《Legend of the Void Walker》Chapter 20: Guts


Even before the fight started I knew that this monk was stronger than me. But I never realized it was this much. Punch after punch. Kick after kicks. I put all of my effort to keep the offensive to and put my opponent on his back foot. Unfortunately even as I keep raining my attacks on him, he brushed off all of my attacks like they were nothing.

I've seen him move earlier and thought of ways to overcome our gap in strength. But nothing is working. First I tried using my footwork to catch him. I am confident in my footwork. I consider it as one of my greatest strength back when I was fighting on Earth. But before him I might as well be drunk man trying to dance as I fumble my attempts on closing on my slippery foe.

Frustrated as I wasn't making any headway, I feint another strike only to grab his clothes and slam him on the ground. Although I was able to throw him, he landed on his feet and I am the one who got thrown instead. Stopping short of punching me in the face, just like that the fight was over.

"Ouch... You don't really pull punches do you?" I groaned as he helped me to my feet.

"Pain is a good motivation to learn." He smiled.

"How can you move like that? Sliding in the ground as if the rocks, roots and uneven ground doesn't impede your movements." I asked. During our fight, one of the reason I can't use my full speed was because I use great effort to avoid those unless I want my ankle twisted.

"The secret is awareness." He said. Sensing my confusion he continued. "I commend you in having an acceptable level of mastery of your movement. Unfortunately, you focus too much on how your body moves that you forget your surrounding. Your surrounding can be an advantage or disadvantage to you base on how you make use of it."

I do understand what he wants to say, but it doesn't explain how he could be aware of all the potholes, roots and pebbles all around.

"Don't worry too much about things you can't comprehend. The most important thing is to train. Comprehension will naturally come later." He slightly open the lid of the pot and the aroma of rich stew filled the air. He check on the food and then closed it. "The food is not yet cooked. Another round to pass the time?"

As if summoned by the smell of food, the dwarf Ortho and the human mage Mark Anthony appeared from their tents. "Is it lunch time already? I am famished." Ortho declared as he went straight to the cooking pot.

Kurt quickly swatted his hand before he could open the lid of the pot. "It is not yet done. Also, Philip and Alora has not come back yet. We will wait for them before we get to eat lunch."

"The elf is not back yet?" He checked something that can be described as a pocket watch. "It is almost noon. She is usually back early in her patrols. It is unlike her to be late." He quickly peeked on the pot before getting his hand swatted once more, this time from Mark Anthony who did I think did it just to make fun of his friend. "No meat? We caught a deer yesterday. Where are the leftovers at? Can't drink beer without meat."

"Leftovers are in the bag. You can find it in at the back of the cage cart." Kurt answered as he walk towards the middle of the clearing once more. "Also, Philip asked you to make a cart for Alora to sleep on when she get back. He said that way we can continue our journey back to the guild while she rest." He added.


"Yeah, yeah. I will do it after lunch. We have left over planks from making the cage so it will be easy as roasting a pig." He stated as he sit beside the fire. "Oh… Looks like you let our guest out of his cage. I don't think Alora would be pleased once she find out. She worked hard on drawing runes on that cage." He just then noticed that I was squaring off with Kurt.

"We are just having a light exercise. It is not like he will escape. Right?" He stared at me and I nodded in agreement. Not like I can escape this man.

"Oh well. Do what you like. It won't be my hide that will be tanned." Ortho jovially took a swig off his beer jug and proceeded to put a large piece of meat on his mouth that he got from the food bag. "Might as well enjoy a show while I drink." He then filled Mark's mug and they both sat to watch our fight.

This time I didn't blindingly charged at my opponent. I won't be able to catch him even if I put my all, base on our earlier bout. This time, I will have him come to me. We stood there for minutes. Both of us waiting for the other to make the first move and I can hear both Ortho and Mark booing in the sidelines.

"Not attacking? You might think that I only know how to fight defensively." He changed his stance to an aggressive stance. "Your are further from the truth." In a blink of an eye. He was suddenly in front of me. He covered at least 10 meters of distance in a second. I jumped to the side as he zipped past me in unbelievable speed.

What speed! Is he using mana to enhance his speed? I can't sense him using any. If this is his base then he is probably stronger than Vash even with his mana reinforcement! This man. It is like I am fighting against mana reinfored Vash with the skill of my master.

He charged once more as I jumped to the side once again. Its like fighting against a rampaging bull.

"There goes Kurt. Him being aggressive really is rare. Even Philip, buffed with all body reinforcement magic he knows, dreads facing against Kurt if he is like this." Mark Anthony commented.

His charge this time stopped in front of me, which would tear the tendons of a normal person, and started throwing punches and I started retreating, bobbing and weaving to dodge his attacks. I doubt I can take even a single of his attacks. As I continued dodging, I was surprised to find out that I was able to avoid his attacks even though it is faster and stronger that his attacks in our earlier bout. I observed his movements and found out why. He is attacking as if he has abandoned any form of defense, making his attacks obvious and open for a counter.

I took advantage of this oversight and I started to throw counters whenever I can. I was elated to see my attacks landing against this overwhelming opponent. I landed a couple more attacks forcing him to stop his assault. An opening!

I avoided his punch by twisting my body. Using the centrifugal force of my dodge to deliver a devastating back kick. It hit! I can feel the recoil of my---. Then the world flipped upside down.

"Opps. I think you overdid it Kurt. Hurry with the healing spell. Buy the gods that is a lot of blood." I couldn't make out of what they were talking as everything seem to be spinning. I see Kurt stand over me and I felt a warm energy enter my body. Then everything went dark.



I stand in the middle of the ring as I face off with my final opponent of my first tournament. Lei Shen. I was clearly outmatched as he continued to attack and I was left with no choice but to defend with every fiber of my being. For a whole round was turned into a punching bag by this overwhelming fighter. I thought I was about to go down for a few times before the bell rang. Ending the round. I hobbled towards my master as the crowd cheered the clear winner of the match.

I felt the cold ice against my face as my master spoke to me. "Do you want to give up? It is okay to give up you know." I shook my head in reply. I am not done yet. He just smiled as he took my mouthpiece and made me gurgle water and spit it at the bucket which resulted with a lot of blood.

"Skill, strength, speed and technique. He is above you in all of those category and it is understandable that he is confident in his chance to win." He continued as he stop the bleeding on the cut on my eyebrow. "But you have an advantage over him." He looked me in the eye. "You have the will to fight. Stronger fist doesn't equate to winning, instead it is the ones who want it more.""

He proceeded to put lotion on my swollen face. "When I look at you, I remember the kid who kept on challenging me relentlessly in the back alley where we first met. Every day I took you down and the next day you are there once more. Raring to go another round. Now, look at how far you have gone"

The bell rang and as my master exit the ring he said these words. "Win or lose, just remember. I am proud to be your teacher."

Hearing those words gave me courage and renewed strength to face my opponent once more.


I opened my eyes and winced as I muffled a groan as my jaws ache. Ouch… He must've hit me hard with that last punch. I found myself lying on a bedroll inside a tent. I feel my stomach rumble at the scent of food outside and I contemplated if I should stay in bed or go out to eat. My hunger won so I proceeded to groggily stood up and exited the tent.

As soon as I exited the tent, Mark saw me and greeted. "Look who is finally awake. I was scared that Kurt has knocked you into a coma once more." He grabbed an empty bowl and filled it with food. "Come sit with us and eat. Are you able to? Your jaw got shattered to pieces earlier you know. Kurt was able to heal it but it will still need a few days to fully heal." He then handed me the bowl and filled a mug with beer.

I tried to eat but I winced in pain as I try to chew on the vegetables. Shit, it looks like I won't be able to eat solid food for a few days. I crushed the vegetable with my spoon and proceeded to drink it like soup. Once I finished my food, I then drank my mug of beer which numbed the pain in my jaw at least a little.

After I finished my meal, I noticed that there are only two of us in the camp. "Where did the others go?" I asked.

"Ortho and Kurt went out to gather some herbs to treat your wound and also to find a fallen tree to use in making another cart. Philip and Alora hasn't come back yet but don't worry. They will be back soon." He answered. He seem to be writing something down on his notes. I tried to read it from where I sit, but I don't recognize any words or even the letters he is writing.

He noticed me glancing on his notes and with an amused look in his face he said. "Curious aren't we? Tell me, what do you see?" He showed me his notes.

"I just see scribbles. I can't understand a single thing written on your note." I answered. Seriously. Its' like I am looking at an alien language.

He studied me with his eyes for a few moment before answering. "I don't really know how to read people if they are lying. But since Kurt told us that you're telling the truth, then I will trust his judgement." He wrote once more in his notes and then turned his attention back to me. "As you can see, we have members in our party that are not of the human race. Even so, we can still understand what each other is saying. Which should not be possible since our races were not from the same world if the legend is to be believed."

"Are you talking about the legend where the Goddess Luna put each races in this world from other worlds?" I asked.

"You're familiar with the legend?" He seems surprised.

"Yeah. I remember the old man Eleazar telling me that story before." I answered.

"Eleazar the Archmage? Hmmm… I guess that makes sense. Since he is always seen in Prince Arthur's side. Now going back to my point. I believe that when the Goddess Luna put our races here in Astera, she must've granted each race the ability to understand each other's language. After all, if she planned for all the races to be at peace, universal language is key." He declared before going to deep thought once more. "Although it seem to be restricted to spoken words. Written words are not translated that is why we scholars and mages study to learn other races written language." He mused.

"So that is why I find the words and the movement of your mouth doesn't match." I said. "It kept on bugging me but now I understand why."

He chuckled. "It was the same for me when I first spoke with another race." He then patted me in the shoulder. "Don't worry. Once you get used to it, you won't notice it anymore."

I smiled in response. There was an awkward silence. "So… Thank you for not locking me up in the cage while I was knocked out."

"No problem. I thought you would be knocked out far longer and it is easier to take care of you while outside the cage since it is made to unable the person inside from using mana. Since I am the one assigned to look after you while the others are away, I would rather not submit myself to that uncomfortable sensation." He said as he continue to write down on his notes.

"Are you not afraid I would escape?" I asked.

He stopped what he is doing and gazed at me. "Will you?"

I can sense his mana begin to build up. His mana feels hot like I was being cooked in fire. "Of course not. Why would I?" I answered as sweat drenches my clothes.

He looks surprised when he noticed my sweat. Then his expression changed into one of amusement. "Hmmm…" he then started writing down on his notes.

Silence fill the atmosphere once more. Mark Anthony was different from what I expected. He was so energetic while with the others that it is unsettling to see him silent. I hope the others get back here sooner.

While waiting for the others to come back, I mulled over my fight with Kurt. I closed my eyes and visualized our fight. The way he fight is really polarizing. When he fights defensively, he moves like a shadow, slipping just out of reach. But when he is aggressive, he becomes like a bull who will decimate everything that is in front of him. From waiting for his opponent to attack only to be met by his skillful counters into straightforward attacks that only aims to destroy his enemy with sheer power.

On and on I visualize out fight to try and find his weakness. While he was using his defensive stance, it was just like he said. He was able to outmaneuver me by using the terrain to his advantage. Now that I think about it, I noticed his foot digging ditches and kicks pebbles where my foot is going as he move. Apparently in order to break my footwork as I try to avoid those pebbles and ditches.


But even though I could catch him, I can't get past his defense as even if I use quick attacks his defense is perfect. Too perfect that even if I was able to grab and throw him, he can turn it around and counter me instead, evident from my earlier attempt which sent me thrown hard against the ground.

In total contrast of his defensive stance, his aggressive stance is easy to find weakness on. He disregard defense altogether in place of speed and power to inflict as much damage to his target which leaves him open to a counter. His attacks are heavy but by using all of his weight behind each attacks, it leaves his attacks too readable and stance wide open that I was able to dodge them regardless of his attack speed and even land some well-placed attacks.

In regards to his footwork while on aggressive stance, he just moves in a straight line. Using the speed of his charge to produce deadly attacks. Although it is fast, his charge has an obvious tell. He leans forward as if he is falling face first before he rockets forward. If I haven't seen my master use this technique before, then I wouldn't be able to dodge him and I will be road kill.

Now that I think about it, is Kurt trying to kill me with his charge? If I was hit by that charge I don't see myself survive. I mean, he almost killed me right now when he broke my jaw with his punch, although he did heal me. Maybe he just got carried away. Yeah. He was nice to me since I met them and if I have to suspect someone that wants me dead it would be the elf Alora. I don't know what I did but I can see intense hatred behind her mesmerizing eyes.

My mind began to wander when I heard rustling noise in the bushes. Mark was also alerted by the sound and gazed towards the origin of the sound.

Mark shouted "Ortho? Kurt? Is that you guys?" There was no answer.

Mark then quickly grabbed his wand as I felt his mana surge. When he started chanting, I felt several mana rising from around us. Two right in front of us. One on each side of the camp and one at the tree top.

I sensed the one on the left release his mana obviously travelling towards Mark. I tackled him and both of us fell on the ground as a bolt of lightning scorch the ground we were standing in earlier.

"It's an ambush! They have surrounded us!" I shouted as we both stood up and took defensive position.

A voice of a man can be heard in front of us. "This is why you should practice stealth move Corbin. They wouldn't have found us if you didn't screw up."

"I'm sorry Marlon. I was just excited to meet the One." Another voice of a man replied.

"Quite interesting indeed. They were able to avoid my sneak attack." A voice that sounds like a girl is heard from our left. The one who fired the lightning.

"Are you sure you are not just getting sloppy May?" A voice of another girl can be heard from the right.

"Oh shut up April." The girl on the left replied.

"Shut up all of you. Since they already know we are here. Why don't we show ourselves to our new friends?" The one on the tree top on the back who sounds like a girl declared.

As they begin to reveal themselves. I can feel their energy overwhelming my senses.

We are outnumbered and the others are not here. Can Mark and I able to fight them off?

I look at Mark Anthony and saw him sweating bullets.

Well shit.

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