《The Class Of Dan ThunderField》08-Mana Drive!


It’s about to be 10 and big bro hasn’t returned yet. I sigh. He did say he was going to be late but his taking a little too long.

I am eating some fried chicken for dinner and have left some for my brother by the kitchen platform. I am sure he will be able to find it.

I guess I will sleep. I mean I do have to go to the academy tomorrow too.

I hear the door behind me as I was going upstairs to my room, “Took you a while. I have made some fried chick-“

I look behind me...

Big bro is with a girl and that girl...She has long black hair, her face is much different than us westerners...Her eye pupil is cyan colored, a very unique color indeed. She looks quite cute and is smiling. She is wearing a green top and brown short skirt under it with blue colored strapped shoes and white-colored knee height socks. The only thing she lacks is a big chest or else she is a total beauty.

I palm my face, “Isn’t that Izumi...?” I ask my brother.

“Yoshu! It’s you Sir Dan! I am Izumi Roka, nice to meet you!” Izumi raises her hand and why is she so excited and happy.

“What is she doing here, big brother?” I ask big bro. He looks serious, “Get Izumi something to eat, we will talk in private while she does that.” He says to me. I nod.

Izumi Roka, she is from the Eastern Lands. Through what I know about her, she is a princess just like the other two princesses’ in our academy but she has come all the way here so as a bargaining deal. The Princess from the Lands of the East which we also call Nippon. They want to maintain a good relationship with the Kingdom of Fracia since the Kingdom of Fracia is one of the strongest kingdoms in the world.

Big brother explained everything that happened to Izumi. I can understand why someone would try to attack Izumi. I mean, if something happens to the Princess of the lands of the East, the reputation of the Kingdom of Fracia will be in danger and most probably, it will also lead to war, death and destruction.

“I am done eating Sir Dan!” Izumi says as she enters the living room.

“Big bro, you should go eat. I will talk with Izumi for the time being.” I say with a smile.

Big bro nods and smiles.

I sigh, I mean, it’s been only two days and I am in this weird situation where my student’s life is in danger already. Men in purple robe huh? I wonder who they were.


Izumi sits in front of me.

I lean back, “Izumi...Why were those people chasing you?” I ask Izumi.

“I don’t know Sir...They did say something about me being really important but I didn’t understand them.” Izumi says with a confused face.

Does she even realize how important of a person she is?

“Sir Dan, there is something I want to ask you.” Izumi raises her hand.

“Go ahead.” I say.

“You gave me the Tree of Amaterasu but how am I supposed to do the task you gave me?” Izumi asks me.

“I am surprised you don’t have any objections to learning about Trees other than Ares.” I chuckle.

“I never wanted to learn about Ares.”

Wow...She’s very straight up and honest about what she wants. Even I can’t be this honest but...That is the reason why she is the most compatible to learn from the Tree of Amaterasu. After all, The Goddess Amaterasu was a kind and honest Goddess.

“The task I gave you was to control fire using your mana, wasn’t it? But I am guessing you don’t know how to use your mana.” I say. Izumi nods, “I don’t even know what mana is.” Izumi says.

I slip after listening to that, “You...Don’t even know what mana is...” I think I will need to use my big brain to teach her.

Wait...I remembered something, “Do you know what Ki is?” I ask Izumi.

Izumi nods twice, “Ki is overflowing energy within a human, various parts of the human body have ki flowing within it and each part as a certain release point. For example, this palm...” Izumi shows me her palm, “...This palm has ki flowing within it but the release point of this ki is the middle of the palm.” Izumi says with a smile.

“You are 50% right but you don’t know about the flowing of Ki.” I say after I listen to her explanation.

“What?!” Izumi seems to be surprised, “First of all, mana and ki is the same thing and it’s true that Ki flows within the human body but...If the Ki only ever kept leaking than our body will only be throwing out an enormous amount of it and even our body won’t be able to handle it. That is why, there is something we call mana lock or in short, limiter within our body which stops the mana from overflowing within our body and reverses the flow of the mana into our body. That is what you need to control.” I explain to Izumi.


“WOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!” Izumi is too close and her eyes are sparkling. What the hell is with her?

“You’re too close...” I say with a nervous face.

“Am I?” Izumi asks.

“Yes...” I say as I sweat.

Izumi smiles and goes back a little.

“Sir Dan...What if I can’t control my ki? What if every time I let out my Ki...Someone dies or their life is in danger?” Izumi asks.

“Hmm?” This girl...

“I do want to learn to control my Ki but I don’t want anyone to die from it.” Izumi says with a smile.

I sigh and get up, “You should get some sleep. I am going to sleep too.” I say as I leave the living room.

“Big brother will lead you to the guest room.” I say before leaving.

“Sir Dan...I don’t want to use my Ki...I don’t want anyone else to die...” The sad Izumi says.


“Run away! Take him and run away! We don’t have any chance of survival Sam...So take Dan and run away...From now on, he is your brother.”

Everything is burning...Mother...She is still there big brother Sam...Save her...Save her! Please...Save mother! I know you can! You can do anything big brother Sam! You said it to me! You said I can rely on you!


My eyes open from that horrible dream. Mother? I wonder...If she really was my mother...

I get out of my bed to go to the bathroom without disturbing big brother Sam who is sleeping next to me.

As I was coming back from the bathroom I saw a light coming out of the guest room, “Another try!” I look into the room and I see that Izumi trying to control the flames of the candle using her mana.

“It’s not happen-“

I walk in the room and grab Izumi’s hand, “SIR DAN?!” And keep both her hands over the fire, “Is your hand burning?” I ask.

“It is!” Izumi says as she seems to be afraid...Her hands are shaking while it’s over the fire. I guess...A princess like her would be afraid of pain.

I smile and keep my palm under her palm and over the fire, “Let the fire calm your heart and don’t be afraid of anything. Don’t worry about someone trying to kill you because I will protect you, don’t be afraid of failures for I will guide you, don’t be afraid of consequences since I will also be the one who will serve the punishment of the consequences with you and most importantly, don’t be afraid of this gentle fire that the Goddess Amaterasu has left for you. Embrace this fire and let your mana overflow, it's fine even if you leak too much of it. I will save you even if you go overboard.”


Sir Dan’s hand...It’s so warm, kind and gentle...If I harm it than...

Back in my hometown, my Ki was so much more enormous that everyone was afraid of me. They wanted me dead but because of this Ki I had, I was untouchable. I decided to never use Ki again and even now...I don’t want to use it. I try to use as minimal Ki as possible or else...People might die but...This person...There is something about him.

I feel like, I can trust Sir Dan...His words are so calming and his heart is so kind even his hand has a gentle touch to it...I think...I can let go of this Ki that I have within me...


“Use your mana Izumi...” I say with a smile. Izumi nods.

I can feel it, her mana is overflowing now...No wonder she wasn’t using any mana, her mana is so huge...It will be impossible to control it. I will use my mana now to reverse her mana so that she can easily control her mana.


This mana drive will definitely take a lot of toll on both are body but...It’s not life-threatening. It’s a technique that is used to control the overflow of the mana within one’s body. This will definitely help her out.

“Kie!” Izumi is feeling pain in her hand and so am I. Mana Drive is not that easy of a method, if I mess this up, I might lose my limb which I rather not.

“Izumi, it's fine...” I say with a smile.

“Sir Dan...” Izumi looks at me, “You’re sweating...” Izumi says as she looks to be concerned.

“It’s fine, just trust your teacher. He can do anything and everything, just don’t let go of my hand.” I say with a smile.

Izumi nods, “I will not...”

She is worried but I will be fine so I smile...

A white light flashes as both of us fall unconscious.

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