《The Legend Of The Insanely Overpowered Mage》Chapter 2: Prototype gone wrong


It’s been three months after Tenur’s fourteenth birthday. Ever since then, he’s avoided satisfying his urge to do “it”, but truth to be told, it wasn’t completely successful. Every few days, the urge would become overpowering for him to hold back, and he would be forced to satisfy it unless he was feeling like enduring multiple sleepless nights. None could blame him though, since he was at an age where his hormones were raging and it was normal to do such thing even at the cost of severe consequences.

Yet, these overpowering urges had simultaneously given birth to a new type of rumour. The more common ones involved victims gaining temporary magical affinities, and it was common for a reason. Many spontaneous mothers who were diagnosed by trained health professionals would also report the sudden ability to manipulate one of the elements of the world, but the ability would disappear after birth as instantly as they came. Yet, not all lost all their affinities. Some had remnants of the affinity they once possessed temporarily, albeit many times weaker than orginally. The occurence of such people made ambitious girls without any magical affinity hope they'd become the next victim, and if that is what they want, that is what they'll get, albeit with some chronic unwanted side effects such as permanent change in attitude towards those associated closely to Tenur and especially him. Although that was the case, the amount of girls who fit that criteria when compared to the total population of the town and city amounted to nothing, and those affected even lesser. That was how people started dissing the rumour after a few weeks and letting it fade into nothingness.

Incidentally, Tenur’s neighbor, Sarah, got pregnant not long after the rumour sufaced. In fact, she could be said to be the first one who was diagnosed with the mysterious occurence, and the first one who's attitude was changed severely for the better. She was a childhood friend of Tenur, someone who Tenur liked playing with when they were small, but was unable to spend time together due to various circumstances that presented themselves as they grew up. As a result, their relationship had cooled down as they grew up, but was instantly heated up when her behaviour changed.

As Sarah's stomach grew larger rapidly everyday, to the point where it was as round as a football on day seven, her mother increased her attempts at persuading her to give the child away after birth, saying it was the responsible and right thing to do. And when Sarah held her ground against her mother, she would explain how another mouth to feed within the house would overburden them. Eventually, though, Sarah was able to talk her mother out of giving the child away, of letting it go, but she suspected her mother never actually released her mind from the child.

As for Tenur, he did what he thought was responsible as a father: visiting both the bastard and the bastard's mother. From most people's point of view, it would've been more convenient for Tenur to just live with the two of them since he spent most of his time with them. But convenience aside, there was no real benefit from that. Yet due to his frequent long visits, he was hired by Mrs. Garcia to help Sarah in babysitting her child, unaware of her intentions. At that time, it sounded like a perfect idea since he wasn't enrolled into any academy and could earn money with his visits instead of contributing nothing.

With the new job he had, nearly every moment of his day was spent with their child. The child, named Andrew, always clung onto him whenever he can and as if he can sense where his father's mana was mostly concentrated at, always tried to cling to Tenur's ding dong.


Tenur reminisced what happened during the last few years while combing his hair after washing himself. He was surprised to feel that mana that was normally stuck in his nether regions finally start spreading over his body. He flashed back to a few months after his awakening. The test from the academies to feel for where his mana was being generated and stored had ended up pointing to his testes ane penis. The masters thought he was joking when they asked him but quickly found his statement true after invading his body with their mana. Basically speaking, their first reaction to such a unique situation was “what the fuck?” since they had never seen something like this before, and in a panic, proceeded to kick him out of the academy and ban him from ever returning. That time, no mana was found anywhere else in his body and attempting to manipulate it using his limbs ended up wasting all of it, mostly from the mana dispersing into the air before a tiny amount even got to the specific limb. It was at that time that a burst of unwanted pregnancy cases happened, causing the City council of Elders who normally wore poker faces to panic.

Attempting to manipulate it with his hands just like last time, he succeeded. It was a lot harder to manipulate the volatile energy using his hands compared to his penis, but he achieved it nonetheless, even if a little. Normally, while he's playing with his excalibur, he's able to form temporary mana statues quite easily by channeling and shaping mana using his penis, but it took nearly all his generated and stored mana to do it with his hands, not to mention the burning sensation whenever he overloaded accidentally overload his testes.

With a sigh from his partially successful experiment, he exited the bathroom while his father, who smelled of alcohol, in turn entered. His ears perked up when his nose caught scent of his mother's delicious cookings.

“Pancakes~” he moaned softly as his stomach growled and his heart beat harder.

Rushing himself to the dining table, he heard the bustling sounds of trade and logistics moving through town to city. It was normal, he thought, since he lived in the space between town and city. Before the peace agreement with the neighbouring countries, it was impossible to not live within the confines of walls. Nowadays, though, only the truly rich live surrounded by walls.

“I should tell dad to thicken the walls.” He mumbled his thoughts as he took a sit at the dining table.

The house Tenur lived in wasn't large like the ones owned and rented out by the local noble, nor small like the cage of an animal. There was enough room for anything, and everything was within reach of a half or a dozen steps. The kitchen and dining area was situated right at the end of the house compared to the living area that sat at the front part of the house, a wall segregating the front and back that extended from one side to the other, with a doorway in the middle to walk in and out.

Tenur sat at the table, looking bored, but his eyes betrayed the hunger he felt. He nonchalantly did a wave with his right hand, sensing where the mana he dispersed into the air went. His hand felt slightly cold, before feeling slightly hot. Judging from the interval between the feelings, he could tell the number of victims that would appear. “Two huh...,” he muttered to himself, "at least it's better than a dozen." Deep down, he felt sort of relieved but the never ending sense of guilt always nagged at him no matter what he thought.


After waiting for several minutes that felt like hours, his mother was done cooking, and so too was his father's washing. The constant nagging by guilt went away when his father rubbed his head and his mother served the food.

“Eager to start eating already, Tenur? Don’t forget 'bout table manners,” Tenur’s mum, Daryl reminded him as she sat down while chuckling.

“And your old people,” his father, Garth said with a smile that did not match his age.

Ever since Tenur’s awakening, his father has been happier and more lively than before. It may be due to the both of them not having any affinities or mana, but gave birth to a mage anyway. To his father, strength was power, and power was the only thing that could protect and hold off anything threatening. That was why he was in the military. To strengthen himself, make himself sturdier.

If only his father knew his son possessed an affinity much rarer than most.

“So are you babysitting him again?” Garth asked as he put a piece of honey soaked pancake into his mouth.

“Yeah, I figured I could help earn a few extra bucks while playing around there, might be helpful,” Tenur replied while focusing on the sweet taste of the honey as he chewed the pancake. He tried not to think of the other reason he was going over.

Daryl forked a pancake and asked innocently. “Do you like Sarah?”

Tenur choked on his food, his ears quickly turning a deep shade of red. While beating at his chest, he had to down a glass of water to swallow the unchewed pancake.

“L-like? No way! She’s just a... a... a friend! Yes, an innocent, childhood friend!” Tenur stuttered.

“You sure? You’ve been hanging out with her almost everyday. She's bound to have some feelings for you,” Daryl pressed on as she placed another pancake into her mouth.

“I could use her as a daughter-in-law, you know? She’s quite independent” His father teased him and then winked at him. "And responsible."

“Uh-” Tenur focused on his pancakes instead, trying to down his servings as fast as possible.

"Slow down, kiddo. You're gonna choke," Garth laughed as he ate another honey wrapped pancake.

"And someone's gonna be really, really sad if you choked to death," Daryl added with a smirk.

Hearing that, Tenur stopped eating pancakes and quickly swallowed his chewing breakfast despite his stomach disagreeing. He said goodbye and rushed off.

“He’s clearly in love, Marthell,” Garth told his wife the obvious.

“Thanks captain obvious, but I can see the situation playing right before me. He’s may admit it, but he’ll come to it naturally,” Daryl said with hints of sadness.

"Nothing to be sad about, dear. You'll get to see your grandson soon," Garth chuckled while looking at the kitchen clock. "Look at that, time for work." He ate the last piece of pancake and stood up. "I'll be back by sun down, unless we get spies again." Garth kissed his wife goodbye, before wearing his uniform and heading out.

Daryl sat in silence as she contemplated something deep and ate her pancakes.

Knocking on the door, Tenur heard Mrs. Garcia walking towards the door before opening it.

“Good morning Tenur. Aren't you a little early today?” Mrs. Garcia greeted him with a smile.

“Good morning. I thought I'd come over sooner since I was free,“ Tenur's reply was followed by the sound of a toddler running towards him.

When the toddler, no more than knee height stood in front of the door, he called out “Papa...”

The toddler, Andrew was a child with homogenous eyes, one of his eyes a brilliant blue while the other a warm, honey brown. The toddler wasn’t able to say anything comprehensible even when he babysat him yesterday. Clearly, somebody had been training him to call "Papa", someone he was very close with...

But a second thought emerged, giving impact to the word “Papa”. The current situation was one where he knew not what to say, only to hope Sarah's mother would think she mistakenly heard it or didn't hear it at all. Inside, Tenur was cringing on the spot.

“Andrew, he’s not your papa...” Mrs. Garcia spoke, looking confused. What Tenur hoped for actually happened.

“But... Papa is papa!” Andrew protested against his grandmother. Tenur cringed even more.

Does Andrew know I’m his father? How? I didn't tell anyone before. It should be impossible! Tenur thought back to a few days ago, when Andrew was born and learnt how to walk. Perhaps he knows I'm his father because of some sort of resonance between my...

A scene where he was accused of raping Sarah while she was somehow unconscious occurred in his mind. He was then standing in court, while Mrs. Garcia, tears unleashed, pointed and shouted accusations at him. Then, the judge gave the orders to punish him, through penectomy.

He shuddered at the thought of it and was dragged back to reality when Andrew clung to his leg stubbornly while Mrs. Garcia tried to detach Andrew.

Tenur bent down and carried Andrew in his arms while saying "I'm sure he just heard it from someone else". Mrs Garcia was still confused, but her eyes showed a peculiar glint that somehow resembled murder.

While Tenur carried Andrew into the house, Mrs Garcia closed the door with significantly less vigor compared to this morning.

“Papa! Papa saved me!” Andrew was speaking words which weren’t possible for a toddler. He was laughing joyously.

“Uh, let’s get inside first, Andrew. I have a lot to ask your mom, and you possibly,” Tenur stated helplessly as he let Andrew hang on to his head.

Just as he entered into the living room, Sarah walked down from the stairs.

“Hey Tenur! Didn’t notice you were here,” she said as she smoothed her dress unconcsciously.

She was wearing a pink dress. Although she smelled of rose because of the shampoo used, to him, she smelt like something else entirely.

Love, he thought.

"Hey Sarah, I need to ask you a few things," Tenur spoke to her with a clear voice.

"Eh? Uh, sure," Sarah looked slightly guilty with her words.

"I was just going to ask you if you taught Andrew how to talk, that's all," Tenur noticed the slight difference in Sarah's behaviours.

"But that's not possible," She looked surprised by the fact.

"Well, I wasn't able to yesterday, but now I can!" Andrew stated while giggling.

The little voice that spoke appalled them, then Tenur spoke to him.

"How do you know I'm your dad?" That was his first question. Sarah, seeing as Tenur did not reject the claim and even innately admited it, looked shocked.

"Your mana. Yesterday, it was not saturated enough to be sensed, but now, it's even possible for us to harvest it manually, which I did just now while clinging onto your leg," Andrew told Tenur matter-of-factly.

"What do you mean, "harvested"?" Tenur had a look of confusion in his eyes.

"Well, I felt your presence when you used mana this morning, and it sped up our growth too!" Andrew said the last words excitedly.

""Our"?" He asked again, clearly taken aback.

"My brothers, they're all around the village, you know, dad?" Andrew emphasised the word "dad".

"Hold up, hold up, what do you mean "dad"?" The shocked Sarah finally joined in the conversation as she attempted to make sense of what was happening.

"You didn't know, mum? Dad's mana made you give birth to me," Andrew said with a triumphant grin.

Tenur knew it would lead to this eventually, so he was already trying to sneak out before Andrew told her mother. Now, Sarah was staring at Tenur's back while he tried tiptoeing. He stopped all of a sudden, sensing her gaze on him.

Turning around slowly, he saw the look of pure contradiction on her face.

Is it possible to be both happy and furious at the same time?

"I'm glad you're... uh, happy," Tenur tried making his voice as unagitating as possible in an attempt to prevent the trigger from being pulled.

"That... doesn't make sense..." Sarah spoke to herself, then looked at Tenur as if willing him to tell the truth. The weight of her gaze made him swallow.

After some hard thinking, he confessed of the possibility of his mana impregnating girls, basically confessing that he was possibly the cause of the mysterious pregnancies. Sarah was shocked, but not enough to allow Tenur room to escape.

"So," She looked him dead in the eye, Andrew casually staring innocently at the both of them, taking in all the drama, "you're the source of all the mysterious pregnancy?"

"Y-yeah..." this time, he felt fear swelling up inside of him, ready to burst.

”And... and... you’re the father to all th-those kids!?” Sarah didn't meant for it to come out as a shout, but it did anyway. She was clenching her fist and grinding her teeth as she was surprised at finding a well of anger and feelings buried deep within her.

”Ye-es...” Tenur admitted it. Everyone knew honesty was the best policy, but probably not in such situation though.

The confession seemed to be the final straw. Grabbing a broom from behind the door, which had a diameter of at least a sausage's, she yelled at Tenur fiercely, as if a lion had broken into the house.

”Come here... And let me shove this into your ass!” Her grip on the broom was shaky but firm as she charges towards Tenur.

RUN, Tenur's instincts screamed at him. Something told him she wasn’t kidding, albeit most rarely did.

Bursting out the front door while the furious Sarah chased after him, he ran through the streets and alleys, keeping in mind that an angry woman was as good as a human sized hawk. As he passed by the residential buildings, kids with his mana joined the chase.

A few more blocks and he started to slow down. "S-stop... I ca-n't run anymore..." until finally, accepting his fate, fell to the ground not far from the woods.

As he breathed heavily while laying on the grass covered dirt, he heard thousands of tiny footsteps running towards him. Sneaking a look, he saw the horde of toddlers all screaming "Papa" rushing after him. Sarah wasn't far behind, either. The look on her face told him she hasn't forgive him yet.

Not this time, she thought as she narrowed her eyes.

Tenur thought it was the end for him, when he recalled testing something dangerous. If I'm going to fall today, might as well try out risky stuff, the thought ran through his mind as he prepared to overload his testes.

"Penis Rocket."

Huge amounts of mana gathered in his penis, giving it a light blue luminescent glow. Then, as if the build up pressure of a geyser reaching its limit was transferred to his penis, it burst out, leaving a streak of light blue mana which countered even the bright blue sky. The force of the release launched him to some unknown location due to his inconsideration, all while Sarah stood there, somewhat dumbfounded with her broom in hand. And hundreds of probably related toddlers.

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