《Got Yeet into Murim (Xianxia-Wuxia Hybrid)》Chp 8 A Gift
A tranquil scene...
As if a loving mother, pampering her baby.
Providing warmth, and sustenance.
Yun Zhi was fast asleep, and with it, her breath was becoming clearer.
While she was asleep, Xue Bai was clearing the devil's curse, one which focused all hatred on her. This devil was a human devil, so even doing this actually consumed leverage. However, since this leverage came from Yun Zhi's suffering of injustice, she decided to use part of it to deal with the main curse. With it, the center of the curse would collapse over time, with some extra leverage to spare.
This whole process might take some hours...
Thus, while she had just started, she make an incantation gesture. From her snow-white hair, six of herself emerged. They were her clones, and from each of them, two more appeared... totaling eighteen around herself. Closing her eyes, she ordered;
"I'll be busy with this child. Deal with other star systems for me,"
The clones, as if capable of independent thinking, nodded. They disappeared into the surrounding directions. As she did, World Guardian, Immortal Yen observed. The fact that she had dispersed her clones meant that she would not like any world guardian like him contacting her directly. She wanted to focus her all on this child.
'So this one... her primary body,'
The fact that she came here in her primary body was unexpected. He had thought she sent her clone over. It turned out he was mistaken. He continued to observe the two from afar... One hour, two hours...
Four hours...
Six hours...
'How come...'
Immortal Yen was astounded. He knew how busy a Sector Guardian was. Being responsible for ten thousand systems was no joke. She had to deal with issues a world guardian like him could not cope with. But, for her to spend her precious time with this little mortal girl... She was cleansing her spirit world, her dream world of the filth due to the malicious curse.
While she was doing so, she also imparted some basic knowledge to her.
First, was about their enemy, the devils. Contrary to many people's belief, devil was not a race. Devil came from the word 'doer of evil'. Basically, people who robbed, we called them robbers. Those who scammed, scammers. So those who continued to do evil as their way of life, fell into the category of devil. They continued to oppress and spread corruption throughout their life.
Devils consisted mainly humans and demons.
For Yun Zhi, her role would be to counter human devils. She would need to remind other humans not to fall for the deception, their corruption. Some humans simply became corrupted because they got affected by their nasty environment. Environment played a big role.
A simple example was problem children. Many children became problematic due to a mismanaged family. Divorced, or disharmony between parents, ripped their psyche apart. They then turned to a quick solution... Drugs, underworld, bad company... Sooner or later, if they did not change course, they would be in it for the long haul.
The same goes for prostitutes. Did any of the girl dream of becoming prostitutes while growing up? Hardly any. For police officers, did any of them dream of taking bribes and making it big that way when they first enlisted? Hardly!
Circumstances forced them into it.
And with time, they became numb and even happy to do it.
"Don't be too hard on yourself..."
Lady Xue whispered.
As she was cleansing her spirit world, she also told her not to take things too hard. If she did her job, whatever the result, she would not be blamed. Yun Zhi's role, was not really to take on humans one by one, but more as to create a proper environment... One which evil would not prosper.
It was akin to creating a society conscious of being clean. If they became conscious of its importance, you don't have to reprimand each and every one of them. They would carry their own weight, their own responsibility. They would remind each other from time to time, soon creating a better society. A society where, even their water drain could sustain delicate fish, with water as clear and clean as the mountain river... where flowers bloom along the way.
Yes, if it was not done by everyone.
Possible, if everyone did it.
It was the same as oppression and corruption.
If people became conscious of it, and embarrassed about it, soon it would clear itself away. The problem was that... society had accepted those as the norm. That was not normal. As for what type of oppressions or corruptions there were in the society, Lady Xue believed Yun Zhi could observe them for herself. Too much information fed into her mind might numb her, limiting her ability to think openly.
Second thing she let her know, was their true enemies... The hypocrites.
Similar to devils, they, however, were worse. While devils were conscious that they were doing dirty work, these hypocrites weren't. They truly believed they were doing the right thing. Such people were those who upheld screwed "justice", often murdering people in the name of God. Many of them were religious leaders, condemning others to hell just because they did not share the same belief. There were also leaders of cults, spreading nonsense into the minds of many gullible people.
These hypocrites... They could be an even worse opponent than the devils. For they were extremist, yet still pretending to wear a sheep's clothes. For this kind of people, the worst retribution had been prepared. The One in Heaven would not even look at them for pardon.
Third thing she let her know, was the most important.
The message. Made to be as simple as possible, it was not like it could not be complicated. It just meant that being simple was better. The message was simply that, the One in Heaven had ordered...
"Do not oppress, do not be oppressed. The One in Heaven observed, so live well."
Lady Xue whispered in a soft, caring voice.
This simple line carried deep meaning. As long as one pondered, one would benefit much from it. It was not made to restrict life, but to expand it to the very best of its potential...
Xue Bai watched over her with gentle eyes. She did say it was not hard work, but...
It won't be easy, either... The meaning of 'hard' was quite different from person to person.
After all, she had faced a lot more hardship.
And this young girl... was about to face the real world soon.
Something was filling her up, something delicious...
Eight hours had gone by.
Finally, Yun Zhi had awoken.
Still feeling a bit sleepy, something else surprised her.
She didn't have a headache!
Usually, when she woke up, a headache would follow. It had been happening for four years, so she almost took it as a norm. The feeling of waking up, refreshed... That was something else!
It felt, as if the world... was welcoming her.
This is so... amazing!
"Big sis..."
Noticing Xue Bai smiling at her, she knew...
This Sector Guardian, had a hand on it. While sleeping, she also had a good dream... It was a dream she could not recall what exactly, but... it was sweet. So sweet, she was drooling from her mouth, right down onto Xue Bai's arm.
"Ah, b-big sis... Sorry, I..."
"Why are you so flustered? This is nothing,"
This girl really was adorable.
Xue Bai had fun. While to Immortal Yue, she might be wasting her precious time, but to her... It was a moment that reminded her that she used to be a mortal as well. She couldn't go back to that life, but still, this is...
A precious moment.
Unfortunately, such a moment could not last.
"I need to go,"
"Ah... right, of course,"
"I've cleansed your spirit world. You shouldn't have a nightmare in the short run... And, before I let you go..."
"I just want to say, you have a... pair of beautiful eyes."
Xue Bai tapped Yun Zhi's forehead.
A tinge of light emerged, seeping into her head through her eyes. Warmth spread through her consciousness. It was nothing like the heavy knowledge her grandpa dumped into her while she was sleeping. It made its way into her brain cells as if a long-lost family... No demand, no heavy request.
Just, visiting.
A friendly, cordial visit.
Bringing gifts and fruits.
The World Guardian saw this clearly. Concern was written on his face as he approached Xue Bai.
"Lady Xue, that's..."
"I already restrict it to your world's limit. Don't worry,"
"I see, please forgive your subordinate's insolence,"
It's still quite barely acceptable. What she had given her was basically a favor.
A huge favor.
Could it be she's...
Did she spend her own leverage for the girl?
That's the only explanation!
The world's law cannot be bent without a price. As guardians, their role was to enforce the law. If the devils bent the law, such action would accumulate as leverage points. They were a valuable resource for guardians, who could not give favors nilly-willy.
Favors given had to be paid, in full!
Could it be that she got attached to this girl, from just this short encounter?
'She only uses a tiny bit, but still... Lady Sector Guardian seemed to favor this little girl... a little too much,'
As for Yun Zhi, she was in silence. She could not hear their conversation, as she was too occupied with the light entering her eyes. She trembled, as if having epilepsy. However, there was no pain, only sharpened focus in her mind.
With the light, she saw countless herbs, their details, and instructions on how to best use them. These herbs weren't from the world she was from, but the world she was in orbit... The blue, green planet covered with white clouds under her gaze. As her eyes took on the glorious planet, a myriad of herbs within the light turned more and more familiar...
Yun Zhi staggered, mumbling;
"Herb guide... divine medicine... How to inspect... Scan ability..."
There was also another side ability coming with the light, as if it was a free gift. Buy one, free one! While she already considered herself a salted fish, no desire to do anything but eat and sleep, she was no fool. Such knowledge... such ability...
What the frick!
Isn't this quite a cheat? If she knew all the herbs and how to concoct the best medicine, as well as knowing how and when to use them... Wouldn't that be...
She sensed trouble!
She turned to look at the 'big sis', a bit confused and wary. Xue Bai sensed her unwillingness;
"A mere farewell present, please accept."
"Big sis, this... is too much for me to accept... You're already kind enough for this lowly me... Can't you take them back?"
"Oh my... lowly? Don't say that..."
Yun Zhi knew there was no such thing as a free lunch. Moreover, they had just met. She was thankful enough for her previous kindness. Why would this big sister give her such a valuable present? There might be a big catch behind it!
Wanting me to be indebted?
A future work slave?
Forever paying the interest?
Nope nope nope nope nope!
Big sis, you're too cunning!
You kept giving me carrots, you reign me in with guilt?
I might like you a bit, but I won't be your slave!
So sorry!
But, if you wanna take me as a pet, I'll gladly accept!
As if seeing through her muddled mind, Lady Xue smiled.
"Ahh, what to do? You found me out. I actually do want you... to do me a big favor,"
"I... I knew it!" She wailed, soon pleaded, "B-big sis, spare me, please... I'm just a useless person, you can't ask me to do heavy and demanding work... I'm just a weak mortal, wuwu,"
She started to cry, as if facing great injustice.
With such a high debt, she can't be asking her for her kidney, right? Seeing her grieving out of nowhere, Lady Xue tilted her head. Soon, her fingers gently wiped away her tears;
"This girl... Just be healthy and happy... Is that too much to ask?"
"Wuwu... hm? W-what did you say, big sis?"
"Be, and stay healthy and happy. That's all I ask."
"You... you're not asking for my kidney?"
"Eh, why would I need your kidney for?"
The girl was a tad bit odd. Xue Bai found it amusing, but also glad.
As she took her closer, she scanned her mind. It was still a mess, but... there were signs of recovery. The Spirit world was crucial for a sane mind. Because of her continuous nightmare, her mind became a mess. Now...
'Not hopeless, at least...' She mulled.
Xue Bai had seen through her past.
Yun Zhi did not have a good childhood. Being pressured as the top genius of a great clan, she had nothing but demand upon demand piling up onto her. She was her clan's direct heir, and successor to the family's secret art.
That was why, her four years of not accomplishing anything was deemed too shameful for her grandfather. Even her own sect and servants spoke ill of her in a hush. Soon, her name was regarded not in the most appreciative way.
What a turn of events.
From a genius, to an utter failure.
The curse took much of her liveliness away.
Now, she was nothing more than the shadow of her former self.
Xue Bai watched Yun Zhi with deep meaning. It was part sadness, part guilt. How she wished she could help more, but... She could not compromise other worlds. Soon however, Yun Zhi's question wiped away her concern;
"Really, no interest for this?"
"Uweh? It's a gift!" Lady Xue giggled, "Why would a gift has any interest?"
"Really. Even a debt should be free from interest, it causes inflation, everyone suffers,"
"Eh... um,"
Big sis is too nice to me...
Could I ask her to adopt me?
Then, maybe I can laze around in her house doing nothing?
"So... stay healthy, and happy, alright? Just do your task slowly..."
She was about to complain, yet the words did not come out. It would be too shameless to complain now... Not after all big sis Xue had done for her.
Seeing her controlling herself, Xue Bai patted her head. Such patting, one Yun Zhi had never felt before... In response, she giggled with much joy. Xue Bai felt a bit hesitant, yet she still turned to the World Guardian. She was ready to leave.
"Immortal Yue, I'll leave this child in your hands,"
"Leave it to me, Lady Sector Guardian,"
Seeing her leaving, Yun Zhi felt as if she was about to lose something...
Something precious.
"Big sis..."
"I'll see you later, alright?"
She just could not wait anymore. There was something else happening in her sector which required her direct attention. Turning to Immortal Yue, she commanded;
"Follow standard procedure. Give her useful things as a counterweight... As usual, per her merit,"
"For her condition, best be simple. Just set some red lines and give her the most simple task first."
"I understand,"
"Zhi-er... Be healthy... and happy,"
As she said so, she patted the girl's head for the last time, before laying a kiss on her cheek. Soon, not waiting anymore, she tore through the fabric of space, then disappeared along with it...
"Big sis... Xue Bai,"
Seeing her disappearing in front of her very eyes... made her felt how weak she was. She was longing for such a company... but she could not even chase after her. Big sis Xue's attention to her was no weaker than Xiao Lin, and her warmth, was even better. She felt truly protected, energized by her mere presence. Even her father and grandpa could not come close.
What is an immortal?
This is, an immortal!
"You really are an artwork,"
"Geh, uncle immortal!"
"Let's just get down to business, shall we?"
"T-that smile... d--don't try anything funny! Or else..."
"Funny? I like funny..."
Was it because she was being all clingy to big sis Xue? Did this guy become jealous?
Or was it... Right, she was complaining about him from before...
Big sis Xue was too kind!
She only reprimanded him, and not even putting a leash on this crazy uncle!
What kind of adult, bringing a girl to visit the sun?
My complaining, was justified!
You can't blame me!
Seeing the mischievous smile plastered on the once serious K-pop uncle, Yun Zhi felt dread.
The smile which said, where's your big sis now, huh?
"It's over..."
Tears came down her eyes...
This time...
It was not fake.
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