《Republic Of Lions》Chapter 18 - Destruction


Eric Spears

Everyone in Marine Ops watched the screens and scrolling texts detailing the devastation in New Wilmington. It was horrifying. There had been five arcologies towers that made up New Wilmington, massive pyramid like towers with around ten thousand people living throughout them. The residents had been mostly a splinter sect of Christianity, preaching pacifism and enlightenment. Missionaries from New Wilmington existed in most major cities. Eric knew little about them but he did know they abhorred violence and bloodshed. It made no sense. If anything the UE’s should have targeted one of the bigger arcologies that was more mainstream.

“Dude,” Bass said nudging Eric and pointing at a screen.

Eric looked at the screen and his implants focused in. The network was a very anti-government network and Eric hadn’t learned about them until he had seen them reporting on the fight in Rock Republic.

“Fleet Command willfully and intentionally allowed the missile to strike New Wilmington,” the voice was saying, with the text scrolling below. “We have received evidence from our anti-capitalist brothers and sisters embedded in the fleet, quietly working for our freedom. They have transferred data showing the UE attack and how Republic Fleet assets managed, at the last minute to hack the missile and change its target from Roy Town to the peaceful city of New Wilmington. An obvious attempt to silence those people demanding peace. We have a fleet commander ordering the alteration and you all know the results.”

“That is bullshit,” Bass said.

Shaking his head Eric kept watching as what appeared to be a security camera showed Fleet officers discussing and authorizing the redirection of a missile once they gained control of it.

“Fleet will show the truth,” Higgins said.

“Like they did with us in Rock Republic?” Bass said and Eric winced.


“Those bastards released first,” Bass said. “Got it to go viral and now everyone thinks we started it. I’ll bet that video of the defense command center is just a doctored version. The media hounds will have everyone identified and verified within the next hour. They will know which station and who was there. They will also probably have the snitch identified as well. When Fleet releases the real footage everyone will scream fake and coverup, just like they did with us in Rock Republic.”

“Republic Intelligence needs to take those bastards out,” Higgins said.

Bass and Eric nodded.

“With extreme prejudice,” Bass said.

“Looks like other newsies are starting to carry it,” Higgins said pointing at another screen.

Before long almost a quarter of the screens were talking about the ‘leaked’ footage. At least two congress members was demanding an investigation and even the Prime Minister Brewster was online saying he would never give an order like that and he trusted the military. His serious scowl and soothing voice made him easy to believe, but then some people didn’t believe anything he said.

The other news agencies that refused to carry that story were talking about a massive military rescue effort underway. Army units from all across the globe were converging to rescue those few that had survived and were right now struggling for their lives. Thousands of Army avatars from a nearby depot would be on site to get the fires under control and evacuate anyone still alive.

Other screens were scrolling showing the names of the dead and the names of known survivors. Far too many were still listed as ‘unknown’.

Little coverage was given to the two military stations that had been hit. Slower moving fighter and defense stations. The strikes against the ocean had managed to capsize one cargo ship, but ancient breakers from the terraforming days had managed to blunt the tidal waves and scientists already had plans to reduce the pressure caused by the strike in the mountains.


An alert appeared on everyone’s inner cybernetic display.

“You’re kidding me,” Bass said. “Already?”

A fragmentary order scrolled once Eric had acknowledged it.

“Riots are starting in the several arcologies,” the notice began. “Marine units will be dispatched to provide support to Army units responding to the unrest.”

“You know it is bad when the Army calls on the Marines to help,” Bass said. The notice gave everyone thirty minutes to get to Operations.

It gave Eric time to scan the news, see what was going on.

One channel caught his eye, one of the ones that had been quick to report on the Rock Republic incident too. It was encouraging viewers to protest against the Republic’s treatment of the ‘disfranchised’. It was a long running complaint. People in arcologies received food, housing, unlimited education and entertainment, but they did not have the right to vote and their VR access was limited. Only people employed and paying taxes could earn a vote and buy additional computational time for VR. Far too many politicians these days were demanding rights for the “Arko’s” as they were called. Just because they did not contribute to society in any meaningful way was no reason they shouldn’t have a say in the way it was run.

All it took was a minute of serious thought to see how so many voters would demand more and more benefits and would destroy Republic society and culture. If people had no drive or ambition they could live moderately comfortable lives in the numerous arcologies. If they wanted more than that they could start a business or get a job. There were always companies hiring. If they wanted to vote there were countless ways for them to serve.

Public service was the only way a person could earn a full vote and full citizen rights. If a person was not willing to follow then they shouldn’t lead was a founding principle of the Republic. It was a shame more people didn’t understand that.

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