《World tag#001》Chapter003


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Staring at the "screen" I found myself again pondering if it's all a joke from the R&D group. But even if they finally had finally a breakthrough in the VR tech that they are developing, I still believe it's impossible to make such realistic feedback for all the senses. Well I still haven't tried to taste anything but...

Am I in some kind of coma and this is the future?

- Yeah, right, the voice made more sense...

- Thank you for finally admitting it.

- What the @#%&... So you really were always watching and listening? Am I fun?

- Please don't start feeling victimized and be aggressive to respond to your fear, now that your matrix is properly indexed, I have a more precise measure of your being.

- And? Meaning we are all friends now?

- And the meaning is, like I said before, understanding why finally the search give result, in this case you, can progress myself in the search of my purpose.

- Ok ok... do you really believe I would listen to your riddle? What do you mean? Even you don't know what's happening?

- I already told you what happened to you, concerning my advancement the result are for myself only. Even if you already are seeing some of them.

- Like your way of speaking I presume? Feeling more relaxed?

- Yes, good job, your entry in the system have already started a domino effect.

- And this "system" you're talking about I suppose is this whole game thing? What am I the lone first player of all this charade?

- Yes, again good job, but I'm afraid there's much more to it. But it's useless explaining all now, you will have to advance and see for yourself. If you open the door the tutorial will begin, get ready for it and good luck!


- Wait, wait, don't use a fade fx when I...

The light fade from the screen, and the status chart before disappears. So no more dialogue than? It leaves me with the same question for before, do I really want to believe the voice? It's all real like it feels, it's a game... @#£$! Now the doubts are going to eat me alive.

I must start doing something or I really will start banging my head on the wall. First, if I'm really going anyway to "play" this game, like hell I will be doing whatever it says. So let's begin... Open the door? It also said to get ready ...

If it's like any of the games I played before, even as realistic as it is, let's start assuming there's perma-death system in play. Meaning I really have to prepare for whatever is beyond the door.

Bonus is, if this is really a starting tutorial area I can start gaining now that I'm relatively safe. I know it's cheap but if I have to believe that I already died once, than more the reason to be cautious. And if I really have to be myself, or my game-persona, I always liked to observe than move and strike or flee.

Having taken a decision for how to procede for now I get to work...

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