《The Class Of Dan ThunderField》13-Carly And Dan


“Alright everyone, we are about to reach Carliva in about 20 minutes.” I say with a smile.

“Yes sir!” Everyone seems to be in a good mood.

Izumi who is sitting near me is staring at me for a long time, “Umm...Izumi, is everything okay?” I ask.

“That’s what I want to ask you, is everything okay?” Izumi asks me.

“Hmm?” I am kinda confused.

“You were crying when you were sleeping. Is everything okay Sir Dan?” Izumi asks me.

I was crying? I look at Izumi with a confused face.

“Sir Dan and crying, I doubt that I would ever see that.” Luke chuckles.

“Yeah, he is such a calm and collected guy that I don’t think he would just cry like that.” Horrell says.

Now, now, what do you mean I can’t cry just like that?

“I swear I saw him cry, I am not lying...” Izumi seems to be confident.

Crying huh? Amy...That girl, was there someone that I knew with that name? She was vaguely...Familiar...With a familiar scent and a familiar way of talking, even if it was just a dream.

“Teach, it seems we have reached our stop.” Jack says as we all get down on a bus stop close to Carliva.

“We have to walk about 10 minutes from here.” I say pointing towards the west direction.

“Why though? I mean why didn’t the bus take us to Carliva?” Luke asks.

“Carliva is a city of agriculture and horticulture and stuff you know. It’s mainly considered to be a heaven of food since some various crops and spices grow here. There is also a wild variety of animals, fishes, and birds that are hunted or bred for daily ration. That is why to maintain that good environment of the city, vehicles aren’t allowed in here.” I explain.

*Buzz* *Buzz* *Buzz*


Izumi pulls out her phone from the pocket, “King Fracia is calling me, give me a moment.”

“Sure!” I say.

Izumi seems to be talking to the King. We wait for her for a few minutes.


“So the King wants you back at the castle, that’s what you’re saying?” I ask Izumi who explained to us that why King Fracia called her.

Izumi nods, “Redial the number for me, would you?” I ask Izumi.

Izumi seems to be confused, “Sir Dan?” I smile and say, “Just do it will ya?”

Izumi nods and redials the number. I take the phone away from Izumi, “Hello Princess Izumi, should I-“ I cut out the King, “Yo King, it’s me Dan ThunderField.” I say.

“You?! What are you-“

“You see that I have taken Izumi with me and I will be responsible for whatever happens to her, so you can charge me if she is harmed with any kinda judgment even though she won’t be harmed under my watch. So, that’s all, I will be training with her for almost the whole month along with some other students.” I say with a smile.

“You bastar-“

“Alright bye, see ya!” I cut the phone off.

“Sir Dan...You didn’t even let the King speak...” Izumi and the others seem to be...Sweating a lot.


“We are finally here.” I say with a smile.

That’s right, we are here and I can already see. The crops in the farms are up. They all look beautiful with the greenery spreading everywhere due to these farms.

The animals are freely roaming on the street.

“Wait...Isn’t that a beast tiger?!” Luke says as he points at the animal with orange colored fur on the top and white colored fur on the bottom with black stripes over it.

I drop down onto the street and look at the beast tiger, “Hey Groloph, it’s been some time, hasn’t it?” I look at the beast tiger.


“Don’t need to be scared, he is Groloph, he’s a good friend of mine.” I say with a smile to everyone who seem to be scared and are hiding behind me.

Groloph begins to run towards me, “SIR DAN! HE’S GOING TO EAT YOU!” Izumi screams.


Everyone closes their eyes from the fear of the Beast tiger.


“Enough Groloph!” *Lick* “Yeah I know it’s been a long time.” *Lick*


Izumi and the others open their eyes and look at Dan who is getting licked by the beast tiger Groloph.

“Umm...Is it just me or that beast tiger is actually licking, teach?” Jack asks as he points towards Dan.

Izumi slowly moves towards the beast tiger.


I look at Izumi approaching us, “Pet him.” I say with a smile as I look at Izumi.

Izumi starts rubbing Groloph’s head, “So...Sofffftttt!!!” Izumi starts to rub Groloph’s body. Groloph turns around asking her to rub his chest.

I chuckle, “You guys can come play with him too, he's harmless.” I say with a smile.

“Groloph! I told you, didn’t I? You will scare away the visitors!” That’s a familiar voice.

A beautiful face and mature face, brown hair and that short pony-tail, a cap that I gifted to her, those unique blue eyes, big and natural busts, a body of that fitting to be a model, she’s almost as tall as me. She wears a blue colored track-suit which isn’t zipped and her black undershirt is visible due to that.


“Carly!” I smile.


Wait...Somebody from my group just screamed...

I look back at my students and Jack’s jaw has just dropped, “Jack is everything okay?” I ask Jack.

“How the hell do you know my shitty brother, Dan?” Carly asks me.

Shitty-Brother-Big scream Carly...


I knew something was strange about that dragon tattoo. It’s the same tattoo that covers Carly’s back.

By the way, that’s Carly, she’s my childhood friend. She has always been supporting me since I first arrived here in Fracia. Apparently, we were the two who saved Groloph about 10 years ago. Wait...So if Carly’s brother is Jack that means...Jack is the son of my master?!!!

That’s right, the biggest reason I know Carly well is because...I trained with her father for a whole 9 years. Jack was always at school during my training hours, so I don’t know much about him but something still seems to be missing, I don’t know why...

“I thought so we moved to the main Kingdom, so why are you here?!” Jack asks Carly.

“That’s because...” Carly looks away, “Dan, you should take a look at the city.” Carly says to me.

“Huh?! Why is this teach more important to you?!” Jack asks pointing at me.

“Teach? Wait what?! You are a teacher Dan?!” Carly seems to be surprised.

I nod, “Apparently, all of them are my student.” I say with a smile.

“Just that many?” Carly asks.

“I will explain everything to you later but first...Take me to the city, I want to see what you are talking about.” I say.

Carly nods.


We reach to the heart of Carliva and the scene that I saw...It wasn’t a very pretty one. The shops were destroyed, the animals killed, people were injured. A mother held a head of a young child and it seems...Even she was dead.


Luke just vomited. I guess he couldn’t take this huge massacre.

“What the hell happened...To this city?!”

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