《Shining Duos》Qualifying Competition


For the whole of the humongous Veiled City, it underwent a drastic change compared to its usual tranquil environment. The sky above the City was bright and luxurious, filling with an excitable atmosphere.

And at the center of the City, gathered thousands of people, young and old. For every youth, there wasn't a single one there that didn't have an energized look etched on their faces.

There was non stop chattering, and the City was remarkably lively.

All because today was the grand Qualifying Competition!

The event took place at a grand, enormous, colosseum looking site. It was over several hundred meters long, enough to fit tens of thousands of people. The design of this place as well was intricate and artistic.

It was a sight for anyone to behold and appreciate.

In the central area of the colosseum, the youths participating in this event were waiting in a beautiful resting area by a vast golden stage.

For those only coming to watch, the seats and columns filled up with the eager audience of Veiled City. Even for non-cultivators, this event provided much-needed entertainment and wonder for them.

Furthermore, besides the rouge or alone cultivators, for the people at the resting area or in the audience seats, everyone split up in either sects or clans factions.

In the resting area, three huge factions seemed to tower above all others.

One of the three factions were filled with sharp and discipline looking people. They all wore quality, classy uniforms with the symbol of an elegant spear tattoo on them.

Leading this faction were two older intimidating-looking men wearing the same kind of uniforms; only theirs was purple and held a black spear tattoo.

Compared to the rest of the youths of their factions, these men obviously held a higher status since they were eighth rank Great Emperor Sea cultivators!

These two were the Elder representative for their faction; the Spear Soul Sect!

Next to this faction was the second of the huge three factions.

The youths here all exuded a more royal and refined aura. They all wore a high-quality black robe with a luxurious raven design on them. Their faces carried a natural elegance that was hard to hone.

And leading them was a pair. One handsome man and one beautiful woman, their robes were similar in design though these two held a badge that was created in the shape of a raven.

Like the Spear Soul Sect, these two were the Elder representative for the; Raven Moon Sect.

Though compared to the Spear Soul Sect, these Elders' power was a step above. The handsome man was at the eighth rank of the Great Emperor Sea Realm while the woman was a ninth rank Great Emperor Sea!

However, for these two factions, their light seemed a bit dull towards what people consider the number one sect there.

All youths were fantastic purple orange robes and held graceful noble looks.

There wasn't a single youth that didn't exude a majestic presence. They all held an overwhelming confident stature and had the power to back their confidence.

Leading this faction was another man and woman.

It was Guardian Lian and Guardian Chui!

Even when their powers mirror the Raven Moon sect elders at first glance. Because of the Guardians' mere auras, people would be able to tell who was the stronger pair.

For countless years, the Holy Twilight Sect was always seen as the big behemoth, not even the other top two Sects can surpass.


And for this year, it will be no different...

"Really? At most here, I can sense the strongest here being at the seventh-rank of Heaven King Sea! I really hope that Ifrit Empire can be a bit more fun..."

Among every disciple in the Holy Twilight faction, eight youths stood the tallest there.

Who else would it be besides Guardian Chui disciples!

The eight of them were standing at the front helm of the disciples just beside Guardian Chui.

And at this time, Kuzumi decided to voice out her complaints to the others.

Of course, because of all the massive noise at this place, only the other seventh youths and Guardian Chui heard her.

"Yoh, I couldn't agree more. It's not even worth sharpening my sensations here!" Brenda chimed in, agreeing with Kuzumi like she usually does.

"While it may not be exciting for you guys, it sure as hell will be for us! I've been itching for a good fight for this whole month." Dela spoke up this in a fervent passion.

"Oh? Does this mean little Redhead want to have another 'sparring' session after taking care of the rest?" Brenda's feral smile made Dela catch her words in her throat as she thought about want to say next in these kinds of situations.

"It would be an honor to spar against Fairy Senior Sisters again! But if we do, maybe for this event, you can take it a bit...easier?" Luo Ke jumped in with a hopeful tone, but the big grins on Kuzumi and Brenda's face spoke other stories.

"Ke will get it worse now..." Su Mo commented since she knew it was pointless to negotiate with these girls.

"They're just as lively as ever...but Yuo, what do you think our chances are against the Ifrit Empire," Mara asked the serene girl who looked over to her with a warming smile.

"Most likely...nothing too severe. Even at the at your ranks, you can achieve quite a good result in that tournament." Lun Yuo honestly answered, but she wasn't worried at all about the Empire grand geniuses.

"Tsk, hey, Rou. Why do you keep looking over to your disciples? Shouldn't you be focusing on when they come?" Guardian Lian bothered voice, asked Guardian Chui.

In his heart, jealousy still swelled there since the ones at the front helm of the disciples could've been his own...

Alas, his, and the other fates were sealed by four specific youths.

"I know when they will come, Lian. Unlike you, I was simply contemplating my thoughts."

Guardian Chui manages to cover it up really well, but before she was mainly staring at Kazami, who was looking up into the sky.

She couldn't get yesterday's events out of her mind, no matter how hard she tried. Kazami was extremely bold yesterday and never let go of her hand when she first grabbed him.

It provided her immense warmth and even small pleasure from being connected like that. And when Kazami got up to leave again, he hugged her even tighter, causing the inexperienced Guardian to turn scarlet.

Although before she could cover up her embarrassment and scold Kazami, he swiftly left, leaving her to rummage on their meeting.

The longing she felt for him was only becoming stronger, but Guardian Lian woke her up back to reality.

"Contemplating thoughts, eh? Whatever you say..." Guardian Lian took on a more dismissive attitude since he at least just want his disciples to now get good results in the competition.


At this point, he could no longer compete with Guardian Chui in prowess or teaching...

'How ironic. The ones that I ignore were pretty important, and one group is even made up of Royal bloodlines...' Kazami thought to himself. Still, his eyes never left a specific spot.

"Brother! What are you looking at?"

Kuzumi suddenly wrapped her arms around his shoulder, questioning him. She didn't use the usual nickname for him since it was too embarrassing for her to be that intimate out in public.

"Oh, just a new guest who finally decided to take the stage now."

As soon as Kazami said that, the sky had split apart!

"Salutations, everyone! I'm glad to announce the start of Veiled City Qualifying Competition!"

The person who said the opening was an enchanting woman. Her beauty was like shimmering stars, pulling all eyes into her. The long flowing blue hair of hers was akin to a smooth ocean that drowned you in her allurement.

Her body was bewitchingly sexy, along with one of the biggest and most protruding breasts Kazami has ever seen.

If he were to guess, they had to be double D-sizes.

The clothes she wore perfectly complimented her body, wearing a golden snuggling robe that highlighted her sexy curves.

One of the most eye-catching thing about this gorgeous woman was the golden veiled that hid her face. It gave her a mysterious, graceful beauty that further amplifies her charm.


This woman opening caused everyone in the colosseum to shout with excitement!

"And everyone, please give our guest a warm welcome. From the Ifrit Empire, Elder Olus!"

Next to the woman was a gentle kind-looking man.

He had a warm smile on his face, and his very presence exuded a natural charismatic charm. His clothing style also showed this as he wore a soft blue color robe that fit his lean body.

'Pa! Pa! Pa!'

Thunderous applause filled the whole colosseum since there wasn't a single person there who didn't know of the Ifrit Empire.

For Kazami, the most eye-catching things of these pair was how the woman was at the ninth rank of Great Emperor Sea, and the man was at the peak stage of the eighth rank of Great Emperor Sea.

At his current level, Kazami fused bloodline Spirit Sense can pick up on even the Great Emperor Sea prowess. It was neat new tricks that would, for sure, help him in the future.

"Now then, like before, any youth below the age of thirty and at least at the Ruler Transformation realm can participate! And for our first event, we will get the Forest of Will under its way now!"

This woman's voice was loud but soothing to listen too. She really knows how to work an audience as everyone was getting continually pumped.

Kazami was told by Guardian Chui; she was the Veiled City, Lord Master!


The whole colosseum suddenly violently quaked!

Upon the golden stage, in the middle, the floor was splitting open. And out from the ground, shout out a rainbow color beam.

This rainbow beam, Kazami, noted it was similar to the one used for the Holy Twilight Sect, Mystic realm.

The beam shot in the sky stopped short under the man and woman.

And then, the beam unleashed a rainbow portal that looked inviting.

"To all inspiring youths! Step through this portal and fight your way through the Forest of Will! Remember, teaming is illegal for this trial, and you shall be automatically disqualified if it were to happen. Furthermore, once you step through the portal, you'll be granted a special badge to crush to leave the forest, but you would also be disqualified by doing so! If one is brave enough, this event comes with a lot of risks, some that can even take your life! But! The rewards are endless! So, are you youths still willing?!"


In response to the Veiled City, Lord Master, the youths roared in fervent excitement!

From rouge cultivators to even the weakest of sects and families, everyone still believed they were the creams of the corp among other youths in their continent.

So how could the mere thought of death make them back down?!

"Good! Now then, Everyone! Come and take the trial!"


Instantly thousands of youths rushed on stage to the enchanting rainbow color portal.

"This won't take long Guardian Chui. Bree... let's see who's the fastest!" Kazami competitive side flared up since it was a treat to compete with his girls.

"Kaz! Do you always forget I'm literally faster than you?!" Brenda boldly stated and immediately turned into a white flash.

Along with her, Kazami turned into a purple flash and somewhat matched Brenda blitzing speed.

"Heh, like usual, those two have a big ego about their speeds. Shall we knock down their ego a bit Yu?" Kuzumi asked her, but she already turned into a purple flash, speeding towards the portal.

"I wish you all good luck, and I have my own competition to win!" Lun Yuo smiled at the rest and turned into a green flash following towards the portal.

The other four wryly smile and then nodded their heads.

"Let's stun the whole city with our own prowess!"

Mara shouted to them and in response,

"Of course!!!"

All four of them then left in a purple lightning flash, blitzing towards the portal like everyone else.

Guardian Chui and even Guardian Lian looked on at them, feeling the anticipation of how greatly they will win the whole thing...

"For the rest of us, everyone feast your eyes on the forest projection!"

In the Veiled City, Lord Master hands, four talismans flew above her and exploded spectacularly!

From it, came four holographic projection of the mysterious and ominous forest of death. Each screening covered massive parts of the forest, allowing everyone to see the action.

"My money is obviously on the Holy Twilight disciples winning!"

"I don't know...I've heard the Raven Moon Sect suddenly had geniuses experience massive breakthroughs!"

"There are also rumors of four new super disciples in the Holy Twilight Sect!"

The people in the audience were already placing their bets as they all watch the mass waves of disciples roll in through projections...


"So this is the grand Forest of Death, eh?"

Kazami commented while looking around the place.

Everything here reeked with a deadly aura that'll shock unprepared minds. Nothing in the forest looked vibrant nor beautiful. Instead, everything here was gray, dark green, or a sickly black color.

Furthermore, when Kazami spread out his Spirit Sense, he found many bloodthirsty beasts coming towards him.

A battle-hungry smile appear on his face as he said,

"Let the games begin!"

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