《Enru: Accursed Child》Prologue


“All hands on deck! Don’t let-” the thunderous roar of a cannon, reverberating across the darkened sky as it released another mass of iron, drenched the last of his words. It blurred out, disappearing into the heavy rain with tremendous speed.

“They be getting closer, sir!” the bald man with a bushy, brown beard readied another cannonball to be fired off.

Another shockwave resounded through the air, but it wasn’t from them.

“Shield the side and tear the sails!” the captain waved his arms back and forth, directing the men that surged out from below, “Shield the portside!”

Translucent barriers covered the ship’s left side at his command, yet his stern expression did not change in the slightest as he watched the arrows and cannonballs rain in. Gusts of winds reached out from behind, dragging the massive amounts of droplets into their backs.

Waiting for the vibrations to end, he raised his right hand -ready to signal another retaliation.

“Remove the shields. Ready the cannons and spells!” he sliced the air with his hand, gazing over his comrades’ every move, “By my command. Fire in three, two, one. Fir-”

He stumbled, nearly falling onto his knees, as a sudden tremor reached him from the ship’s front. Drenched in water, he looked around, dreading the only possible answer.

“Captain! Our portside by the bow has been hit!” the anxious, high-pitched shout came from his right, “We’re taking on water!”

“Sir, they be closer than me own heels!” the bearded, bald man loaded another cannon in the rain.

“Y-you fools...” It was futile. The captain’s large hand grabbed the center of his chest as he looked over his crewmembers, still fighting for their lives; loading one cannon after the other, or running back and forth with buckets filled to the brim with water. Endless attempts at surviving, only delaying the inevitable.


If he didn’t know better he, too, would go out there and struggle until drawing his last breath. But they couldn’t outrun their fates. Letting go of their struggle would at least give them a peaceful death. A death at sea for what they protected...

Air escaped his nostrils as he let out a sigh, “How could I ever think of telling you to give up?..”

There was nowhere to flee. His eyes darted back and forth, gazing through the thick layer of rain; counting every man still struggling to keep the ship going. Many were already lost to the storm. Good men with families, dreams; goals...

And many more of those men would inevitably be lost.

“LISTEN UP!” his deep voice overtook the roaring cannons at that moment, gathering the attention of everyone left on the boat, “You’ve all struggled well until now...

I’d say it’s only a moment until we’re safe, but what captain would I be, if-”

“A bloody good one.” the bald man placed his hand on the captain’s left shoulder, “You grew up fine, Riam.”

Riam returned the gesture and grasped the man’s shoulder, locking eyes with him until the ship began to tilt. With a nod, his eyes were filled with determination.

He turned his head up for all to hear, “We turn around! This may be our grave, but let's make sure it’s theirs as well!”

Nobody cheered, yet there was no word of complaints. Resuming their work, they had already resigned to their fate. It was deathly silent, even though the downfall never stopped.

Only a fool would cheer in the face of death.

“Let there be hell upon those that stand in yer way-” the bald man glanced at the captain one last time.

“-And salvation for those that follow.” Riam replied to his back, “They’ll die with fear in their hearts.”


“Aye...” there were tears in the old man’s voice as he returned toward the cannons.

Ending his salute, Riam looked at the other ship closing in behind them. Taking off under the ever-increasing rain, the hurried toward the ship’s wheel. What would decide the outcome of their lives, inevitably landed in his hands.

It was heavy, slippery, and hard to turn altogether, but he couldn’t back down now. His brows furrowed to the thoughts of a future. The last of all their hopes would be lost.

But Someone had to do it; a captain’s burden.

Riam turned the ship, heading straight toward the enemy. Hurrying down the stairs, he helped prepare and ready the rest of the cannons available on the left side. Even under a storm, cannons at point-blank range would be hard to miss with.

With the last one finished, he waited alone at the front. Looking death right in its eyes, he was ready to give off the signal to fire at any time.

“FIRE!” just as each ship’s bow scratched against the other, the cannons got lit by his crewmembers. A thunderous roar reverberated through the sky, the sound of wood being crushed to splinters followed. From the impact, the man lost his footing to the tremor, and fell overboard.

Falling toward the deep ocean as rain poured down, he grinned, watching how the two ships broke into pieces, “...I’m sorry.”

Debris slowly sank into the ocean, one captain with it. Three years had gone by, but the time spent was not in vain. It was a shame, yet knowing that the other ship sank with them -that the others would not see the light of day- he accepted his cruel fate.

Picking up a wooden piece from his breast-pocket, he held it tightly with his right hand. It was broken in half, yet didn’t seem incomplete at all.

The air couldn’t reach him any longer. Everything but a dim light had abandoned him. Currents had their hold of him and he closed his eyes, sinking further into the depths; consciousness fading away.

With only a faint grin and memory left, the world turned dark.

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