《World tag#001》Chapter007


Having no reference on the normal consumption of magic I'm going to go by my old rule, and consider my first attempt average. My rule is to consider myself the embodiment of common so it' my rule of thumb.

Still it's worrying that with my MP I can only materialise two flame, maybe it's only because my method is wrong, but this need to be researched more.

Not knowing the time I still have in this room, is the time flow different like in some game?... Another doubt for the list... Anyway seeing it as limited is the best course of action. In the end, at the start of this absurdity, after three time I didn't respond the voice forced the hand of choosing this avatar.

So after meditating and confirming it really recover my MP, the light blue hue around me stayed active for around five minutes, I started all the other experiment. Well the fact that meditating for whole five minutes was a success was pretty weird but...

Water was as almost easy as fire and all the variation I did before a little gush of crystal clear water appeared out of air proved that the intended phenomenon manifest wherever I imagine. No need for extended hand and palms up.

That leaved me with the same amount of mana consumed as before so to start I meditated again this time I tried to do it while standing. Even if it needed me to close my eyes again and drop the blade, in the end the aura reappeared for the same rough time.

- I really miss a watch... Whining about something I can't do anything about is my stile but I go on anyway so...

Leaving my attempt of joke aside, the other most famous element are earth and air, maybe wood and metal considering chinese's one.

The trial and error continued for a while, with break to recover MP, and give me enough clues to form a theory. A shaky one but a theory nonetheless, for me it will be valid until someone disproof it.


My theory is:

Mana or MP is the fuel for magic phenomena;

Concentration, on the wanted result and point where manifest, is necessary;

Knowledge on the wanted phenomen, it's real composition ecc., is needed;

Concentration similar to meditation, to move the mana maybe?, is necessary;

The range and shape of manifestation is limited but can be increased with more fuel consumption.

When I was trying to make soil appear I stumbled on a huge problem, different from fire and water, earth is composed of a myriad of different things. Even excluding the organic elements it's not only a kind of mineral. So I was unable to wrap my head around it and no magic was the result.

But thinking about mineral made me remember two really famous structure of an element, carbon, diamond and graphite.

I didn't think I was going to remember all the various thing I had seen before but, confirming my doubts, whatever they did to me make my memory like a machine.

- Wait maybe I'm in a machine now... @#%& why can't a minute pass without a new doubts appearing like mushrooms...

Remembering what I know about diamond and graphite helped creating it, so if I can't male a living out the gig of magic I can always start selling diamonds or pencils. Roughly cut yes, needing polishing yes, but still diamond.

This take me to the "shape" bit of the theory, when the first bit of graphite and diamond appeared they were unshaped lump of material. Imagining a cylindrical shape for the graphite was easy compared to a roughly "table cut" diamond.

With air I met the same problem, apart from being only able to see a faint glimmer, normal atmosphere have lost of elements in it but my hope is that I was able to create a little bit of oxygen at least. Air composed of oxygen alone is pretty dangerous but also useful.


Making any organic compound appear was hopeless every try ended being a failure so no wood element.

Metal, on the other end, was almost easy. Well iron was and, after giving myself a migraine, even steel appeared. Gold was as difficult as iron...

- With silver in the second place... ... ... Ok I couldn't resist, ok...

I'm really tired if I'm starting to make face-palm jokes. Thinking about it I feel really mentally tired, like after an all-nighter at work or during my old school days.

But before I sleep on the mattress i put in a corner on the carpet, I put the sorry remain of the bed frame on the door. My hope is that if somebody open it, at least I will hear the falling metal.

Well checking my status before sleep seems a sensible idea so facing the mirror...

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