《Absolute Supremacy》Not a million life times!


Cao Huang had almost checked all of the rewards he had gained from this quest. The only one that remained was the mysterious box. But before that

[Chaos Dragon's Origin Blood] (Gold Grade, Origin Blood) (Evolution Type)

Merged: 10% (Complete Merging time: 790 hours left)

Description: The Chaos Dragon was the first Dragon in existence. He was born from the energy of Chaos, destruction of the world his sole purpose. In the myths, he is also known as the World Devourer. Realizing the extreme danger that he posed to the World, he was immediately attacked by the then Seventeen Supremes of Parallax. The fight which lasted for ages turned the entire World Of Parallax upside down and also destroyed the Domain of Supremes. The World Devourer in anger killed Three Supremes while the other Fourteen were badly wounded. As a last desperate measure, all of them fused the remaining power they had and attacked the World Devourer. The World Devourer was killed while the Fourteen Supremes fared no better. All of them were mortally wounded and fell into a weakened state. Taking advantage of the situation, the Forty-eight Gods of Parallax attacked them in their weakened state. Although they were in weakened they still managed to hold them for a while. Among the fourteen of them, the two Supremes sacrificed themselves to allow the other Twelve to get away. When the World Devourer was killed, his blood sprayed on the World Of Parallax and gave birth to what we know today as Dragons. Only a single drop of World Devourer/ Chaos Dragon's Origin Blood was left intact. This was secretly kept by the Emperor of Death, Joghdur who was unable to use it. Upon defeating Joghdur, this drop was obtained by Azurus.


Strength +45%, Agility +40%, Endurance +50% Intelligence +30%,

Movement Speed +20%, Attack Speed +30%, Item Requirements reduced by 10 Levels

Dragon Language: User can speak and understand Dragon language.

Sovereign Of Dragons: As the Chaos Dragon is the Sovereign of all Dragons, the enemy Dragons before user will all have their attributes reduced by 20%. The allied Dragons will have their attributes increase by 20%. User's will receive 20% increase in his attributes when facing Dragons.

Elemental Ruler: As the Chaos Dragon was born from Chaos energy and Chaos is combination of every type of Elemental Energy. The user's affinity with elements reaches extremely high. The ability to learn Elemental based skills increase by 30%. Contract chances with Elemental Spirits increase by 70%.


Elemental Protection: Increases user's resistance from surrounding elements and elemental based attacks by 30%.

Elemental Strengthening: Increase user's elemental damage by 15%.

Child of Chaos: All attributes of user in Chaos energy filled environments increase by 25%.

Aura Of Majesty: As user is the possessor of Chaos Dragon Origin blood, his Aura will put a majestic pressure on the surroundings in a 30 yard radius (Can be activated and deactivated at will).

Movement and Attack Speed reduced by 20%.


The Devourer: Can devour all elements, mana, magic and bloodlines and use them for his own.

Skill Level: 1( Storage: 1000 MP. Elements: Three Elements. Bloodlines: Three bloodlines, Devouring rate: 1MP per second).

Requirement: Gold Grade Origin Blood.

Cool Down : No cool down.

Breath of Destruction: Deals five times of Users Overall Damage in a meter wide straight line. Can be combined with Elements devoured to further increase it's destructive capabilities.

May cause the enemy to enter faint state for 2 seconds.

Requirement: Gold Grade Origin Blood.

Cool down: 5 minutes.

Bloodline extraction: User can extract prominent features from the bloodline devoured. Bloodline destroyed upon extraction.

Requirement: Gold Grade Origin Blood.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cool down: 1 Hour.

Elemental Surge: Radiates elements in a 20 metre radius to increase allies elemental resistance and strength by 10%.

Requirement: Gold Grade Origin Blood

Duration: 30 minutes.

Cool down: 2 Hours.

Half Dragon Transformation: Transforms into a Human-Dragon Hybrid, increasing users health by 300%, Strength by 350% , Defense by 300% and Agility by 100%.

Duration: 4 minutes.

Cool down: 3 hours.

Requirement: Diamond Grade Origin Blood.

Chaos Dragon Transformation: ?????????

Duration: ????????

Requirement: ???????

Note: Chaos Dragon Origin blood can only be used after complete merger with the body.

Cao Huang was really excited after seeing all the information about Chaos Dragon Origin Blood. But seeing the note at the last shattered all his fantasies. His laughing face was left wide open. He never expected that he could only used it after more than 20 days. A delicacy was before him but he couldn't eat it.

"Don't expect to get everything without any patience and difficulties. This can serve as a valuable lesson for you." Vilariun said.

Cao Huang knew that was the case but still his heart ached for being unable use such great power.

Cao hesitated but didn't open the Mystery Box. After reading the note, he felt like all of his luck for now had run out and the only thing left remaining is bad luck. He didn't want to waste this mystery box due to his bad luck.


"Let's go out, we have been here for than necessary." Vilariun said.

Cao Huang jumped out from the abandoned house's window and walked to towards the outer gate. The surrounding players were passing glances at him because his red name was still glaring as ever. His killing of Crimson Draught's player had now spread through the whole town. Seeing him walking in the town with a leisurely gait, people were confused.

"Isn't he afraid of death." whispered someone.

"Walking with a red name, he sure has some guts."

"Any moment now, the town guards are going to kill him." commented another.

Rolling Sloth and his teammates were patrolling the area in search for Cao Huang when they saw him walking towards the Town's outer gate. They immediately arrived before the gate and blocked his path.

"Where do you think you are going after killing our guild member." Asked Rolling Sloth.

"I was just thinking of taking a stroll outside. You know, it gets stuffy while staying at a same place for a long time." he answered while smiling faintly.

"Haha, the only place you will go is the town's prison." commented Rolling Slothe's teammate.

"Yeah, I have never seen an imbecile like you who walks around with a red name. I don't know how you got away from the guards first time but it won't happen a second time. Haha, your times over, look the guards are coming here." he said while insulting Cao Huang.

Many people started to gather to see the show that was about to follow. And even more were confused of why Cao Huang was standing there with a calm face instead of running away like he previously did, but soon they came to the conclusion that Cao Huang was too scared to move. He was stiff with the fear of being caught.

The guards arrived there and glanced at Cao Huang for a second with a gaze filled with hostility but after that they started to tremble from what they felt. Cao Huang's while body was radiating an aura of death. As soon as they realized Cao Huang's identity all of them knelt on the ground trembling, unable to raise their head.

"L-Lord Emperor Of Death's Successor, what brings you here to this unworthy place?" Said the guard trembling.


"Why aren't you speaking My Lord? Did this unworthy one somehow offend you? If I did then please forgive me." He said even more scared.

It wasn't that Cao Huang was angry at the guards or something. He was too much stunned to speak. Never in a million times did he expect that his Title of [Emperor Of Death's Successor] would have such an impact on the NPCs. Seeing the guards kneeling and trembling he felt on cloud nine.

"Yes, I am offended but you aren't the offender but this measly person of this measly little town called me an imbecile. Do you think I can take this insult while lying down?" he said with a heavy voice while trying to appear as bossy as he can be.

When the guard heard the first part of the sentence he was scared shitless. He felt the intent of death looming over his head for a second but once he heard it completely, he was overjoyed. If he punishes this offender, he can curry favour with the Lord in front of him.

The guard immediately stood up and slashes at Rolling Sloth's teammate with his sword.

- 1892

A horrifying damage appeared on Rolling Sloth's teammate's head.

Why? This was only question he had in his mind before he died.

Not only him, every watching played had the same question. Why didn't the guards attack the red named played and instead knelt down to him and asked for his forgiveness? It didn't ended with this but the guard then went to kill the player who had insulted him verbally despite being a green name.

To answer their questions, the guard shouted, "Who ever offends My Lord in this town shall suffer from a fate worse than death."

Lord? Worse than death? They soon came to realization that the only case of death due to insult happened when a commoner offends a noble. Even if the noble was a wrong doer, insulting him will result in death and three days in the jail.

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