《The DT Journals》Chapter 7(Lee):A different reality
"Hey! Are you even listening!" My brain hurt, all I could do was hold my head, that was until I realized that whoever's body I was in was driving, so instead, I endured the pain and continued driving, even though I didn't know where we were going.
"S-sorry, I wasn't, you mind repeating?" I turned and almost jumped, Crystal was in the passenger seat, her voice and the way she acted, was almost like she was a different person, the main difference I saw in her appearance was that one of her eyes was purple.
"What's gotten into you? You on drugs or something?" I felt like throwing up, even though in the mirror I looked mostly the same besides for some changes, the sudden change in my surroundings, the sudden change in Crystal, it felt like my brain was ready to explode. "Hold on...It isn't happening is it?"
"H-Huh?" Before I could react Crystal pulled up a menu, the same that DTs have, and pressed a button, the car went into auto-pilot, the location was D.T.M.T HQ
"It's fine, just relax" For someone who was just insulting me, she seemed worried. "Let me ask you some questions, I need to make sure if I'm right"
"Alright...go ahead" I was entirely faced in her direction, waiting for any question.
"How old am I?" I was going to open my mouth but then realized how much older she looked
"...11?" She looked disappointed
"Your luck is still intact that's for sure, yes, that's my age, but it's clear you guessed" She was thinking for a second before talking again "What're you investigation right now?"
"I...don't know" My gaze began to shift somewhere else, looking more out the window, than at her
"Something's definitely wrong with you...let me ask you something, this will tell me everything" She looked like she was going to regret asking this, but opened her mouth anyways "Is Kenneth and Sam still alive?" Everything in my body felt like it froze, I just sat there thinking to myself, they die? How? How can I prevent it, if this really is some future!? Those were my main thoughts "That far!? Yeah, we're going to DTMT Headquarters now!" The car sped up
"What year is it?" I put my hand on my face, I still couldn't feel anything, everything was still so numb.
"2030, which I'm assuming is a few years from your world" It seemed like now that she knew I wasn't her Lee, that she was treating me better, what did the Lee in this world do to be hated by her?
"What am I exactly investigating?" It was the next question on my mind, if I was investigating something, then it was clear I wasn't a DT, or at least, not any that exist in my time.
"What you would investigate, something that'd make you tunnel-visioned until you find the answer, what do you think you're investigating?" She just looked at me, the jarring difference in the Crystal I knew and the one in front of me, was still more than startling
"Is it...Sam and Kenneth's killer?"
"Spot on, but it isn't just their killer, the guy has been killing many others, Nicholai thinks there are more than one, but somethings wouldn't make sense that way, but...other things wouldn't make sense if they were alone" I was ready to ask a question, it may have been rude considering she's helping me adjust to this timeline
"So...why are you here? I mean...no offense, but you're not even a teen" I knew it would tick her off, which it did, but I wanted to know
"YO-..."She paused for a minute, I assumed she was ready to grill me but instead she just sunk into her seat and sighed "Nicholai was right, even your past self has no tact" She sighed again "If you don't know in your timeline, then it would be better if I didn't tell you, all that you need to know, is that we're related okay? Although, many things would make it feel like the opposite" I never remembered having a sister...It could be something else, but it's no point in pushing it
"Wait, so you know m-
"I can't say your last name, it would mess things up too badly, you'll have to figure it out on your own, we prepared for this, in case if your past and future self switched" I was confused, switched? I was going to ask yet another question until
Nicholai-"Lee, did you find anything yet?" It came out of nowhere, I see, this version of me must've taken off the warning...Nicholai also looked older, this really was the future
Crystal-"Hold on! Nicholai! It happened!"
Neal-"Oh? So I was right! You owe me a drink Nicholai!"
Nicholai-"Whatever! Lee, this isn't one of your terrible jokes right?"
Lee-"I don't understand..."
Nicholai-"Alright, it most likely is the past you, Crystal! Are you two already coming to the DTMT HQ?"
Crystal-"Yep! We're basically there already" I looked out the window and saw a massive building, I assumed that was it
Nicholai-"Alright, you know where to bring him"
Lee-"Hold on, what exactly is going to happen to me?"
Nicholai-"Don't worry, it's not going to hurt you, it's just going to force you back into your time, and our Lee back to ours, don't worry, the future Lee probably hasn't done anything since time works differently throughout dimensions. We'll see you at HQ"
I was still confused, no matter how many times I thought about it, the same questions would resurface, why did I get swapped? How did I get swapped? What happened for Eaxura's entire look to become more city-like?
"It's better to not think about it...you may be the past version of Lee, but my opinion on you hasn't changed!" She looked genuinely pissed off, me of this time, the hell did you do for Crystal to hate any version of me she comes across?
"I get that..." The car came to a stop and Crystal got out, as did I.
"Come on, I'm assuming you don't know where to go" I began to follow her lead...it felt weird following a ki-
"Ohayo!" I figure in front of me appeared from nowhere, causing me to fall back. Crystal looked over at me
"What the?" She showed both anger and immeasurable disappointment "What are you a toddler in your time? Can't you walk?" The figure I saw earlier wasn't anywhere to be seen, so I stood up and continued to follow Crystal
"Yeah, just tripped on something"
"That made you fall backward?" She was right, my excuse was absolutely horrific. We entered the building and I was greeted with tons of tech on the ceiling, I assumed Kenneth made it before he was killed. Crystal escorted me into a room where I was greeted by an older Nicholai sitting on her desk and Neal, at least he looked the same
"Sit down" Nicholai, being un-like her old self, politely gestured towards a seat to the right of the room "I'll explain as much as I'm allowed to, just ask" I sat down, and began my questions
"Crystal, is she a DT now?"
"Yes, apparently after the zombie apocalypse something happened to her, causing her death, the trauma of being brutalized by assault rifles caused a major personality change for her." Nicholai adjusted her sitting, putting her hands on the table and slightly leaning forward
"What happened to Sam and Kenneth?"
"Sam's case is still mostly unknown, so we don't know that much, but Kenneth was seen having almost every part of his brain missing, Sam supposedly is in the same condition, they're also missing their ring finger, neither of those we understand why, but we already have a few suspects."
"The figure I saw outside, you know what it was right?"
"So that's what you fell for? What was the point in lying?" For someone being related to me, she seemed a lot like Nicholai with her scolding.
"Do me a favor, and look at this" She took out a mirror and faced it towards me, I had the same purple eye as back then, but it looked more bright "This eye gives you a certain type of magic, it's un-uniquely called corrupted magic, but what else it does is allows tech, before Kenneth died he put something inside your eye, it allows you to do what he could do, enter people's minds, but it also allows you to see A.Is. What Sam did before she died was upload all her memories and many other things into Kenneth's system, therefore, the figure you saw was Sam, she's been with this version of Lee since 11 months ago"
"Wait, but, then why'd she disappear?"
"Well, you got so shocked that you fell backward, I think anyone would feel bad and leave" Nicholai has a point "Of course, you're not the only one who could've seen her" She motioned to Crystal "Since she has the same eye as you, she could've also seen Sam, there is an issue with the AI thing though, they can't go far from who they're projecting from, but you can make it so everyone can see them, and they can pick stuff up, so it's a nice trade-off" As I asked questions this world became more clear and I began to understand this place more
"I see, i think I'm starting to understand" When I said that, Nicholai smiled, but still looked worried "What's the problem?"
"You know how I said that we had some suspects?" I nodded "Well, we're assuming the main culprit did it, but it seems that our device to bring you back was stolen"
"What? So I can't go back?"
"At first we thought you coming here was random, but now the picture that's being painted reveals that it most likely was someone else's doing." Everyone was quiet, they all looked as though they wanted to ask me something, eventually, Neal was the one who spoke up
"Listen, it's clear none of us wants to force you, but do you mind helping?"
"What?" I was back to square one, confused, I thought I was leaving!
"I understand your concern but, Lee was our main investigator, if you're worried about not knowing anything, then we have files that our Lee made himself to catch you up" Nicholai handed me two files, one was for people and the other was for terms that he's learned during his job..his...it feels off saying that when it's me.
"I understand, I'll do it" I began to flip through the pages, there was a ton of people and terms.
"Sorry..."I heard a voice to my left and saw Sam, just like they said, they couldn't hear or see her, as they were just looking at me
"Is Sam around? Hey, just a tip, so you don't look insane, tap the side of your right eye" I did as Neal instructed, Sam looked like she glitched for a second but then it looked like she gained more color "Guess i predicted correctly"
"Hello Everyone! So I heard this was the past Lee?" How did she know?
"By the way Lee, just so you know, Sam knows what you see, hear, and think, so don't be too scared or startled when she says something you didn't tell her"
"Thanks for letting me know Nicholai" I began to block out the noise from everyone and began to read the files
"Lee !*$#)!*$&!" There it was again, every time I looked at my last name I felt pain, so I'd make it my sole mission when I return to my time, to find out my last name, if it was so important that it hurts, then I have to find it.
Lee's file
Name: Lee !($#(!*#*$
Occupation: Investigator for the DTMT team
Age:??? (I don't even know my own age here? Or did someone else write my file?)
Likes: Snacks, Writing, Bravo team, Leading, finding the culprit, cooking, swords
Dislikes: Messy kitchens, using broken weaponry, Crystal's Scolding
Description: The go-to investigator for the DTMT, he tends to make the most logical choices when it comes to murder cases, but will sometimes make decisions based on his feelings. He tends to not say it a lot, but he does care about his people, whether he admits it or not. (There was more, but I felt like I didn't need to)
Crystal !($#(!*#*$
Occupation: Student of EMS
Age: 11
Likes: Sam, Kenneth, and Nicholai, Chocolate, Swords
Dislikes: Classmates, Lee?, The way Neal talks, Lee's jokes
Description: Although many people don't know, she's related to Lee, she almost despises all of her classmates, using their immaturity as a reason why. Crystal, from the looks of it, hates Lee, it's implied that Lee chose his work and finding who murdered his team over taking care of her, yet no one knows the truth. She carries a sword that holds some design that resembles every member of Bravo team, even Lee's.
Most of these descriptions were long, at this point, I should just make my own impressions of people instead of just reading it, also, this was written as if Lee didn't write it, so I became skeptical of Nicholai and Neal, after all where was Raymond?
"So, you ready to go?" Nicholai looked at me, Sam was also nowhere to be seen.
"Yeah, I think I got it" I got up from my seat and headed for the door with Crystal following
"Can I guess something?" Crystal stood behind me, walking at the same pace I was
"Go ahead"
"When you "finished" reading the files, you just thought 'I should just make my own impressions' right?" She was spot on, I guess when you're related to someone they can almost read your mind, of course, I was joking.
"Yeah, is that alright?" Crystal went from tense to more relaxed
"At this point, it doesn't matter" We both got in the car and before I started it up Neal began a call with me, I guess the magic now allows you to make singular calls
Neal-"Lee, I forgot to mention something"
Neal-"Don't let anyone figure out that you're from the past, if people find out that time travel is possible, then I couldn't even imagine the results that could transpire when that power gets into the wrong hands."
Lee-"Alright, I got it, I'll do my best"
The call ended and I started up the car...that was until I realized
"You don't know where we're going do you?" Crystal took the words out of my mouth, I even said it earlier, I had no clue as to where I was going. "I guess not, just use autopilot, I'll set the location" I did as she said "If you're going to investigate this, we might as well start from the beginning" The location we were going to was near a bar, "Matshio" That was its name
"Kenneth drinks?" I assumed this was for Kenneth's case as he died first, well, if I interpreted it right
"Yeah, you do as well, it was a place all four of you would go to" I assumed Crystal meant me, Sam, Kenneth, and Nicholai, yet Nicholai doesn't seem like the type to drink "Honestly, it's the one thing I understand about you, even in your timeline you still fight, so it's understandable why you all drink" The mood felt like it was darker, maybe because the sun was drifting away and the night drifted closer.
"Hey, Crystal..." For a moment the car driving through the mostly empty and dark street was the only thing we could hear, it was a question I don't know if I wanted the answer to "Why do you hate your version of me so much?" Crystal readjusted herself and spoke
"I'll just say this, a person shouldn't just leave someone alone when they're grieving" Just from her words I could guess what happened, someone Crystal cares about died and their version of me focused more on finding the killer, more than helping Crystal grieve, although a part of me understood why I did it, finding the killer and getting rid of them as fast as possible is the better choice, instead of sitting around and watching the killer continue their killing spree. I was stuck in a terrible position, the Lee here, in a way made a good choice, but, morals wise, it was terrible
"I understand" It was the only thing I could say without siding with either of them, but it still made Crystal mad
"I thought so, you really aren't that different from our version" Right...In this world Crystal has been around me for a long time, of course, she'd see right through me.
The rest of the car ride was in silence, we didn't even look at each other.
7 PM
We arrived at the location we were going to and got out of the car, there was a flying line in the air, I walked through it and it glowed
"Investigator Lee, with Crystal, access allowed" It must've been some sort of way to make sure people don't enter and mess with evidence, it was clever, that's for sure
"Right?" Sam appeared again, although this time I was ready for it "Sorry for last time by the way, I didn't know you were a different Lee" Something has been nagging me, if Sam's memory was uploaded, wouldn't she know who the killer is? "Well, not every memory was uploaded" Her speaking startled me for a second until I remembered, Sam can know what I see, hear, and think, I guess it was so I didn't look like I was talking to myself.
"What do you mean"
"Memories are uploaded by oldest to newest, so I died before my last few memories were uploaded, Kenneth was working on a way to mass upload everything but he died before that, and I died a few months after him, but I was given the chip so I could become an AI before that, handy right?"
"I guess so..." Sam disappeared but I could tell she was still around
"I'll do my best to assist, whatever you need, I'll do my best to do it! Night vision, X-ray, Zooming, I can even grab things when I can be seen by others!"
"I'll be counting on you then" An Icon appeared labeled Sam, and it was smiling, heh, I guess it meant she was happy.
"Oh! Lee! You're here" An officer, at least...I assumed was one, the police uniforms in Eaxura were pretty weird
"It is the police, the uniform for Eaxura is pretty unique" I heard Sam say in my head, huh, I guess I could use her functions like a personal wiki! "Pretty much!" It felt weird that's for sure, I had no privacy in my own head, heh, I'm not a degenerate anyway "that's highly debatable, even for your time" She had a point "Of course I do"
"Sir? Are you okay?" I forgot about the policeman
"Ah! My bad, what is it?" The policeman went into a different posture when I talked to him, I guess Lee here is really respected
"I'm assuming you're here for new intel about Kenneth's case right?" The guy was spot on "It only makes sense, Lee in our time told the officer to let him know when new info comes up" I see, that makes sense "We kept looking around for Kenneth's ring finger, we thought we'd find at least a bone considering how long it's been, but we really couldn't find anything, we assume the killer took it, or disposed of it"
"Sam, how long ago did the murder take place?"
"I'd say around a year ago?"
"Any suspicious people around here during this time?"
"You're really getting into this, regardless, there wasn't anyone who looked the bit off, whoever it was must be used to doing this"
"So we're looking for someone who's experienced in killing?" The policeman went back to looking around, if it's been a year and they still can't find anything, I wonder how experienced this guy is.
"Would you like the suspects' list?"
"Yes, thank you" A hud appeared and a few people were on it
Main Suspects
Kenneth Broker(Deceased, no longer a suspect)
"Hold on, Sam, Kenneth was a suspect at first?"
"The murders happened before Kenneth died as well, the police thought at first it was a murder-suicide, but Nicholai proved it wasn't, the only reason he's still on here is just in case new evidence appears."
"I see, that makes sense, the guy is incredibly smart, and I'm assuming he became smarter in this time period" Sam's icon in the upper left of my eye showed three dots, I thought she was thinking or maybe looking at something, so I decided to continue looking around.
"Hey!" I called over to one of the police and they came rushing over
"Where was the body?...Just for a reminder to make sure my memory is correct" I almost said something that would be suspicious...
"That save wasn't that good though..." Sam came back online and her icon showed her face again.
"It was decent for just remembering though..."
"If you say so"
"The body was about here" He brought me just outside the bar "He was next to the sidewalk and was supposedly killed by a stab to the stomach area by a knife"
"Where's his body now?" The answer may have been simple, a morgue, in the graveyard, it was a year after al-
"We don't know"
"What?" Even Sam was caught off guard
"The body disappeared after the second day, one of the other policemen said they'd take care of it, but it seems like it ended up otherwise" The police looked like he was thinking, he must still be trying to figure out what happened
"Do you think one of the policemen here is the traitor?" Sam was beginning to speculate, then again, so was I, if a policeman said they deal with it, but it's nowhere to be found, it means either the policeman who said they'd do it died by the killer or they were the killer.
"Even if they are other policemen here, I say you keep your guard up Lee, you never know what could happen" Sam gave me a warning, and after that warning, I became more aware of my surroundings
"Hey, what about the ring?" I asked the policeman, in the files almost every one of the Bravo team members had a ring on, including me, hell I wore one in my present da-...actually, if Nicholai and Neal know about time travel...is it caused by the ring? I'd have to ask later.
"We couldn't find the ring either, I heard it was expensive too" The guy tried to joke around, I appreciated it too, it's been years so why not try and lighten the mood. "How about it Sir? You have one on, how expensive are they really?" Damn it, something I didn't know! Sam?
"You're on your own for this one, every ring is built uniquely for that person, the cost changes depending on their magic" Damn! "It's well over $10,000 though, so don't go any under" It was time for me to brainstorm, if, by chance, I can time travel using the ring, then my powers must be strong right? Therefore it must cost more
"I'd say around $115,500"
"What the hell is that number!? Where'd you even GET that number!"
"Really that expensive? Jeez, you DTMT people are all rich huh." I could see Sam's icon pissed off at the policeman, this Sam started off the same, but it seems like she's pretty different in reality
"He actually fell for it...why? Just, why?"
"Yeah, most things in the DTMT Headquarters are expensive" I tried playing it off the best I could, after all, it was already working
"It shouldn't be though"
"Yeah, I've been into Neal's and Nicholai's offices, both of them are filled with files and random stuff" I've only been in Nicholai's but it seems like going with that high price was a good idea
"I'm curious now, is one of your powers just straight out luck?"
"Dunno, I am from the past, after all, I just got started" I walked past the policeman and began looking around
"Right, the way you act made me forget that, how about we go inside the bar? Maybe we can ask the owner what he knows" I did as she said and entered the bar, and for an area with police, there are a few customers and someone I could only consider the owner
"Ahh! Lee, welcome back, I've been looking into that whole ring situation with Kenneth and Sam" Huh?
"Right, I should've said this before you entered, the owner is Kyle Towa, you asked him to look into some things due to the fact that he's a mercenary now" A mercenary huh? Honestly, I'm not that surprised
"So? What did you find?" I sat on one of the stools, trying to act like the picture of this world's Lee that I saw
"You know how the rings help with our powers?" I nodded to Kyle's question "Well, it turns out, someone is using the rings to take other people's powers and add to their own pool of abilities."
"Hold on, if you know this, then wouldn't you know who did it?" It was a bit suspicious, he knew, but he didn't know the person who did it?
"Well, I just take the info I'm given by my subordinates, and relay it to you, you should go ask them, here" He handed me a card "It's a key card, it'll give you access to my crew's business" I took the keycard and went back outside, but not before a few words
"Thanks, remember you still owe me one" It was a risky thing to say, I didn't know if Kyle already prepared his debt to me for helping him when we were human
"Don't worry, I'll give you your present soon"
"Looks like your risky play went rewarded this time" Sam's icon smiled, I still hadn't fully adjusted, to being around, but in a way it made me feel less lonely. I exited the building and was met with Crystal in front of me
"Hey, Nicholai and Neal want us back at HQ, I guess they built a new one or found it" I assumed she was talking about the thing that would bring me back to my time
"Alright, although, I don't think they called you over" Now taking a closer look, she looked hurt, like she should be in a hospital
"During one of Lee's investigations, Crystal managed to sneak in with Lee, and with no other choice, as it was impossible to go back, Lee brought Crystal with him, which is why you might be a bit sluggish" I didn't even realize it, I moved slower than I normally would, I guess this version of me either took a big beating back there or pushed himself
"The second one is more likely, you do have a tendency to go beyond what you can handle" And I always pay the price for it in the end. the two me and Crystal...three if you include Sam, got in the car, I knew where to go and so, I drove to the DTMT HQ. By some miracle, Crystal actually began talking to me, but that was a conversation for a different time. Wait 'The second one is more likely'
"Sam, if you see whatever I see, wouldn't you know?"
"A MEMP Went off, deactivating all magic and power in the area, I tried to get back online and help him but I couldn't"
"I see" We arrived at headquarters and went inside, heading towards Nicholai's office, when I entered I was greeted by Nicholai, Neal, and one other person
"Who's he?" I asked, pointing a bit towards the guy
"Wow, that's rude, I'm Kai" He looked nothing like him, if he really wasn't lying age really changed him
"Sit down here" Nicholai pulled up a chair in the middle of the room "We'll get started shortly" Honestly, a part of me didn't want to leave, I wanted to uncover who caused these murders, so I know to take them down before it happens in my world.
"There's my Lee! Well, You guys are the same person, but, as much as I'm glad to hear you want to prevent me and Kenneth's death, you don't know what results will come from it" She was right, if I let it happen then I know the results, but if I change it...then who knows what'll happen. They set something on my head and I began to feel off, not tired, not nauseous, a feeling like something bad is going to happen.
"You feeling okay Lee? I understand it may make you feel weird" Neal tried to reassure me "But it's all part of the process." A few seconds passed, all the sounds around me became muffled, but I could still hear something drop to the floor, I forced my head to look up and saw Crystal running away
"The hell?" Even though it was painful too, I stood up and tried looking behind me, but I was met with something clashing with my face, I fell to the floor, no matter what I did I couldn't stand up. After more noises, legs came into my view as someone crouched down. The person reached to my hand and cut off my ring finger, taking my ring in the process, I couldn't feel a thing, I couldn't hear a thing, Sam was offline as well. Everything I did was met with nothing happening, my body, all I had to do was stand and kill whoever was in front of me. The man stood up but something dropped from his clothing, I thought it was Kai, I always knew something was wrong, but as I painfully turned my head to see what the man was doing, I saw everyone but Crystal lying on the floor, this person wasn't Kai, it wasn't Neal nor Nicholai. The man kneeled and picked up the thing he dropped, I almost could see it, his face was almost in my sights. But before his face could be seen he stood up and came back over to me, I heard something unhinging, and as my body was becoming operational again I looked up, I was met...with...my sword?
"You're the past Lee, right? Not the one I know" The sword was covering his face, and my body still couldn't move that much. "It won't be worth it if it isn't my Lee, I'll be waiting for you alright? Don't, for a minute ever think your safe, because eventually, you'll become the Lee that I need, I'll get my payback eventually, just you wait" He flipped the sword and swung the hilt to my face, but before he could hit me, I saw it, his eye, was...purple...it was my eye. The sword's hilt hit my face and everything went dark.
When I woke up, the area surrounding me was red, there were blocks, blocks that showed videos, but each of them was something I've experienced, were...these my
"Memories" I turned around to see the voice, it was another me "This is what I like to call the main terminal or enter way, either one works"
"What is this place?" I asked, still looking around
"This is how I time travel, but it seems you unlocked it faster than I expected" The other me walked towards me, it felt so unreal "Listen, we were given this for a reason"
"What? Given? So is this power?"
"It's not our own" He finished my sentence, then again, he was me so it made sense "We were given this power because of something that happens in my old timeline" When he finished the sentence it looks like his mood became worse
"Hold on! What happens?"
"I don't know, if I knew then you wouldn't be here, something causes the multiverse to break down, and I need your help"
"What? But I'm from the past! i don't have anything!"
"Wrong! You have the trust of everyone, I thought for a long time, and I came to the conclusion, one of the people who cause it to break down is either Kai, Neal, Raymond, Alice, or some other official"
"I...I still don't understand"
"I don't blame you, this is jarring, listen, until you learn how to enter this yourself, every night I'll bring you here, and I want to know exactly what happened!"
"Why can't you do it yourself!" I backed up from him, for all I know he was the one who knocked me out
"There's only so much one guy can do, listen, using time travel is draining, so I needed someone to change the past to change the future, so then I'll control what happens in the future and tell the past version of me what else to do, or to change what he did!" All of this was still confusing, I wasn't understanding anything! "All you have to do is go back to your time and do things, every time a major decision arrives I'll slow down time and try to help you make the choice"
"So if time slows, then what I choose will change people's fates?"
"Exactly, if you do something wrong, then just rewind, but you only get a few tries" The area began to crumble "Damn it! Alright, listen, just enter that" Myself pointed at a memory, it looked like it was just when Kenneth and my team finished our first mission, I ran towards it, at this point, asking questions was pointless. I jumped through the block and everything around me began to static, all I could hear or see was static, until
"Lee?" Kenneth tapped my shoulder, snapping me out of it
"Well, let's get going now ay?" I began to walk towards the car "We've got New Min to visit still"
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8 197 - In Serial10 Chapters
Gun Slider In Fantasy World
The Story Revolves around a boy- He was the heir of a family known as Kichiro family, When The Head, His Father passed away. At the age of 14-year-old, The young boy took over the position of his father and become the new Head of The Kichiro Family. Even though He was an only 14-year-old kid, In the Kichiro family, He was the most respected person. Fast forward two years in future, He took most of the territory from his enemies and was ruling over half the world- But his fate had something else stored for him He was invited by Round-Table of other families from all around the world. When He was coming back from there, He was attacked by unknown people. He died on that day! But Is this the end of him? of course, not! Join him on his crazy journey to rule over another fantasy world! { Note - Updates on The Story will be slow (af) / This story rather starts at a slow pace.}
8 140 - In Serial10 Chapters
Midthalion Saga
+++Working on new chapters. Share what I've posted with your friends and family! Be sure to build strong bonds with those who are important to you. We only have each other in this world for so long!+++ Can Roderick XXIII gather together and train a party of adventurers to clear out Madeon Caves and bring peace to the wildmarches of Midthalion? Sent from his home monastery in the west to the wildmarches of Midthalion, Roderick the Holy Avenger is devoted to living out his oath to bring the Holy Light to the dark corners of the world. He enlists the help of an old friend, Ulrich Vogelbrandt the dwarf druid, to train and prepare a fighting force capable of defending the west from the evil they both see gathering and growing in the east. Eoroth is an ode to Tolkienesque epic fantasy, Robert E Howard and H.P. Lovecraft's pulp fiction, and Gygaxian Dungeons & Dragons. I like to write about serious topics because I think it's fun. I hope it makes for a fun read. Place: Eoroth, a vast, flat world with many continents set in oceans that reach out and mingle with the Celestial Sea. Our story takes place on the continent of Thalion in the middle, unsettled region called Midthalion. Peoples: Races in Eoroth aren't different species; the species of man is just incredibly diverse, consisting of many known races (and perhaps some unknown). There are no humans in Thalion. Thalion's races include variations of elves, dwarves, halflings (billowits), pierros (clownish men), bergeracs (long-nosed and swarthy men of honour), orcs, trolls, goblins, and hobgobs. The Church: There's one dominant religion in Westhalion. The faith of the elves is an analogue to Roman Catholicism while the dwarves practice an Eastern Orthodox analogue. (Forgive me for not having figured out names yet.) The practitioners worship a triune god (the All-Father, Son-of-All, and Holy Light). There are many powers in heaven, all created by God. These include the Twelve High Thrones, individual, created beings who take on the role of guiding mankind in different aspects, drawing them closer and closer to God. (That should be the essentials. I could write pages on the theology. Comment where something's unclear in the story.) Natural World: There are plants and animals in Eoroth, but the world is also inhabited by spirits called aeons. Aeons are transformative beings; in the wild, they'll change based on whatever is happening nearby. Pollute a pond? Expect to see toxic toad-men running around. Leave a bunch of dead bodies strewn across a battlefield? Expect the place to become haunted with ghouls and ghasts. Druids are important for making sure that the aeons are pacified; that their needs are met so that they don't become rampaging monsters. Where the wilderness becomes overgrown, so too do the aeons. Aeons and People: Long ago, men learned how to trap aeons in stone tablets and use them for war. Now, anyone can capture an aeon into a special staff made by a druid. Men train, raise, and bond with these aeons. Druids often build entire ranches devoted to raising healthy aeons as allies and companions. Aeons are divided into twelve known families, and the church sees these as corresponding with the Twelve Thrones in Heaven. Direction: My goal is to get the story to one million words by June next year. I have tons of content in mind for the world. I want to release novels set in different ages of the world depicting different historical events. I hope to expand the setting into a tabletop role-playing game as well as a series of old-school JRPGs. But, it all begins with writing some stories and publishing my novels.
8 232 - In Serial26 Chapters
Cherry Bomb and Mouth (A Goonies Love Story)
❝Mouth, is the jerk of the Goonies... But he's a total charmer with his comb. He's really cunning and is full of himself, but when it comes to his girl, he has a soft spot He's smooth too!❞How do I know this you might ask? Well, he's my best friend in our friend group called The Goonies. And he's also my secret crush even though I could never admit it to him or anyone really.{Cover art is not mine it was created by @iridescentkippen a dear friend of mine. So please go and check out her page}
8 138 - In Serial8 Chapters
Fairy Tail Origins One Shots
Very creative I know.
8 130