《Mhaieiyu - Arc 1: The Syndicate》Chapter 16: Clarity; Two Inches Too Far
Arc 1, Chapter 16
Clarity; Two Inches Too Far
A commotion had stirred within the Facility's corridors, as a teenager, seething with unecplised anger and confusion, stormed through to the Ward. Just the night prior, the Head of Medicine had made a promise he would surely regret; the nature of which likely spurred in the hopes of seeing the juveniles as naive wonders, thinking alike with their similars in that they consider even the most bland, fruitless discoveries to be of great magnitude, rewarded slyly by their sarcastic or sharp-tongued elders. Alas, such was not the case, for their find couldn't be more ruthless at unveiling the wicked nature of the depths of the Facility's conspiratorial iceberg.
Even the guards that worked there, who were accustomed to the hellish job they often had no choice but to undergo during the darker hours, were surprised by the boy's outrage, accompanied by a frightened Howler. In fact, while she did certainly seem concerned, she looked nowhere near as furious as Tokken; likely due to her lack of human-based culture. Regardless of their distance, however, even a Cryptid from the Outskirts could comprehend the sheer disgust and horror of discovering the communal homicide of strictly-aged children. The meaning behind such, was the primary motive towards Tokken's advance. The one person he could at least hope to answer such doubts, was Fely himself. After all, he did say he would answer to any queries.
On the way to the Ward, the pair just so happen to run into an exhausted Minotaur; one Tokken knew well. Norman called out to the boy, raising his axe-wielding hand to better gather the lad's attention.
"Ay, buck-o!" he yelled, stepping in Tokken's path. "Looks like you found her! Where'd you catch— huh?"
To his surprise, the boy merely stepped past the Minotaur, ignoring his words while biting his lip in frustration, leaving the beast speechless and scratching his head. Chloe barely managed to cast Norman a worried look, before her gaze diverted, clearly intimidated by his physique. To this at least, the thick-headed beast understood now was no time to intervene, as much as it bothered him to realise.
Maybe another time, bud, Tokken thought, cracking a small smile at his new friend's concern. He felt so proud for becoming so social — at least, so much more than he was before. Tokken thought of how proud his parents could've been, hoping that the thought would at least pry some more emotion into their loss. Nothing. Perhaps now wasn't the best time to try to dig up feelings he feared not to have.
"Tokken..." Chloe managed to mutter, unheard by the marching teen. The way he walked was so fake. It was blatantly obvious to her that the boy had experienced frustration of any kind few times in life, and almost seemed to try to mimic the way he would expect people to act in such circumstances. In a way, the Howler found herself in his eyes. Yet another reason to stick around and bend him into a better man, it seems. Say, since when was she so caring towards acquaintances?
Fely jumped in his seat as the door slammed open, the television propped in his room immediately switching off. This time, Tokken was sure he saw it. But asking now wasn't appropriate. Not with what he had uncovered. Turning around, Fely's shocked face loosened a bit as he remembered the familiar boy's face, sweat beading on his own forehead.
"O—Oh my... it's nice to see you two again! So soon, too... Is this about a consultation? I apologize, but I'm a bit too busy at the moment. Perhaps if you schedule—"
His fast-paced rants came to a swift end as Tokken slammed his foot into the table, earning a gasp from the Head. With a cold, stern stare, the teen asked: "You said you'd answer for any doubts, right?"
His eyes widening slightly, the gentle man fidgeted in his spot, confirming the boy's question.
"Why, yes, of course. It's only right. Though this does seem a bit forced for your nature..."
Shaking his head, agitated, Tokken tugged at his hair as he excused. "Ack— I know, I know! I'm sorry, but I don't have the patience to hear any slick words right now."
Titling his head inquisitively, Fely smiled with a shrug. "Well, alright then. I won't impede you. Go on, what are you so flustered for?"
Nodding, Tokken answered. "It's just that... well, we were walking around in the cemetery, and we just found that— this, uhm... this...?"
The teen stopped as he noticed the look on the doctor's face. He was visibly keeping his composure, maintaining that heavenly aura of his and even shying away his gaze for extra effect. And yet, through his visage, his amber-golden eyes peered at him carefully.
"What's with that look?" Tokken asked, furrowing his brows.
"Hm? Oh, I'm sorry. I have a tendency to feel a little intense whenever such curiosities arise."
To his crystalline eyes, Tokken's responded with hostility. For all the boy knew, he was being challenged by the doctor, and was likely trying to shoo his worries away, to later scold the lad for shoving his nose where it doesn't belong. At the very least, the paranoid state of the youth assured him of such. Noticing that angered look in his eyes, Chloe frowned, rubbing her snout into his leg in a hopeless attempt to soothe him.
"Then this should be entertaining for you, you freak." Slamming his palms on his desk, Tokken flared his teeth as he spat. "While going on a stroll through your mountain of buried corpses, we ran into a clearing filled with dead children. Uniform eight-year-olds, at least a dozen of them! All dead to the same cause."
Tokken could hardly choke out his last words, feeling dread build upon his spine, like genuine heft that weighed his soul down. Looking defiantly at the doctor, who had lost his smile to a grieving frown, the boy screamed out: "Just what is the Last Resort Program, huh?!"
Breathing in deep, exasperated breaths, Tokken stared hatefully at the doctor, even as he too dropped his head in sorrow. After a terrible silence, Fely managed to squirm through his breath: "I'm afraid... I can't tell you."
To this, Tokken laughed, though not out of comedic effect. Rather, as a desperate means to vent his anger. "Is that right?! Hah! Of course! Why in the world would the child murderers admit to their crimes?!"
"Tokken, please calm down..." Chloe tried once more to alleviate the boy, the hairs of her fur standing up as she became increasingly anxious. Even still, the teen carelessly continued.
"Answer me, you monster. The things they say about this place... You slipped it up back at the meeting, don't you remember? I want to know about it!" Tokken shouted.
The physician, who's status outweighed that of countless, sat still in despondent silence, grimacing quietly at the teen's poison. At the very least, he would try to salvage himself.
"I can't tell you, because I'm not authorized to..."
"And you consider yourself a doctor... yet you'll allow these murders to happen? Who the hell are you really saving?!" Tokken raised his voice again in response, slamming his fists against the wood. Unable to bear this any longer, the canine bit lightly into the boy's ankle, finally yanking him from his enraged state.
"Agh! C—Chloe?! Come on, now's not the time!" he scolded, jabbing an accusatory finger towards the sunken doctor, who merely loured in his seat. "This scumbag can't get away with this!"
Inhaling, Chloe too raised her voice. Not enough to be considered yelling, but enough to sharpen her words with meaning and bluntness. "Yes, Tokken. He can, and he will. Grow up, won't you? Can't you see that, if they really wanted to, these people could lay ruin to yours?"
Her words shook the teen as he stepped back slightly, earning a morose sigh from the Howler. "Look at him. Do you honestly believe he would intentionally allow these things to happen without meaning? How can you guarantee that they were even the perpetrators of such?"
"Because if they weren't, he would tell me about it!"
"And what if, in doing so, they would doom themselves?" Chloe shot back, showing the baffled boy a look she hadn't given before. One of strict, merciless authority, but with guidance in mind. Like a parent disappointed in their offspring, educating them in the most direct way possible.
"I... I can't just accept this!" Tokken tried to defend himself, still fighting a lost battle.
"You can, and you will," the Howler cut back.
"No way! They'll just keep doing it! We can't let more kids just die like that!"
"We can, and we will."
"Goddess damn it! Why in the hell are you siding with them?!"
"Because..." Chloe stared into the boy's eyes, slicing through his defences to peer at the insolent, weak child behind that fake guise. "Being who we are, do you truly expect to change anything? For people to bend to our words of wisdom. To heed our teachings, and act accordingly. It would be nice, wouldn't it be?"
"So then——"
"But, we live in a world of unreason. A world where only those acclaimed are heard, hanging in the forefront while our words are starved of attention in the background. That is where we belong. We have no right to act as though we can change anything; doing so would be ignorant!"
"S—So we'll just have to..."
"Ignorant! Tokken, please! You've seen it yourself. Do you truly, honestly believe that, against those soldiers, we stand even the slimmest of a chance?! We're weak, Tokken. Accept this or die, there is no alternative!"
To her stabbing sentences, the boy shook his head, cupped his ears and slammed his foot. Like a nipper unwilling to listen to their parent's disciplines, he defied her words with childish recoil. Ignorance.
"Stop! Stop it, now! I would rather die believing I had a chance than to wither away thinking I never did! Maybe in death, even a useless idiot like me can change something!"
Streams of tears hidden uselessly by hands streamed from Tokken's eyes as he sobbed these words back, his head volatile in its movements. Fely stood up, hand raised, as if objecting to the squabble between the two. Finding a gap of silence between the pair, the doctor waited, and then spoke.
"You are absolutely right, Chloe. Your position is, as cruel as it may sound, worthless to make change." To his merciless statement, Chloe found a stinging, yet warm feeling. As if a long-kept doubt had finally been made clearer. "However..." Fely interjected, tarnishing this feeling of clarity as well as Tokken's increasing hopelessness. "The same can't be said for our friend here. While you may not see it, and it does pain me so that you never could until now, you truly are important to the balance of this strife-filled world. At the very least, the political chaos within it."
"What are you trying to say...?" Tokken demanded, his swollen eyes staring timidly back at the doctor's gorgeous caramel ones. Reaching a hand out, as if wanting to caress the boy yet refraining from doing so, Fely struggled to make his words comprehensible for the youth.
"My dear boy... If you understood even a fraction of your worth, surely you would smile more honestly. Or, at the very least, fear more reasonably..." Fely shook his head as he said this, letting his extended arm drop to his waist. Before either of the confused pair could ask, the doctor slipped on a surgical mask and a white hat, doing up his coat as he continued. "Of course, how could anybody ask of you to understand...? Oh, how I wish Insula still lived... Assuredly, she would've made that dreadfully foggy mind of yours so much clearer..."
With this, the doctor made way for the door, only to be stopped with the unrelenting grasp of the teen, halting him by his wrist. "Where the hell... do you think you're going? You haven't answered a single one of my questions, you faker. Didn't you promise me last night——?"
"For that, I can only ask that you forgive me. I'm sorry. I truly am," Fely expressed, showing remorse through the subtle quivers of his lip and the mild cracks in his voice. Turning back to the Howler, he narrowed his eyes. "I hope you can give him the strength he needs to open his eyes. You might honestly be the last person to be able to do so. And you," he shifted his gaze, facing the shivering, chattering mess that forged Tokken's complexion. With an unsettling stare, and a stern frown, Fely said: "Whatever temptations might damn you, don't mention Last Resort to anybody else within the Facility's ranks. They will not forgive you."
Watching the Head of Medicine leave, Tokken ground his teeth, murmuring under his breath.
"Yeah, like they have anything to forgive me for."
"Tokken, that's enough," Chloe demanded, giving the boy a strict, concerned look.
"Yeah, yeah. I really wonder who's side you're on..."
"The one with the least violence, of course."
♦ ♥ ♣ ♠
The first thing his pried eyes caught sight of was the dull, painted ceiling of the Ward's many rooms; of which, the man and his rescuer had been stowed away in unison. His vision was blurry, but quickly cleared. His muscles were stiff, but slowly loosened. His strength was dampened, but was soon stimulated. The many wounds lashed upon his body had all healed; the deepest of such leaving very faint marks in their wake, adding to the many already adorning his body. Such basic injuries would have to be significantly deep to leave any noticeable scars on his body, to be congealed even in his soul.
Raising his hands to his eyes, Emris caressed the leathery skin on his face, feeling his senses return to him after a long period of numbness. He forgot not a single incident — they staining his thoughts as he pondered just how merciless those Dwellers could be, if taunted. Like a wasp's nest, they seemed peaceful from afar. But when provoked... all hell could break loose.
With a groan characteristic to his moderately-aged self, the veteran raised himself, letting the blood disperse from his brain to his feet, rekindling the healthy beats of his heart. Rubbing his eyes, Emris turned to see the bed fitted beside his, and saw the sleeping body of Eclipse; his unlikely saviour. Shaking his head, Emris couldn't prevent himself from smiling. While he would assuredly scold her for such nonsensical, abrasive, dangerous acts of heroism, and he would likely never show her true gratitude, the Brigadier relished in her actions, appreciating her efforts through the familiar air he so-greedily inhaled.
The door opened, robbing the man from his mellow thoughts. A Lypin, accompanied by a human female—also a doctor—entered, almost capturing Emris' bliss as he quickly shifted back to his toothed-snear attitude.
"G'mornin' William. Adelaide... shite! Did that lass do anythin' to me while I was nappin'?!" Emris spat hurriedly, almost jumping out of bed were he wearing any clothes.
The woman, dressed in a white gown much like the others, clicked her tongue. "No, of course not. I wouldn't touch that old body of yours with a bullet, never mind a hand," she explained, harsh as she often was. Pointing to the rabbit humanoid who diligently worked on another cup of coffee, she calmly explained. "He did all the work on you. Not that much was necessary in your case, anyway. We mostly fixed up the dog."
"Oi! She's a decent lass. It's thanks to her I'm alive!" Emris barked, earning a devilish smirk from the woman, clearly loving her untouchable status.
"Why don't you marry her, then?" she shot back, her tease sharper than necessary.
"That's enough harassment, Miss Roche. I'm sure the fellow's been through enough hardship as it is, correct?" William implored, clumsily adjusting his glasses.
"'Fellow'? Hah! Nice words for a man your age," Emris teased his ally.
Yelping in his spot, the rabbit shot a finger in the Brig's direction. "I just defended you, you moron! Why do you pin me for every breath I take!" he complained.
Cracking his neck, Emris yanked a patient gown off the bedside table, patting it onto his body haphazardly before standing up, leaving nothing indecent to see. "Alright, midlets. I need to get movin'. Can't afford another minute wasted."
"Now hold on! You just got up. Aren't you going to at least explain what happened to you?" Adelaide asked, obsessively patting her long, hazelnut curls.
As if he hadn't heard her, Emris clacked his teeth before setting for the door. "You take care of the lass, heard? She could be useful. And common fuckin' courtesy wouldn't do us too bad."
"Hey! Oaf! I was talking to you just now! And I'm not going to babysit your war-criminal girlfriend—— Hey!" Alas, her rambling was unrequited by the stumbling man; she growling like a beast as he stumbled out of view. She could've yanked him closer, but as she said, she refused to touch the old sod; fearing his leathery touch.
Leaning back against his desk with crossed legs and an affectionate chuckle, William stirred his cup gratuitously, muttering: "I hate to say, but when it comes to that man, there's no stopping him. It's almost praiseworthy."
"Yeah, if he weren't so annoying. Vicks! Make me a cup, I'm going to need it," replied Adelaide, pressing her thumb into her forehead in frustration.
"Hmhm, of course! Coffee sorts out all trifles," William heeded, smiling to himself — clearly infatuated with the steamy beverage. Pouring her a cup, she gratefully took it, before looking back at the woman who rested upon the remaining bed.
Resting her chin on a hand, she asked, "So, what are we doing with this chick?"
Looking towards Eclipse, William merely shrugged. "I couldn't say. It's not really our job to figure that out, now is it?" Propping himself up again, the rabbit stepped towards the bed, sitting down on a chair next to it. "It is curious, however. A Dweller, going so far and risking so much for a Syndie... What could she possibly get out of this?"
"Maybe she just wanted to help? I don't know, I doubt she'd go this far just to spy on us," Adelaide pondered. "She looks pretty scuffed, too."
"Hm, that's what I thought too. She's in shambles, for Victus' sake. It would've far easier to just sneak inside, rather than take the plunge. I have to say, I'm amazed the guards didn't shoot her," William commented, closing his eyes with a subtle grin. "That's at least one thing Alpha has changed for the better."
"Yeah. One decent change doesn't exactly outweigh the rest, though," the lass remarked.
"Oh, leave the man alone. He's got a lot on his plate. Besides..." William started, cutting himself off as he gave Adelaide a look she understood well.
"I know, I know. He's got enough stress thinking about when he'll be replaced — and by who."
♦ ♥ ♣ ♠
Emris stepped through the large, open corridors that pressed against the Facility's front; the walls adorned by massive panes of reinforced glass which allowed natural light to permeate within. Wearing the medical gown, Emris found his body to feel far lighter, being unconstrained by clothing in the way it often was. Cracking the joints of his fingers, he became lost in thought, walking straight towards the cafeteria. After all this hell, he couldn't wait to get a decent bite to eat. It would do him well, what with his strength and mana having been so thoroughly tested.
As much as he would love to lose himself in his antics once more, Emris found himself engulfed in a tidal wave of both internal and external conflict. There was no way in hell his consciousness would keep him efficient if he kept thinking of the disgrace he had succumbed Xavier to. Without a doubt, he would have to help him out before entering war, lest he lost his sanity beforehand.
Shité, the war... Emris realised, his eyes widening and his expression cringing. Fighting Yanksee was far from apocalyptic, but it wouldn't be a walk in the park. The mere suggestion of the wars that would come lead his mind astray, but above all else...
The crippling shame and remorse he felt was unmatched, even if he refused to show it to his subordinates.
Entering the cafeteria, Emris snagged a plate of decent foods, before trying to locate a seat among the numerous groups of soldiers. Amidst the lot, however, was a table, surrounded by groups of varying individuals, with a single man sitting peacefully as he slowly ate his lunch. A man that Emris knew well, and was astonished to see. Shifting course, the veteran cut through the crowd-like circle of tables and sat down opposite the man, giving him an honest smile.
"Mornin', Kev. I'm surprised ye're already back," Emris gestured, giving a half-assed, joking salute. "Ye could've said somethin'."
"Good morning, shrimp. For a moment I thought you forgot about me there," Kev answered back, humbly yet snarkily.
Waving a wrist, Emris asked: "How's the front lines lookin'? They pierced through yet?"
"They 'pierced through' a good while back. Wall's still intact, but there's no way we can guard it up close. They're keeping the advance modest, but fierce. I was only sent back after my men started noticing how tired I was."
"Did ye get any sleep?" Emris inquired, accusingly.
"Not a wink. Haven't had a decent chance to, to be fair. Somebody has to man the haul," Kev joked, cackling to himself. "I heard you're not exactly fairing too well yourself."
"Ah, you've got that right, captain. A right old mess with the Dwellers. We uh... we got one of our own, now. I'm hopin' ye'll accept her."
With a shake of his head and a toothed smile, Kev playfully accused. "The way you're saying it makes me believe you'd struggle to take a 'no'. A lady friend?"
"Aye, she's a lass. And don't fuck around with that, aye? My love life's complete."
Unable to object, the General shrugged, returning to his meal. Having barely touched his own, Emris pressed a finger against his nose, visibly troubled.
"I've got so much shite to deal with... I messed with Xavier's lot, boss. Not directly, but I..." Emris cut himself off, exhaling through his nose. "Who the fuck am I tryin' to save? I... I think I might've done it in, boss. I think I got the Zwaarsts killed."
Raising his head at the Brigadier's words, Kev showed clear surprise, yet not a hint of hostility. Strangely enough, Emris had hoped to see some spite in his eyes, if only to kick him back into shape. Perhaps Erica could help with that.
"I was tasked with gettin' some info off of Yanksee back a week or so. Botched the job completely. I think I might've started this shite a lil' sooner than it had to be."
"I see... Well, I won't accuse you of initiating the war, at least. It's been a long time coming. I'm honestly surprised they hadn't come sooner; though I'm willing to bet the Aces are giving Ducasse hell. I truly wish they had come sooner, in all honesty."
"Aye, sir. Me too," Emris muttered, his voice a mere croak, struck by grief.
"Brigadier," Kev announced. "Don't sulk now. Raise your gaze."
Incapable of refusing a superior's—a friend's—orders, Emris raised his mug to meet eyes with the General, clearly looking less than pristine.
"Close your eyes. Breathe. Count to three. Smile."
"I don't think I can——"
"Close your eyes," Kev ordered, his voice authoritarian yet still friendly.
Emris complied.
Emris took in a deep, shaky breath, before exhaling.
"Count to three."
The Brigadier's face seemed to lose its tension as his complexion loosened, relaxing. His eyes, unrestrained by his pride, began to water.
"Smile," Kev demanded.
To the best of his ability, Emris smiled. And soon enough, he laughed silently to himself, as if trying to suppress his own words and feelings with self-satisfying noise.
"You know, it would do us both good if we took a stroll through the gardens. I'm sure the mistresses would appreciate it," the Head of Military offered, his tone calm.
"Nay, man," Emris denied, sniffling to himself even as he tried to maintain his composure.
"Emris, we're growing old. We can no longer guarantee them any visits. It's only right."
"I said nay, Kev. I refuse to let her see me like this. She'd think I'm so pathetic."
"Emris... Moon would never change her perception of you. She'll always be proud of you, you know that," Kev insisted, pushing the man forward. In spite of this, Emris stood up.
"I'll only ever show myself to her when I deserve it. I owe Xavier my time," Emris turned around, dish in hand.
Kev stood up, halting Emris' movements with a stomp of his boot. "Then go help Xavier, if you deem it right. Regardless, she will always see you in the same light. She will always love you tenderly. I would hope, for both your and her sake, that you understand that."
Without another word to offer, Emris merely walked away, a mix of sorrow, shame and a drive for action encouraging his step; refusing to even hear of a long-lost past. Despite this, Kev felt no anger or disapproval over Emris' actions. If anything, he felt distaste towards the circumstances of his life and where they had lead him, even in times where no amount of effort on his behalf could ever improve anything. To witness a once noble Celestial who stood fierce and confident in the heat of battle whittle away into a state of prideful ignorance and crushing despair dulled Kev's heart, and corroded his will. If even the symbol of hope could fade, just who would they look up to when hell fell from the scarlet skies?
After stowing his tray away for cleaning, Emris' leaned back against a wall, clutching his forehead, doing away with his sadness. While there, he caught wind of a certain party of five soldiers, all enthralled with a conversation that would sink the veteran's heart even deeper.
"Did you hear? Looks like one of the Brigs has been captured," one of the soldiers, a human, mentioned.
"Oh yeah! My Captain said something about that to Colonel Jade. I tried to get the deets, but they caught me sniffin' around," a wolf-like biped, known as a Wylven, confirmed.
"I heard it was in Yanksee," a Minotaur added.
"You're joking! Seriously? Yanksee? What were they doing over there?!" another human asked.
"No idea. With how things are looking, I'm surprised they slipped past the border. I think she's a Celestial, though, so it makes some sense. Went with some other Celestial too. A swordsman."
"Wait, a Celestial Brigadier? No way! They took Erica?! How the hell'd they manage that?!"
"At a time like this... losing a Brigadier—a Celestial, no less—isn't gonna help at all..."
"I know, right? What a mess——"
"Oy," Emris called, standing before the lot with a complexion so twisted and furious, that instinct-driven alligators would choose to flee. To this, even the Minotaur showed nervousness.
"S—Something wrong, Brigadier Emris?" the Wylven asked, trying to show his natural fierceness so as to impress his superior.
"Ye were speakin' about a capture. Are ye insinuatin' they took Erica and Corvus?" Emris asked, his impatience clear as day. A feat not too surprising, coming from this notorious man.
"Oh! Aye, right on the mark, sir! Corvus was the other's name," the human scratched his head, trying to dissuade the veteran's rage with unrestricted compliance. "Can we help you?"
Closing his eyes in thought, Emris' snarl twisted his face further, revealing more of his sharper-than-average fangs. Suddenly, as if maddened, he grasped the human's collar and raised him to meet his eyes.
The major's teeth gnashed together as he proclaimed, "I'll remember yer face, bub. If this information is inaccurate by even an ounce I'll drag you through hell and back. Aye?!"
With a nervous shake of his head, and the concerned mutters from his colleagues as they all tried in vain to calm the Brigadier, Emris dropped the soldier back into his seat before walking away with wrath and a newly found purpose in his eyes.
In the midst of a theory lesson—one of the scarce few hosted by the minimal amount of willing doctors and the upper crust officers—manned by the highest-ranking Brigadier himself, the door suddenly opened with unreasonable force; interrupting the class with its loudness. The mass of soldiers attending turned to the door, while Xavier continued to scribble onto the blackboard, already knowing of the intrusion's perpetrator.
Without even turning around, and with a calmness unbefitting a grieving man... "Will you be partaking in today's lesson as well, Emris?"
Exhaling amusedly through his nose, the veteran shook his head. "Nay. They say ye can't teach an old dog new tricks, and I appeal to it."
Raising a brow, Xavier turned to face him, lacking spite but showing scorn at his rudeness. "Then what is the meaning of this? You're throwing my students off their momentum."
"I know. Sorry, lads. But, Xavier, we need to talk."
"About my outburst perhaps? I'll apologize to you later, now is not the time——"
"Nay, Xavier. I've decided I'll help ye, granted I get a favour."
Sighing, the First Brigadier stared intensely into Emris' eyes, before turning back to the board, proceeding to write. "I don't require any assistance right now, so I don't see the need."
"Xavier," Emris spoke out profoundly, intentionally robbing the teacher's attention, making him scratch the board with the chalk in frustration.
"What is it, Emris?"
"I'll help you get to Zwaarstrich. I'm sorry, but after that yer on your own."
Taken aback by his declaration, Xavier's breath hitched as his chalk dropped, smashed and broke on the floor. His voice shuddered as a smile crept upon his face. A single tear slid down his cheek in that instant, he muffling his emotions as he muttered:
"That's all I want. And it's all I'll need."
- In Serial35 Chapters
"I have gravely underestimated the cleverness of evil to adapt with lies..." [NEW EDITION WITH A LOT OF CHANGES! Thanks to Sea Change for a lot of really good input.] Though she does not quite realize it, Aylee Hembry doesn't fit into her simple, provincial world. Raised as an independent thinker, with little patience for injustice, she fights within the confines of her bucolic town to right wrongs and help the weak. At least, until she becomes one of the weak. She had never before concerned herself about danger, but when the local bully is handed power, he decides that he will finally put Aylee in her place. Fortunately for Aylee, a stranger happens through town just in time to wrench her from the grasp of her enemy. Aylee soon realizes, however, that her unknown rescuer might prove equally as dangerous as the local bully. Before she can establish her safety, she must determine exactly who is her friend and who is her foe. More importantly, she has to figure out how not to be her own worst enemy. IF YOU LIKE AYLEE, READ THE OTHER FINISHED BOOKS IN THE EPIPHANIES SERIES: MARISSA AND PIPER. OR COME READ THE COUNTERSIGN SERIES: NIGHTENGALE, [email protected], AND ALTAR EGO.
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Unsightly Gluttony
(New synopsis in the works, just make do with a short summary) Our female MC who had everything gets summoned along with her classmates to defeat the future demon lord in another world, the kingdom that summoned MC found out that the MC was the future demon lord, and then decided to screw her over, but out MC screws the kingdom over first by killing one of her classmates, who was the Hero who tried to protect her. After killing the hero she yeets out of there and then goes incognito for a year before re-emerging in the Deutsche Empery, which is basically fantasy Germany, as a rank and file foot soldier on the start of her journey to screw over the entire world this time by planning to start the Third World War. (Yes it's inspired by Youjo Senki, but also by other novel series such as Girl Who Ate a Death God and Dungeon Defense (LN)) What to expect; > Hunger and thirst for the flesh and blood of the innocent Light-hearted 'eating' scenes. > The isekai's main character not taking the 'i'm going to become an adventurer!' route (seriously, what's up with isekais and adventurer mc's?) > A fantasy world which is basically a cut-out of Europe but with more fantasy > Working in the fantasy version of Germany (totally not because i'm German) > No lolis ... yet (I'm sorry) > Many unanswered questions and cliff-hangers This is the story of Rei, and her Unsightly Gluttony (Remake) (This is the revised version, For readers of the original version this will mean that everything starting from Interlude 1 will be different)
8 161 - In Serial7 Chapters
Anime Worlds System
The Anime Worlds System was created to fulfill the dreams of many, to allow you to experience the impossible and live the amazing. But, Not every anime is a pleasant, love-filled dream world, nor is every anime a dark, death-filled nightmare. Welcome to the Anime Worlds System and enjoy your long, long stay. Follow my Instagram, @Benfang322, or join the following Discord for updates on AWS. https://discord.gg/dz8Erwc
8 102 - In Serial81 Chapters
Ninjago: One More Ninja
Aria Lord is the daughter of the Overlord, but instead of following in her father's evil footsteps she chose to stay with Sensei Wu and became a ninja. Aria is joined by Kai, Zane, Jay, Cole, and eventually the destined green ninja. Together they're the protectors of Ninjago.Aria X Lloyd
8 220 - In Serial7 Chapters
Ninja Style || Human!TMNT x Reader
"They're the most popular, most TALENTED, boys in school. Why would they EVER want someone like you?"For the most part, you're an extremely normal high school girl. You focus on your studies. You have two best friends. You have your ever-so-popular enemies. Normal.Your Junior year changed everything.Four brothers, with exotic Renaissance names, but with expertise Japanese martial arts skills, enter the school, and already seem to know your two best friends, so they practically treat you like a princess. Why?
8 195 - In Serial59 Chapters
The voice they never heard
All the words that never left my throat nor my head the way I wished they did.mention of sh, ED, depression, anxietyDisclaimer: I am not a poet. I focus on writing so most of these don't follow the traditional rules of poetry. impressive rankings#2 in poesia on 18/12/2021#1 poembook on 11/12/2021#2 in spokenwords on 06/12/2021
8 191