《Grimjack the Eviscerator Saves Christmas》Chapter 7: There's Always a Third Option


After a detailed explanation, Nines tilted his head up and then shook around violently. His triangular face disappeared into the inky blackness. As he shook around, a few drips of dark liquid splashed out from where the dark circle met the rest of him. Grimjack knelt down and picked some up with his finger. It was pure alcohol that was died a blackish blue.

“Still seem pretty lost there, huh cowboy?” the snarky voice of Freddy came from just beside Grimjack.

“This has highly dangerous levels of methanol.” Muttered Grimjack as his finger’s sensor analyzed the substance.

“You know where you are, right? Why all this stuff was left here? Who left it here?” Freddy was barely at a whisper. If Grimjack didn’t have such advanced hearing he wouldn’t have been able to tell he was talking at all.

“You’re all rejected weapons from some toy themed psycho.”

“Exactly, and a lot of people want to get back at that guy. Some people who would pay ridiculous amounts of money.”

“I’ve got a job. I’m going to do it. No matter what.”

“I wouldn’t aske you not to; but I’m sure your job doesn’t involve being a bodyguard after you finish what you need to. Just remember to think about what’s best for you. After all, no one else will look out for your best interest.” Freddy put a hand on Grimjack’s leg and nodded. “If you don’t watch your own back, you’re liable to get stabbed in it.”

“I don’t respond to threats well.”

“And I enjoy continuing to live, so it should be obvious I wouldn’t threaten you. Think of it as more of a friendly warning.”

Freddy patted Grimjack’s leg and walked forward towards Nines as his spinning slowed. Grimjack wasn’t sure what to take away from that. Though it did hit pretty close to home. It did get tiring being on the beck and call of the horde at every waking moment. He knew freelance was an option, but that didn’t matter. He shook his head as he tried to refocus. He was on a mission, and until it was done that is what he was going to focus on.


“I see it now.” Nines said as his face slowly came into view. “Santa is being held outside of time and space. Ripped from reality itself.”

“Snickerdoodles!” grumbled Jangle as she snapped her fingers. “I should’ve known. How else could they keep him for this long, even with anti-cheer weaponry.”

Now this was more up Grimjack’s alley. Enemies that could tear through time and space? That was something that could get his blood boiling. “Held? So do they have a way to get to him and back?”

“Silence young warrior. Your impatience will lead you to great trouble yet again. A bond once severed is not so easily reattached.”

“Don’t worry about me. Get back to where this ‘Santa’ is unless you want me to take over your interrogation.”

“Hey!” snapped Jangle. “Keep your mittens on, and just keep quiet. He’ll get there soon enough.”

Freddy raised an inquisitive eyebrow as Grimjack folded his arms one over the other and turned off his outer com so he could grumble in peace. Nines’s face looked over at him for a moment before continuing.

“Santa’s kidnappers have hidden their faces from me. I can only see vague shapes of what they may be. What I can see, is where their fortress is. In two places, divided by distance, and yet connected. One inside a blue spark of fire, and the other atop a frigid mountain. The bridge that connects them is the most dangerous of all. It holds the guardians of time and space, along with something deeper. Something older. Your deaths are all but assured if you try to cross that place.”

“Thanks Nines. Always so good to see you old chap.” Freddy patted Nines round side.

“Do not patronize me boy. I have seen through eons while you have relegated yourself to avoiding the truth.”

Freddy shrugged and with a chuckle started to walk away. Grimjack moved to follow him.


“Sorry about all that Nines. We all really appreciate it, even if those guys don’t show it.”

“Jangle. Do not walk this path yourself. Your grandfather fought the elements themselves and barely escaped with his life. Do not repeat his foolishness.”

“Some things are bigger than a single elf. Again, thank you for everything, and have a Merry Christmas.” She bowed her head to him and quickly went to catch up with the others.

“She has too much of her father in her,” grumbled Nines. “Now, where did I leave that Storm in a bottle? Those darn kids let too much of it out.”

The three of them managed to find their way outside, and Jangle gently shut the door behind them before sighing and after taking in a deep breath she snapped. “What the gingersnap is wrong with you two? Even if you’re lacking in Christmas Cheer, don’t you both have some plain old decency?”

Freddy shrugged as he said, “Why, I didn’t say anything.”

“Oh, don’t think I didn’t notice.” She seemed almost ready to burst. “You really could have done more to keep the meathead in line, rather than just standing there silently watching.”

“Decency doesn’t do so well when lives are on the line. So go ahead and skip the pleasantries and just call me an unfeeling monster. It’s closer to the truth anyway.”

“Look, I didn’t mean…”

“It doesn’t bother me.” Grimjack cut her off. He didn’t want a lecture. He especially didn’t want an apology. He just wanted to move forward and get this job finished. “Now why don’t we get going. Assuming his cryptic nonsense made any sense to you.”

“I liked it. Very, poetic.” Interjected Freddy as he leaned in closer towards Jangle. “Of course, you were right. Knowing what this is all about, obviously I’m in. For a sixty percent cut of course.”

“Sixty? Wha…” Jangle was about to argue when she stopped mid-sentence and shook her head. “You know what, fine. Fudge me. Take sixty.”

Freddy smirked and rubbed his hands together. “Ah, perfect. I see you remember how our last negotiation went. Now, down to business, yes?”

“Two things.” Said Grimjack. “Where are we going, and what will he be riding?”

Her mouth may have been covered, but Grimjack could tell she was smiling. It made him uncomfortable because it wasn’t a happy sort of smile. More like when a cat had cornered a mouse but hadn’t pounced yet.

“I have an idea where to go so you’ll be following me, and as for Freddy,” she paused for just a little too long before quickly adding, “Why, of course he’ll be riding with you,” as if it was no big deal.



“It’s perfect. I need to focus on directions, and you two fit together like two lumps of coal in a stocking.”

Freddy just shrugged and then looked towards Grimjack.

“No.” commanded Grimjack. “I do not share rides. I use one-man vehicles for a reason. There is absolutely no way we’re going together. Nope. Nada. Zilch. We’ll just have to figure something else out.”

Grimjack sighed as their all-terrain motorcycles sped across the snow. Freddy was sitting right in front of him, and slowly kicking his little legs back and forth. So, he said what he thought would best express his disappointment to Jangle. “Bah, humbug.”

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