《Republic Of Lions》Chapter 11 - Room for Improvement


Eric Spears

They were back in the VR, a simple after action chamber surrounded by different views of scene. It looked like they were on a platform in space.

“Spears? You suck,” Hansen said.

“So how do I fix it?” Eric asked. Hansen stating the obvious didn’t help.

“You are leading too much,” Hansen said. “You also need to be more aggressive. One of my favorite tricks is if I can get a drone close enough to two enemy drones is to detonate it. Makes a big bang but it gets the job done.”

“You sacrifice your drones?” Eric asked. That didn’t seem right. “I thought we are supposed to conserve resources.”

“They are drones man,” Hansen said. “Not people. Machines. Don’t throw them away, but a two for one trade can be a good one. Three for one is better.”

“You lose points for lost drones,” Eric said.

“Yep,” Hansen said. “But what is more important? Winning? Or losing? It isn’t about a perfect score sometimes. Space combat is harsh, brutal and unforgiving. Gotta make hard decisions. Hardware is replaceable, people aren’t. They are all weapons of war. Like bullets, you don’t want to expend them without a good reason.”

Eric stared at the frozen simulation and then at Hansen.

“Doctrine says to treat our drones and avatars as if they are us,” Eric said.

Hansen shrugged.

“Don’t get chained to doctrine,” Hansen said. “It is our job to win, not keep the hardware safe from damage. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices. Doctrine is nice but sometimes you have to get outside that box.”

“I don’t hear about other people using suicide drones,” Eric said.

“Of course,” Hansen said. “Doctrine is the Marine Corps bible. Because it is so strict and the lack of change unites Marines of all generations. If the Republic had to, it could call up Marines that have mustered out and they can reintegrate back in with a minimum of hassle. Even Marines that have been out for over fifty years. Our avatar doctrine and drone doctrine comes from a time when our drones and avatars were real people. You didn’t know that?”


Eric looked at Hansen.


His look must have given Hansen his answer. Hansen had only been a Marine for ten years, how did he know more?

Shrugging, Hansen turned back to the view.

“Doctrine is great,” Hansen said. “The manuals are great teachers. But you can’t be a slave to them. Regardless of what everyone tells you.”

Eric shrugged. Why hadn’t his uncle or anyone else explained it that way?

“As an avatar jock or a drone pilot you have multiple lives,” Hansen said. “You can commit suicide with style. Think video games man.”

That wouldn’t be so easy. Marine equipment was considered important and there were so many taboos about wasting it. Hansen made sense but saving resources had been drilled into him since he had been a child growing up under his uncle’s shadow.

This would not be easy for a couple reason.

“Awesome,” Hansen said, a voice in Eric’s ear. “You are still leading a little too much. You get the job done though but waste too much energy getting there. Certainly room for improvement.”

“Thank you Hansen,” Eric said and submitted his score for review. Certainly not perfect. Nine dropships had made it and he had lost half his fighters, but that was still considered a victory and sufficient for rank five.

“No problem man,” Hansen said. “There is a shuttle leaving tonight. We can stay in the overnight barracks down on Camp Jasper then do something Sunday if you are up.”

Eric just wanted to stay on station and relax, but Hansen had used up his Saturday coaching Eric.

“Sure,” Eric said. The tournaments were over but Eric figured Hansen had a plan to do something.

“Maybe we could get a beer as well,” Hansen said.

Saying no probably would not be polite, and he owed Hansen, probably several beers.

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