《The Counterfeit Mage》Chapter 3: The Kingsman's Son
Evander looked around the semicircular walkway with dozens of students looking at him. Many students had confused looks on their faces, while some were whispering to each other. A minority of students wore simple silver robes. The silver robes were emblazoned in gold with the academy’s crest. The crest was a circle containing a dragon flying vertically with wings spread out. A book and a staff flanked the dragon just below its wings.
Turning to get one last look at his parents, he saw their carriage driving away as another began approaching. He maintained a straight back and shoulders as he attempted to confidently stride into the lounge area.
Wandering through the dining lounge, he observed the students around him. Some positioned themselves to get a good view of the drop offs, while others were simply mingling or lounging around. The students not in silver were robed a rainbow of strikingly distinct colours.
A tall student with fiery red hair approached him. He wore red robes with black accents, displaying a burning wolf crest on his right breast. Evander immediately recognised him as an old acquaintance from basic education: Cilian Cinderwolf. He hesitated to call Cilian a friend as Evander hardly had time for things that weren’t made from paper.
“Well that was quite the entrance, Evander. That must have cost a pretty penny to get old Oliver to add so much fluff,” said the young man.
Evander began to look down for a moment, feeling embarrassed, but quickly corrected his gaze and stared directly at the young man with a confident look and welcoming smile.
“Thanks Cilian. But I think my parents just like to hear their monikers out loud.”
“Constructing a name for yourself is difficult work, achieved only by those with substantial skill or money, or both. You should consider yourself lucky to have such supportive parents.”
“As should you. Your family does a lot to earn their reputation as master fire mages”
Cilian tone grew sombre.
“Only if you’re a fire mage though. My parental support and inheritance is contingent on getting lucky on an affinity test. And all I can do about it is say my prayers to the god of fate”
“It sure would be nice if we could choose our affinities”
Cilian smirked, then raised his hand to greet Evander.
“It’s good to see you again, Evander”
“It’s good to see you too”
Evander reached out his hand and they clasped wrists. Both of them then placed their free hands on the back of the other’s clasped wrist while performing a slight bow.
This was Evander’s first time performing the fancy arm-clasp in the wild, which left him feeling somewhat nervous. Unlike school, Students came from all around to attend the academy, and formal greetings were expected from high society aristocrats and their children. He was relieved when he managed to execute it without looking silly.
“Excellent clasp. But use a little more pressure with your free hand. Otherwise people will think you’re timid”
“Thanks for the advice”
“No worries, you’re gonna need all the help you can get. On another note, I heard you died or something?”
“What! Are you serious?”
Cilian slapped his back.
“I’m kidding. I know you did your book thing and graduated early. And judging by your entrance, your plan to get a head start on the rest of us failed”
“My book thing?”
“You know, where you read lots of books in your spare time and then trounce the rest of us with your superior knowledge”
“Oh, that. Yeh, I guess I did that”
“Anyway, you should probably mingle a bit and meet some of the other rainbow cloaks. Everyone here is in their first year so It’s a great chance to show yourself off to your classmates”
“Oh, good point. But do you know anyone here?”
“I know everyone here. My mother is obsessed with throwing grand galas every month. I can introduce you to a few of the out-of-towners if you like”
“I'd love to”
Cilian waved at two students nearby.
Cilian led Evander to a table where two colourful robed students were chatting. One wore a white robe with black trimming emblazoned with an eagle crest. The other had a green cloak with gold accents and a snake crest.
“Hey Douglas. Mind if we join you?”
“Not at all. Have a seat”
Evander and Cilian grabbed a pair of free seats and sat down next to each other.
“This is my good friend, Evander Emberheart. He’s so obsessed with magic, he graduated basic two years ahead of his peers in an unsuccessful attempt to hit the academy early.”
Evander cringed at Cilian's words.
“I really wish you would stop bringing that up”
Cilian ignored Evander’s pleas and continued.
“Evander, these are my friends Douglas Davenshore and Belinda Braveheart. Douglas’ family runs the Merchant’s Guild in Rolf, and Belinda’s family is in the wine business”
“You’re too kind, Cilian,” said Douglas
Douglas reached out to greet Cilian, then Evander. Evander hesitated a little before clasping the man’s arm and bowing slightly, which was slightly awkward to do while sitting at a table. The steps were repeated with Belinda, which was easier the second time around.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Douglas. I’d tell you what my family does, but I suspect you already know”
“Ah yes, we were just talking about your entrance. That was quite the scene. How ever did you convince Oliver to go along with it?”
“Money?”, said Evander, giving a sheepish smile as he shrugged
Belinda interjected with a chuckle.
“It would take a whole lot more than money to convince Oliver to say something so gushing”
Evander looked stunned.
“Oh”, said Evander
“Your father, The Ivory Smith, must be rather well connected to embarrass you so thoroughly”, said Belinda
“Actually I’m sure it was my mother’s Idea. I’m the first and only Emberheart child and she really wanted to make people notice me”
Belinda gave a slight smile.
“Well she succeeded at that”
Douglas took a sip from his drink, then placed it back on the saucer in front of him. He looked at Evander and his face took on focused expression.
“You’ll be the talk of the academy for the next day or so, and not all of it will be good. Some of the young aristocrats don’t take too kindly to upstart families who don’t know their place”
Evander gulped.
“Should I be worried?”, Evander asked
“Only if you can’t protect yourself. Physically or politically, but ideally both”
At that moment a scuffle could be heard nearby. Evander and his three acquaintances turned to see what the commotion was.
A tall man with short white hair stood over a student in silver robes. The tall man was clad in a black robe with white accents and a tall white collar. Evander checked his family crest. It was a black and white insignia featuring a man with wings holding a blade covered in wispy silver fire. Below the crest the name read, Kingsman.
“How dare you?” yelled the Kingsman student.
“Who is that?”, asked Evander
Cilian rolled his eyes.
“That’s Kevin Kingsman, Son of Kalvin Kingsman. His father is captain of the king’s guard, more commonly referred to simply as The Kingsman. Not too bright, that one. Needed private tutors and a few extra years to complete his basic education. But he sure knows how to swing a sword”
“Is anyone going to do anything about this?” asked Evander
“Unlikely. It’s best to just let him get it out and move on.” replied Belinda, “Else you risk making trouble for yourself. He’ll forget all about this by tomorrow if the kid just apologises and runs away”
Kevin Lifted the student by the collar with his massive biceps, pulling the students face toward his.
“I wont have commoner filth besmirching my father’s name. Apologise!”
Evander gritted his teeth, as his heartbeat quickened.
“Can’t one of the other nobles stop him?”
“Why would we?” asked Belinda “He’s a commoner. The only thing we stand to gain for interfering is the ire of the Kingsman family”
Evander looked towards Cilian with a pleading expression. Cilian shook his head and glared a warning back at him.
The student wriggled and squirmed but Kevin’s enormous biceps iron grip held the student in place.
Evander tried to think of something he could do to distract Kevin long enough for the student to get away. He remembered a toy he brought with him. Evander dropped his backpack to the ground and reached into the pack for his spring loaded ball bearing cannon. It was a thin metal shaft with a draw trigger. The design was simple. Pulling back on the handle caused a small bearing in the side chamber to fall into the main chamber. Then pushing the release button launched the tiny projectile.
With a quick glance around the room, Evander confirmed all eyes were on the commotion. He pointed his toy at Kevin’s head and pressed the trigger. The little device made a woosh and thunk as the little metal ball flew from the nozzle and struck Kevin in the side of the head. The silence that followed was broken only by the pattering of the little bearing on the marble floor.
The shock was enough to startle Kevin, who let go of the student and clasped the side of his head in surprise. Just as the student started to scurry away Kevin lunged at the student and pinned him against a table.
“You’re going to pay for that you filthy peasant!”
Evander’s stomach and his heart thumped in his chest.
“This guy really is stupid”, Mumbled Evander to himself.
He drew back the trigger on his toy and pointed it at Kevin again.
“Hey Kevin. Are all Kingsman as stupid as you or are you the exception?”
Kevin let go of the student and turned around to see Evander right as the pellet hit him in the forehead. Evander winced as it struck, realising too late that his ploy was both dangerous and stupid. Kevin stumbled as he palmed his forehead. Seizing the opportunity, the student rolled off the table and ran for the halls. After recovering from being struck a second time, Kevin looked directly at Evander.
“You!” Shouted Kevin
Kevin stomped over to Evander as he pulled his glove from his right hand. He stopped in front of Evander, glancing down at Evander’s family crest.
Then Kevin slapped him across the face with his glove.
“You have brought slanderous words to the house of Kingsman! I officially demand satisfaction. Duel or submit”
Evander was familiar with the nobility's practice of duelling, but never thought it would affect him. He stood up and faced Kevin eye to eye, plastering his face with the most serious look he could muster.
“I’m happy to just apologise and call it even”
Kevin looked like a vein would burst on his forehead.
“You assaulted me and mocked my family. An apology won't cut it now, Emberheart!”
There were whispers around the room as Kevin continued.
“I want a public, grovelling apology in the auditorium after the affinity exam. And you shall be my servant for a month.”
Evander was certain he would lose any duel with this enormous monstrosity. He was also certain to be no match with the sword. Evander gulped as he considered his options.
A public apology might not harm his reputation too badly, especially if people dislike this guy. But then there was the servant request. That could entail a lot of extra work and put him behind on his magical training.
“I respectfully request that I consult my acquaintances to discuss my options before deciding. May I have a minute?”
Kevin grumbled for a moment, then grunted in agreement. He appeared to be calming down now that things were under his control. Fortunately for the other student Kevin seemed to have completely forgotten about them.
Kevin walked several steps away from the table while Evander sat back down. Douglas, Belinda and Cilian were staring at him in stunned silence, moths agape.
“Hi guys. I’m not sure what you overheard, but I could use some more of that great advice you were giving earlier”
“You are a very stupid, stupid man, Evander. You should have left it alone. How’s that for advice?” replied Belinda
“Exceptional, no doubt. But I fear I am a little past the point of needing such preventative warnings. Perhaps you could have given me that nugget a little earlier”
Belinda rolled her eyes and Douglas shook his head. Cilian, on the other hand, was trying desperately to stifle a laugh.
“If I recall young Evander, we did in fact warn you to stay out of it,” Said Belinda
Evander thought back to their callous indifference and realised that their reasons may not have been as calloused as he initially assumed.
“I’ll admit that advice makes sense in hindsight. But how about some fresh advice? Can his little tantrum get me in trouble if I ignore it?”
Belinda sighed.
“Yes there is a lot he can do legally. If you ignore his demands and refuse to duel him, he can take civil action against you and sue for damages. Even if you win you will be out of pocket a pretty penny. However, given your blatant and outrageous stupidity, he is likely to demolish you in court”
Douglas cleared his throat and pointed at Kevin., who was standing several feet away, conversing with another student in colourful robes.
“You assaulted that man in a room full of people and then publicly admitted to it while insulting him. Even if most of the people here don’t like him, he’s guaranteed to have no shortage of witnesses willing to testify for him”
Evander felt a pit forming in his chest.
“So I either become his slave and grovel at his feet, or I duel him?”
Douglas laughed.
“If you duel him he will kill you”
The pit in his chest intensified and was making it hard to breathe.
Belinda shot Douglas a glare.
“Stop it, Douglas! You’ll scare the man to death”
She turned to Evander and gave him a reassuring pat on his shoulder..
He won’t kill you, probably. There is always a risk of death in a duel, but usually it’s to first blood. If you lose the duel, then he can make whatever demands he likes, within reason. Alternatively, you could argue the demands in court, but that would be expensive”
“Belinda is technically right, Evander. He probably won’t kill you. But he will mess you up, and you will still have to meet his demands when you lose”
“So…the only way out of this is to beat him, in a duel, with swords? And his father is the captain of the king’s guard? And he looks like that?”
“Yeah, you’re screwed buddy”, said Cilian
Belinda looked down in thought for a few moments, then turned back to Evander, as her eyes lit up.
“Actually, there is a sliver of hope. As the one who received the challenge, you are entitled to pick the time, place and format of the fight. If you select a weapon you are superior at, then your odds of winning-.”
“Hey! Emberheart!" shouted Kevin, “Times up! What’s it gonna be?”
Evander thought about what Belinda had said as he walked back towards Kevin. He wasn’t a sword-master, nor an expert at any weapon. There was simply no weapon that he could wield that a man like this hadn't wielded for longer. Evander spent every minute of every day studying magic, nothing else. The only way he could win a duel was if it was a quiz on magical theory.
He walked over to Kevin with his back straight and head held high. He stopped in front of Kevin, looking up at the fierce expression. Kevin’s eyes burned with an intensity that made Evander shudder. If looks could kill.
“What’s it gonna be, Emberheart?”
Evander gave Kevin a friendly smile, while still trying to convey confidence.
“I don’t suppose you would accept a battle of the mind? My only skill is years of study in advanced magical theory”
Kevin’s eyes lost their intensity and his expression changed just for a moment before returning to a disdainful glare. For just a moment, Evander could have sworn he saw fear on Kevin’s face.
“A duel requires combat, you weasel. If you really want to duel, pick a weapon!”
Evander stared at the man, confused. There was something he was missing. He ran over the moment and played the words in his mind trying to figure out how he could beat the man using knowledge. Chills shot down his back as realisation hit him.
Realising he was going to accept the duel, Evander’s heart began to pound and his hands became slick with sweat. Even with an even playing field, there was no guarantee of victory. But given Kevin’s fearful expression Evander figured he had a reasonable chance in a magical combat duel.
Evander took a deep breath and steeled himself.
“I have nothing to apologise for. You disgrace yourself with your violent and entitled behaviour. I accept your challenge. And as the challenged party I decide the location, time and rules”
Evander studied Kevin's face for any sign of backing down. He hoped beyond hope that Kevin would realise the implication and call this whole thing off. After waiting a few moments and nothing was forthcoming, Evander continued.
“As mages, it is only fitting we settle our dispute as such”
Evander saw Kevin visibly flinch at his words.
“The time shall be one week from now. Plenty of time to-”
“A week! Are you daft? Magic takes months to develop practical competence, and years to master”
“Oh I simply wanted to get it over with so we could both move past this little tiff. If you like I can give you more time to work on yourself, if you really think you need it”
Kevin snarled at Evander’s remarks, but was unable to voice his objections without appearing weak. After a few moments of silence Evander sighed.
“Oh alright. You're a man well educated in the martial arts, and are probably right about combat magic. We’ll give it a year.
Gasps were heard around the room. Kevin appeared to be amenable to the suggestion, but continued to silently glare at Evander.
“Ok, the time’s settled then. The place can be the academy duelling theatre. Finally, the conditions of victory will be submission or incapacitation. If the duelist is unable to continue or forfeits, they lose the duel.”
Kevin's nostrils flared.
“And the rules?”, growled Kevin
“Obviously no weapons or physical contact allowed. All interaction must result from magical effects powered by the duelist's own mana”
With every word Kevin’s irritation intensified.
“You are going to regret this, Emberheart. When I win this duel I will have my compensation, for today and the days I am made to wait. I will have a public apology and a full year of servitude when I win”
“And If I win, we forget this whole thing ever happened. Oh, and I want you to apologise to that student you terrorised earlier”
Evander held out his arm.
“Do we have a duel?”
“It’s a duel”, growled Kevin
Kevin clasped his arm and slammed his left hand over his wrist. Kevin’s grip was so tight he would feel the circulation cut off in his wrist. He returned the clasp with the firmest hold he could muster. Their eyes locked as they nodded at each other, then disengaged.
With that concluded Kevin stormed off and down the hall. Behind him several students in coloured robes followed. Evander wandered back to Belinda, Douglas and Cilian, feeling light headed and disoriented.
Cilian jumped from his seat and embraced Evander with a firm pat on his back.
“What in the actual hell was that! You are either a genius or a madman. You’d better hope your book thing gives you a big enough advantage to best that pile of sentient muscle”
“Oh yes, my book thing. It’s a gamble, but everything else seemed to be a worse deal”
“You studied academy level theory?”, asked Douglas
“Sure did. All eight affinities, plus some basics on the secondary arts: bestiology, herbology, alchemy, aeordifice, and divinology. To be honest, I’m not that interested in the secondary arts. They’re for chumps”
Cilian shook his head.
“You are one crazy man, Evander. You’re the kind of person that goes places. Wonderful or terrible places, only the gods can know”
“If I didn’t know any better I would suspect this was your plan all along,.” said Douglas
Evander baulked.
“Oh, gods no. In fact, this whole experience has taught me I really should learn a little more about high society, lest I get myself in more trouble”
The rest of the morning involved Evander being approached by various students. Some thanking him for standing up to Kevin, others condemning him for his foolishness.
Over the next hour or so, Evander got to know several of the nobility and rich students, as well as many of the ‘silver cloaks’. Between greetings he chatted with Cilian, Douglas, and Belinda, who explained a little about etiquette and how to avoid making a fool of himself in the future.
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