《World tag#001》Chapter023


- ... glielo avevo detto... mai che mi credano... non tremare vai avanti...

It's said the fear of the unknown is one of the most primordial, nothing was more true for the few second I couldn't identify the shadow. The story about dragon and monster served only to fuel my imagination. And the unintelligible muttering didn't help either.

- It's ok, it's a dream or a simulation... it's ok...

My escapism was having a field day while I tried, at least, to talk to myself as softly as possible. I was starting to image the most horrific possibility when what came into view smashed all my expectation. If in a good or bad way is still debatable.

What appeared, almost in front of me, was an old man. Hairy, hunched and with an unsteady gait like he was trying to walk while crouched. I was hoping, staying as still as possible, to avoid a confrontation and eventually escape. But if this man, with no armour and only a dagger in is trembling hand, was not a warrior maybe I could use another approach.

The old man slowly continued it's advance with an hand on the wall and it's almost comical, if not for the tense atmosphere, way of moving. I retreated a few steps as silently as possible, covered by the man's muttering, and placed a trap for him.

He seemed way more nervous than me, so I prayed that he didn't notice the rope-like barrier I created, at ankles height, to trip him. My plan was to make him stagger or fall, creating an opportunity to capture him and talk, so maybe I could see if the speech skill worked in some way.

The man had darting eyes, I suppose he didn't know the tunnel doesn't have branches or niches, but didn't see the faintly shimmering rope barrier. His distraction was repaid with a short scream and him kissing the ground.



Well at least the scream didn't need translation, I suppose. The man was trying to get up when I plunged on his back and tried to immobilize him. Mindful of only weapon I had see on him, I first tried to lock the man's arms and then I laid the knife on his throat.

I have to be honest, the old man was far more energetic and strong that I had judged at first sight, even if I was trying to be as gentle as possible in this situation. Especially a kick that landed an my side, while still on the floor, made me almost lose my grip on him. But in the end he calmed down, I think anyone with a blade on is neck would do, understanding the plight he was in.

- ... mi arrendo! Mi arrendo! Non uccidermi ti prego!

I started to get up from the floor and nudged him to do the same, while still threatening the shivering man. Looking at him better and up close, I finally understood the reason for his strange gait. What I saw relit the flame of my fears.

The old man's feet, that were popping out from the frayed end of his trousers, were just like the paws of a rabbit. The whole time he was walking on his toes, he wasn't trying to crouch... My reflecting on this absurdity was interrupted by the same bossy voice that followed the attack.

- Hey vecchio?!! Sei morto?!! Rispondimi o sai che succede!

When the voice's eco ended the old man, "rabbit-foot man"???, started to tremble even more. Maybe they were asking him what happened, but seeing like they send him to a probable danger, like he was expendable, made me think of a possible way out.

- Ssssssh...

I gestured my captive to stay quiet for now, and than tried to explain to him to say I wasn't here that he was ok and all was good. At least I hope the meaning of my hand gesture was transmitted, originally living in a country with plenty of gesturing maybe payed off now.

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