《Demise of the Gods》Chapter 21: Glutton
Where the fuck am I?
Opening his eyes, all he could see was the darkness that surrounded him, along with a coldness, he could feel the handles of two swords in his hands but he had no idea how the second one came to be.
He couldn't tell the direction to leave where he was, much less to navigate through it.
All he could remember was a voice speaking in his head and then he had completely zoned out.
Extending his right arm in front of him, he made a wide arc swing only for the sword to be met with something sturdy, stopping the blade in its tracks.
As the blade was brought to a halt in that one spot, he walked towards it. The ground was mushy and his boots felt as if they were about to stick within the substance.
Upon reaching where his blade stopped, he placed his knuckle on the surface of the object.
Getting a feel for it, he could feel that it was rough and the spot where his sword had made contact, something sticky was coming out along with a funny scent.
As he began to smell the scent more and more, the more he began to recognize it.
Wood?.................this is a tree?
Again he did a wide arc only for his sword to be stopped again and then he immediately walked over to it only to be met by the scent from before along with the rustling of leaves above him.
He was slowly coming to the realization that he was within the forest.
Trees everywhere..............I'm in the forest? How the fuck did I reach here, all I can remember is leaving the house after that shit
Taking a second, he tried his best to remember what had happened to make him reach here in the first place.
The last thing he could remember going through some shit with Miranda, exiting the house and before he knew it he was looking at red eyes in the forest and then everything went blank.
Guess I took it up on the offer.......
He was getting light headed and a dizziness was taking over, he could feel himself about to faint from the pain and blood loss he suffered earlier.
Dropping his sword on top of his right foot, he bashed his right hand into a tree and began to pummel into it until the pain overtook his right arm and then he began to think about what happened earlier and how it angered him to get his adrenaline pumping.
As the adrenaline began to pump throughout his body, the dizziness slowly left and his body was overcome with pleasure.
Leaning forward, he reached down to pick back up the sword with his body in a mess.
*Flap *Flap *Flap
Something was in front of him.
He swung his sword in a great arc and immediately picked up the other.
Looking ahead, he could see headless ravens with their bodies glowing bright red like lights, hovering in a stationary position in the air, illuminating a pathway for him.
Am I supposed to follow this?
He turned around to see if any other pathway was illuminated but there were no more.
He thunk about it for a second and then he realized it was better to take his chances like this, for he was in an environment he knew nothing about, this was his best bet.
Taking a deep breath, he quickly exhaled after.
Let's go
Following the path laid for him, he could see the trees which surrounded him, they all seemed to be extremely old with large trunks and what he walked on was soaked grass and dirt.
He could hear the crickets chirp and the frogs croak along with the leaves of the trees constantly rustling with a cold breeze which blew, even making him shiver.
Oddly enough it was peaceful and although he was in this place for the first time, this was a place which felt oddly familiar.
It reminded him of the only place he had ever felt at home in, the house in Kolasi.
It was a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time and he felt comfortable here.
The gap between each headless raven was shortening as the pathway became more curved and twisted and then they finally seemed to be coming to a stop.
Looking forward into the distance he could see the moonlight illuminating what looked to be a small field with grass and some flowers.
I need to push now to take it on before my body fails me....................
He began to run towards the light to get his blood flowing and his muscles warmed up for what awaited him.
As he drew closer and closer towards the light, a pungent odor kept getting stronger and stronger.
It was sweet........sickly sweet with a rank smell, imagine rotting meat with some drops of perfume and that was halfway into understanding the scent. It was heavy and it felt as if it was entering every pore of his body and attaching itself to the hairs on his body. It was bad, but not the worst he had experienced.
He began to breathe through his mouth and sprinted towards the light.
Directly in front of the light, he accidentally stubbed his boot into the ground and forgot to breathe through his mouth............ the scent had changed.
It was like decaying meat mixed with infant shit, the slight metallic and musty scent of blood along with the smell of rotten eggs. It was rotten and vile. A dense, cloying scent that coated the back of his throat, which burned and immediately prompted the gag reflex.
He took a second and stood there refusing the urge to vomit and then he raised his right hand to his mouth which he had bashed in and squeezed it forcing blood to come out and then he drank it and the metallic yet sweet taste of his blood slowly washed away the scent which had managed to linger into his throat to the point where he was tasting it and then he wiped his blood under his nostrils to mask the other smell.
He ran straight out into the light for what awaited him and his eyes couldn't believe what they saw.
It was at this moment he knew.........he fucked up.
The sight he saw was something he had never seen much less imagined at any point in his life.
The field was circular in shape and was extremely large yet with no trees and the field was fully exposed from the top to let the moonlight fall upon it.
Although the space was huge, it seemed extremely small from where he stood.
There were bodies scattered across the field to all edges except where he came from.
All bodies ripped to pieces by the limbs and spread out and stacked about 3 meters high, forming large heaps like a barricade to stop anything from escaping.
Some of the bodies were a slight pale blue in color showing that they were there for awhile as they had already reached that point of decomposition.
A decent amount of the bodies seemed to be fresh as what he assumed to be the original skin colors were intact and the fact that their flesh was still pink in color. There were people of different ethnicities all there within the pile.
Bodies were covered in shit and maggots and flies could be seen on them feeding.
Women and men, it made no difference they were all there naked with no clothes as genitals could be seen on the ground along with different organs.
If he had to do a head count it had to be at least 75 people minimum.
As he looked down at his feet, he could tell something was different down to the dirt, it wasn't moisture from water which made the dirt all mushy, it was the blood which came from the bodies.
It was the first time he had seen something this fucked up but deep down he saw a beauty within it.
The smells coming from the bodies were so strong it made his body lockdown to the point where he could no longer move.
As he looked up into the outline of the trees around him, he could see yellow eyes in all directions observing him...............looking at his every move, so much he couldn't count it.
His hands and body began to tremble and he couldn't explain the feeling he was experiencing.
It was fear, sadness, happiness, and excitement all mixed into one.
He closed his eyes and shook his head left and right repeatedly then reopened his eyes and took it in all again.
His body and mind processed things differently, in his mind he was scared to the point where his knees were weak and he could shit himself, it was true fear but his body saw it in a different way and although he was unaware of it, he was smiling big like a child who got some candy.
He took a big gulp and swallowed his saliva and took a step forward.
Something leapt straight out from the forest over the body barricade on the opposite side of the field and landed in the center with the dirt being ripped from the ground and flying up into the air showering him.
As the dust slowly cleared, a figure could be slowly seen getting more and more visible.
Upon fully clearing, he could finally see what had been following him for the past few months.
It stood at around 3 meters in height, highly muscular yet not overly bulky with a seemingly low amount of body fat to the point where striations could be seen on the majority of its muscles and its body extremely well proportioned.
Gray skin covered its entire body with scales on the arms alone with fingers with long black nails.
It's body covered with scars on all regions showing it had been in countless fights before.
Its legs hind like in nature and extremely muscular. Its feet had long nails which dug into the ground along with black fur around its wrists and ankles.
Two sharp black bones protruding from each shoulder in an upwards manner, its nether regions covered by a piece of brown cloth wrapped around its waist along with a necklace with what was seemingly a black crystal pendant with a silver chain connected around its neck.
Its face V-shaped with razor sharp teeth, with black lips, crimson red irises which mirrored that of blood, sharp pointed ears and long jet black hair falling all the way back to the waist region, bushy and similar to the mane of a lion.
It looked down at the boy and gave a big smile.
Well, that's..............special
What was even more fucked up was the fact that the creature had a man who was fully covered in a silver knight's armor in one of his hands and was holding the man like a toy with blood leaking through the armor and dripping to the ground.
"I thought I was fucked up but you're pretty fucked up too huh" the boy muttered to himself softly as he turned and looked at the bodies then looked back at the creature.
Its ears twitched a little indicating it heard what the boy said.
The longer the boy stared up into its red eyes the more it seemed to pierce into his soul.
It opened its mouth and seemed to be trying to formulate words............and then it spoke.
"Glutton....................my........name" it said.
The voice was deep and hoarse and he assumed it was a male.
"Glutton [turns and looks at the bodies]..............I think you fit the name there bud" the boy said.
The creature immediately lost it's smile and took on a look of confusion as it stared down at him.
His body moved of instinct and he immediately dived to the side as something made it's way past him at a blinding speed and exploding on contact giving a loud deafening sound.
Done with the chit chat huh
On the ground he immediately turned his head quickly and looked to the back to see the knight's body splattered behind him on a tree.
In the second he had turned to glance behind the creature had already covered the distance between them of about 60 meters in the blink of an eye and was standing above him looking down.
He rolled back and kicked off his feet and came back to a standing position and did a great swing at the creature using the long sword in his right arm.
It smiled at him and it simply raised its arm as if it didn't give a fuck, it shattered his sword to pieces.
His eyes couldn't process it, in the time it took whilst he was distracted with the sword being broken to fuckin pieces the creature had already made its way directly in front of the boy and grabbed him by the right arm.
"Fly" Glutton muttered to himself.
Glutton swung his hand in an upwards motion and flung the boy straight into the sky at an unimaginable speed about 400 meters high.
What the fuck is this.....
Frantically, he swung his hands in the air trying to put his body into straight position as he began to fall.
"Fuck me, guess I'm gonna die like an ass huh" the boy said as he came to a realization that it made no difference as the height he was falling from would mean death.
"THE FUCK" the boy shouted out of confusion as he felt something grab him by the waist.
Glutton grabbed the boy midair and took him to the ground at a blinding speed.
Upon reaching the ground he immediately threw the boy into the pile of bodies, cushioning the throw.
He could feel it, something mushy on top of his arms.
As he opened his eyes he could see the intestines, some livers, hearts, and heads on top of his body.
Fully covered in blood he immediately got up and threw the parts off himself.
What was surprising to him was not only the fact that the creature was toying with him but the fact that he still had his xiphos in his left hand tightly clenched.
Walking through the bodies he re-entered the field only to see the creature looking at him with what seemed to be a look of disappointment.
The creature began to slowly walk towards the boy and he began to run towards it.
All he could hear was the sound of dirt being dug up before it appeared in front of him and launched a right swing at him aiming at his left arm.
"Stop me" it muttered to itself.
Off instinct, his body had immediately put the sword in his right arm and pressed it up against his left hand along the shoulder to soften the blow.
The impact of the blow sent him flying through the bodies straight into a tree across the field.
He could feel the pain as he hit the tree and fell to the ground.
The humerus in his left arm was broken and he could feel the sword's blade that was pressed up against his arm break into two and he couldn't hold onto it anymore and as a result, it fell to the ground.
As he laid there on the ground with his back against the tree, he could no longer move. Looking down at his ribs finding the source of the pain in his abdomen region ensuring he wasn't impaled with anything, he could feel some of his ribs were broken from the impact against the tree and he could feel blood running from his nose and leaking out from his mouth.
"What.........has.............happened.........to.......................you," the creature said as it began to walk towards him.
The words failed to reach the boy as his ears were still ringing from the shock.
He.........still.........held.............back...................this wasn't even a fight to begin with............ this was an execution...............did I even have a chance from the beginning?................A fuckin fool, that's what I am
Slowly as he raised his head to look up he could see the creature was already standing over him.
I don't really mind..........going out like this...........
The boy simply stared at it and gave it a grin as he came to acceptance with what was going to happen.
As he stared at it, his body was overrun with hunger as if he hadn't eaten in days and was extremely starved.
"Show...............me...................what....................happened," the creature muttered as it leapt down at the boy and sunk its teeth into his left shoulder.
He could feel the pressure of the teeth pressed straight against his bones, it was holding back enough to not crush the bones to dust and he could feel its tongue on the wound drinking his blood.
A black aura began to manifest, surrounding the creature.
He couldn't hold it in anymore.
Seeing the creature stationary, he drove his teeth straight into the creature's right shoulder and bit part of the meat off and swallowed it.
It was similar to the taste he experienced when he had eaten Rex except the meat was more robust with a strong taste similar to game.
The creature was unfazed and the aura seemed to be getting stronger.
What the fuck is this feeling.......
He could feel his insides slowly heating up and before he knew it he felt as if he was being burned alive.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" he screamed in pain and began to cry, it was unbearable and everything around him was starting to spin.
"I see...........................so............it......was.....like...that" Glutton said as he let go of the boy and stood up and looked at him screaming in pain.
"Go........to......sleep.............for........now" Glutton said as he extended his hand to the boy's forehead and placed it against his head and knocked him out cold.
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