《Master of Cards. *Reborn*》Chapter 2 : Intervention
He pulled out a scythe from his weapon storage, where the scythe took its true form. A skeleton in a cloak floating with it.
“Ice Reaper. Mind taking care of things with my family? There seems to be a few rats running around.” The skeleton nodded as Kael put on a black tailcoat outfit, along with a black mask. He tied his white hair to the back, then it changed its colour to black.
“Are you going to use us, Master?” Kael heard a voice, it was coming from his swords.
“No. I won’t be using any of you when I’m like this. Going to go with a classic.” Kael said as he pulled out a deck of cards from his pockets.
“Just make it quiet, okay Ice Reaper?” Ice Reaper nodded to Kael’s words as Kael left. Kael phased through the wall and leapt to the roof of his house. This time he was looking for the eyes that were peering into his house. Taking out a card from his deck, the Joker. Throwing it to the direction of the ones who kept a watchful eye on the house. A snap of his fingers and Kael was right behind them. A sniper team.
“Did you hear something?” the sniper asked, unaware that his spotter was headless. The sniper turned to see his spotter missing a head, then followed up by feeling a hand grabbing his throat.
When their eyes met, the sniper’s mouth was covered. Seeing the glowing violet eyes staring into his soul.
“Don’t be shy… You can always tell me who has a mark on the Webster family. If you answer nicely, I’ll let you go and you live. If you don’t…” When Kael leaned closer, the sniper felt jitters all over his body. Shaking his head to Kael, trying to speak but his voice was muffled.
“Seems like you won’t speak. It’s fine, I can always just kill you instead.” The sniper’s body exploded. Leaving behind a pile of blood. Then he heard the radio go off behind him.
“One of our sniper team’s went quiet. Someone go check it!” Kael went over to the radio picking it up but not saying a word. Just letting his breathing be heard by them.
“That’s the sniper team’s radio… What the hell’s going on!?” Kael smiled as he readied a card. Ace of Spades, walking out of the building.
“We got contact. Unknown hostile. He’s wearing the sniper team’s radio! Everyone eng-” Instantly there were screams on the radio. The sound of flesh being pierced and ripped apart.
“What’s going on here?! Someone report in?” Kael was surprised to hear a survivor.
“Someone? Burt? Ackers? Who else is alive?” The panicked voice was like a beacon for Kael. He left the radio on just to terrify this panicked voice even further. Such simplicity. Haunting his enemies was just something Kael was used to do when he was Lee. Or rather in the 52 lifetimes he had lived. The cards in his hands were one of the lives he had led. The Master of Cards, a figure who terrorized governments with his magic. The kind of magic that could destroy continents. All the lessons he learned in those lives had given him one thing he lacked.
Control. The cars were a medium and he could set the kind of magic to be used. Joker was mainly one for teleportation and it was also able to help him locate the targets of his intention. The Joker card reappeared by Kael’s hand, crushing it. Where the card shatters like glass. Bringing Kael to the location of the survivor.
Unaware of Kael creeping from behind, Kael did not need to waste time with this person. Only get closer and closer, letting his footstep be heard.
“What?” The survivor turned, unable to see Kael because Kael was now hanging above him. Kael grabbed his head. The survivor dropped the gun, looking into Kael’s eyes. Muffled screams as Kael read through his memories. Seeing the person that hired the hit. It was a business mogul who had a dispute with Kael’s father. A dispute that lead to Lloyd refusing to cooperate with the business mogul on a joint venture worth half a million.
Kael dropped the survivor’s body which was nothing but a breathing corpse. The man was foaming by the lips, Kael was thinking about it. This will definitely make headlines. That was easy, and it seems that reading through a person's memory so forcefully would kill them. Might be due to the fact they also see bits and pieces of Kael's memories.
Kael returned home, seeing Ice Reaper floating around the area. Phasing through the walls while holding his scythe. Ice Reaper merely waved at him, then continued to float around.
“Thanks Ice.” Kael then headed to his room, where the mask and clothes faded away from him. He was clean as if he did not commit such acts in the first place. Going to sleep first.
The next day came around Kael grabbed his bag, then headed out at dawn. He needed to take the subway to his college. It would normally take sometime, roughly an hour to arrive at campus. Kael sat inside the subway, it was empty save for the lady and her grandfather. Kael could feel the powers that emitting from them. The Grandfather's strength, it was maybe on a ratio of 500 : One if comparing directly to Kael. Save for the part the grandfather's got some damaged mana veins in his body, it may cause him to be weaker. While the lady? Her mana veins were clear as crystal but there was a single problem. She had a lot of power but there was some stain to her powers itself.
Kael put on his pair of earphones and leaned to the walls. Crossing his arms, tapping his fingers by his shoulders. Then seeing three masked figures stepping into the subway with blades in hand. The blades they carried were machetes and they had mana veins. Similar to those who are in the world of the Addepts. The proper term for such figures who have mana in this world? Adepts. The hidden world of swordsmanship and magic.
“Grandpa!” The lady ran to her grandfather’s side, drawing a short sword. The masked figures ran to them, swinging their blades indiscriminately
The lady was able to hold them off with her skills but even then it was barely enough. When facing multiple opponents, the biggest mistake one makes focusing on one at a time. She needed to be aware of the other two's actions. Lack of experience was what made this obvious. Even lightly casting a barrier to strengthen her weakpoints, but it was too shabby. If Kael even put his pinky to that barrier, it would shatter.
The attackers were clearly from a skilled sect. Kael was thinking about their swordsmanship, believing it to be from the 18 Blades Sect. Coordinated in their attacks, one would attack in sequence. It was not a clear pattern, it seems these three were so used to fighting together. Though Kael does not like it, fighting in a subway train like this in broad daylight? This was definitely reckless on their part.
Perhaps Kael was used to the rules the Adepts had to live in the shadows in the many lives he had been in. Perhaps it was due to the Adepts that were fighting all out. That led to the death of his family in his original first life. The train was soon going to reach another subway station that would be crowded with people. He needed to end this quietly or things will get messy.
“Baihua.” Kael whispered as the Liuyedao appeared by his side, Kael drew the blade quickly, a single swing was all it took. The three attackers were obliterated beyond reason. It was as if they had not existed. Kael then took out a handkerchief, wiping the blood off the blade. Then sheathing it.
The lady and her grandfather looked at Kael, clearly he was distressed. Holding his cane, he was prepared to attack Kael if he was not careful.
“I am not a threat nor I did not draw the blade to help you. It was a matter of not involving the civilians.” Kael said as they watched Baihua vanish from his hands.
“Keep that blade hidden. Also put this on.” Kael said as he passed the lady a thick fur jacket, this was to ensure that some of the cuts on her clothes would not be noticed.
“Thank you for your assistance. We appreciate it. What is your name?” the grandfather brought forth the question.
“Kael Webster.” Kael answered.
“How did you learn to use your swordsmanship?” The lady asked.
"I've learned it off a hermit who wishes to remain anonymous." Kael answered. Where the train stopped, filling it up with people who stepped inside. Kael then moved closer to the grandfather and the lady. Standing in front of them as the lady took her seat beside her grandfather.
“Please young man… We’re on an important mission. It is to save her parents who are being held hostage. We’ve lost quite a number of our men coming here.” Guess Kael was steal weak when the words ‘family’, ‘parents’ or anything that was related to it. When threatened by another family, Kael did not need to hesitate. if someone went after his family. He'd butcher them too. The flood of humans inside the train had them all packed like sardines in a tin.
“Fine. Lead the way.” Kael said to them.
"The station that we need to take is right after the one on the official stop. This is because it's been empty due to a string of murders." The grandfather said to Kael.
“Baihua.” The blade appeared by Kael’s hand as more armed individuals appeared, they wore masks and Kael could see that they were Adepts. They were wearing black jackets with a hoodie. Trying to conceal as many of their features as possible.
“Another lamb to the slaughter Mister Flare? Are you ready to watch your side of the family die?” Kael did not want to hear any of this shit as he lights a cigarette. These guys were just cocky, no power and no strength. A family's life is at stake, he needed to be quick.
“If you want to live you can let us pass.If you want to die then by all means.” Kael cut them off as the Adepts readied their weapons. Kael took a step forward and drew Baihua forward, pointing it at the Adept that ran their mouth earlier.
Kael then let go of the blade as it hovered in front of him. Taking a deep whiff with the cigarette. They ahd no idea to what was going on, Kael was already preparing for an attack.
“What you think that’s going to scare us? You mu-” An Adept ran straight to Kael swinging his machete to Kael’s neck. It was inches away, to Kael it seemed like forever for the swing to actually reach him. Like this person was moving in slow motion.
“Bloom, my beautiful flower..” Kael said where they watched the Adept attacking Kael turn to nothing but a pile of blood.
“I warned you.” Kael said as one by one, they turned into nothing but puddles of blood. Their blood splashing all over painted the parts of the subway station as if it was paint. There was no smell to it, their bones were vaporized completely but their blood remained. A sign that am massacre had taken place. As they began to panic, they started to realize that it was inevitable. That nothing could be done to prevent their deaths. Their clothes fell to the ground. Seemingly untouched and not bothered by the fresh coat of paint.
Kael looked at the last Adept that was frozen in place from what he had seen.
“The world is vast isn’t it?” Kael asked, walking up the stairs to the Adept who was frozen solid. Fear was one thing but he was unable to move or even say a word. Kael placed his hand over the Adept’s face.
“Run to your masters.” Kael said, it caused the Adept to run away. Stumbling on the non-functioning escalator a few times. It was a struggle for the Adept to even get back on their feet.
“Mister Flare, let us get going.” Kael said as they walked up the broken escalator steps. They were not going to say much. Kael was able to kill that many Adepts with just a single attack.
“Patriarch!” There were men and women loyal to Mister Flare running to his direction. Clad in black suits and armed with bladed weaponry and guns. One of them stared at Kael.
“Who is he?”
“A benefactor… Master Kael will y." Kael raised his hand to stop Patriarch Flare.
“Until we get your family back. I won’t leave. That is a promise I made to you, earlier." Kael said.
“Thank you, Master Kael.” Kael stepped into the car where he held Baihua in his hands, taking a deep breath as he kept his composure.
“You have good technique, but your problem lies in the foundation of your swordsmanship. The very basics such as stance and movement. If you fix that, you can excel to even greater heights with your blade. The Flare family is known for their Rising Phoenix Style. It is a beautiful sword technique. It focuses on dispatching your enemies in a single swing. The Rising Phoenix is famous for being able to harm multiple opponents with a single swing, then to finish all of your enemies off with the last swing. Do not sell yourself short. You merely lack experience to sharpen such skills.” Kael said to the lady.
“Thank you, Master Kael. I… I will take those words to heart.” She lowered her head before him.
“It is quite rare to hear someone be so well versed in the art of swordsmanship. Since it has fallen in favour thanks to firearms.. ” Patriarch Flare said.
“We are in a different time where swords may no longer be a weapon that can be used so easily. Adepts are a different story. Such as the idiots in front of us.” Kael said as they heard horns of a truck coming in front of them.
“Don’t evade.” Kael said as he drew Baihua instantly. Reducing the truck into nothing as the driver's body crashed on the wind shield.
"Just keep driving. He's already dead." Kael said as he lowered the window, then climbing up to the top of the car. Throwing the body aside. There were more vehicles on the way. Three more trucks. Kael needed to time it carefully. A deep breath to start priming his blade. One foot bending slightly forward. Picturing the swings he needed to vaporize the trucks. Then the drivers. A single draw, 12 quick swings. The trucks vaporized into nothing the drivers that operated them? Were turned into bloody sculptures on the ground.
Soon they arrived at the location an abandoned factory, where they see a rival family. A young man who had a gun pointing to the Flare family that were hostages.
"Lori Corazon. I thought we had an agreement!? Release my son and my daughter in law!" Kael was thinking of how he was going to do this while they began their talks.
"Deal's changed. Besides, if I kill you. Then there would be no one left to oppose the Corazon family!" They pointed their weapons to Patriarch Flare, his grand daughter and his men. Kael was done with thinking.
"Baihua... Slay the enemies before me. Leave nothing." Kael said as he drew Baihua, the blade shined bright white. That bright light would be the last thing the gunmen and Adepts would see. That single swing, it showed them a thousand deaths in a single strike. Not even the corpses were left. Lori Corazon turned to Kael only to have Kael's hands wrap around his neck.
"I... I'll kill you! I'll kill your entire family!"
"Not before I kill yours, brat." Kael said, strangling Lori Corazon until his eyes burst out with blood. Splashing onto Kael's face.
Soon there was nothing left. Kael lit up another cigarette, walking over to the Flare members who were hostages. They were free from their bindings, running over to Patriarch Flare. Kael then pointed Baihua to the corpse of Lori Corazon which was then turned into white powder, being blown away to the wind while the clothes remained.
“Wait, Master Kael! Is there any way for us to contact you?” One of the Flare family’s men walked on over, showing a phone. Kael dialed in his number.
“Just let me know if you need anything, Master Kael. We are forever in your debt.” Mister Flare spoke to Kael with a bow.
“Thank you Master Kael.” They all bowed. Kael waved them goodbye as he faded with the wind.
“Patriarch… Who is he?” One of the bodyguards asked.
“Someone who is far more dangerous than anyone I’ve seen. He was able to kill that many adepts as if they were nothing. Then killing all of our attackers without them realizing it. We must always be on this man’s good side and be grateful that he has given us his good graces. It was by his good nature that he came to help us. All because he did not want the normal people to be involved with the world of ‘Adepts’ .I’ve not seen a man with such clear boundaries in such a long time. Do make sure that everyone that works with us is aware of who he is. He must not be offended.”
“Yes, Patriarch.”
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