《World tag#001》Chapter016


My sight was dyed red for the longest seconds of my life, sure I didn't feel the heat or vibration I expected, but that served only to fuel my anxiety. I still felt more calm than I should, but I'm starting to think my sense of what's normal and what's not is irreparably damaged.

Still I have to admit, once forgetting the feeling of approaching death, free falling was really exciting. The night sky was almost free clouds and the ocean below, dotted with islands, was mesmerizing.

Even if I couldn't see the thing that surrounded and protected me, from the few movement my eyes stained to do, I still felt a change in it. Just when I was trying to think of a reason for the sensation, my falling speed started decreasing visibly.

With a much slower approach, to the surface of the planet, details of the islands an ocean were more clear. Three were the bigger land masses and I started losing count of the small one.

- It sure isn't Earth... I'm surely not a geography enthusiast but not even one coastlines matches my memory...

The decreasing speed also showed me what could be the destination of this uncontrollable trip. A group of three lone islands in the middle of the ocean, almost at the same distance from the continents, seemed my landing point.

After a while, my lack of any kind watch was killing me, I felt like I had memorized all the various coastlines and relative position of what I could see. With all the menu function blocked, and my lack of mobility, I started to reflect more seriously than before on my current situation.

- Sure, I have to admit, all this excitement is fun and all... But the lack of all the reaction, and sensation, I could have felt before this... Is disturbing...


Maybe it's true that memories define one-self, bur never like now I think I understand. All of this, new body, photographic memory, hud etc., is slowly eroding my original personality.

- Sigh... Why I always overthink, why?!

Outburst apart my prominent tracts seems in intact, so it's better to imagine this more like a game for my mental health. Also this strange skydiving experience is reaching a conclusion.

The islands were now filling my view and, guessing my trajectory, I was going to land on the bigger of the three. If it's really another planet I shouldn't apply Earth standards, but judging by position alone they should have tropical climate. All the greenery I could see also showed that it's sure fertile land.

When I started slowing down more and more my doubts on my landing destination started to clear. A plateau on top of a inactive volcano was the only place that was illuminated, and that made click something inside my mind. Of all the place I've seen, while in the atmosphere, there were no visible lights.

- Please, please somebody say it's only because I couldn't see them... I fear all the other implication...

Apart for my crawling doubts, the structure that seemed the source of the light came into view. A truncated cone It's the best description I could think at the moment. The top part, that was as bright as a thousands light bulbs, was centered into my sight so I suppose it's time to land on it.

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