《Castaway》Chapter 32 – Six Bits of Aftermath.


Gar and Joe – later that night in dream-time.

Gar continued his story, “Yeah, most of the high priests were too smart to fall for the trap of declaring war on religion with an active Deity. I ate more altars, and we picked up 6 temples which we shared with our new allies which Hina had been busy Recruiting. So in thanks another for Hina, one for Svarog who is a blacksmith and god of makers I know from the old days. We also picked up 3 new gods just starting on Devona, but who’ve played on other worlds, Bochica, who despite their name is an old dude with a beard, messenger and information, Seshat, who claims to have invented writing, so, total book nerd, you’ll love her. Lastly Anulap god of wisdom and magic, a friend of Hina’s from the old days. Sure lots of writing wisdom and communications, but who exactly did you expect to ally with a god who’d most famous for his libraries…?”

Gar continued, “I was hoping to pick up a war god or two, but none of them really want to gamble on a longshot, despite what their PR departments keep saying. Not that they are cowards mind, you, It’s just that there are a lot more dead gods or war than live ones, so the ones that are left are the survivors… get it? I was also hoping to pick up a god of travelers, but again… wait and see attitude… “

Joe’s brows wrinkled, “War I get, why a traveler, wouldn’t say a god of spies or intelligence been better?”

Gar smiled, his eyes twinkling. “I like how you’re thinking Joe, exactly why we have a god with the domain of information. I want a traveler domain so we can that we can both move between temples here in Devona, and bring your sister here. You’d have to talk her into it, all under our secrecy bans, but it seemed the best answer to your problem. It’s not that I can’t do those things, it’s that for me, it’s expensive, too expensive at the moment, but if that’s one of your native domains is so much cheaper. Like I can create books and libraries and modify the physical and magical systems of the universe, build things… Those are my native domains, I’ll always be pound for pound way more effective and efficient in those areas. But I’m crap at destroying things for example, as that’s diametrically opposed to one of my domains, creation.”


What about the war with the Architect?

“We’ve got a war on our hands, make no mistakes about it. The church of the builder is both large and aggressively militant. We’ve got a war on our hands, make no mistakes about it. While Our allied gods and I make quick work of the opening salvos, now that the fools are gone, prosecuting the war is going to be up to people on the ground like you.

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