《The DT Journals》Chapter 5: Remembering what brought us here
Four teens were walking across the sidewalk, a boy with green hair who's more so, responding than actually talking, a boy with blond hair with a small drone flying beside him, a girl with a pink ponytail talking everyone's ear off, and a girl also with blond hair who is reading a book.
"You're telling me you haven't watched it yet?" Sam, as usual, was hyper
"Sam, I don't get as much time as you, after all, being in the hospital? You've got ages to do whatever!" Sam used to be in the hospital due to her not being able to move, by some miracle, recently she was able to move, although it just happened today, so all the energy she's gained over that time was clear. Lee was also in the hospital before, although that was for way less than Sam's condition.
"That's no excuse Lee, I was able to watch it, it's just the news after all" Kenneth had made a drone to accompany everyone, after all, them all being together like this was rare, so someone was bound to be alone sooner or later. "I was even able to finish the vocal system for it as well! Although, I haven't gotten it to the point where it can hold a conversation yet." The drone looked down, it didn't have a face but you could tell it was sad by the beep it made
"It's cute, I'll give it that" Nicholai had closed her book and was now focusing on the conversation "So? What news are you all on about?" The drone got in front of Nicholai but when it tried doing what it wanted it seemed to bug out
"Oh! don't do that Dave! I haven't finished that! You can show people things later" Kenneth was currently working on a way for Dave to show things, like the way a computer would. Thinking on it, everyone here shows promise in some sort of field, Lee, at least the others think, is a natural-born leader, Sam is amazing at making people feel better and making themselves confident, Kenneth is able to build things without a blueprint, even making his own things, Nicholai is great at healing people's wounds even if she can be rude at times, it was a weird bunch that was for sure.
"Was it trying to show me the news?" Nicholai looked over at Kenneth, waiting for his answer on the drone
"Yeah, although I still need a bit more time with it, same with the personality" Another thing Kenneth was working on, in order for it to have a realistic and not boring conversation, it would need a personality.
"Jeez, why do you keep giving yourself more work?" Although Sam shouldn't be talking since she did all her work in the hospital, she still questioned Kenneth's will to always have something to work on.
"Me? Look at Lee, the guy writes a chapter a day!" It may have sounded like Kenneth was trying to get Sam to scold Lee for working every day, but it was more of trying to show his hard work.
"Lee's doing something fun though! How is getting burned by wielding any fun?" Kenneth was going to retaliate but then realized that Sam usually watches him build, therefore, knows he does get burned a lot.
"...fair" And Kenneth admits defeat.
"Hey, we're here, let's stop messing around okay?" Nicholai had walked into the school building, if you were to ask if they liked the place, they would most likely tell you, yes and no, the only reason it's tolerable is because of one of the teachers they all share.
"But, I really think the news today was important!" Sam really seemed like she wanted them to see the news
"Then tell us later, Ruco and Kai are nice and all, but we've all been late enough times for them to get mad at us" Lee had putten on different shoes after he entered, just like the other three did
"Actually....seeing how they are when mad seems interesting" Some would say Sam should stay in the hospital for how insane some of her decisions are, although, not all of them are insane.
"Has anybody told you how bold you can be?" Kenneth put his drone in a little slot on his bag, the drone was high-tech, but it had a decently small battery life. Nicholai smiled, back then it wasn't rare for her smile. Lee took a camera out and took a photo.
"What was that?" Kenneth and the others stopped and looked at Lee
"Just thought the view was nice" The school was up on a slight hill, but it was high enough to get an overview of the city. The four of them then continued to their class
"Oh! There's a festival, right? How about we do a concert!" Sam suggested, after all playing music was their favorite pastime, it was one of the only things Nicholai did with them that got her to be happy.
"You're just gonna get stage fright again, then i'd have to sing" And that's how Lee became the main vocalist, after Sam got stage fright by some miracle Lee remembered the lyrics and sang it himself. Sam didn't talk after that comment but then again, it wouldn't be heard from all the people who started walking past them
"What's with the people?" Nicholai started to look around
"Oh no...were we late already!?" Just as Sam said that Kai and Ruco came up to them
"You kids really have an issue with being late huh?" Kai said with a joking manner, not trying to be mean.
"Well, if Sam stops burning her food and Lee gets up on time, maybe we'd be early" Nicholai's positivity was short-lived
"Hey...I'm trying at least, once I entered high school my parents started leaving the house more, so I wasn't ready for cooking" Kenneth started thinking after what Sam said, but Ruco interupted
"Sorry for the interruption, but the class is going somewhere, so, you all should probably join us!" As Sam said earlier, the festival was already starting, it was strange, most festivals started after school, but this was one special occasion, although the four didn't exactly pay attention to what that reason was. "Actually, you guys are in a band together right? The one that doesn't rehearse and just wings it?" While it was mentioned before that Lee remembered the lyrics, most of the songs that they sing are random, and come mainly from the heart and how they're feeling.
"Yeah...Doubt it'd end well considering the festival is already starting." Lee took out a pick (Yes, a guitar one) "But, if you guys are with it, then I won't mind....even if it means I have to sing"
".....why not" Nicholai began to join the crowd of students...well..more of passing by them, which makes sense, considering they have to get to the stage before anyone else. Eventually, after suffering through the crowd of students they made it to the backstage
"I'm surprised I didn't break a bone" Kenneth was swinging his arm around, showing that it was fine
"Break a bone? What Nightmare did you go through?" Lee joked as he sat down and drank water
"So? We doing our normal setup? Me on piano, Lee on guitar, Sam on bass, and Kenneth on drums?" The students on stage were nearly finished, Ruco somehow managed to squeeze them in but they'd only be able to play one song.
"Yep! Let's get ready now" Lee picked up his guitar beside him, strumming the strings just to test. "I'm ready" The others took out their instruments and play-tested them, with no problems to note. The students who were on stage previously, came into the backstage "Alright. here goes nothing" Lee stood up and began walking onto the stage as the others followed.
All four had their instruments set up, with Lee front and center, Sam a little bit behind him to the left, Kenneth in the back with his drums, and Nicholai to the far side of them, with an electric piano set up
"We don't have an official name yet, but I'm Lee on the guitar, Sam is on the bass, the guy in the back on the drums is Kenneth, and the girl on the electric piano is Nicholai, if you know us, you know we wing our songs for the most part, so it's not like we have a name for it, but let's stop delaying and begin" Everyone got ready, Lee was ready to sing. Kenneth clanked his sticks together six times and they began, with a rock style theme of music, Lee went up to the mic and
♬ S-
and almost immediately he was cut off by a distant scream in the hallway, the music stopped and everyone began to stand up, most likely caught off guard by the scream. Sam set her guitar down and walked past everyone to see what happened
"I swear, her curiosity" Lee followed suit, unplugging his guitar in the process, as the other two were more cautious, and stayed put trying to help the teachers to calm the students down, as it was most likely just some weird kid. Before Lee caught up Sam stopped dead in her tracks the minute she peeked around the corner "What's wrong?" Lee caught up with her and immediately was hit with a smell he was very familiar with. He turned the corner and saw another student covered in blood, and another one eating the student. They both froze for a second, but Lee grabbed his guitar and used it as a bat, hitting the student "Sam! Tell the others!" Sam ran back to where Kenneth and Nicholai were, and yet, the auditorium was empty
"Huh?" Sam stood in the doorway, she was sure they were here, they were only gone for maybe 5 minutes. Sam couldn't think anymore after hearing a loud clank and a sound that she was sure, was someone's skull being crushed. Lee turned the corner to join Sam, yet it was obvious he had blood all over him, at first Sam was ready to run but then remembered, 'in a way, it was self-defense, so what Lee did wasn't bad and not to mention, even if it's stupid to think like this, what if it was a zombie?'
"Where is everyone?" Lee was looking inside the room now as well, still holding his now bloodied guitar.
"I don't know..." Sam was beyond confused, 'where could they have gone?'
"We should go, if there's one there are probably more, do you remember that hideout we had as kids?" The four of them made a hideout when they were younger, why? Because why not, most kids like exploring anyways, so they'd need a little outpost. "I told everyone the day we made it, that when we're in a terrible situation, we go there" While they did make it, their parents helped a bit in making it, so it truly could be labeled as a bunker.
"Yeah, let's go there, and if we can't we'll return to the school" Sam went up to the stage and grabbed her bass guitar and regrouped with Lee, but not before checking the backstage "they really aren't here..."
"Yeah, hopefully, they remember to meet us at the hideout" Lee was cleaning the blood off his guitar "Poor thing, sorry"
They both began to go through the school, going slowly to not make any noise, unfortunately, they encountered a group of them
"No going around, the door there is usually blocked or jammed, sometimes both" Lee stretched, ready for anything
"Is a distraction possible?" After the initial surprise, Sam was unusual calm, and Lee took notice
"I wonder, why are you so calm?" Sam looked at Lee, a tad annoyed
"Why are you so calm? Lee with both play zombie games, and there's already an insect that can turn animals into zombie-like creatures, I wouldn't doubt that there was one that was made for humans" Lee nodded, knowing she had a point
"Yeah, fair point, you're right." Lee started looking around "You up for jumping through a window?" Sam turned to look over to where Lee was looking, the window was already dented, so jumping through it should be easy, Sam and Lee both wear long and durable clothing all the time anyway, so getting cut is a small probability.
"I'm all for it if you're alright with it" Sam got ready to sprint to it, the zombies would notice them if they didn't run, so there was no point in being quiet, speed was what they needed
"Go for it, I'll cover" Lee readied his guitar, preparing for it to be destroyed even more.
Sam darted to the window, and as predicted the zombies began to limp over to them, it felt odd, how were there already so many? Sam tried jumping through the window, only for a loud dink to be made. Sam recoiled in pain
"It...didn't go well..." She ran headfirst into the window, she looked like she was bleeding as well.
"Damn it, Sam go to the back door!" Lee walked behind Sam, making sure she didn't fall over. Slowly, they made their way over to the door, one of their previous schoolmates caught up to them, resulting in Lee swinging his guitar at them, blood almost hit Lee in the eye as the student's skull became dented, and the wounds they had previously opened up again "Ehh, the hell!" Lee started shaking off the blood as Sam leaned up against the wall, they had made it to the door
"Lee....It's still locked..." Sam tried turning the handle, only to result in it moving slightly, showing that it was locked
"Move" Sam moved aside, relying now solely on the wall for support. Lee got in front of the door and began kicking it down, slowly breaking the already flimsy lock it had. After about 5 to 8 kicks it broke down "Go Sam!" Sam went through the door, regaining her focus back as her head stopped bleeding. They both ran out the building, moving towards the front courtyard, while they were running it felt like time slowed as they passed Kyle and Kayla, who were running into the building. Lee curved and did a 180 "Hold on! Don't go in there" His warning fell on deaf ears as the two continued to run in.
"What do we do?" Both were contemplating whether to help the two, but if they still went in even after the warning it must be important to them
"We go, Kyle alone can handle himself, with Kayla the two might as well be immortal" Sam was going to detest his argument, but realized he was right
"Fine, let's get going then!" The two continued to run to the hideout, hoping Kenneth and Nicholai would be there
Kenneth and Nicholai's version
Sam and Lee left the auditorium, one of the students sitting down fell asleep, it took a while, but after hearing a quick halt outside, both Kenneth and Nicholai realized that it couldn't be anything good. The news that Kenneth watched in the morning, was basically saying there were zombies, so Kenneth made the decision, he broke one of his sticks and rushed the sleeping person and right as he reached the student lunged at him attempting to bite him, and so Kenneth stabbed the student in the skull with his broken sticks
"Oh my god!" The students began to panic and everyone started running, the only people who stayed were Kenneth, Nicholai, Kai, and Ruco
"Damn it, hold on!" Kai tried catching up to the students, but with multiple students trying to leave the backdoor, something broke and fell on the exit side of the door, trapping them.
"Go to the roof!" Ruco shouted, the group and a small number of remaining students began to dart up the stairs. Thanks to the smaller amount, everyone could go up the stairs quickly without interruption.
They soon made it to the roof, and were greeted with the same view they had on the ground, but now, in the distance, they could see fire, and soon screams echoing through the city reached them.
"There's no way just zombies could cause this..." Nicholai was looking over the balcony, even someone as calm and collected as her was startled by the sudden change in atmosphere, the peaceful city they once knew was now burning to the ground, of course, that was an exaggeration, but it may as well be true.
"That's because they're not the only factor" Kai pointed up at a helicopter flying overhead "A private military is involved" Kai used to be part of the same military, he knew exactly what they looked like
"There's no way the military could get here this fast!" Ruco knew that the outbreak must've just started, and the military could not act that fast, that'd be inhuman.
"So the military is against us? We're on our own?" One of the students began to panic with Ruco trying to console them
"It's just a private military, the real military might not know" He took his phone, it struggled to turn on, and even when it did, the text was nearly incomprehensible. "Heh, so they're trying to jam everything, so, they are against us." Kai put away his phone and looked over the railing "The garden is down there, and there aren't any weapons up here besides for what we already have."
"So we have to go down?" Nicholai continued to look down to the ground floor, she saw Lee and Sam running away from the building, along with two others entering it.
"Lee and Sam...They're going to the hideout! We can go after them" A part of Kenneth wanted to go down and join them, but the zombie problem was still active
"Let's wait it out, if you know where they're going then we don't have to worry, they'll be fine." Kai was blocking the door, not only to keep people out, but also to keep the panicking students from going down and getting themselves killed.
"So we just wait?" Nicholai didn't say that as a way to be cocky or condescending, but more of a way to make sure.
"Yeah, it can't take that long, we'll scavenge the school for food and water if we have to!" Ruco attempted to keep spirits high, but whether it was working or not was a question for sure. They all sat down and in silence agreed to wait it out, at least for it to clear and go down.
How long they waited, who knows? not like they were keeping track.
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