with him how much you want. Remember what I taught you. There are no friends, there are only family like you and me who will be actual comrades, everyone else are pawns to be used. That is how we will conquer the world my student, together we shall rip everything apart and place it under our flag." Zac thought to himself Compared to world domination, a closer goal would be grasping the two girls and torturing the boy who has defeated him twice. But, I must not lose sight of what my, or masters true goal is. Once we achieve it, my current goals can be achieved as well. After his brief thought Zac answered: "Understood, master." Lazha spoke in a instructing order: "Figure out what makes the Bioroid's activate, what's special about that boy. Make a device then to use the boys attribute and apply it to the Bioroids. How long do you think it'll take you?" Zac replied to his master while hesitating: "I don't know, maybe a year or more. Depending on how long it takes us to decipher the way." Lazha replied: My pupil, never hesitate. Since you believe it will take a year, then I shall wait a year. I shall return here in one year. Once that is done the Bioroids shall be mass produced." Zac said: "Thank you, master. I wish you a safe journey in returning back to Beijing." With that Zac gave a bow and the president walked out the door elegantly. His guards closed the door and Zac was left alone in his room.
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