《Post-Living》Chapter 13: Power-Up
"Auuggggghhhhhhhhhh, this heat is going to kill me.." said Xiel.
A day has passed since Nyx's rampage.
The rest of the party was exhausted to the point that they can't even walk. They chased Nyx in the temple, and the temple has portals that connects every beast that Nyx ultimately killed in the span of an hour. It's a miracle that they have caught up with him and escaped the temple before it was destroyed, but that miracle eventually turned into a burden because Vor and Xiel somehow got impaled in the foot by not looking where they were going.
Nyx: How the fuck did the both of you managed to get impaled in the foot? I could understand if one of you did, but two?!
Xiel: And the one who caused us to run and chase him while he goes berserk and destroy everything gets to be the one who gets mad. Seriously, Nyx. Take responsibility.
Vor: Y-yeah, Nyx!
Nyx: Vor, shut up, that phrase doesn't suit you.
Reus: God, this is the worst place to get injured at..
Nyx: We could tie them up to us and do the exact same thing you fucks did to me. How's that sound?
Xiel: Is it me or did Nyx get saltier than usual?
Nyx: Who the hell wouldn't?!?!
Xiel: Us? Who the hell cares if he's the demon king? Did your family get attacked by them or something, ha?
Nyx: Ah, forget it. Reus, mind taking care of them for a few weeks? I'll be back.
Reus: Wait, where are you going?
Nyx: Getting a horse. Or a dinosaur. Ah, but a dinosaur would really be visible and it would attract a lot of bandits, ultimately killing it.
Reus: ??
Nyx: Yeah, I'll get a horse. A desert horse, or whatever they use in games. Shit, why the hell didn't I think of that in the first place?
Reus: What games do you even play? Why the hell does it involve desert horses?
Nyx: I dunno, See ya.
They set up tents, and Reus put the two in seperate ones. Seconds later, Nyx popped out of the desert and teleported right back at the city by reversing time, and bought a desert horse with a carriage. It took 2 weeks for him to go back, and by the time he got back, Reus is inches away from dying of thirst.
Reus: (Haaaa..) What took you so damn long?
Nyx: I could've got here faster if there weren't any big ass worms trying to block my damn way. It took 2 horses to actually get here, the other one got eaten. This one barely made it....So, did the other 2 heal?
Reus: They did in a week.
Nyx: Why did you stay here though? Couldn't you all just walk, shorten the distance and save me the trouble of coming here?
Reus: They, uhh, had to take care of me because I had a heat stroke. Not just that though, there were bandits.
Nyx: So do we call them desert bandits because they're in the desert?
Reus: ...? Anyway, they were in these weird vehicles. Like, really damn weird. I haven't seen anything like it.
They all went inside the carriage while Nyx drove the horse. No one really cared about the bandits because they knew that they won't stand a chance against them. The somewhat training in the desert paid off for all of them. They just didn't get the chance to show off like Nyx did. (i.e: the temple)
Luckily, no one ambushed them. The bandits saw how Nyx killed the worms in a split second, and slept while the horse was moving. The bandits were too scared to attack, and when they went back, the bandits saw them again. They didn't get to flash their vehicles and went back to their base to create new ones. No one didn't have the guts to steal stuff from their party.
Days later, they finally arrived at the city of Mirai. Like the last time they saw it, the city of Mirai has these buildings that are powered by electricity. No one ever questioned it, so why should he? Nyx thought.
Vor: Soo, we're going to go to those Rail stations now?
Nyx: Seems like it. It's a waste if you don't even use those weapons that you bought using my diamonds..
Xiel: Oh, just forget about the diamonds.
They wandered the city for a few hours. Then, Reus asked someone if there were any Rail stations here. The girl then pointed at the building with the pointed roof. In Nyx's world, the comparison is close if you compare it to a Wizard's Tower.. but bigger than that. Nyx geeked out for a few minutes, because he didn't think he'd actually see one, even though it's a world opposite to his.
Reus: Alright, let's go in.
Nyx: Wait, didn't you guys have your own Rails when that bastard kidnapped you?
Xiel: Nope, we didn't even though there were types of classes in this world.
Nyx: Hmm..
They stepped in the door and opened it, and it revealed people who seems to have different classes based on their faces. Some were frowning while looking at the card, and some were jumping. Nyx thought that these Rail stations are basically the employment center in this world, and the hype died down in him when he realized it. Unlike in Nyx's old world, they can choose whatever they want to be, but based on Chris's statement, they can't do anything about it here. It's either "Do this thing you're chosen to do, or live like a peasant." Nyx never had a problem with though, because he could always be a bandit if he wants to.
They approached the center of the tower, which appears to be the Class Changer, or whatever Nyx wants to call it. It was a huge circle, and a pillar in the center is placed. Someone stepped on the pillar with his Rail, and when he looked down on his Rail, he laughed and showed it to the people surrounding the circle.
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Drake Maize
HP: 10000/10000
MP: 10000/10000
Attributes: All Elements: 25%
INT: 25/100
STA: 5000/5000
Physical Prowess: 10%
Physical Skill: 5%
Magic Talent: 85%
Magical Prowess: 10%
Luck: 10%
Proposed Class(es): -Elemental Shaman- -Wizard-
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The people cheered and clapped. It seems that he got a rare class?
Nyx: Uhh, if all his element attributes were 25%, wouldn't that make him.. normal? (This feels more like a video game to me now...)
Skree: (Haha, what are those again?)
???: No, stupid. It means that all your elements were balanced, making you use all kinds of magic to its balanced extent. You can combine it, and such.
Nyx: Uhh, thanks. I wasn't asking you though. But thanks, what was your name?
Drix: I'm Drix. Drix Maize. I'm the brother of that guy in the center!
Nyx: Oh, uhm, ok? Why are they cheering though?
Drix: Are you retarded or something? People who has all their attributes on an equal percent are very rare. Really rare. They're often the ones on top. They're better than those people who has mixed element attributes. They're rare as well, but equal elemental attributes? Such luck..
Nyx: Oh really? Well, good for him.
Reus: What about those people who got 100% in a certain element?
Drix: They're on par with those balanced people. Like, they can maximize the only element they have, and then create new and more ways to destroy or to create. Almost all of them are in the books, just like those balanced people. Look, why not just read the book over there..
He pointed at the F.A.Q stand, and then left Nyx and his group to praise his brother.
The F.A.Q book answered every question that Nyx has. Like, why does he only have 25/100 INT? And why do people that has 100% in everything or balanced except Physical gets praised by everyone?
The book answered those 2 questions that Nyx has in his mind was answered. It says that the denominator that the INT states is the maximum capacity of his brain, and the numerator states the maximum usage of his brain. Capacity and usage.. so he only uses 1/4 of his intelligence? Nyx thought.
The 2nd question was basically the one that Drix told Nyx. If you get 100% in an elemental attribute, you get full mastery of that certain element. The book showed a ranking of the attributes:
Elemental Rail Ranking:
- 100% Attribute in a Certain Element: Very Rare
- 25% Attribute in all Elements: Very Rare
- Mixed Elemental Attributes (i.e. 50%,75%) - Rare
- 50% Attribute above in a Certain Element: Rare
- 50% Attribute below in a Certain Element: Common
- 10% Attribute in all Elements: Common
- 0% Attribute in all Elements/In a Certain Element: Rare (But Incredibly Useless)
Nyx: Damn, that last classification kinda hurts. Ok, we all have our Rails, right?
Reus: I have one last question.. why are there only attributes in magical properties?
Nyx: Oh wait, uhh, it says here that Physical Prowess is on par with Magical Talent, but Physical Prowess can be increased by training and all that stuff. Magical Talent can't be trained if you have no magic at all. It also says here that Physically talented people that has 50% and above cannot get a magic based class. They're all melee classes, but if you have 50% and above, you're basically someone on steroids with skills.
Reus: What are steroids?
Nyx: Oh, that's nothing. Skill is the one you'll base on if you want to get a good class. It's like Magical Talent, because it cannot be trained. You're born with it, or something. According to this book.
Xiel: There's one thing that bothers me though..
Nyx: Yeah?
Xiel: According to these book, there are people who are Irregulars. People whose magic or physical skill can go beyond 100%..
Nyx: There are no recorded people who has it though, according to the book here. I don't know if there are other F.A.Q books in other rail stations, maybe we could find out there..?
Xiel: Oh ok, hey look, we need to line up if we're going to get our rails checked.
3 hours have passed, and the first one to get checked was Vor. He stepped on the pillar and seconds later, the Rail that was blank earlier has been engraved by his stats.
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Vor Kriel
HP: 20000/20000
MP: 20000/50000
Attributes: Fire - 150%
INT: 5/100
STA: 10000/10000
Physical Prowess: 75%
Physical Skill: 10%
Magic Talent: 100%
Magic Prowess: 0%
Luck: 0%
Proposed Class(es): Anything related to usage of Fire.
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Vor: Wait, the fuck?
Reus: Why, what did you get?
Vor showed his Rail, and Reus got shocked. Not because he has 150% in the Fire attribute, but because he didn't know he actually had that, based on his prowess.
Reus: You're an actual idiot, HOW THE HELL DID YOU NOT NOTICE THAT YOU'RE-
Then at that moment, someone stepped out and greeted Vor.
???: Aha, another one..
Then people from the shadows appeared, Shinobis, as Nyx remembered their outfits from his games, and took hold of Vor. He tried to struggle but he couldn't escape, and Nyx tried to go after them but the Shinobis disappeared into thin air, leaving Nyx in awe and horror. Awe because he saw actual ninjas, and horror because someone took his brother.
Chris: You know, I was the one who made them go to that city.
Demon Butler: Ah, really, sire?
Chris: Yep, I saw what they have created over there a thousand years ago, and they actually went through it! They're more inhumane than me.. damn
Demon Butler: What do you mean, sir?
Chris: I'm talking about their technological advancements. Fuel and resources are limited, you know, so someone tried to do something about it. I don't want to interfere though, because that's the reason why they were advanced in the first place.
Demon Butler: Sire, stop speaking in riddles and just say it to me. You know, it's hard to serve and decipher your cryptic messages every single day, so just please spare me and just tell it to me this time.
Chris: Alright, alright, jeez.
???: Vor Kriel, was it? Ah, what a befitting name, don't you think?
He was chained to a table, and because of that, he couldn't move.
???: Oooh? Your gift was the rarest one but sadly.. *looks at Vor's Rail* You haven't even used it once? What the fuck? Anyway, you can't escape here, see.. the chains there are 100% Null, which means that it nullifies all magic. The formula for those chains are actually passed down in our family, you know? It often consists of people's hidden attributes. Those are the Null, Shadow, all those stuff.
Vor: ??
???: You don't follow? Well, let's say that those chains are made out of people.
Vor struggled and struggled but he couldn't break it..
???: Wow, seriously?
Vor: Who.. who are you?
???: Yeah, uhm, I'm the king. King Requei Drax Maize. No one actually knows that I'm a king though, but I control things behind the scenes..
Vor: Behind the what? What do you mean?
Drax: Have you noticed how technologically advanced we are? Like, a millions years ahead? That's because we have.. fuel. And because of that, innovation, and innovation. That's how our city works. But.. fuel is limited, am I right?
Vor: ..?
Drax: We predicted that once a decade, an irregular pops up. That irregular is our key to our innovation here.
Vor: So.. you.. you mean..
Drax: Yep.
Drax turned on the lights, revealing people that are chained just like Vor, but they were tubes connected to them. It seems that the tubes were sucking on the person's element.. or attribute. Fire, Water, hell, even air, they got chained. There were about a hundred of them. The people that were chained had bodies that were like sticks, and their eyes were devoid of hope.
Vor: Wait, so this why there were no irregulars recorded?
Drax: Oh wow, you used your brain. Yep, we tie them up here.
Vor: For.. fuel? For electricity?!
Drax: Yeah. This is why we are more advanced. We use everything in our disposal.
Vor almost threw up, and realized the situation he is in.
Vor: That..that's fucked up..
(Vor..come on, switch..)
Drax: We all need to make sacrifices. I told these to those guys too, and now they're here, helping our city. You're one of them now.
Vor: ....
Drax: ahahAHAHAHAHA... Yes. This is what makes this city more different than the others... we dedicate ourselves to make the lives of our people even better. Further beyond better. Even if we need to make inhumane steps, sometimes. But who'll find out?
"Oh, and also
Welcome to the City of Mirai."
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