《Devour》ch.4.2 Things that burns


Chipper and Bobby positioned themselves, just near enough to the entrance of the cave, to get a glance of what the goblins were doing. They both laid prone, to avoid alerting the goblins of their spying. The number of goblins had increased exponentially. At least 80 roamed around doing various tasks. The captives had been taken off the poles and cages further away. The goblins were erecting a wooden barricade.

Bobby slowly shifted her body closer to the other side of the entrance, in order to get a better picture of what was going on. A large cage with several large monsters came into her view. The monsters resembled hyenas, but three times the size and with red scales instead of fur. She looked between the caged monsters and the wooden barricade the goblins were constructing. She began to realize what the goblins were up too.

“Shit!” Bobby exclaimed.

“What wrong?” Chipper asked.

“See those cages over there? “Bobby pointed in the direction of the cages.


“I think they’re building the barricades, so they can trap us in here with those monsters,” Bobby said. Her expression darkened, upon realizing that if they didn’t do anything they would probably die.

Chipper’s expression grew hard. “Take Petal and following after Cloude. I’ll try to stall them for as long as I can.”

Petal was kneeling a little ways back from the two of them, but she could still overhear them. Her emotions were warring between angry and fear. Although she was afraid, she wasn’t afraid of dying. She had lived a hard life. She had been abused by every man in her man. Her father beat her. Her stepfather tried to sexually assault her. And even the one teacher, she began to trust called her a slut and then tried to take advantage of her. Suicidal thoughts had begun to take root in mind. Most of the time she was depressed. But that all changed when she met Chipper.


On the first day in this world Petal and a couple other got separated from the group, while out exploring. Both the others were men. They had tried to force themselves on her. Chipper showed up just in time. He saved her. And for the first time in her life, she felt safe, and now this man was going to sacrifice himself so she could get away. She was afraid of losing Chipper. She knew she had to do something.

Petal began to think back to what Cloude had told her about her blessing. He had said the name of her blessing was “Will of the Flame”. His eye informed them, that she now could bend fire to her will. She hadn’t tested her power since they had no way to start a fire. But now she thought she might have the opportunity.

A few minutes prior to Bobby’s goblin revelation, Petal had begun to feel a weird sensation. At first, it just felt like a small flash of warm breezed against her skin. But after a few more minutes, the sensation evolved into a constant warm pulse follow over her. This got her mind turning. She thought back over the last couples of days and came to a realization. Every time she had been near to a campfire or torch during the last couple of days, she had felt the same sensation, she just hadn’t known what to make of it.

Petal turned her focused toward the spot where she thought the fire was. After focusing, she could almost visualize the fire on the outside of the cave. It appeared to her to be a campfire. She began to will the fire to move.

The visualization of the fire moved in the direction she wished.

“Holyshit” Petal exclaimed.

Both Bobby and Chipper turned to look at her. Both wore a look of concern. Both show Petal smiling intensely.


“Petal?” Chipper questioned.

“I don’t need you to die for me.” Petal replied to Chipper.

“Who said anything about dying?”

“Chipper, you know if you stay here to hold them back, you’ll die.”

Chipper expression darkened. “It’s ok, Petal.”

“No, it's not. Your first person who ever stood up for me. The first person who’s ever cared about me.” Petal voiced was surprisingly calm and stern.

“We don’t have time for this. We’re all leaving. Hopefully, we can get a head start before they, release those monsters.” Bobby said.

Petal looked in the direction of the fire and exerted all the willpower she could.

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