《Devour》ch 3.2


“Ahem…” Chipper grunted in order to get Cloude’s attention. “I guess that eye of yours, is your blessing. Any idea what it does, yet?”

“Yes, I can see everything clearly and in detail.”

“Well that’s kind of useless considering, glasses do the same thing.” Petal said, with a disappointed good on her face.

“Well... at least I don’t have the shittiest blessing anymore.” She then jabbed Chipper in the side, causing him to stumble.

“Sorry… It isn’t just being able to see everything clearly, but I can also see details about things.”

“Details… Like what colors, and such.” She giggled after the reply.

“Petal don’t be rude. Your attitude is starting to annoy everyone. Your just lucky Chipper’s as easy going, as he is. Otherwise, he’d have probably slapped you by now.”

Petal turned and stared daggers at the approaching woman.

Cloude glanced over to see the source of the new voice. The voice, serious and toneless, came from a tall beautiful ebony-skinned woman. He guessed her to be in her late twenties. Although upon reading her details, he knew was way off.

Name: Bobby

Race: Human Subspecies: Child of Gaia



Strength: 9 Dexterity: 19 Speed:10 Endurance: 10 Vitality:10 Intelligence: 21 Wisdom:6 Memory: 20 Willpower: 13


Regenerate Lvl 1: 80% faster healing than normal. Allows to lost limbs to regrow.

Immunity Lvl ?: Immune to physical poison and diseases.


Night’s blessing of vitality.



Bobby was standing right over top of Cloude’s body now. Cloude realized he was staring at her and began to blush.

“Hey, my name’s Bobby.” She said, with a calm and sweet voice. Her voice completely different now that she was addressing Cloude, instead of Petal. She smiled before carrying on.” Everybody here calls me Bob though. I kind of overheard, your name’s Cloude, right?”

“Yes,” I said shyly.

“Can you explain, what you mean, by seeing details?” she asked.

“Yes. When I focus on what I’m looking at, writing appears in the vision. It tells me information about who or what I’m looking at. Umm...” Cloude paused for a moment thinking up an example.


“For instance, the rocks, that make up the cave. I can tell what kind of minerals they're made up of. When I focused on you, could see your age, stats, abilities, and traits.” Cloude said.

“What do you mean by stats, abilities, and traits?”

“The stats are kind of like character stats from a role-playing game. I guess, it will be easy for you to understand, what the abilities and traits are, if I just tell you, what yours are. It says you have two abilities. First, you have the ability to heal 80% faster than normal. Second, is an ability called immunity, which states, that you're immune to physical poisons and diseases. And the trait seems to be the name of the blessing. Yours is ‘Night’s Vitality’.

“That amazing, not sure how we can use your ability right now, considering our current situation. It’s nice to finally to know what my blessing actually does. Night told me the name of my blessing. But I wasn’t sure what it actually did. I played a lot of MMO, in college, so I understand character stats. I bet my charisma is super high.” She wicked at me.

Cloude quietly laughed.

“What… you don’t I’m attractive or is my charisma stat really low?” Bobby said smugly.

“Neither. There isn’t any charisma stat, that I’ve seen yet. Sorry, I laughed because you reminded me of something my wife said…”

Fear struck Cloude as realize his memories weren’t right. ‘Why can’t I remember my wife’s name or what she looks like.’

Bobby could tell exactly what was going through Cloude’s head. They all realized it shortly after arriving here.

“You can’t remember your wife, can you?” She posed the question gently.

Cloude looked at her. ‘How did she know that.’

“I remember having a wife. I remember the things we did together… even the smallest details. But I can’t remember her.” Cloude choked back a sob on the last word.

“It’s the same for all of us. We can’t remember the people, who were most important to us.”

There was a long awkward moment of silence. They share sad looks at each other. Before Bobby broke the silence again.


“We don’t have time for this. We need to figure out how we’re going to get out of this mess, without ending up dead like the others.” Bobby’s voice turned back to her serious, toneless voice.

“Dead like the others?” Cloude asked

“Ya… there used to be a lot more of us. I guess fill you in on what’s happened since we got here. You’re the eighty-first person to appear. Now theirs only 4 left including you. You kind of arrived late. It’s been 6 days since the last person before you appeared. And everyone appeared within a 2-day span. Even before the last of us finished appearing, we had set up camp outside the cave’s entrance and had begun to explore the surrounding areas. This cave exits right at the border between a dense forest and rolling plains. The first three days went by without any incidents. We encounter some weird wildlife and plants. The animals here are nothing like earth. Everything is that breathes here is dangerous. That being said, we managed to avoid or kill most of the creature we came across. But then, three nights ago we were attacked. It was chaos, they came out of no-where. They literally butchered us. We didn’t stand a chance. Luckily 8 of us manages to escape back into this cave. We not sure why but they won’t enter the cave. They’ve set up camp outside though. I think they’re trying to starve us out or something.” Bobby paused, and then sighed, stress evident on her face.

“What are the things that attack you?” Cloude asked

Before Bobby could continue Chipper picked up the conversation.

“We don’t really know, what they are. They’re humanoid. Slightly shorter than the average human. Green skin. They kind of remind me of goblins.” Chipper said.

Just then, a horrible scream could be heard from the exit of the tunnel. Cloude immediately looks in that direction. The others just lower they’re heads a little.

“Those fucker’s have kept a few alive and caged them up just outside the cave. They torture them throughout the day. I don’t know, if it’s to try to lure us out or if it’s to taunt us.” Although Chipper’s voice seemed calm, his face spoke otherwise.

“Chipper I know that look on your face, you know there’s nothing we can for them,” Bobby said.

“We’re so fucked.” Petal said drying with her thick British accent.

“You said that eight of you made it into the cave, what happened to the other five,” Cloude asked.

Chipper pointed towards the back of the cave.” They went down that tunnel. They were supposed to come back right away, but it’s been almost eight hours.” Tension building on Chipper’s face.

After a moment Chipper stood and starting walking towards the tunnel.

“Where fuck you going, Chipper? Petal asked, concern written across her face.

“I’m going to find them.”

“The hell you are,” Bobby said, hurrying to cut him off.

She cut him off. Starring at him she said.” You can’t go down there. We don’t even have any torches left. What are you going to do, wander through the tunnels, blind as a bat?”

Cloude thought about the situation for a moment.’ I don’t have much choice, do I? if we just wait up here, eventually we’ll die.’

“I’ll go… I can see in the dark.” Cloude said.

“No. We don’t even have an idea what happened to the others. What of theirs something dangerous down there.” Bobby said.

“So, what, you just want to wait up here, till we starve to death, or those goblins decide to come to get us.”

Bobby was silence. She was scared to lose more people. She thought, about all the people, that she had gotten to know, that had just perished, at the hands of the goblins.

“Ok, but you should prepare first. There should be a weapon in your bag and some other useful items.”

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