《World tag#001》Chapter005


I really start to wonder, about this system and his absurdity, after the fifth fabric straps I've obtained from cutting the sheets with the blade i crafted.

What I'm almost sure is that there's some kink of intent monitoring system in place. Not surprising if I believe what the voice said on, what I think is admitting, reading all my memories.

The first strap, just like the bevel on the blade, come off abruptly from the rest of the fabric after the fourth stroke. And considering the blade isn't that sharp is absurd on itself.

What took me by surprise is that the second time didn't go the same way. I was thinking of what meaning the number four have for this "crafting system", and I noticed that even after the fifth stroke of the blade the fabric didn't tear off.

Concentrating again on the cutting motion after the fourth time the strap came off...

- Okkeyyy... I'm definitely on something now...

Continuing to experiment established that surely when I concentrated on the action I was doing, the "final product" appeared after four interaction. That maybe can explain why the bed frame was destroyed after the fourth kick.

While if I thinked about anything apart of what i was doing, the final result obtained abide with the normal physics rules. The strap was cut anyway but, like one would expect from a hasty crafted blade, it required an enormous amount of effort.

But now that I "crafted" what needed, I can start the other experiment.

Coiling one tissue strap around, what i decided will be, the handle of my blade took only a minute. Now with a better grip I take a deep breath, concentrate myself and try not to shake.

Unlike the four action rule that seems in act for crafting, it takes only a swift and decise swipe of the blade to make a deep but small cut on the back of my left hand. I know it's a risk but a calculated one, trying to stay away from any major blood vessel, and taking account of the situation it seemed a passable idea.


The fact that that I had a scar from a previous job on the same spot is also a factor I believe.

Anyway the cut behaved like a normal cut should be, so I wrapped one of the fabric like a bandage thanking the first aid lesson taken in school.

- Menu!


- Interesting, the HP loss is expected, but also changing in Atk, Def and Exp...

Yes, the experiment to see if the HP dropped when hurt gave result and, apart from the flash of pain at the beginning, was worth it. The other change as byproduct of it are as strange as well accepted.

If I assume that the Atk change is due to the blade in my hand, than the Def must be the bandage? And the Exp?

I sit down on the mattress, that's now on the floor in a corner, and start remembering everything I've done since last menu check... If this system is really so linear and "easy" than the only explanation that I can think off is the crafting.

Well assuming that every "item" that i crafted is worth 10 Exp point is a leap of faith, but I'm willing to take it.

Now to verify the other stats I'm a little stumped of what to do. The most common way in every media to use MP is obviously magic but how?

- Mmmm... there's still the card of meditation but will it help?

Still mumbling to myself I take a lotus position this, I must admit, is new I never tried meditation or even yoga. I readed really a lot about the philosophy and the mind state behind some kind of meditation technique, but it's all theory for me.

I try to empty my mind and be in a state like using my peripheral vision... To be one with the universe... Ok I must admit the reason I'm never able to meditate is because of my focus to much on...


- Maybe I can use it.

I'm, as long I remember, a very mindful person, of myself but also of what's is happening in my surroundings. Be it because I feel too much self-centered, or the various bad things that happened in the past.

I'm not like a genius that can memorise with a glance or a super alert spy who can dodge throw weapon, I'm only really more pointed on myself than the peoples I know.

Anyway if I can use my self-consciousness to focus on when I meditate maybe it can be done. I never did it like that before because it only take me on a self-loathing trip.

Concentrate, concentrate...

What's mana supposed to be?

A kind of energy is my guess but how?

Is there an organ like a new liver that stores and create it?

Is all in my mind? ...

When I start to feel the well know feeling of my derailing thoughts, I start to feel a strange sensation. Just like when a light fever is starting, a sensation like a hand compressing my head.

I slowly open my eyes and what awaits me is a strange blue tinge in my vision. In the same moment, I start to think of the strange beauty of this hue, it ends.

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