《The Class Of Dan ThunderField》1-The Girl With A Red Eye


“It’s a day of joy! The Goddess has had her child!” That’s what everyone thought when she was born. The child of a Goddess, a being that had amazing powers in the world of magic and the being that was beyond humane comprehension.

The child of the Goddess was soon claimed to be possessed by the demon because of her red right eye and a normal left eye. Everyone was hunting for her head but the Goddess showed her wrath to protect the child and thus, the child escaped with the Goddess’s husband...Her location remained unknown to this day.

About 16 years later, Somewhere in the Kingdom of Fracia,

“Oi, Dan, you should find a job or something to at least pay for your own things.” A man with a strong and gruff voice speaks.

That man wears spectacles, has some messy hair, a pretty rough and tough body and seems to be drawing some kind of blueprint for his job.

That’s my big brother Sam ThunderField.

I calmly look at my brother and sigh as I am browsing the internet looking at some sexy models, “I am trying to find a job but, none of the jobs seem interesting to me.” I say but my brother gives me a disappointed look.

“I knew you would say that. That is why you will be working at an academy that is near my place.” My brother says to me.

Wait, what did he say again?! An Academy?! If I remember correctly...

“BIG BRO?! ISN’T THE ACADEMY NEXT TO YOUR SIEGE SHOP A MAGIC ACADEMY?!” I scream at the top of my lungs as I couldn’t believe what my brother just did.

“Yeah, they were short on staff, that is why I recommended you as a candidate and they accepted it.” My brother calmly gets back to work as he speaks about the workplace.

“But...Why did you recommend me?” I ask big brother.

He sighs and looks at me, “I believe you will make a perfect teacher, that is why. I mean, the type of magus you are and the way you use your magic, it’s quite unique.” Big brother says to me as a reply to my question.

He continues to draw blueprints for his siege shop.

I keep my phone aside on my bed and look up at the ceiling, “You do you realize that the Academy you talk about has all kinda royalties and shit and in all honesty, I hate royalties.” I say to big brother.

“Is it because of what they did to our orphanage?” Big brother asks me.

It reminds me...Of the cruel royalty, The Kings, The Nobles, The Counts, and The Barons, everyone living those luxurious lives.

Big brother and I, we both lived in an orphanage before my brother worked his ass off to become a siege engineer. There was this certain Count of the place our orphanage was situated in. He burned our orphanage down to the ground just because the sister of that orphanage didn’t give the rent for a month. The Count was pretty cruel; he even murdered almost half of the children living the orphanage and called them the followers of the Ishtar.

I control my anger and look at my brother, “If you knew about it, so why did you choose an Academy filled with royalty?” I ask my brother.

“That’s because you should know that not all royalties are the same as Count Vladnir.” Big bro gave me a grin.

I close my eyes thinking about it.


I guess that was the only encounter I have had with a higher-ranked people. Maybe, I should give it a chance...Then again, I prefer my bed and sexy models...What should I do? What should I do?

I look at my brother...He has never been wrong because of the experience he has of so many years but then again...This is kinda tough...

I open my eyes and... “Dan, my pride is on the line as well, so you better remember, if anything happens to my pride, I will destroy you.” Big bro looks scarier than ever...I better not mess with him.

“Alright, if you say so...Big bro...” I say like a measly mouse.

“Good! Tomorrow we both are leaving the house together!” My brother says with great enthusiasm.

I don’t like this a single bit...

I sleep getting ready for tomorrow and I am not excited.


“Come on Dan! We are going to work today!”

Why the hell is my brother like hundred times more excited than I am...?!

I yawn since I haven’t recovered from my sleep yet and follow my brother.

The Kingdom of Fracia looks damn beautiful but it also is pretty crowded with stores at every corner decorating it and people visiting those stores but what makes it more beautiful is the fountain in the middle of the Kingdom, the fountain is called The Great fountain of Freya, it is said to be the fountain whose water can heal a soldier from near death. I personally don’t know how much of that is true.

The fountain divides the town into 7 different paths; each path leads to a different place, the place we came from is called The Fishing Land. The Fishing Land as the name implies has a great variety of fishes for the Kingdom.

The place we are currently going to is called The Land of Nobility, it’s where every single of those royalties stay. It’s what we would call their personal hideout, not to mention, The Land of Nobility is protected by three of the strongest Mages, we also call them, The Heroes of Fracia. I have never seen any of them though.

Big brother stops at a Siege shop called Destroyer, “You know where the Academy is from here, right?” Big bro asks me as he grins.

I nod, “I do.” I say with a grim face.

“Good! Now get going and don’t be late!” Big bro says to me with a smile.

“Yeah, yeah, I will meet ya later.” I say as I get going.

Big bro smiles as he looks at me leave.

My big brother, Sam ThunderField, he works as a siege engineer at Destroyer, his job is to build catapults, siege towers and such heavy building hitting machinery and he works hard every day to build new types siege weaponry.

He was the very reason I was able to learn magic from a private magus and got my certificate as a magus. Knowing that very few people have the capability of learning magic because of high finances and such, I am pretty blessed to learn magic but it also annoys me because I don’t like using magic. In short...I hate magic!

I reach the magic academy, The Academy of The Wise And Learning, what a weird name. I have never been to this academy but I do know that it’s an academy that pays you highly and also demands high funds to get enrolled into but if you’re a prodigy, you get a free entry to the academy.


To be a prodigy, you have to pass the academy tests with perfect scores in every single department. That kinda student only appears once every 1000 years.

Through what I know, this academy only has 5 prodigies that have graduated from here. Currently, there are no prodigies that I can think of that is studying at this academy.

I stand at the gates of the academy.

I suddenly feel like someone is running past me, I look next to me and it is a woman, she seems to be the same age as me. She has tied a white shirt over her blue mini-skirt, she also wears a pair of blue colored sneakers with white stripes, knee height white socks, and a black tank top. Not to mention, her gold earrings in the shape of a moon with her tied up brown hair. Her face seems to be quite chubby while the rest of her body is quite fit not to mention, her breasts do definitely stick out to be big and she is shorter than me.

She huffs and puffs into the academy.

“I guess she is a teacher at this academy too.” I speak out loud.

“Of course she is!” I hear a manly voice beside me.

I turn my attention to my right and look at a tall old man standing next to me.

“And you are?” I ask the old man.

“The name is Darlion Ulric, nice to meet you! I am the owner of this academy!” The man bows down in front of me.

It’s a respectful way of welcoming someone in the houses of royalty.

“So you are the owner of this academy then?” I stare at this Darlion guy; He really is annoying me with that noble look on his face.

“You are the one who Sam recommended me, I am guessing you know why I invited you here, don’t you?” The old man asks me.

“To teach magic at this academy of yours.” I simply answer. What other reason would there be for me to come here, old man?

The old man nods, “That is indeed correct but you will not only need to teach magic to the students of Class 1-A but also discipline your students, teach them the way of life and also protect them with your own life when the time comes. Can you do that?” The old man smirks at me.

I sigh looking at the old man, “What if I can’t?” I ask the old man and coldly stare at him as he looks up straight into my eyes.

“Then, unfortunately, you won’t be selected as a teacher here.” The old man gives me an answer and that satisfies me.

I smile, “If that’s the case then I will gladly not be selected as a teacher.” I say with a happy face.

“Thank you! I will get going! See you later!” I leave the academy.

Now big bro will have no reason to be angry with me and I can keep loving my bed and stay attached to my phone!

I make my way home happily.

“If you are the type of person that Sam said you are...You won’t ignore her...You can’t ignore her because she is the one person who is quite different in this academy.”

I am making my way home happily but I realize something as I walk down these streets, the streets, all the shops are closed. Why though? I don’t understand...Something is definitely wrong. All of these shops were open when I went with big bro but now everything is closed. Why is that the case?

I look at the empty road in front of me, a girl is walking in the navy blue colored school uniform which has a white skirt under it. The girl walked past me as her long blonde hair flew past me with her.

I stopped, the girl...The strange thing, I noticed about her as she walked past me, her right eye...Her right eye was red...I looked at the girl. Not to mention, the ID card on her right breast said that she belonged to the same class I was supposed to be teaching.

I sigh. Like I care...

“There she goes again!”

“She is the one who was cursed by a demon, wasn’t she?”

“Yeah, she is the one who was born of the Goddess Freya but was cursed.”

“I can’t believe that she is the daughter of a Goddess.”

I stop right in my footsteps. I look at the people around me afraid to come out in the open and how they are speaking badly of her. I shouldn’t worry much or else I might have to take a fight against royalty and that ain’t helping me. I should just go back home...


I hear something spill out, “GUH!”

This smell...It’s the smell of blood!!!

I look behind me, that girl, isn’t that a city royal guard? There are several of them. He stabbed her with a spear...Is he crazy or what?!!!

“Man, she won’t die even if we tried to kill her with hundreds of spear.”

Another guard inserts the spear inside her, “That’s the fun part of it!”

What are they doing?! Why the hell are they attacking her with those spears?!

“That god’s blessing really is something!”

They continuously enter those spears inside of her.

This is bad...This is bad...Someone...Why isn’t anyone doing anything to help her?!

“Isn’t it too cruel? I mean I understand she is an evil being and everything but this might be too much...”

“Yeah, she hasn’t done anything bad yet.”

“We can’t do anything...”

“Yeah, it’s her faith, it’s sealed and she will forever be tormented for it.”

The soldiers never stopped, it’s been almost 5 minutes and she just continues to be tormented by them.

“THIS IS FUN! THIS IS AMAZING! JUST TO STAB HER! SHE IS LIKE A STRESS RELIEVER! Hey Captain, how about we check out if she is a virgin or not?!”

What the-

Why isn’t she doing anything about this?! I get a clear look at her eyes...It’s like...She has given, just like sister had that day...When the orphan burned down...

The soldiers, they are going to do an immoral act in front of me...What can I do?

They say there are times when a hero is cornered, their bodies move on their own. Their minds stop working and the only thing you see is a glimpse of light that shows up out of nowhere, a glimpse of hope. That hope is what you call a hero.

I grab one of the soldier's hands, “Huh?! What’s the matter, boy? Do you want a piece of her too?”

And when a hero shows up, a glimpse of hope shows up even in the eyes of the one who they are protecting.

“Leave her...” I say as I stare at the shitty royal guard.

“Huh? What?! Are you some kinda hero or something? Or are you a demon just like her?!” The royal guard laughs at me and grabs my collar, “Listen, boy, if you don’t know, I am a royal guard and I could send you to jail any day.” The guard says to me as I stare into his eyes.

“It’s alright...You shouldn’t risk your life for me...”

She does have a red-eye and it does take away from her beauty but her soul is quite kind and gentle...I can say that as I feel her mana. She is also pretty damn strong.

I begin to chuckle as I feel the strong mana flowing from her.

“What?! What’s with this guy?! Why is he laughing?!”

The guards seem to be surprised.

My chuckle bursts into laughter as the guards seem to be sweating.


The guard holding me punches me.

I laugh even louder at this point even the girl seems to be confused.


The guard holding me punches me again.

I keep on laughing and the guard keeps on punching me.

The guard seems to be exhausted but I don’t stop laughing.

“What’s with this guy?!” The guard seems to be totally confused.

“You guys better leave or else you will be inviting trouble to this marketplace.

“What?!” The guards looked confused.

I smile, "My, my, what are you doing to my precious teacher and student." That's the familiar voice I was waiting for. I felt his mana...He was watching me...No, he was testing me that Darlion Ulric.

“S-Sir...Ulric...What are you doing here?! Aren't you supposed to be-” The guard was stopped by Darlion half-way through his sentence, "From today onwards, you all are stripped from the duty of being a soldier." Darlion says.

“YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO STRIP OUR RANKS!" One of the soldier rebels.

"I don't?" Darlion shows his immense mana. My goodness, I wouldn't want to go up against that guy. That is one thing I can be sure of.

"Y-yes...S-s-sir...We will leave the duty of being a solider..." The soldier seemed scared of Ulric's strength.

"Get out of my sight." Ulric says to the soldier. The soldiers run away from this place.

I get back up on my feet as I wipe the blood that is leaking from my nose and mouth than I go and give the girl my hand.

“Why...?” The girl seems to be surprised as her wounds heal rapidly.


“Why would you help me?!” The girl asks.

“Oh, that?! That’s cuz I am your new teacher.” I say with a smile.

“You are...My teacher?” The girl seems to be confused.

I nod, “The name is Dan ThunderField, what’s yours?” I smile as I introduce myself.

“Horrell...I don’t have a second name...” The girl introduces herself to me.

“Nice to meet you, Horrell.” I say with a smile.

And that’s pretty much...How I met the girl with the red cursed eye.


"So, Dan, finally decided to be a teacher." Ulric asks me. "I did but that's only because of her." Dan replies. Ulric laughs. "Sure, sure, get to my office, we will discuss things there." Ulric says. Dan sighs.

What a drag...

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