《Loving You》My Dog


I didn't really know how to start this, but I love my dog.

I love her soft brown eyes that fill me with comfort and love. Her fluffy black tail as it swings elegantly, ever reaching for the sky. I love how my dog stays by my side, whether sleeping next to the couch, eagerly waiting outside the room I'm in, or sleeping by my bed at night. She loves hugs and if you scratch her velvety ears, she'll wrap her paws around your arms all the while giving you kisses.

I love how my dog seeks to comfort and protect me at all times, how she'll let me hold her when I've simply had enough of life. She is one of my favorite things in life and has converted me from a die-hard cat person to dogs taking my heart. I'm told that dogs have amazing memory and won't forget me when I'm at college which I desperately hope so because it would break my heart if she forgot me.

I'm sure many of you understand how I feel whether you have a dog or another pet who you love deeply, but if not, just take my word for it. I think one reason why we love pets so much is that unconditional love that they have for you. We thrive to be loved and sometimes it's hard to find it. Remember, you are loved and if you're having trouble finding it, sometimes you don't have to look any further than the tail wagging awaiting you to come home.

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