《Grimjack the Eviscerator Saves Christmas》Epilogue


It was a cloudy day on Grimora station. The Torellians were being routed after an Armada of mechanized reindeer appeared out of nowhere to join in the fight alongside the horde's reserve fleet. From the brink of annihilation to an assured victory. There was great celebration around horde space, and it was made all the sweeter with it being Christmas Eve. Yes, everything seemed well and good, except for a bittersweet memory of the horde's greatest shadow killer disappearing on the mission that saved them all.

After all, the Council of Grundok's had seen much of this coming. They felt the disruption of Christmas cheer, and oncoming threats. They were wise indeed, and made sure their Christmas wish would bring the salvation of their lands. Even if it came with a heavy cost.

Meanwhile, back one the spires of ice, a lone stuffed bear was lying next to a broken candy cane. The storms had subsided with the blinding of the Grump, and his subsequent retreat into the deeper caves. With a small grunt, Freddy lifted himself up. Missing one of his button eyes, he groaned and looked at a nasty rip on his side.

"Why'd you go and do that Freddy?" He complained. "You picked the worse deal you idiot."

He kicked his broken candy cane utility knife and shook his head as the pieces slid across the icy snow.

"Letting sentimentality get to you. That's a rookie move. Should've." He winced as he tenderly touched another rip on his side. "Ah, that smarts."

Freddy started to head down the spire. It was going to be a long journey back home, and he had nothing to show for it but some injuries and a ruined candy cane. He doubted he'd ever see any reward money either. He never really believed Jangle was getting anything extra out of this. It was her job after all. So why would she get any kind of bonus.



A cry echoed out behind him as a massive shadow quickly covered Freddy. "Ah...that's awkward…"

Jangle let out a small laugh. "You really thought we'd leave you behind like that?"

"I mean…" Freddy had been put back together so well you'd have thought he was brand new from the factory. "It wouldn't be the first time."

"You know Santa does that because toys like you aren't safe for kids. But he couldn't just destroy you all. I guess even he didn't realize how bad things had gotten."

Freddy shrugged.

"No, I think he knows." Jangle's stepmom interjected with a smile. "He just doesn't think it's his place to enforce rules or anything on the toys he rejected."

Grimjack was still in shock. Everything had happened so fast. He looked down at his clockwork arm as it quietly ticked. This home felt so warm and inviting, even if it was a little small for him. He'd never been in a place without that aura of subtle hatred and deception. Though that may have been his own fault after he refused to relax anywhere once he was free of his family.

"Well, no reason to dwell on that. It is Christmas Eve after all!" Shouted Jangle with glee.

"Oh yes! And please help yourself to as many sweets as you like. After all, once they're gone we can just make some more."

Jangle's stepmom was almost too sweet. She was, in every way, soft. Personality, features, voice. Grimjack was sure he had never met a sweeter or kinder woman. It definitely helped ease the frustration with the council abandoning him for this mission. He was welcomed here as if he was another member of her family. It was strange, but he liked it.


Freddy, Grimjack, Jangle, and Jangle's stepmom all laughed and had a genuinely good time sharing in each other's company. Hot cocoa, cookies, and casual games made for the perfect evening. Then Jangle pulled out a perfectly roasted ham. It smelled divine, with notes of honey and brown sugar mixing with the savory ham. That was just the start, as she produced a myriad of dishes. It seemed like every kind of taste was represented.

The meal was spectacular. Grimjack would never forget it for as long as he lived. However, something was bugging him. Like an itch he just couldn't reach. As they all settled down after dinner, he just couldn't get comfortable.


"Huh? Hmm? Uh, yes?"

"You've done a lot for us all here you know."

"I guess."

"Well, we want to pay you back somewhat."

"I appreciate it. It's all been surprisingly great."


"How you've been paying me back with everything here?"

Jangle and her stepmom broke into laughter while Freddy shook his head.

"Oh sweetie," cooed Jangle's stepmom. "That's just Christmas hospitality, not any kind of repayment. You're a friend, so of course you're always welcome here."

"Yeah, don't be silly…" Jangle paused a moment. "But I was thinking, and I think I'd like to give you your Christmas gift early."

Oh no. She had gotten him a gift. Of course Grimjack didn't have anything ready to give her. So he felt awkward at getting a gift without having one for her.

Jangle pulled out a massive wall mirror and set it in front of the fireplace. It shimmered, but didn't really reflect things well. He could only see the sort of idea of his face and not actually what he looked like. It entranced him, and he was mesmerized. He stood up and slowly walked towards it, with his hand outstretched he touched the glass. After a moment, it shimmered and his hand started to pass through. Grimjack hesitated a second, but then steeled himself. He trusted Jangle, and simply thrust himself forward.

It was like walking through a bubble, and then he was on an arid, windswept plain. In front of him was a small house. He could hear strange noises coming from inside. He was acting on impulse, and knocked on the door.

After a moment, the door opened. It was like looking into a mirror. Another fully suited soldier, except they had on a frilly Christmas apron, and a pink bow on their helmet.


After years of avoiding her, he was now face to face with his sister. A swirl of emotions welled up inside him, and unable to really process everything, he pushed forward on instinct. "Hey Grimjill...would it be alright if I spent Christmas with you."

Silence. Then Grimjill embraced him with a loving hug of a long lost relative before she ushered him inside. He didn't know what all would happen, but Grimjack had decided that his sister was worth the effort.

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