《The DT Journals》Chapter 1 (Lee): Start of the Trial
Note: Unless under certain reasons (Like it being a prologue), every chapter will follow someone different yet can still include the same group of people
"Present Day"
"Like hell that's real" Kyle stopped sharpening his axe "You expect me to believe that they accepted you because you were able to kill dead people, no wonder you got cut"
"Oh shut up, you weren't there so how would you know" I retorted, stabbing my sword in the ground
"I can smell obvious bull, one of my powers" He said with a grin
"I doubt that's an ability, especially one you of all people possess, regardless that's enough don't ya think?" While me and Kyle were arguing Nicholai was fixing up my face
"Ya should be good" She sat down beside a drowsy Kenneth, the poor guy was probably exhausted "Keep going Lee, I wanna hear what we missed out on"
"Shouldn't we wake up Sam first" Kenneth rubbed his eyes
"Oh let her rest, she was with him in the start after all, same case with Matt, we have to listen to it so we get as much info as possible for our assault"Nicholai sat up from her relaxed position "Go ahead"
"Alright then, let's continue"
Day 1 of the trial
"So, they really start us off with nothing?" Matt asked
"Nope!" Sam took off a backpack
"When'd you get that?" I crossed my arms up against a tree
"Everyone starts with something different, also, Neal gave this to me, wonder what goodies we got" We walked over to her as she opened the bag and started rummaging through it, she grabbed out something handing it to me "knife" she continued looking "Some medicine and a fire starting kit" I began thinking of what we could do with our stuff
"Honestly, i'd say this is a miracle, even without the medicine we can use the fire starting kit to heat stuff for cautery, the knife can be a weapon or a tool" While i was saying things I heard a distant crackling, looking at the other's reaction of jumping up I could tell they heard it as well. We stayed silent, listening for other noises, that was until we saw the cause of the noise
"A deer?" Matt was confused as was I
"They have animals here?" Sam was inspecting it from afar. After looking at it for a bit I remembered what Neal told us, the fact we'd hunt for our food. I went towards the bag and found one last thing, a bow, well parts for a bow, like thread or stuff of the sort. I did my best to assemble it as fast as I could, making a shotty arrow with the knife and aimed at the deer. Thoughts began rushing into my head, do I whistle or is that for guns only? I mean what difference did it make, I whistled, causing the deer to look over at me, I let go of the string launching the arrow at it, all three of us flinched as it hit near its eye, after moving a bit the deer started to run the opposite way from us
"Do we chase it?" Sam asked
"I...don't know, i mean, will it bleed out or should I make another arrow" I already broke a branch off and started carving
"I'll follow it, here, Lee give me the bow" Matt extended his arm and I complied giving him the bow but before he ran off I gave him something I carved alongside the first arrow "The hell's this?"
"It's a directional arrow, instead of shouting or leaving obvious trails for us to follow, you throw this in the air facing the opposite direction so we know where you are and the other participants don't and remember, just because you see Kenneth or Nicholai does not mean you can trust them" I placed it in his hand and sat against a tree
"See you two in a moment" He ran through the trees, following a blood trail the deer was leaving. And then the wait began
"You know...I expected this to be just a bit faster" Sam sat on the floor poking it with a stick she found
"If even our "Training" is this long, then I can only how long some missions are gonna take" I tried making a fire, but at this point rubbing my hands would be a more efficient way of getting heat "Anyways talking might help pass the ti-" My suggestion was interrupted by a branch cracking behind the trees. I took out the knife and waited as Sam climbed the tree to act as recon, heh, just like we were taught. After a few seconds passed and more branches snapped I noticed a metallic look through the bushes "Gun! Scatter!" While I dashed into the trees I cut branches to mask my escape, Sam should be fine she was up high and shouldn't have been seen, it's just me that's in danger. I heard something creeping up, right, at the last moment I can counter whoever it is, yeah I got this. After a leaf crunched next to me I whipped behind me attempting to slash at whatever was there, and yet, my hand got grabbed
"Nice one Lee, but I know you" That voice, I recognized it, when I focused my sight on the person grabbing my hand I was right
"K-Kyle? You died too?"
"Naw, Random weirdos came through and shot all of you and not us, makes total sense, Of course we died moron" As usual he was a brute, but that was the good thing about him, he could deal and take one hell of a beating "So, where's Sam? You two are always nearby together" I was gonna open my mouth and tell him but then I remembered what Neal said about being able to betray one another "Ahh, you're worried I'd betray you aren't you? You were always defending others, but really though, Kayla's looking for her and I know well she's gonna start getting salty soon if Sam isn't found" I just pointed up "What? She isn't in the trees is she? Either way I'm not looking away from you, you tend to do rash things when you're in a situation like this
"I wouldn't say that, it only happened once, you're being harsh" After my rebuttal Kyle smiled
"At least you kept your terrible sense of humor" After Kyle's remark the leaves above us began to rustle "Oh you wer-" Sam cut him off by jumping out of the trees and kicking his arm "AHH! Damnit" I tossed Sam the knife and picked up the gun Kyle dropped after being kicked
"Guns never suited you Kyle, it was more me and Sam's thing maybe Nicholai as well, I do believe you when you say you won't betray us by the way, so" I raised my hand towards Kyle "Let's make a truce for now" Kyle walked over and grabbed my hand shaking it
Team made
"What team?"
"Where'd it come from?"We all began questioning ourselves looking around for what made the noise
"hey, Lee, you see it right, in the corner of your eye" I didn't at first but after moving my eye a bit I noticed something, to the bottom left of my sight I saw something that resembled a game-like team system
Lee Anc LV1
HP: 150/150
Kyle Towa LV1 R1
HP: 250/250
"The hell?"Kyle was more confused, then again, Kyle got in more fights and spent a ton of time in the hospital after said fight, so it's not like he played many games. Me on the other hand was ecstatic
"Cool! It's exactly like a game, although, why am I the leader?" The two looked at me unimpressed
"I wonder why" Sam said with a taunting tone, She raised and opened her hand "My turn!" I walked over and shook her hand as well
"New Member"
Sam Cali LV1 R5
"Alright I swear, this thing is giving our location away!" Kyle looked around ready to rumble with whatever thing was making the noise
"Why?" Sam asked in a concerned tone "I mean, it did it only once"
"Huh? No, no, it's done it twice now" I argued, maybe she just wasn't listening or was it that only the people in the team can hear it
"No, I'm sure of it, I only heard it once" And I was sure as well
"I think I get it, only the people in the team can hear it, so it's not a disadvantage, it's just to make sure you did it right" I took a closer look at the gun, it didn't even look like anything I've seen like it was three weapons merged together
"Oh, Lee! Do you think it'll have a chat like a gam-
"Yello" Something inside my head interrupted Sam, and god, it really hurt "Oh sorry, I umm, I..I should stop huh?" Kyle wasn't doing it, from what I see he was in pain as well "I'll make it quick then, It's me, Kenneth, Neal merged me and Nicholai into your team, apparently, we can communicate telepathically to our other team members, there are also a few other things, like a waypoint that leads to other team members, which can be turned off in case of interrogations and whatnot, apparently there's also stuff that only the leader can do, so Lee, I'm assuming that's you, and if it isn't, then you're psychotic, till we meet In the trial" After halfway through that the three of our heads stopped hurting, I guess it just took some getting used to. I looked over at that corner again and saw a new section
New members
Kenneth Brok LV1 R4
Nicholai Brok LV1 R3
MP 170/170
Major Detail for leader: Doesn't like fighting
Nicholai's last info threw me off. Why did I have it, and am I the only one who can see it? I thought again, it made sense though, a leader needs to know stuff about their team. Another thing I noticed was that it abbreviated our last names, although another thing caught my eye, next to the level it showed an R...R? What did R mean, Sam is the highest and I don't even have one. Thinking more I came to the conclusion, Relationship? Me and Sam knew each other longer than anyone so she's the highest, and unless I'm selfist I can't be in a relationship with myself, me and Kyle only met during the apocalypse, well no, we were in the same class, it's just we never talked, but why'd it matter? It had to have some connection, maybe with magic, yeah, there are some games where the more you fight with others, or the closer you are, you can boost each other's magic or make entirely new ones. Suck it world, games can help with things.....like....Being dead...and reincarnated...yeah never mind that didn't work.
"So, we'll be with you four soon, see ya in a moment" Four? Thinking about it more I looked at Kyle
"Right, you mentioned Kayla, where is sh-" I saw someone dash past
"Kyle, other two, we gotta go" There she was, Kayla, someone I wasn't close with, but she was tolerable
"Why?" I looked from where she came and noticed figures in the distance, I thought at first that it was Kenneth and Nicholai, but then three more appeared "Damnit, we keep getting further and further from Matt" Even worse they threw something down.
"Lee, we have that too, on the side of our bag" Sam called out, I turned the bag onto my chest and looked around, it had some sort of weird antenna
"What, am I meant to carve into the bag?" Sam tossed me the knife I gripped it and stabbed it into the bag carving out a hole for the antenna "Oh...I was" I noticed a weird type of radio, although it had an interface on it
"Hey, you wanna hurry it up? You know, we're kinda being hunted" Kyle was complaining, honestly, I just wanna make him be quiet. I pressed buttons and noticed a spike can out, I understood immediately and stabbed it into the ground. Some sort of map popped up in the corner of my eye except it was more to the top-right if anything
"I swear it's becoming a game more and more" I noticed, to be fair, I loved it, it was familiar ground for Sam and I, Kyle and the others though...poor them. "Alright everyone, let's bail!" We all started sprinting into the tree line where our silhouettes at least would be covered. Kayla came to my side hand out and I shook it while running
New members
Kayla Towa LV1 R2
HP: 100/100
MP: 54/54
54? What an oddball number. After that, we all trailed off from one another, trying to buy more time for each other
"dah" I ran into someone and whipped out my knife "Oh Matt...Doesn't matter, we gotta go!"
"huh? Why what's happening" Matt's face of confusion was obvious yet soon he heard the army of footsteps approaching "Ahh, that makes sense" We both ran, I looked at the map and noticed 3 different colored dots, Grey, Black, and Pink, the only conclusion I had was Kayla, Kyle, and Sam, so that means each dot was color coordinated
"Matt, shake my hand" He looked at me as if I just said something extremely stupid, to be fair, I didn't blame him "Just do it!" We got closer and he shook my hand
New Member
Matt C R4
HP: 175/175
MP: 30/30
Why can everyone take more of a beating than me? I swear it really is just like a game, against me, Matt appeared on the Map as a blue dot, seems about rig- wait I didn't realize it at first, but Matt's my family, we're related, and I recall having the same last name as him, does magic have errors?
"Alright, Matt, We should regroup with the others, still got that arrow?" He nodded, I took it from him and the bow. I looked at the map, Sam was with Kyle and Kayla, hopefully, she'll explain, I looked at where we were going, a mountain was going to be in our way "Left or right?"
"Left! OR RIght!"
"I dunno, Left?" With his answer, I used all the strength I had and shot the arrow facing right and we darted left after a few seconds, Matt continued to look confused "What the hell is with my eyes" I took a deep breath
"Bottom left is everyone on our team, Top right is the map, I dunno what color I am, but Sam's Pink, you're blue, Kyle's Black, and Kayla's grey, although that's just guessing on their most worn colors." I looked like he wanted to tell me something but decided not to, instead he sighed and continued running
"I realized something just now"
"Hmm?" I wondered what he wanted
"Why'd we shoot the arrow if we have a map, also just FWI, your color for the map is like a weird mix of Pink and white, so I think it's more based off our current hair color"
"First, I think you're right, second, I did it so they know where we're running, so before we turned they could see our path, seeing the arrow is faster than waiting for the map"
"I feel like that logic is flawed but ok, if you say so" I looked top right and saw the three trying to intersect with us
"Let's fight back" I suggested with my voice full of pride "They may be able to track us but we got a bow and knife, for all we know they do- AHH" I tripped over, it felt like something was attached to my leg, I could hear Matt about to say something "I- I know..what it is...don't..say it. Why is my luck so garbage" I turned to face my leg, my thought was correct, a bear trap was attached to my leg "G...great" I looked at Matt and raised the knife's handle to him "Pr-pry it open, it'll be fine" I nodded and took the knife, digging it between the blades
"You sure?" I put my head on the grass as he talked
"Do we.. have any other choice, just get it ov..over with"
"Don't say I didn't warn you" And with speed, he started Prying
"AH-" I tried cutting off my screams, if the people tracking heard, then we'd be dead, guaranteed, after about 30 seconds of pure agony it was open and I pulled my leg out of it "Thanks" Matt grabbed the bear trap from a safe angle and tossed it facing upside down so we wouldn't step on it if we were to come through again. He walked in front of me with his hand out
"Come on, and pay attention next time, alright?" I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up, I had to lean on him as my leg needed to recover
"Yeah, yeah, just shut up and let's walk" And so we did, my plan to strike back was for nothing as I couldn't even walk alone now "Let's meet up with the others" I looked around my weird game hud and remembered, Kenneth was able to speak with us. I looked around and found it, not only did we literally have a text box to type in or live translation for deaf people or people who speak another language, but we also have that telepathic speaking, I pressed it, although it looked like I pressed thing air. which I noticed, it was transparent, and others could see it as Matt looked at the hud himself which made me realize another thing, there's the corner eye version, and the one I just used by accident, which made it appear to others and made it so I didn't have to strain my eyes to death. It still weirded me out on how transparent and light it looked yet still felt like a solid object.
"Okay then, Listen, Sam, Kyle, Kayla, Meet me at..."I looked at the map, It was charted like a game as well, A1 zone all the way to AZ1, god this place looked so small outside yet so huge on the inside, I can't even tell that it's a massive building "B2, yeah, meet me there" I opened up the hud and turned it off, Matt, just like we did before looked like he was having a major headache
"My brain feels like TV Static" I laughed a bit
"Yeah, that's how we felt when it first hit us"
30 minutes Later
"Matt...I..gotta relax"
"Same here" Matt let go of my arm and set me against a tree, although when I laid against it, it sounded like something was on the other side. I looked over to Matt, we both nodded and with the little strength I had I gripped my knife and turned the corner to see the other side
"Heyo!" And what greeted me was Sam with a big grin on her face, that was until she saw my leg, then it turned into more concern "Wait, hold on, what happened?" I was too burned out and just sat beside her
"He ran into a bear trap while we ran from those guys" Matt turned the corner to see everyone. While Matt explained what happened and I saw tents and a fire that Kyle and Kayla set up
"What in the world is this?" My voice was full of confusion until I thought, maybe, no, no way this was their starting kit
"You're probably thinking the right thing" Kyle, out of nowhere, started to conform my suspicion "Yep, you probably guessed it, me and Kayla's starting kit was that weird lookin gun, tents....and a chair
"You poor souls, starting off the worst way possible" Kyle was going to rebuttal but I cut him off "And just so you know having a gun with no extra ammo is the worst in this environment, what-ya gonna do when you run out of ammo and six teams now know where you are?"
"Fair point, I'll let you win this time" Kyle sat on the aforementioned chair as the rest of us sat on either smooth (as possible) rocks, or the grass
"It just me, or it feel awfully cold?" I heard Kayla question the weather while all I could do was try my best to patch my leg
"Ahh, Matt, I almost forgot, you get that deer or no?" After I said that he left the camp heading in a straight line "Ahh, well guess it was a yes....or naw"
Another 5 minutes pass
My leg started feeling, slightly better, but was still way too painful to walk on alone. Just then Matt came back from the trees while holding many pieces of meat
"Alright, let's get cooking shall we?" I could tell all of us were grinning, at least on the inside. Besides for patching up my leg, I made a decent-sized wood plate, after all, it wouldn't take 5 minutes just for a no so why not prepare.
"gladly" Kyle came over to me and I handed the plate over, and put it on top of four poles that'd keep the plate standing
"This feels like a fire hazard, you know?" Kayla stood against a tree "Also" She pointed beside me and I noticed Sam was straight up asleep "She have narcolepsy or something? I mean, we're in a warzone, at least tell us first"
"Well, we've been running a lot, and she climbed and jumped through trees soooo" I tried standing only to be met with more pain "Yeeeeahhh, I'm staying down" and sat back down I did. We all smiled, besides for Kenneth and Nicholai, everyone was here, The 6 misfits were finally back together again, ready for more mischief
"Well, someone has to wake her in a moment, we're eating soon, and I don't want any complaints about how I cook, that's Lee and Sam's job...hold on...WHY AM I COOKING!" Kyle looked at all of us, the man despised cooking as he gets burned a lot, honestly, I don't blame him, I got burned a lot as well, hell, I almost stopped cooking because other survivors kept complaining about it.
"Well, you want a crippled guy to make your food? Or perhaps a sleepwalking moron" Kayla with her cruel truth as usual, mocked Kyle's audacity to hate cooking "Only you three can cook, after all, so we don't really have many" options other than you Kyle."
"Yeah, yeah, I get it! I'll cook" Kyle reluctantly continued to cook, squatting down near the fire with my knife to turn over the meat
15 minutes later
"Either A, this is undercooked or B, this world got some weird cooking flames" Matt was trying to find issues with it
"Matt, this place has magic and we're reincarnated dead children, I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility, just eat the damn thing" I already had woken up Sam about two minutes ago, with her normal protest of being tired. After that though, she was fired up and ready to eat
"Here" Kyle put everyone's serving on the plate, of course, there was only one at the time, but someone can only wait so long before making more plates
"Oi Lee, you a woodchipper, what's with your addiction to carving, what'd you even carve it with? Kyle had your knife" I took out a small sharp metallic object
"it was in the first aid kit with the medicine, perfect for carving if ya ask me" Kayla looked disappointed but hey, at least everyone gets their own plate now. I looked over at Sam and she was helping Matt make a rain catcher with anything lying around. It really was like our school days, except with the addition of Matt. Everyone was eating with a smile, even if we may be in a massive battleground, we're together, and I couldn't ask for anymore than that.
"Remind you of the better days huh?"Kyle sat next to me "You know, never once during that apocalypse was I ever sad, no, it felt...like I was free...I..was happy, you know, I may not sound or look like it but, I'm very sentimental"
"You're right, you sound and look nothing like that" I could tell he was aggravated at my words but, he still found it funny
"Heh, yeah, I really don't...Hey, do you remember Ruco?"
"Hold on, you actually remember him? What happened to hating teachers?"
"Well, he was different...the guy gave his all to protect us, and yet we were just stupid kids...That guy deserved more than he was given" The mood between the two of us was getting depressing, and the others were having fun talking to each other "Well..hehe, sorry for killing the mood, I just needed to make sure...I feel like we, specifically were brought back to life for a reason, and I feel like it's because we all want to avenge someone, or maybe get revenge, you want that too, don't you?"
"Hmm, well, I guess you're not as soulless as I thought...yeah, I have someone I wanna avenge...Moreso, I want revenge" I looked into the night's sky, without realizing it was already so late
"Well, I got your back if you got mine. Talk to ya later Lee" Kyle patted my shoulder and stood up, walking back over to his sister, I on the other hand struggled over to my tent, the day was long enough. I just wanted to get to bed already.
"Night Lee" I heard Sam say as I headed to sleep. Yeah, goodnight everyone.
After Chapter reports
HP100/150 Poor Lee, guy got his leg punctured by a bear trap
MP 65/65
HP 99.5/100 She got hit by a branch while running away from those people
MP 80/80
Kyle R1->R2 Lee and Kyle grew closer that day
HP 250/250
MP 20/20
No other reports for this chapter
"So, who do you think is gonna be the MVP in that team?" Raymond was talking to Neal
"ahh, we're really doing this?"
"Of course, I got nothing better to do" Raymond in a way was still childish even though he was an adult, that doesn't mean he's stupid though he's smart, maybe a tad too smart
"I dunno? All seem valuable in their own right"
"Fair enough, let's wait until later on when things get more interesting"
"No Raymond, knowing you you're gonna forget next time around"
"Yeah, probably"
Character Info
The guy got pink-whitish hair due to the DT's magic messing up his hair dye, so for now, he'll have that type of hair until he dies or loses magic. He also had metallic headwear that would be in the more frontish middle of his hair that he only wore during important scavenging missions during the apocalypse. Personality? Do I have to? Fine. He's...weird..no what am I saying, everyone of us are weird. Anywho, the guy can be cocky sometimes but has a...decent heart, his fascination for guns though is a bit worrying but, it's fine, it helped during the apocalypse anyways - Kyle
The Pink haired girl. she's obviously weird, a bit too weird for some and a tad touchy. Other than those weird red flags she's a good scout and pretty quick, bandits could barely catch, let alone get near her, she's also loyal, if you were a friend of her's and you were being attacked, you can bet she'd be there to help, although, I worry it'll go too far she'll put herself in harm's way. She also has a headband that mimics mine in a way, although, maybe...I think I remember us making it together when we were younger, so maybe that's why. One last thing she can talk a lot, both about interesting stuff, or to lecture you about how stupid a decision you made was, either way, she's good company - Lee
My brother is worrying, he's an absolute brute to people he doesn't know, and can be so extremely harsh that he doesn't even remember any fights he gets into, but....I know he has a good heart, I overheard the conversation he had with Lee and it shows he can care about others, I just wish he showed that side of him more, also for how brutish he is, the guy wears so much black, he might as well be a shadow, I don't think he wears anything like jewelry and what not, so yeah, that's about it. - Kayla
No one has an input yet
No input yet
No input yet
No input yet
"Well, that's the information for this chapter, I guess this will do for now, well stranger..or reader, hmm, what do I call you all? Anyhow, I guess that's for you all to decide, till we meet again, and do make sure to cheer on those seven, they need all the support they can get, and who knows, maybe your cheering may change fate, well, I shouldn't say anymore, anyways, let's hope this world won't have to reset again, I'm sure you all want to see the end of this story after all, although I guess you haven't been here lo-hmm I'm going on again, aren't I? My apologies, well, see you all next time"
- In Serial246 Chapters
Maou Shoujo Magical Chaos
Volumes 1 to 7 are available on Amazon! The books are going onto a different track, so don't miss the new adventures of Chaos! Death and Reincarnation. Kuroe Makoto, the tomboyish ace of her high school track and field club, never spared a thought for these things before. However, when she falls asleep in her Tokyo home after an exhausting marathon and wakes up in a fantasy world, those concepts become her reality. And unlike in the common light novel setting, she isn't reincarnated as the naturally good-looking and talented human hero who gathers a harem effortlessly. In fact, she isn't reincarnated as a human at all. She is reborn as 'Chaos', child of the demon queen and heir to a kingdom at war with humanity. Maou Shoujo Magical Chaos puts the Japanese high school girl in a tentacle monster, in this strange tale of a sound human mind possessing a horrifying creature's body. Join Chaos on her oftentimes humorous but also perilous journey through a world of sword and sorcery, as she discovers a newfound appetite for life, terror, and demi-human girls. This story features just yuri, as the female protagonist only has interest in other females. Current Release Schedule: One to two chapters every week. Expect an announcement if I can't keep to that. Pledge of Completion: With the release of the ebook on Amazon, I pledge that this series will never be dropped, and see completion. Standalone spin-off featuring Senka: Red Mantis and Avenger Doll Cover art by Peperon.
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The Ascendancy of man has come. Humanity has risen to the stars above, spanning multiple Galaxies. Centuries of warfare and strife as each faction fought for new worlds, and territory. Then came the Empress, eternal in her glory. She unified the scattered factions under one banner, creating the Empire of Humanity. This came with opposition of its own however. Rebellion was a constant, and rampant plague upon the Empire. People who were unhappy with the status qua, and the militaristic brutality of the new Empire rose up across the Galaxy. Thus the Empire began the creation of genetically modified humans. Altered in the wombs of previously altered female soldiers to further the cultivation of the perfect super soldier.These infants are placed through a crucible of death, and a curriculum of brain washing to ensure utter loyalty to the Empire, the Empress, and those they are placed under. They kill, and slaughter without thought or feeling if ordered.Follow our newly minted Captain as he forges a path through this Empire, working for the glory of his Empress, and General. All while the Empire slowly enters the sights of an unseen, and deadly foe. -------------A.N--------------------This fiction is violent, it will have war crimes, cruelty, mind breaking situations, and a great deal of death and practicality in thought process, it is a PURELY dark fiction. the MC is not a Hero as you would term him, he is a soldier doing as ordered. This fiction is also recommended for 18+ only.
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The New World Beyond The Gate
Ares is a planet in the leviathan solar system and there exist 3 main continents which are conquered by the respective nations: The Imperial Republic in the northThe Confederation of Amazonia in the eastThe United Federation of Wilhelmshaven in the west Conflict looms in the background between the three respective nations and the Imperial Republic which has its natural resources running dry decided to focus its remaining resources on technological breakthroughs. Then at last they had broken through they were able to open up a gate towards a new world! Sir Edward is tasked to lead the expeditionary force and establish connections through the other side of the gate whether it be through war or diplomacy, he must be able to procure enough resources to fill up the drying banks of resources of their nation to be able to face the coming conflicts upon them. Read Now! To find out the fate of the Republic and the fate of the expeditionary force in the new world! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will also be posting this novel at Webnovel please also follow me there too, thank youuu https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/19721734305042605?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4316346076 Release rate will be on Tuesday and Thursday. Ps: Background Picture is not mine credits to its owner, just found it on a free site. The edit is mine
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"Will you become mine baby?"- JK"Ofcaurse Hyung"- JM#jikook#kookmin#minkookoh yeah forget one thing,,We purple you and borahae💜💜💜💜
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