《Tironia》The System
Shit just got real!
After more words appeared on the floating screen before me, I stared blankly at the text box.
The system?
Maybe I'm in a coma? I've almost given up on trying to make sense of my situation now but a text box, seriously?
I'm so confused.
I think I've lost it.
The worst-case scenario, the one that constantly runs through my mind, is that I'm laid in the road and my body has been crushed by the truck I jumped infront of. There's no chance of me ever having a normal life again, even if I did survive.
That's just one of the many different thoughts that my mind is trying to use to put a claim on my state of being. Realistically, I'm grasping at straws as I have no idea what's actually happening.
Maybe I did save that girl? Who know?
Is this the end of the road for me?
Still holding a slither of hope within, I stare at the vibrant blue star-filled text box, wishing and praying for more words to appear. I need to believe there's more for me, that this isn't the end.
Steeling my nerves once again and gathering what's left of my courage, I decide that waiting like a fool and fretting over what I don't know will get me nowhere.
Erm, excuse me, text box?
I am the SYSTEM in charge of the soul sphere, not a text box.
Yes, it worked. I never had a doubt.
It didn't like being called a text box however, even though that's exactly what it is.
What am I suppose to call it?
The system?
Wait a minute.
Can you read my mind?
Yes, whilst here the SYSTEM can receive your thoughts.
Ok, what next.
I always struggle to think of questions in situations like this and end up embarrassing myself.
How come you can understand my language, even though I don't have a voice?
What sort of question is that? SYSTEM understands ALL languages, even unspoken or foolish ones.
Is it just me or does this system seem a bit full of itself?
Give me a break, I have died.
I think?
Floating in front of me, as its condescending text fades away, I still can't help but feel a little ecstatic that I may not be dead anymore and I begin rambling in my mind.
Hahaha, I don't know where I am, what I am or even when I am, but right now I can at least have a conversation with...... Never mind who. At least I'm not dead, well I did die, but it's not like I thought it would be. At least there's something more after, even if it's just.... this.'
If the text box had eyes, I swear it would be scowling at me. It's slowly circling around me, it seems likes it's assessing me in some way.
'SYSTEM understands this is not recorded in your world's history. As such, you have no knowledge of the souls' cycle of rebirth. SYSTEM also understands that this place is new to you. So your fragile mind will be shocked at its discovery.
What SYSTEM cannot process is why your questions are so dumb?'
I am unable to answer. I want to defend myself but, dead or not as I maybe, I know I've said some weird things since arriving here. It's not my fault though for talking nonsense, or non-sensical talking, it's what I do when I'm in a bit nervous or anxious...... or dead.
Especially when I can't actually work out whether or not I'm still alive........... or dead.
Everything's so messed up.
I just want to laugh at how screwed up this is.
One moment I'm sure that death has occurred and this place is what's next, at other moments, I assume it to be my dying minds way of coping. Denying it vehemently but trying to make sense of this place and situation.
The two sides clash against each other in a battle of supremacy and neither side is winning.
Accepting my deteriorating state of mind the system proceeds to explain my current predicament and add some clarity to the situation.
'At the moment your soul is inside the Soul Sphere of the Grand Arcanus. You on the Astral Plane of the world of Tironia. It took the SYSTEM a lot of effort and mana to pull your soul from your old worlds cycle as instructed. That answers your question, where am I.
Right now you are currently a soul without a body, that is the reason behind placing you inside the Soul Sphere. Souls without a body begin to disperse if they don't go through the reincarnation cycle. If they are kept within the Soul Sphere and are safely contained with mana, then they will not fade out of existence. That answers your question, what am I.
The question 'when am I?' the SYSTEM can only assume you asked because, either you are not very wise, or intelligent. However, to show my magnanimity, I will answer it regardless. Time does not exist inside the soul sphere, also Tironia's world is younger than your last one by a few billion years, it is the year 2020 here. That should answer your illogical question, when am I.'
Souls sphere?
Different world?
Mind melt.
'What the hell, now I've got another 20 questions after you've only just finished answering the first three. Oh, and as you stated, one of them was just plain stupid. I must actually be crazy now, maybe I really didn't even die, perhaps I just had a breakdown and right now I'm on the psyche ward. I must be strapped to a bed, so full of meds that I'm just hallucinating this whole thing or..... my mind has already broken down?
It's possible right?'
'No, you died.'
'Don't be like that system, a brother can dream, it was just wishful thinking.
Let's be real, you mentioned another world and a ton of words I didn't understand. I'm just going with the flow here and trying not to freak out. I know what you're thinking after those harsh words but I think I'm doing a pretty good job of handling this situation, all things considered.'
'Since you have been unwillingly taken from your previous world and are to be placed into Tironia, the SYSTEM can let you take an item or possession that you or the SYSTEM have knowledge of.
One thing that you think may help in your new life.'
'I want a plasma rifle!'
Not freaking out, be damned. Daddy wants a plasma rifle.
Now, I feel as giddy as a child with a new toy. The prospect of getting a plasma rifle to start life with would be amazing.
Hehe, boss mode.
'No. '
'What? Why not?'
'SYSTEM has no knowledge of how plasma rifles work. Nor does the SYSTEM believe you will find more plasma on Tironia.'
'Damn, I knew it was too good to be true.'
Ok, let's think this thing through.
What will I need when I reincarnate?
Knowledge, power, money?
How old will I be?
How will I know where to go?
And what's what?
Or who's who?
How am I suppose to form a plan, when I know nothing about the place I'm going to? It would be like expecting a baby to plan its life before it leaves the womb. We have no knowledge or experiences, of what is going to happen to us after we leave the safety of our bubble.
It's an impossible situation.
Hehe, I'm imagining a baby coming out of the womb with its plasma rifle.
NO. Focus!
Oh shit, I'm beginning to panic.
What do I take?
What do I take?
What do I take?
'Erm, System?'
Cool, it responded, I keep feeling like it's trying to give me the cold shoulder for some reason. I mean, what's that name about, I even called it System instead of Text Box to stop it from getting grumpy.
'System, why are you calling me Reincarnator?'
'It is the term given to those who have entered or are about to enter the Reincarnation Cycle.'
'Oh Ok, makes sense, but why not use my actual name?'
'SYSTEM does not know REINCARNATORS original name, as it and other important data are collected upon the point of death.'
'What do you mean? Wait, why can't I remember my own name?'
'REINCARNATORS name was taken upon death.'
'What do mean taken?'
'Removed, gone, no longer required. Does this satisfy your second rudimentary question? SYSTEM fails to see how you cannot comprehend what 'taken' means.'
'It's not that I don't understand what taken means, its the fact that my name has been taken in the first place that's not making sense. Even if it was taken, surely I would still remember it and how do you even go about taking it from me in the first place. Also was that sarcasm? I didn't expect a system to have that. Do you have a bug?'
I know I shouldn't be annoying the only other being here, or whatever it is, but damn it's getting under my skin. Not that I have any right now but this situation is making me feel somewhat like an unscratchable itch. Fortunately, she doesn't rise to my provocation.
I'm a little sad my name has been taken because I'm sure I had a good one. It still makes no sense not being able to remember, but I suppose there's nothing I can do about it anyway. I could complain and argue, but who would I aim my argument at?
The System?
Don't be ridiculous, I already feel as though this system has taken a disliking to me so, I don't want to be any more on its bad side.
Plus it has explained a lot to me so far and even offered to let me take something with me, within reason.
Well, there's only one thing I can do about my loss. I'll have to make sure that I get a heartbreaking, terror-inspiring, super awesome name for my next life!
Now that's a plan.
I feel as though my panic has reduced slightly, I'm even feeling a little better towards the snarky system that I insulted a moment ago. I still feel sweaty and clammy, if that's even possible for a soul to do.
Back to the problem I had before I learned that I don't know my own name.
'System what can you tell me about Tironia?'
'What? Why not, will I have any knowledge of this new world?'
What a Bitch!
'Pfffft. What sort of answer was that, don't I deserve more than one word after dying, heroically?'
'Fine. You have never been to Tironia, so you have no knowledge of its many wonders, resources or inhabitants.
Does this satisfy your third pointless question?'
I swear I can feel it smirking at me with its stars, lording its own knowledge over me.
'State the obvious why don't you. I meant what can you tell me about it
Fucking useless System.
'Fine, what about power, wealth, prestige? Will I have any of these?'
Once my question is out a slight hope starts to build up in me again. With my imaginary fingers crossed, I await the Systems answer. My soul heart beating like a drum.
'Come on, I have to have at least something going for me.
I need something in this new life to look forward to. Anything will do.'
'You will have the power and magic of a Level 1 villager. You will have NO wealth and NO prestige.'
Soul fists clenched and pumping.
Alright! Magic, kick-ass!
Level 1, fine, that means it will get stronger. I'll be the best there is.
The greatest sorcerer ever. I'll be warping flaming tornados and slinging ice lances imbued with lightning. People will call me 'the ultimate magus'.
May have gone a little chuuni there.
The only problem was the villager part, that sounds mega boring. I don't want to be farming or weaving or some crap like that. Hopefully, I can make something of myself in this new world. It was incredibly hard to be successful back in my old world, I think? I'm sure the rich got richer and the poor just grew in population. In this new life, I need to hit the ground running and get ahead of the curve.
'System, why where the words no expressed in capital letters? It's like your deliberately trying to tell me that I'm going to be a poor nobody.'
'SYSTEM was just making sure the REINCARNATOR was aware that he would have neither wealth nor prestige upon arrival in his new body on Tironia.'
'So a broke nobody, with no status or money to my name?'
Why do I feel like this system enjoys making me the target of its jokes? Is it because we seem to be the only two beings here? Or rather one super awesome, cool as hell soul dude and one sky blue, star-filled text box soul system type thing. The fact that I'm still vaguely able to process logical thoughts, whilst all this madness is happening around me and may or may not be real, means I must have a strong mental fortitude. Right?
I focus my attention back to the singular problem at hand.
What to bring with me.
The System has to have knowledge of whatever I want to have, which is why I couldn't have a plasma rifle.
Neither this world nor my previous one has advanced technology to such degrees yet, that would let the system provide me one.
Damn Computer games for making me want a weapon I can't have. Hang on, how come I can remember computer games but not much of anything else? Never mind that, I still need to concentrate, I've bigger problems to fry.
I'm sure the System has lots of knowledge about the new world I'm going to living on next but what information should I ask for. Should I ask for knowledge on all types of magic?
No. What if that information is easy to learn when I get there and I find out that I've wasted this glorious opportunity.
Knowledge for the fastest way to get rich maybe?
No, what about knowledge on the best way to stay alive for the longest amount of time!
That sounds like a good choice.
Now I'm worried again.
System seems a little hit and miss with information now I think about it. The text box can be helpful but also a little harsh sometimes. What if I for information on staying alive and it responds with 'The best way to stay alive, is to not die'. Yea, I can see it saying that.
Time seemed to pass, even though time doesn't pass in the soul sphere, as I sat there contemplating my decision... or rather floated there in spirit form. The System also seemed to wait patiently. Just hovering around my form I can see the stars inside its frame and they look like they're shooting around from time to time. It actually looks quite beautiful.
Maybe knowledge isn't the best thing to ask for, there's too much choice involved. Maybe I should ask for a kickass, unbeatable, magic weapon out of what the system can provide me. Seems good now but what if it turns me into the demon king and people hate me because I can't be killed, thanks to my weapons unknowable secret power or some ridiculous notion like that. I definitely don't want to be considered evil, especially before I even starting my new life. Planning for the future is rough, I need to concentrate even harder.
'What I need is a personal assistant who can keep track of things for me, it would be nice to just kick back for now and let them worry about my decision.'
After what feels like an hour has passed by, or 'maybe' what felt like an hour, I managed to get nowhere. This no time flow is hard enough to wrap my head around as it is, there are too many distractions here. Even though, there's nothing actually here except for me and the system. This whole ordeal is a damn distraction.
So I floated there, considering all the options I could think of.
I considered every train of thought, every avenue of possibility.
More metaphorical time passed, with it a few of emotions passed also.
Worry, doubt and most importantly, the stress over my decision has faded away.
All gone.
My mind is serenely clear.
After what feels like an eternity spent here, I have finally managed to come to a decision. I know what is within its knowledge and power, that I can bring to help me not just to survive, but to help me live comfortably.
'System, I have finally made a decision.'
'Very well, your new body is prepared and ready so once you confirm your decision you will be sent to the physical world of Tironia. I will be happy to be rid...'
Did you just read my mind again, hehe?
'No, don't.'
'You cannot...'
'Are there rules against it?'
'......well no. But it has never been done before. And I don't want to.'
'Don't want to, doesn't mean can't, so I'll take it.'
'System..... I choose you.'
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