《The Legend Of The Insanely Overpowered Mage》Chapter 5: Vengeance
Tenur opened his eyes, only to stare into what seemed to be the abyss. Looking around, he found nothing that would allow him to determine where he was.
Feels weird...., he thought while he stretched his arms and flexed his fingers.
There was a strange feeling of being watched, so he looked around once more. He expected to see at least a person behind, but logic told him otherwise. Still, he looked back, hopeful. But what he saw wasn’t exactly a person, nor something that was there moments ago.
A ball of light? Wait... Is it rushing towards me? Holy shit!, It’s going to crash into me!
As what seemed to be a ball of light at first rushed towards him, he was confident it wasn’t a ball of light at all, but a well lit space... A very well lit space. He was also able to discern that it wasn’t that space that was rushing towards him, but him being pulled towards it at high speed.
He squinted as the space of blinding light filled his vision. There was also a slight burning sensation that was felt by his skin after entering the boundaries of the space.
As he got deeper and deeper into the realm of light, the burning sensation grew stronger and stronger to the point where it was no longer bearable and he tried screaming, but to no avail.
There was a feeling of harassment, as if he was touched by an unknown force. The feeling came, but went almost instantly after touching his genitals.
Oh no...
Tenur knew he was in trouble the moment he got the feeling in his gut, telling him he was in some deep shit.
“Oh no...“
The goddess in the blindingly lit space felt a familiar presence approaching. The presence sparked astonishment and fear in her.
How did my son even enter my personal space? It should’ve been impossible without divine interventions or... Wait... That fucker...
She thought back to a few days ago, when Fate visited her just to show her a footage of the future of a human mage. The interesting footage of the human mage who, against all odds, survived some pretty gruesome situations ended up revealing a disturbing fact: the mage was her forsaken son.
The tiny trace of divinity in him was enough to let her sense a part of her sacrificed essence. Fate too, seemed to know of it, thus the current situation where she was being blackmailed to give up her immortality in order to preserve her divinity, or her divinity in turn for immortality. It was a tough choice, since both were important. If she were to loss either, she was bound to get killed in not even a day, since most of the other divine beings had a more tilted impression of her and would rather assimilate her.
While she hid in her personal realm, the cause of all this came crashing down, quite literally, into her space, resulting in the forseen mage faceplanting himself into the divine space's ground.
Tenur fell face first into something solid within the realm of light. It hurt like hell, but the pain quickly subsided after the initial impact. He felt someone was watching him, so he looked towards where he thought the onlooker was.
A majestic being who was practically glowing with its own emanated mana was standing there, staring at him. It was a female, since her curves were all in the right places, easily setting apart her gender from a male's. She had white hair, long to the point where it was at the height of her waist. At first glance, one would think the hair was being blown by wind, since it always swayed around hypnotically, but the crucial fact that there was no wind made it impossible for such a thing to even happen. Explanation? It was made out of thousands, if not millions, of sperms agglutinated and swinging their tails back and forth. It was a sight whcih made one think of drowning in an ocean of sperms. Such a fact left most gods disgusted at her, causing her to gain the most negative popularity among themselves just within a day.
She was tall, but not as tall as the others. The fact that she was floating when her height was compared did not help at all, since it made her already dwarfed height even shorter.
And when compared to a dwarf's temper, the expression she currently wore may prove how similar her's was with the species's. Though, there was also a trace of an obvious expression.
Regret? Why is there regret smeared all over her face?
Tenur couldn't think of any other possible explanations other than she lost someone or something important to her. Although she had great features, it was all for naught due to her frown's ugliness which overshadowed all the great "assets" she possesed.
"Son... why are you here?" already, the first question from the magnificent being was unbelievable.
"Yes, you're a son of mine... of sort. And you best not let other divine beings see you in here, or else you'll cause me a lot of trouble," the being berated Tenur.
He was utterly confused. The term "son" caused him to reminiscence the time when he was still with his family, but it also made him question why was he called "son" by some random and unknown being.
Wait, divine beings?
"What'd you mean with 'other divine beings'?" Tenur asked curiously
"I-" before she could answer his question, a second one came flying out of nowhere.
"Don't 'divine beings' mean godlike creatures, including gods? If so, why would there be gods here? Unless I'm in their world..." He kept mumbling to himself, before barraging the self-proclaimed mother with questions.
"What kind of relationship do I have with you?"
"I'm your-"
"Why am I in this place?"
After the outburst, Tenur had even more questions in mind, like "how is she my mother" and "does that mean I'm a son of a goddess”.
Sighing a little, the being continued, "Yes, I'm a god. Yes, we're in the divine realm. And I don't know how you got in here." Her tone contained a lot of frustration.
Before he could put out another question, she threw another line.
"Long story short, I'm your mother, though in terms of your soul essence. Somepart of it contains what is rightfully mine, or was mine..." the goddess explained in anger.
Clueless, albeit knowing how she felt, he tried calming her down.
"Woah, woah, calm down there. I'm sorry for taking whatever it is that I perhaps mistook as mine from you, but I really don't know what I did wrong,"
"You did wrong just by intruding into my personal space! You weren't even supposed to be able to enter the divine realm!" That seemed to be the last straw for her, because she resorted to forcibly ejecting him.
As soon as the command left her mouth, Tenur felt the space around him warp in an attempt to push him out, towards where the abyss was. There were large amounts of black eyes staring at him hungrily, threathening to devour and tear him to shreds the moment he was out of the protection of the realm.
Yet, the unexpected happened. The force that tried to push him away was consumed by the currently-still-growing golden aura that now wrapped around him.
Memories from an unknown time flowed to him with the thickening of the aura, memories from when he was still in the process of the making. He remembered now, through his fractured soul memories: the beginning, how he was born, how he was treated after that and finally, how he was abandoned...
The one who cared for him now was merely an infertile woman, and being unable to face it, she went and searched for methods to get pregnant. It was, totally by accident, that she stumbled onto the forsaken son of a goddess.
As if on cue with the end of that particular memory, a searing pain emerged from his skull, threatening to fry his brains.
Argh! The pain! Arghhhhhh!
The pain of having his divinity sealed from birth began resurfacing once more. It was as if a supernova was currently happening within the confinements of his skull. He remembered how his mother looked at him coldly while he begged her not to throw him into the mortal realm and seal his memories, yet she ignored her own sons pleas with no mercy. The last words he remembered of her telling him before reaping his memories were...
”Adios. You’ll never bring me down, even if you’re my own flesh and blood,”
Now that her son's mind was being overwhelmed by an indomitable amount of data, she tried cutting away the space he was standing on. Although it would reduce the size of her personal space, it was well worth the sacrifice.
Better get rid of him before he regains awareness, she thought to herself.
But that proved to be a fatal decision, since the moment she detached the cut-offed space, her son jolted awake from his coma-like state.
”Mother? You’re not trying to abandon me again, are you?” Tenur looked at her in the eye, as if piercing into her soul.
”N-no, of course I’m not, sweetie. Just calm down first, and I’ll explain to you what happened,” she responded confidently.
Just then, the cut-offed part of the room started fading into the abyss. She thought she was safe again, but was once again proven wrong by her own son’s sudden actions.
”You were trying to abandon me... Just like before... and now, I’ll give you the taste of what I experienced before,”
Extending his own arm, the aura around Tenur was diluted and instead, a more prominent white substance was taking form around him. It grew thicker and flowed viscously, until it completely obscured everything except for his face from view.
The goddess of fertility stared in shock and horror as her abandoned son conjured up the legendary living armor used during the War of the Old World. It was known as the living armor for two obvious reasons.
One, it was made up of sperms that was alive which was perpetually sustained by the connection it had with the divine realm.
Second, it had a mind of its own, even though it cooperated with the wearer’s purest will, there was a chance for it to defy the orders if they harmed itself.
Wearing the living armor that slowly shaped itself into the most durable wear ever, Tenur walked his first step in it.
”Die, bitch!”
The sudden summoning of a living armor caused ripples that seem to amplify itself the more it traveled through the flow of energy among the worlds. Gods panicked as the thought of a new catastrophic event which was enough to disturb even the divine realm surfaced. Some even went as far as to sending out warnings to their "beloved" oracles, attempting to warn them.
Only Fate sat on his chair, calmly assessing the situation. The fact that a living armor was summoned was actually a news to behold, let alone the one and only Fertility Set being the one. Forrged by the Creators themselves then infused with the essence of fertility to empower it, it was an armor that made anyone proud of themselves just to have touched it before.
The armor looked soft and squishy in its uncultured state due to the fact that it was forged out of sperms, but if willed properly, it would condense and form a full set of equipment that was capable at both repelling attacks and protecting the user throughly. Not all could wield such an astounding piece of equipment as their mind would succumb to the will living within if the requirements to wear it are not met. Without a strong affinity for fertility or incredible talent for it, one would definitely be forced to do its bidding, which meant forcefully extracting the virginity of a male or rape people to death just to gain their soul energy. No one in their right mind would rape unattractive males and females alike, more over non-humanoid species.
Thus, it was sealed in the divine realm by a certain someone in order to prevent anymore tragic cases. The last time its true power shone was nearly thousands of millenniums ago, worn by a hero to free those who were repressed by the tyrannical rule of a king. The amount of prey he slayed with it was uncountable with even dozens of hands.
Overall, no one worthy appeared for the past thousands of years.
Well maybe, someone did now.
Fate thought about it more, of the records that told the story of how the fertility mage, who was secretly the son of the goddess of fertility, survived many gruesome events. All those stories dulled in comparison to the new one he was witnessing.
The lose of an immense amount of tension within the connection to one of the other gods told him a powerful god was slain not long ago. It was, indeed, the goddess of fertility. By the looks of what was written in the World Record, the one he sent to the goddess had killed her. And somehow, the Fertility Set was being worn by the transported soul, without it driving him insane.
Alerting the other gods of the presence of the divined mage, he set off to the toilet, whistling while peeing without a worry in the world as his colleagues went to chase the intruder away.
The living armor kept projecting tales of spermshed into Tenur’s mind, even though he quickly swatted it away the next instant. It was an annoying task to constantly need to worry about the living armor invading his mind, as his will was strong enough to withstand the onslaught of mental sieges.
It was especially a burden when he had to man up and kill his actual mother. The armor kept feeding thoughts of despair and vengeance to him, suggesting him to not only torture his mother, but rape her as well.
Disgusted at the thoughts it gave him, he swiftly swung his bladed gauntlet, which was part of his armor, to behead the sobbing goddess. It was at that moment he was notified of other concerning presences approaching his current location.
”They... Here...”
”I know, prepare core overcharge,”
Following that, he walked exited the personal space, only to be seen by lesser gods and a few well-known deities. The sight of him did not caused the shock that resounded through the squadron, but the armor he was wearing.
”The armor!” One of them yelled.
”Its the One!” Another spoke while his mana charge was beginning to dissipate.
”Don’t be bothered, I-its just a fluke! Get him!” The one who seemed to be in charge called out.
Every single lesser deity charged in without anymore hesitation. Some stood back to cast spells while some more focused on strengthening and preparing to heal the vanguards. The higher gods mostly stood back and watch with a grin on their face, some even frowned as they thought their time were better spent at dealing with the coming catastrophe. The lack of reaction from Tenur seemed to amplify their eagerness to get the situation over with.
Meanwhile, Tenur was still standing there idly. In reality, he was considering which martial skill he should try out through the assistance of the armor. The fact that he was wearing a legendary armor that made using any martial skill possible made choosing harder than normal for him.
Not until the first of the squadron members entered the 10 meter radius he mentally set around him did he made his choice. Before there was even a chance for the unfortunate deity to react, Tenur showed the choice he made to everyone.
”Armour Technique, Soul Pulser”
Just muttering the spell made everyone at the scene freeze. The unique spell which was only available to the current living armor possessor disrupted the flow of energy into and out of the soul of the victims, causing them to be momentarily stunned and receive permanent soul damage, if not having their own souls implode on itself already.
The poor deity who was the chosen candidate for such a ruthless skill was not so lucky to survive the encounter since he was still relatively young compared to the other gods. He stared wide eyed, as if trying to perceive what caused the irreversible, agonizing damage that was dealt to his soul.
Torrents of energy rushed into where he stood, before evaporating his entire form, likely due to his capacity overloading after losing his soul.
Snapping out of the trance, a divine mage fired a bolt of lightning-fire, intending on burning Tenur to shreds.
”Armour Technique, Form 3, Vanguard"
As if being sucked into a vacuum cleaner, the lower parts of the armor flowed into the upper part, before spikes shot out of the shoulder plates and formed two large shields that covered everything from his view. Although it seemed to obstruct his vision, he could still “see” through it, though “sense” would be a better word.
The bolt crashed into the sperm shield, before dissipating into nothingness. Seeing the impossible happen, some lesser deities tried to flee, but was caught by the one who seemed to be commanding them.
"Don't run! Kill him!"
Tenur walked on towards where that god was standing after waving a hand to deconstruct his shield. Those who entered within the 10 metre radius were either stunned until the next forseeable future or dropped dead. The vanguards seemed to finally get an estimate to how far the extent of his skill was after 20 or so collapsed, taking precautions not to get near him.
As he got closer and closer to the one leading the squadron, the soldiers seemed to willingly open a path for him to walk through, even though the centre of command was constantly screaming, "Don't let him get near me, you assheads! Stop his advancements!"
The leader of them all had fear written all over his face when Tenur was standing just 10 metres away from him, likely because Tenur wanted him alive and conscious. The futile efforts of trying to harm Tenur or outright kill him made the morale of the entire squadron drop to a level never known before. Despair flooded the face of all the present members, as they know being killed is the only way out of the situation.
"If you're thinking I'm going to kill you all, then you're wrong," Tenur said all of a sudden, with a voice clear enough to be heard by everyone present.
Some had life returning to their previously lifeless eyes, while others had confused looks.
"But they are..." His hand then pointed to beyong the edges of the realm, where an uncountable amount of void creatures stared intently, waiting for the right moment to charge in.
Wails of despair came resounding through that specific part of the hall, while Tenur muttered the incantation for the spell to bring apart everyone living here.
"Mana reactor: Meltdown"
The spell was originally intended to power electronics, just like nuclear power was. But if weaponised, it could destroy ecosystems that are infected by it, corrupting the natural order of all it touches.
This was the same thing, only it was a better version of a nuke. Instead of spreading radiation that only killed physical beings and annoyed ethereal ones, the mana version purges all mana from things that keep it within. If one were to survive the purging, they still wouldn't be able to deal with the aftermath of having their mana capacity overloaded. Unless, if they received divine blessings or were divines themselves.
A ball of bright yellowish-blue energy swirled between Tenur's now face-to-face palms. It started condensing and extracting more and more power from the surroundings, rendering any mage nearby to feel pulled towards the ball of condensed energy due to their mana pool being extracted as well.
"No! You'll doom us all!"
Once the charge was complete, and the ball's capacity was at its maximum, the last words to activate it was muttered.
"Fire," a word muttered as silent like a whisper through the wind was heard by every single being in the realm.
"Ugh... Uhp..."
Nothing was left spared. Well, nothing except the now invading creatures of the unknown and Tenur himself.
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