《Flame Beneath The Snowfall》Chapter 11 - Firis, and the Voice
“To Mido!”
A chorus of praises and congratulations were presented right in front of him.
They were back at the restaurant. Fein revealed they were actually recurring patrons there, and the staff were somewhat acquainted to them. To Mido, that explained why they weren’t kicked out when Enna and Gen made a quite humiliating ruckus that first night. They even had the chance to use the upper floors all by themselves, a fact Mido did not know. The back balcony overlooked the mountain landscape. As this district is one of the lowest ones, the pine forests can be seen just below them. It is a huge slope, however, and the drop can mince an object thrown from the mountain to bits.
Mido took a breather, as his new colleagues were enjoying themselves in the background. He leaned on the balcony. Still, what made Mido wonder was the fact that this city is still standing. An earthquake can destroy a population this large, living on the surface of a mountain, and layered from bottom to top. He learned that a Vassal helped in building the infrastructure of this city, a Henwales, who was titled a ‘Tonal Architect’ because he had the ability to shape the earth as he wished, with one being that of creating this marvel no skilled engineer could hope to accomplish by themself.
‘Vassals are really be curious people…’ He thought to himself as he looked at the transcendent taiga, showered
“Hmm… You are one, though.”
That voice that urged him to use his ability spoke. Mido was startled at first, having lost himself to the scenery, but soon composed himself, acknowledged the voice, and began to converse with it.
‘You said we can talk. Is this the right time?’
“Through your eyes, this land is tranquil. Adequate for conversation… Of course.”
‘Who are you?’
“As I have said, I am the Singularity.”
‘That’s vague.’
“All I know is that I manifested in your subconscious. That is all I can remember. I only felt the need to assimilate, as I was slowly falling apart into mere tones.”
‘What do you mean it was all you can remember?’
“The flames. Its intensity. It clung to your body, and mind. It was all I could remember. Those came from you, are they not?”
Mido closed his eyes. It was strange. This voice, he had a feeling it has its own sentience. He thought to himself if such an ability is possible to exist.
“Do not fret. You are not broken in the head. I am, in fact, an ‘ability.’”
‘Then why are you not remembering what I also don’t remember?’
“I don’t. But I have a feeling that this is not my true self. I feel some of my parts became fractals, disspated with the Weave. I am scattered around Alto. Perhaps the people you struck your hatred unto will have answers.”
‘We are of the same place, then.’
“Truly. Now that I have assimilated, I need to rest. I’ll keep myself hidden within your Tone.”
“Do not question my decision, child. Even I, a consciousness within the tones, eventually need time to recover.”
Of course.’
Mido felt unease with this conversation taking place in his head. A normal person may think he is already crazed, but he felt that this was not his own mind: Someone, or something was there, sentient, and considered him to be a companion.
This was his ability? Do his new colleagues also experience this kind of phenomenon? Mido decided it would be best not to divulge such mysterious antics, as doing so at this point may arouse unwanted suspicion that even he cannot explain.
At such timing, Wizbette joined Mido in the balcony.
“Hmmm… How’s things?” She hummed, comfortably leaning against the balcony.
Mido shook his head. “Everything is happening so fast. It’s hard to believe that that appraisal ended in just a day.’
“Well, you still need to verify the more… technical matters at command. It should be a piece of cake for you, now that you are a confirmed Vassal.” She smiled at him. A sense of glee on her aura cannot help but get noticed.
“Wiz… Why are you so happy?”
Wiz froze, and timidly looked to the landscape.
“Well… It’s been a while since someone new came to us. Most of our ventures were recon, and you can’t imagine how boring that is. *chuckle*” Wiz’s voice seemed to trail weakly as she chuckled.
“But!” She clasped her hands.
“In all seriousness, Mido, I’m just happy I saved a man’s life. And with you joining us, I’m sure we’ll be better than ever.”
“Better… than ever? So that’s how it is, then.”
Wiz gripped her fair hands into the bars and sighed.
“…Yeah… I think, that’s what it is.”
“You came from an isolated town. I’m sure you haven’t seen the world that much, right?”
Mido nodded.
“Listen, I’m sorry for your town. If we could’ve gotten there sooner, all of this wouldn’t have happened.”
“Yeah… As the only survivor, I don’t really know what to feel. My memories of the people are not all here, and its strange, but I cannot bear to mourn for them.”
“That’s quite…” Wiz paused as she was about to say something, but decided against it.
“But you need to look further on. We can still find justice for them. The world offers chances; challenges we can take for ourselves.”
“You always say that, don’t you?”
Wiz raised an eyebrow. “Hmm? Since when?”
“N-Nothing.” Mido dismissed. For a while, they just stared at the horizon peaks. Those piercing mountains harbors something more beyond this taiga, and the fact that it can be traversed by Mido someday made it all the more apparent.
The world is truly vast, yet Mido has not grasped it yet.
“When the team is on the road again, I promise you, white snow will not be the only thing that you’ll see. We will see sights, go to other regions, and all that! It will be breathtaking.” She was enthusiastically leaning against the balcony.
“Was this work not supposed to be a vacation? I thought this is a serious job?” Mido commented. Instead of being somewhat insulted, the girl just giggled.
“Then, we’ll make it like that… Nothing beats a breather during work, after all!”
“Hmm… You sure are overly hyper, Wiz. It kind of suits you.”
“Ehh?” Her face started to turn red. She frantically searched for a segway.
“I-Is that what I bought for you? —Ahh, is it nice?” She stammered. Mido did not faze in her absurd reaction, however, and tried to flaunt his outfit.
“Well, it’s not bad. But you sure made me look like a detective, though.”
“Reallyy??” How unusual, her thought process was all over the place.
“But please, calm yourself. You might spill your food.” Mido straightly said, but once he saw her fuming face, he can’t help but feel elated.
For the first time, they both shared a laugh. The context was not funny in of itself, but something with them casually conversing notched their smiles. It was a distant familiarity, but they relished in it anyway. It was also the first time Wizbette saw him laugh that much.
“Oi, the hell are they laughing at?” Gen maliciously looked at the two while he is hunched at his seat. He sudden yowled in pain when a hand tore at his scalp.
“Just shut up for a minute!” Enna whisper-yelled at his ear.
“Fein, I know you decided through a lot when you planned to make him join, but does he really have what it takes?” Sora asked the captain.
“Look at them, Sora. For a fact, Wizbette trusts him. She was at most a shy priestess, but she seemed to have broken it.”
As Gris ate the last of the food on his tray, he joined in.
“I saw you shared the same enthusiasm with Wiz, regarding Mido. I’m surprised you’re somewhat in doubt now.”
“Well…” Sora timidly said as he rested his chin on his arm at the table. Gris raised an eyebrow and promptly laughed.
There was still a lot to do for the new member. But this little celebration of theirs hopefully found some place in their hearts, especially for the boy.
Hours after the lunch…
“I’m sorry, Sir Gris, but I might still need your room for a day or two. They haven’t sorted out my room yet…”
“Nah, it’s fine! It’s expected. I can bear a day or two…”
“Thank you very much!”
“Oh, and by the way, I have a question. Sit down.”
Both of them promptly sat down. It was afternoon, and a fog enveloped the city. Weather in Henwales is known to be erratic, and this is one such case.
Mido waited for Gris’ question. He trailed his mouth if it might open.
“Do you still doubt us?”
In truth, he did not think out even doubting them in the first place. Their first encounter was just a means of self-preservation for Mido. Still, for Gris to incur a question such as that…
“I don’t… You all saved and helped me, a complete stranger, and even asked me to join when I cannot bring to believe in myself… Although these are all a bit too fast, why would I doubt you?”
“Because a mutual front will benefit us. Make no mistake, Mido. We casted our suspicions about you. I firmly believe that you are not the culprit. You are now a member of D-7 and take it upon you to uphold that fact. As per our captain’s promise, we will take your case as our primary investigation, and you will be there to interact as our colleague. It is a promise, and we Vassals take pride in fulfilling them.”
“That’s… Thank you, sir.” That was the only response he could think of.
“Well, it might be because we have a successful streak against other teams, and we are afraid to lose it, but it’s okay! Hahaha!” Gris jested.
“Other teams?”
“Oh, right. Fein did not notify you. That is why we are designated as Seven. There are eight other groups under the Henwales region, but you haven’t seen them, have you?”
“They are operating from faraway places?”
“Correct. Other units usually go to far-off regions to investigate rogue Vassal tips from their local lords and cities. And in the case of jobs, command usually split queues in order to give investigations to all teams evenly and with efficiency in mind.”
“You might see them from time to time, but never doubt; they are comrades in the field. We can freely exchange information if we wish to do so.” Before he could continue, however, Gris was interrupted by a call. Picking up a radio-like phone, he answered it.
“Hmm… So, it will be today? Got it, I’ll tell him.” Gris talked to the phone.
“Who was it?” Mido asked.
“Fein. He said your meet with the quartermaster is about… two hours from now.”
“Quartermaster? I thought I was going to get an aptitude test?”
“Well, figured it wasn’t needed, since the card you submitted proved to be enough info, but it never hurts to have physical tests now and then, right?”
“So, I have to use my ability again?”
“In simulations, yes. Don’t worry, it’s a contained environment. No abilities will spin out of control.” Gris winked, as if somehow trying to allude to a certain event. Mido gulped. He knew he had to rely on that voice again.
“Two hours… I’ll prepare for a bit, then.”
“Well, suit yourself, kid!” Gris said as he drank a small amount of booze. He gestured Mido to have some, but he politely declined.
Gris went out to a local shop to ‘browse,’ so Mido was all alone in the room. In order to prepare himself for the upcoming physical test, he tried to commune with the voice again. Concentrating on only his mind, he slowly drifted into the abyss…
“I know what you want.”
‘Help me use my ability again.’
“The one I taught you, Firis, is a simple one. I found its essence within you.”
‘You mean from my pent-up hate.’
“Yes. It is fitting, is it not? With hatred, you chose to fight flame with flame, and you wrested it. Yet, it is the only ability I can bestow upon you. For now, that is.”
“I also sensed an intrusion. I had everything focused on adapting to your body, so I relied on instincts to preserve the process.”
‘What do you mean by that?’
“A woman. Her tone pierced through your mind, but she never expected I am there. My… ‘measures’ repelled her ability against her.”
Mido did not have any time to listen to the voice’s ramblings, for he did not understand who and what ‘intrusion’ it was talking about.
‘Let’s get to the point. Teach me how to control it.’
The voice let a small groan.
“Firis. As far as I can remember, you can conjure your abilities through incantations. These incantations, however, are akin to recitals to a story. Thus, you must feel each of the words I spell out.”
“Firis is the poem of light. With light in one’s hands beneath the fog, their sight increases, and one learns to be wary. It must be easy, as you’re already accustomed to mere surviving.”
‘I do not understand.’
“You channeled Firis a while ago. Try to enunciate…”
And so, Mido, with this ‘sentient ability’ of his, became master and student in its own way of manifesting the tones. With the time they had, Mido practiced resonating with the words the voice told him, and honed Firis without its help
After some time…
“When dark sets afoot, light the torch.
When fireflies are called, be wary.
With fire gives light, and light gives fire.”
Mido managed to create a tame ball of flame in his hands. It shone a golden glow and seemed to beat its tails in time with Mido’s heartbeat.
“I… I did it…”
“True… without my help. Now, keep meditating on the words. Remember, the incantations are stories, not commands. Learn to go with its flow, and you will master your tones.”
“Now, I shall rest yet again. Do your job good.”
‘Thank you, whoever you are.’
He realized he was addressing to it. He involuntarily acknowledges the voice’s existence through these long conversations. It was as though the voice was an entity in of itself, speaking to him telepathically. Little by little, Mido understood this ability he founded.
He controlled the flame, splitting it into three more orbs, and they delicately hovered around him like wisps. He was mesmerized, as the beating fires resonated with him. Vassals’ abilities resonated with the person’s will. His flame was pure.
Time passed by…
He must have not heard it, but Gris suddenly opened the door.
“Mido, are you ready? Here, I grabbed some—” He gasped as he saw Mido bathing in light, surrounded by balls of golden flame.
“You’re going to trip the alarm!” Gris yelled.
“Shit! Sorry!” He hurriedly dissipated the wisps.
“Whew! You would’ve caused a ruckus!” Gris sat on a chair inside the room. “So, tell me how you did that? That ability sure is versatile.”
“I just practiced… That was all.” Said Mido as he sat on the bed’s edge.
Gris wore an amused face. “Wow… At that time? You are a fast learner, kid! You know, I had to practice YEARS just to perfect my ability.”
Mido chuckled. He does not know how to explain his ability, and as such, he deemed it be necessary to hide his ability’s true nature for a while. Not until he is sure what his ability actually is.
“Well, get ready! D-7 will also observe your test. See you at the lobby!”
Mido’s face was full of shock.
“What?! All of them?!”
“All of us.” Gris lifted a thumb up and a grin.
“Oh no.”
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