《Absolute Supremacy》I am not sure if she shares the same opinion as me


Everyone, including the two women turned their gaze towards the direction from where the voice came from and saw a person walking towards them.

Although, they couldn't see the person's face properly due to the hood he was wearing over his face but from his gait; they recognized him to be a male. Their belief was further strengthened when they saw the slightly masculine chin that was somewhat visible below the hood.

As usual that person was Cao Huang, who was coming back from the Morning Dew Lake. This scenario in front of him; gave him the perfect chance to cause some trouble. And if the opposing party was the one he already had an enmity with, it was even better.

Seeing Cao Huang coming towards them, Rolling Stone somehow had a bad premonition and he gravely said, "I don't know who you are but you better scram out of here or otherwise."

Cao Huang didn't stop walking; instead he started to laugh lightly at Rolling Sloth's and said, "You see, there are two type of people I hate the most. Ones who threaten me and the other ones who are far too obnoxious for my liking."

Seeing that Cao Huang wasn't going to heed to their warning, Rolling Stone nodded and a Level 2 Berserker of the Crimson Draught charged at Cao Huang, raised his axe and used [Double Impact] skill to slice down with the intention of ending Cao Huang in a single strike.

Cao Huang continued to walk forward with arms behind his back; acting as he hadn't seen the enemy charging towards him.

Soon the axe struck Cao Huang's body and he was blasted back; spitting a mouthful of blood as he landed on the ground and eventually his HP drained to zero.

All the surrounding Crimson Draught players and the two women were dumbfounded. With all that big talk, the last thing they expected was Cao Huang to die without even lifting a hand.

Crimson Fire started to laugh loudly, "Hahaha, so it was just a lunatic trying to suicide. We greatly overestimated him."


All the Crimson Draught members nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Boss. Those who try to oppose us are only courting death."

All of them were chattering when their joyful mood was ruined by a soul shivering voice. "Courting death? Sorry, I don't have to a disorder of courting myself."

The voice that every surrounding player thought they will never hear, was just too hard for them to take. All of them gazed at Cao Huang's body which didn't disappear as expected; instead it started to float in the air and stood back on his feet.

"Your HP clearly dropped to zero. How come you aren't dead?" The surrounding Crimson Draught players were scared silly.

Cao Huang chuckled lightly, "I govern my own death, no body can take that privilege away from me."

Crimson Fire seeing that his players were starting to lose their composure strongly said, "He must have consumed something beforehand that allowed him to revive after dying. Those type of things can only be used once. If he dies again, he won't be able to revive." Although Crimson Fire has said that to rally his players. In reality, he was comforting himself.

"Yeah, a revival item. Why didn't I think of that? Let's crush him for making a fool of us." All the players were burning with fury as they thought that they were made a fool of.

The Berserker again struck towards Cao Huang's chest but this time the case was different.

The incoming axe passed through Cao Huang's chest, who continued walking forward as if nothing had happened.

Cao Huang turned his head back towards the Berserker and spoke, "Are you done yet?"

This time the Berserker was truly frightened and wanted to run away. Just as he had taken a few steps he went slack and fell to the ground with a thud.

No-one except the two women knew what had transpired in these two seconds but all of them knew one thing; that the Berserker was dead. "He must be exploiting a bug in the game." All of them started comforting themselves and contacted the developers to report the supposed bug.


What Cao Huang exploited wasn't any sort of bug, but the illusion storm skill from his ring of illusion. He used the illusion storm to create an illusion of himself getting struck by the Berserker's axe and dying after. He then went to create the illusion of himself floating above the ground. The scene where the axe just passed through his body was created by using the phantom steps simultaneously with the illusion storm skill. Lastly, the reason nobody was able to see the Berserker getting struck was due to Cao Huang's extreme attack speed which wasn't something the Crimson Draught players were currently capable of perceiving.

A while later they received a notification, telling them that the game is free from any bugs and the actions of the player before them are completely within the game's framework.

The Crimson Draught players felt despair after receiving the notification. But they didn't know that their nightmare has just began.

The two women present had different thoughts from the Crimson Draught players. Although, they couldn't see it properly; they saw a metallic streak just before the Berserker died. It meant that their abilities were far more stronger than the Crimson Draught members.

How is he so fast? The question was ringing in both of their mind.

"Play times over." Cao Huang said as he raised his hand and the Reaper's scythe of desolation appeared in his hand.

"Attack!" The Crimson Draught players shouted in desperation and rushed toward Cao Huang. Seeing Cao Huang's action; Crimson Fire knew that his members were charging into Death's mouth.

"Wait-" Crimson Fire shouted at his guild members but they didn't even pay attention to Crimson Fire's order.

Seeing the so many players rushing towards him, Cao Huang didn't panic. He was even somewhat excited about checking his strength against this many players.

When the Crimson Draught members reached Cao Huang, several grayish metallic streaks appeared in the air and several players fell down. Cao Huang's every strike took a life and exactly after eleven seconds every single melee player of the Crimson Draught was dead; their blood dying the ground in red.

Seeing this scene made the rangers who were standing a little bit back, cringe with fear. All of them started retreating but how could they escape from Cao Huang who was much faster then them. In this way, the only Players left on the field were Rolling Sloth, his leader Crimson Fire, the two women and Cao Huang himself.

"Who-Who are you?" Said Rolling Sloth Trembling.

"You will know. Soon, the whole world will know." said Cao Huang.

"I don't care who you are but now that you made an enemy out of Crimson Draught; you are going to regret this." Crimson Fire was furious.

"Let me send you on your way." Cao Huang used soul slash on Crimson Fire. Soul Slash ignored 40% of the opponents health. This coupled with the temporary 28% damage increase he received from killing the Crimson Draught Guild members, the result was obvious. One less person was standing here on the fields.

"Don't worry I won't kill you. Just send a message to your guild leader." Cao Huang said to Rolling Sloth who was trembling in fear.

"What message?" asked Rolling Sloth.

"Tell him that... Death will pay him a visit." said Cao Huang.

"Can I go now?" asked Rolling Sloth hopefully.

"I have already let you go but.." Cao Huang hesitated.

"But what? Is an expert like you going back on his words?"

"No, it's not that."

Slash! Slash! Slash!

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Several high damages appeared on top of Rolling Sloth's head and he fell to the ground; dead.

"I am not sure if she shares the same opinion as me." Cao Huang continued what he wanted to speak, pointing at the Purple Clothes woman who was sheathing her sword.

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