《Noblesse Oblige: Ascendance》Chapter 9: Last Preparations


As dawn broke anew, Ray woke up with a resolute gaze.

His preparations were as far as they could go. The only thing left to do was inform the Elves and kickoff the plan.

The numbers of the survivors had dwindled even further over the last couple of days, hinting at their decreasing health. If he didn't act now, it would be too late.

None of the Elves knew what would await them. Ray hadn't told them much, except that he'd help them get their revenge. Still, he couldn't understand how they chose to follow him in this near suicidal endeavor with next to no information and clear suspicion. Had their hatred already consumed them? The days as dispensable blood tanks eroded their minds to a degree of absolute apathy about anything else than vengeance?

Shouldn't he overthink the whole matter, lest he'd regret it forever?

No...it didn't matter.

He had already decided what he had to do.

Their circumstances. Their suffering. Their sorrow. It all didn't matter.

As long as he succeeded, he had all the time he wanted to drown in guilt, but right now hesitation meant death.

Standing up, Ray walked to the middle of the small house. All eyes in the room congregated on him, eager to hear the words they waited for so long.

Ray was never a good public speaker. Though not to the degree of having a nervous breakdown in front of people, holding a presentation in class was pretty much his limit. But right now, at this moment, when all these people dependent on him, holding expectations of great things, his blood came into boiling. He stood straight and puffed up his chest, trying to look more confident than he actually was. His voice boomed through the cottage.

"Once, not a long time ago, this village was peaceful. Life was simple but good. None of you had to starve, freeze or suffer injustice."

"None until the Spirit came!"

The more Ray spoke, the smoother the words seemed to come out of his mouth. His warped expression making one think he was one of them, having experienced the same grievance.

"He stole your home through trickery and false promises, destroying your lives work!"

"He took your children, forcing them into a living hell, an existence that is doomed to slavery until death!"

"He caged you like cattle, using your very life to fuel his unholy practice! Magic that can't be allowed spread it's filthy claws any further!"

Like moths drawn to a flame, the Elves stared at Ray with wide eyes, attentively listening to his every word. All of them conveniently forgot that it was the Spirit who had rescued them in the first place since it cured the epidemic.


"One after the other you have seen your friends, brethren, sons and daughters fall to that monstrosity; it's endless greed and ambition!"

"And for WHAT!"

“A delusion of freedom! A desire to be King! An eternal lust for power!"

At this point, the Elves were already standing. Although none were cheering or yelling, the burning passion in their eyes, shaking fist and clenching teeth spoke volumes.

"But that is over! We will no longer tolerate the oppression and torment!"

“To hurt one is to hurt all! And to hurt all is a declaration of War!”

“Today the terror shall end! We will free the children of the forest and reclaim the land! Expose the Spirits hideous actions and make sure it never sets a foot into the Woods of Alquorai again!!”

With these words, the suppressed emotions erupted. Though old, none of them kept their rage at bay.

Shouts and curses flew through the room. Mad screams and agonized howls formed a chorus. A melody of sorrow and death.

'This should do the trick. Now I just have to give the last push in the right direction.'

Holding his hands up, Ray signaled for silence. The elves grumbled but eventually calmed down.

“As soon as the Lõtv come in to take one of us we will start to resist. Weapons are already made, so everyone takes one. And don't worry you don't need to actually hurt your children. They go down with a strong hit. I have experience fighting them. Trust me.”

The Elves exchanged worried looks and whispers. Some fidgeted and seemed to want to say something, but ultimately remained silent.

The eager from before hadn't completely disappeared but definitely taken down a notch.

Although it seemed as if his efforts were wasted, Ray didn't bother holding another motivational speech. The only reason he did the first one was to convince all of them that he is as emotionally invested in this operation as they are. Since he played his part, there was no need to rile them up again.

Standing down from the middle, Kymil's uncaring look came into Ray's sight. The pseudo-leader of the Elves had never tried to stop any of Ray's antics, only occasionally relaying the worries of his companions to him. Whether he actually approved, of anything he did was questionable, but at least he didn't stand in his way.

“About what you said at the end...”

Without letting him finish, Ray waved his hand, dismissing whatever Kymil wanted to say.


“The Lõtv aren't our biggest problem. Better concentrate on how to deal with the Spirit.”

Kymil frowned “...If you say so. And how are you planning to defeat it?”

Hearing this question a smirk came upon Ray's face. Just thinking about beating that arrogant gnome to a pulp brought him joy. Unfortunately, that craving was unlikely to be satisfied.

“The others will first distract the Lõtv, after that we will isolate the Spirit and hold him hostage. Although he can use magic, there are too many of us for it to make a difference. Once we have him, the Lõtv won't pose a problem anymore."

Unconvinced as he looked, Kymil asked back “Isn't that overly simple? What if something goes wrong or we can't isolate the Spirit? You don't even know the extent of its magic, so how can you be so sure it won't be able to deal with us?"

'This guy is smarter than I thought.' Squinting his eyes, Ray thought.

The flaws in Ray's 'plan' were immediately seen through. He had gone to great lengths to delay talking about the way this revolution was going to happen. Beating down every question with excuses or empty words. Never mentioning the plan more than necessary. And most importantly, nurturing the elves bloodlust as much as possible, filling their heads with nothing but sweet dreams of murder.

But showing any of this openly would bring a great deal of trouble with it. Even the disinterested Kymil would not let it slide.

'Well... at least one of them is still sane.'

Whether it was his careful manipulation or just their bottled up emotions, but most of the elves were on the brink of what can be labeled as insane.

A good chunk of them whispered to themselves, relishing in the memory of their children. It also wasn't rare to see someone scratch the walls until their nails came off, only for one of the others to look at the spectacle with wide eyes, limp to the nearest wall and continue the bloody performance.

Only Kymil always kept his calm. Undisturbed by the change of his friends an maybe even family. Quiet about Ray guiding them on a road of no return. Not taking action, no matter how many died.

It was this apathy that put Ray on guard. Going through the pain, the humiliation, the anguish the Spirit had them experience, no one, not even the coldest of people remain unaffected and unchanged.

Kymil was a variable Ray had no way of figuring out. Something he had no control over whatsoever. Aggregating someone like that was the last thing Ray wanted to do. Not when he was so close to his goal.

So instead of growing angry at Kymil for challenging his non-existent authority or making excuses, he relaxed his whole body, put a hand on Kymil's shoulder and spoke in a light voice.

“I understand your worries, but taking risks is necessary. No matter what strategy we use, it will bring danger and uncertainties. The only thing we can do right now is fight to the best of our abilities and reduce the casualties to the utmost. But if you are not convinced I can still make adjustment to the plan. Only...”

“Only what?”

Looking down while shrugging Ray said “It's nothing. Just changing the plan so close to the start may make some of them waver.

A lack of assurance could lead to unnecessary accidents."

Kymil's apathetic look contorted. It was the first time Ray had seen such a livid expression on his face, and he couldn't help but feel proud of this 'accomplishment'. He knew Kymil didn't buy what he just said, but that wasn't important. On the surface, he had only expressed his worry for the wellbeing of the Elves. His intentions pure and untainted.

Whatever lied beneath that, was up for the other party to find out and interpret. None could find fault with his words, as they were as true as they were filled with deceit.

Even if Kymil got angry as a result, Ray had ground to stand on and defend his 'plan'.

With a somber grin, Kymil brushed Ray's hand off "Good, good. You are right. It's too late to make any changes. We will see if this will work.

After today, whoever lives and dies, we will have no regrets."

Ray watched Kymil walk away from him. The hunched back he had seen so often over the days, seemed so much more pained in this moment.

The man who had never let him see his true emotions, who had taken the burden of remaining sober while his surroundings escaped into insanity.

Were the circumstances different, what would have become of him?

Were the circumstances different...could they have become friends?

Were the circumstances different...

Shaking his head, Ray turned away.

Were they just different...

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