《The fire within》Chapter 18
Chapter 18
Watching Rey and Vaylin's equally powerful fight gave Kylo Ren a nervous feeling inside. Then his attention quickly turned to the next Zabrak who fiercely attacked him. Swiftly blocking his attack, Kylo Ren deftly spun around and with a powerful move; he sliced open the Zabrak's back, making him cry out in anguish as he hit the ground. Then he was ready for the next one as she came flying toward him with a battle-ax in her hands. As hard as he tried to stop himself from killing them, he was still helpless under Vaylin's evil spell. With frightened eyes, he watched as the female Zabrak's upper torso slowly separated away from the rest of her body. With a loud, wet thud, her sliced off torso hit the ground in front of his boots.
Then as he looked up, his eyes met Asajj's who stood only a few yards away from him. With a wicked smile, she rushed at him.
Maul ran as fast as he could through the dark forest to reach his destination. Feeling the adrenaline pumping through his veins, he pushed himself harder to get to the Nightsisters cave. He hoped he'd get there on time. He couldn't think about losing Rey. I'm nothing if I lose her, he thought with despair as he kept running.
She is here, Palpatine thought as his eyes searched the dark, misty surroundings.
"I can feel her." He murmured looking straight ahead. Then he looked to his left and quickly signaled to his guards to stay put, as the two unsuspecting people rushed toward them.
As soon as Kenobi came into view Palpatine sent a powerful lightning strike toward him. However, Kenobi was no fool. Quickly igniting his weapon, he blocked the deadly strike with one swift move. Then with the power of the Force, he quickly disabled two of the guards, sending them back toward the trees.
However, his brave but futile attack was short-lived, when he received another attack from Palpatine, making him hit the ground with great force. As he tried to get up, his eyes landed on Rey's mother, as she stood at the edge of the clearing holding the babies in her arms.
Her loud voice swiftly cut through the coolness of the night.
"Sheev stop!"
"Why should I?" Palpatine replied with a mocking tone turning his face toward her.
"Because I'm asking you." Lylea firmly replied gazing into his empty expression.
Slowly, Palpatine lowered his arms and then he stepped closer to her. Standing in front of her, his eyes swiftly roamed over her and then his attention turned to the babies that were bundled into a dark robe.
"May I see them?" He asked eyeing the dark fabric.
"You came for them, didn't you?" She asked looking into his eyes.
With irony, he replied. "You were always the smartest one." Then he added as he extended his arms toward her.
"Now hand them to me."
"No." She replied with defiance.
"I'll keep them safe." He replied with a meek smile. Then he added, as he looked toward Kenobi. "I could let him live and fight another day with the true enemy if you give them to me."
"I stopped trusting you a long time ago….Sheev." Lylea replied with anger in her voice.
There were a few seconds of silence between them, as they gazed into each other's eyes. Taking a deep breath, Palpatine looked away from her and turned his attention back to Kenobi again, as he lay on the ground.
Signaling to his guards, he ordered them to bring Kenobi to him.
As the two guards grabbed hold of the young Jedi, they lifted him off the ground and dragged his body across the ground.
As they dropped him in front of Palpatine, he watched him for a few seconds. With a pitiful expression he looked up and with a raspy voice, he said to Lylea.
"What a shame that you let this young man die tonight."
Saying that he quickly sent a bolt of powerful Force lightning into Kenobi's body, making him instantly convulse in excruciating pain. After countless seconds of continuous torture, he stopped just to look up to see Lylea's frightened face staring into his.
"Are you ready to hand them to me?" He asked with an evil grin. However, behind that grin, there was something else lurking in those deep crevices that Lylea was hoping to use for her advantage. She knew she was overpowered by not just him, but also by his guards as well. There was no way for her to fight them all off by herself. However, she was certain that if he really wanted to hurt her, he would have done that by now. He is holding back, she thought, watching his face.
Then she spoke up.
"What kind of deal have you made this time?"
A sudden shadow of worry crossed his aging face. Then he said as he looked at the wrapped-up babies in her arms.
"I came here to save them."
"Save them?" She asked with an ironic laugh. Then she added. "How could you say that?"
"I don't need to explain myself to you." Palpatine replied with annoyance. "I came here to save my grandchildren."
His honest words left her in shock. He was telling her the truth, and she knew that. And this frightened her even more. Not just the thought that her only daughter was fighting for their freedom and a better and more promising future, but here before her, stood her one-time lover and mentor, who came here for one purpose and one purpose only.
"Are you going to kill me?" She asked gazing into his eyes.
"No." He replied. "I want you and the children to come with me."
"To come with you?" She asked with amazement.
"Yes." He replied, holding his arms out again. "Let me have them."
"What about him?" She asked motioning toward the unconscious Kenobi.
"Leave him." Palpatine replied. "He would only be a burden to us."
For a fleeting moment, she wanted to say no to him and tell him to go to hell. However, she knew she was in no shape to refuse his offer. Millions of thoughts of all kinds instantly engulfed her troubled mind. While her rational mind screamed not to trust him, on the other hand, she had no choice but to trust him if she and Kenobi were going to survive tonight.
With trembling hands, she was about to hand the children to him, when suddenly, one of the guards head flew off and landed on the ground a few yards away from Kenobi.
Then another one was attacked, as Maul rushed out of the forest with vengeance. Quickly, he cut the guard down, and then with a powerful Force push, he sent another one flying through the air.
He had to be fast because he knew these guards will give him trouble if he didn't finish them quickly. His deadly surprise attack paid off as the last guard's body hit the ground.
Standing above his last kill, Maul's eyes locked onto Palpatine's. As he kept his eyes focused on his old Master, he said to Lylea.
"Lylea, go and take the children." Then he added. "Leave him to me."
Slowly, she backed away from Palpatine, and then she turned around and rushed away in haste.
"Oh, yes." Palpatine chuckled watching Maul. "I've been waiting for this moment."
Reaching beneath his robe, he pulled out his weapon and ignited it, engulfing his deformed visage with a bright red glow.
Then the two men rushed at each other and their deadly fight began.
"You will never have him." Vaylin teased Rey as she blocked another attack. Deftly spinning around, Rey sliced at her legs hoping to immobilize her. However, her reach was too short as Vaylin swiftly moved out of the way.
She is strong, Rey thought with despair, as Vaylin attacked her again and again.
"Why would you think I want him?" Rey yelled back.
"Oh." Vaylin teased again. "You are a bad liar."
Rey was getting tired of her arrogant attitude. This woman was evil to the core and Rey wanted nothing more than to shut her up for good. However, she seemed to know what Rey's next move was, as she kept blocking her advances, which pissed her off even more.
Then, suddenly something caught Rey's attention.
Standing in the back of the cave close to the glowing green water was the ghostly form of Mother Talzin. For a second, Rey thought she was hallucinating. Then Talzin's stern face morphed into a smile, and then she heard her voice in her head.
Don't hold back. Let go Aldereya.
At that moment, Rey felt enormous anger bubble up inside her as darkness enveloped her. When she opened her eyes, Vaylin was taken aback for a second watching her lifeless blank expression. Then Rey lifted up her left hand and sent a powerful lightning strike into Vaylin's body, knocking her back. Then as she stepped closer, she sent another one and another, until Vaylin's body was greatly convulsing on the ground. Standing above her barely conscious body, Rey looked down with an evil grin. She was about to make her final move, when she was struck by a Force lightning coming from Vaylin's father, Valkorion. The extreme pain that he caused made Rey angrier. Swiftly regaining her stamina, she returned the favor, striking back at Valkorion.
"Asajj, STOP!" Kylo Ren yelled as he felt Vaylin's powers dissipating from his body.
With a cynical tone, she replied.
"Now, you are begging me to stop?"
"No, I'm not begging." Kylo Ren shouted back. "I don't want to fight you."
"Are you afraid of me?" She asked with an evil chuckle as she attacked him again.
Kylo Ren didn't want to waste time. Vaylin was either dead or badly hurt and this window of opportunity gave him an extra boost to finish the suffering that he had endured over the past few months. He did not want to feel trapped ever again.
With his regained Force powers, he lifted Asajj up and pulled her closer.
While her surprised face was only inches from his, he looked into her frightened eyes and with a firm tone, he said.
"Are you going to help me, or not?"
In agreement, she nodded her head and then he let go of her and placed her on the ground.
Quickly looking around in the surrounding madness, he noticed Rey in a Force lightning match with Valkorion. Then his eyes landed on Savage as he bravely fought one of the twins. Then he noticed Arcann fighting his way toward him.
As his eyes locked onto Kylo Ren's, he cracked a menacing smile. Then he rushed at them.
"Give up my dear." Valkorion's strong voice carried over the battle cries. "You are no match for me."
"Your overconfidence will be your demise." Rey shouted back, while she firmly held against his powerful strikes. Yes, he was extremely strong, but not entirely undefeatable.
There is a way to kill him. Rey heard Mother Talzin's calm voice in her head again. Let me guide you, my child. She assured her.
All right. Rey replied.
Suddenly, everything in her head went blank and an eerie silence enveloped her. As she looked around in the surrounding darkness, suddenly a bright glowing light appeared in front of her. As the light grew brighter, Rey felt an extreme heat enveloping her whole body. The scorching heat felt pleasantly good, Rey thought with amazement, while her body was burning up from the inside.
Instinctively, she reached out and touched the glowing orb. At that moment everything she had experienced in her life before rushed through her head like rapidly moving images. Then she suddenly found herself in Snoke's bedchamber. Looking down on the mosaic tile, Rey noticed something.
There was a small knife lying on the ground. As she looked closer, with amazement, she realized it was the same knife she had stolen from the tent. Crouching down, she picked up the knife and held it in her hand. There was an intricate deer carving on its hilt, however as she looked closer, she realized there was something embedded into the blade, which she hadn't noticed before. There was a name, Dramath burned into the metal.
Use it. Use it. Use it. She heard countless whispers coming from all around. And use the power as well. Quickly, Rey stood up and she immediately found herself back in the madness of the cave. Looking down, she noticed the knife was still in her hand. Then her jet-black eyes found Valkorion's and then she sped toward him.
Valkorion had no time to block her attack, as she was fast upon him. As soon as she reached him, he felt a sharp pain just beneath his chin, as the knife sliced into his flesh. Then his frightened eyes locked onto hers, and in a whisper, he said one thing.
With a sudden move, Rey pushed the knife upward into his skull. While his life gradually left his body, she slowly consumed his powers, killing him instantly. After pulling out the knife, he collapsed to the floor, while his lifeless eyes accusingly penetrated into hers.
Swiftly, she wiped the blood off and then placed it back into her boots. Then she turned around only to see the extensive carnage within the cave. There were countless body parts scattered around the cave's floor. To her left, she saw Savage fighting like a crazed animal, as he sliced the twin in black in half. Then her attention turned to Asajj and Kylo Ren as they madly fought with his twin brother. Anywhere she looked she saw death, suffering and unimaginable madness.
A fit of extreme anger bubbled up inside her. It was a wave of deep, emotional anger that she had never felt before, an anger that was eating her alive.
Then, an utmost calmness took over her and reaching out she said one thing.
Suddenly, everyone froze in place. Not a single person was able to move a muscle.
The entire battlefield seemed like it had been frozen in time.
Slowly, she approached Kylo Ren, who stopped in mid-air, as he was about to strike Arcann down.
As she placed her hand on his arm, she said.
Then within seconds, everyone hit the ground like rag dolls.
With frightened eyes, Kylo Ren looked at Rey standing above him. He wanted to say something but he wasn't able to open his mouth. Her jet black eyes deeply penetrated into his, while an uncanny calmness took over her stern face. At that moment she reminded him of Snoke.
Then her attention landed on Arcann, who stared at her with utter disbelief.
Walking up to him, she lowered herself in front of him and while her eyes searched his, she said.
"Your father and brother are dead. However, you are still alive and so as your sister. Do you want to live, or do you want to die?" Then she added as she straightened up. "Make your choice."
Slowly, Arcann stood up and approached his unconscious sister. After picking her up, he ordered some of his men to collect his father's and his brother's bodies. Then he walked back to Rey and as he bowed his head and in a humble tone, he said.
"I'm asking for your permission to leave and take my family with me."
"Only on one condition," Rey said. "Never take arms up against us, or I will destroy you."
Nodding his head in agreement, Arcann turned away from her and walked out of the cave, followed by the remainder of his men.
After they left, Rey turned to the dumbstruck Kylo Ren and said.
"Stay here. I have an unfinished business to take care of."
With that, she rushed out of the cave and headed into the dark woods.
"Oh, you poor fool." Palpatine chimed as he stood above the wounded Maul. "Did you think you could defeat me?"
The wound on Maul's side gave more pain to fuel his anger toward his old Master. However, as he tried to get up, his body gave in and he collapsed back to the ground, making Palpatine chuckle more loudly.
"Once I kill you, I will take the children." He said amusingly, as he looked at Maul's angry expression. Then he added. "They will be much better apprentices that you ever were, my friend."
"You'll never find them." Maul growled back.
"Oh yes, I will." Palpatine said with a grin as he extended his arms.
"And now, you will die." He said as he sent a powerful lightning strike into Maul's already battered body.
The pain was unbearable, and Maul had to truly concentrate not to pass out. He wanted to live and take his revenge. He couldn't stand the thought of him taking his children. He couldn't let that happen.
As the agonizing pain rushed through him, and while every single muscle painfully twitched inside his body, Maul opened his mouth and roared with painful anger.
His agonizing voice carried over the woods.
Hearing him made Rey run faster. She wanted to reach Maul in time. She had no idea where her children were but she sensed that they were all right and safe. However, she knew one thing. Her father was here and most likely he was causing pain to Maul and that thought pissed her off even more. Maul's agonizing voice was a painful reminder of her father's cruelty. She'll have no choice but to end him.
As soon as she broke the treeline, the first thing she saw was Kenobi lying facedown on the ground surrounded by dead Imperial guards. Then her eyes landed on Maul who was convulsing in great pain in front of her father.
Immediately, she stopped him.
While Palpatine was frozen in time, she rushed to Maul.
Cradling his head, she planted several kisses on his lips and with a worried expression she asked.
"Are you okay?"
With a low growl, he replied.
"Yes, I believe so."
"Where are the children?" Rey asked anxiously.
"They're safe with your mother." He replied, and as he looked at her he touched her face and said.
"Your eyes."
She cracked a small smile and then she stood up and approached her father. Standing in front of him, she said.
"Hello, father."
Palpatine's surprised face stared into hers, and then a small grin appeared on his deformed visage.
"Hello, my dear." He said. Then he added. "I see you are all grown up."
"Why are you doing this?" Rey asked stepping closer.
With a small chuckle, he said. "One day you'll understand."
"What do you mean by that?" Rey inquired.
"You, my daughter, are the greatest weapon that I ever created." He said with an evil grin.
"Yes." She said with an amused smile. "I am."
In an instant, his face morphed into a fearful expression. In her blank eyes, he saw nothing but his own reflection.
Then she cupped his face into her hands, and then she whispered while he felt his powers being slowly sucked away from him. "This is the last time you hurt anyone... father."
The unpleasant and painful feeling was tearing him up from the inside. He tried to scream, but there was no sound coming out of his gaping mouth. There was only darkness ahead from where there was no return.
After consuming his powers, she let him go and dropped his body in front of her boots.
Looking at his crumpled small form, Rey felt nothing but emptiness. She knew what she did was wrong, but this man was an evil being just like the other one. She was glad that he was gone.
Maul was in shock to see this immense power coming from her. She was definitely the most powerful being he had ever seen.
"Let me help you." Rey said as she turned away from her father's dead body and looked at the amazed Maul.
"Rey." He said embracing her. "I….
"Shhh." Rey shushed him, as her eyes returned to their normal state. With a smile she said. "Let me help you."
Pressing her lips to his, and while passionately kissing, she instantly healed Maul making him feel energized and anew.
Then they walked up to Kenobi.
Squatting down in front of him, Rey checked for his pulse. Then she looked at Maul and with a mischievous grin, she said.
"It's time to wake him up. However, I don't think he will like it."
Placing her hands on Kenobi's back, she sent a quick electric jolt into his body to wake him up.
With a jerking motion, Kenobi jumped up and with frightened eyes, he swiftly looked around while taking up a fighter stance.
Then when he realized what was going on, he relaxed a little and with a boyish smile he asked.
"Uhm...did we win?"
"Yes." Rey replied. "For now."
Then he nervously looked around and asked.
"Where is Lylea?"
"We have to go and find her." Rey replied.
"Alright." Kenobi said with a smile. "Let's go."
They found her mother at Maul's ship. When she saw them approaching, she rushed out and swiftly hugged Rey.
"I knew you would come." She exclaimed.
"Where are the girls?" Rey asked.
Letting Rey go, Lylea looked at them and then she said.
"They are on the ship, sleeping." Then she asked. "What happened?"
After Rey explained to her what happened, Lylea felt at ease. Palpatine was dead alongside Valkorion and that thought pleased her tremendously. However, she didn't understand why Rey let the son and the daughter go.
"Why did you let them go?" Lylea asked, searching her daughter's eyes.
"I'm not a heartless monster like my father was." Rey replied.
With a warm smile, she looked at Rey and said.
"No, you're not."
At the Nightsisters cave, everyone who was not gravely injured was helping to collect the dead ones. When they were done, Kylo Ren walked up to Rey's mother and begged for forgiveness, for what he had done to the Nightsisters.
"I know what happened to you." Lylea replied with a flat tone. Then she added. "It wasn't your fault."
"Thank you for understanding." He replied gazing into her eyes.
Then he turned to Rey and said.
"I have to get back to the Supremacy and bring Shae down here."
"Shae?" Rey asked with disbelief. "What is she doing up there?"
"It's a long story." Kylo Ren said feeling horrible about what happened to her. "But she is hurt and needs your help."
"Yes please, bring her here." Rey said with an anxious face.
Then his eyes met Maul's and in a solemn voice, he said.
"I also owe you an apology. I'm sorry about the Arena."
For a few seconds, Maul looked at him with scrutiny. Then he extended his hand and said.
"Apology accepted."
After shaking his hand, Kylo Ren said farewell and was escorted to his ship by Asajj and a few Zabraks.
On his way to the Supremacy, his mind was on the future that still looked somehow bleak to him. He understood why Rey let Arcann and Vaylin go. He couldn't accept the fact that Vaylin was still alive. In his heart, he wanted them dead.
I'll get an opportunity soon, he thought as the Supremacy came into view.
The next day Kylo Ren flew down to Dathomir and after saying goodbye to everyone, he stopped by at Shae's room to say goodbye to her as well.
"I'm going to leave you here." He said as he stood at the foot of the bed.
"Are you leaving?" She asked anxiously as she sat up.
Gazing into her eyes, he replied.
He was about to leave when she spoke up.
"I hate them so much."
Stopping for a second, he turned to face her and said.
"I feel the same way."
"Then let me come with you." She said as she shifted on the bed. With an icy tone, she added. "Together we can take our revenge."
"Are you sure that is what you want?" He asked eyeing her.
"Yes, Ben…. I'm sure." She replied as she pulled off the covers to expose her stump.
"We need to get you a new leg then." He said as he approached the bed and picked her up into his arms.
"I guess we can come up with a solution, right?" She said with a grin looking into his worried eyes.
"I guess we can." He said with a mischievous smile. Then he walked out of the room and headed for his ship.
Rey and Maul watched as Kylo Ren's ship left Dathomir.
"Do you think we will ever see him again?" Rey asked, watching the ship disappearing into the sky.
"I hope not." Maul murmured.
"Oh." She said as she slapped him on the arm. "You are mean."
"I know." He replied with a wicked grin.
Then he grabbed her and pressed his lips onto hers. While passionately embracing each other, Rey felt that anything life may bring to them, together as a family, they would be invincible and unstoppable.
"Why do you have to be so stubborn?" Zyre said looking at her twin sister. "You are just like father." She added with distaste.
Shrugging her shoulders, Saevi replied with a wicked grin.
"Boohoo to you, my dear sister."
"Look." Zyre started to say not liking her sister's attitude. "We're here because of the artifact. Don't forget that."
"And don't forget my dear sister that we are destined to bring down the Empire." Saevi replied with slight cynicism.
"Yes." Zyre replied feeling annoyed with her sister. "You don't have to be cynical about it."
Turning to his sister, Saevi said.
"We know one thing though. Grandmother made a mistake and spoke of another Empire."
"No." Zyre replied. "She didn't make a mistake. She spoke of an Empire, but was never specified which one. Her vision showed something that had not happened yet."
"Look who's talking about being stubborn?" Saevi replied as she blew a mocking kiss toward Zyre.
"Ugh...you know if you were not my sister." Zyre started to say when someone nearby spoke up.
"What would you do to her?"
"Who's there?" Saevi asked, searching the dark corners of the cave. "Show yourself."
Suddenly, out of the darkness, a tall figure emerged.
As he stepped into the light, both women looked at him with awe.
He was tall with dark curls that hung low into his pale, handsome face. Wearing a dark outfit he stood there with confidence, while his deep brown eyes curiously looked at the twins.
Taking advantage of the girl's astonished phase, he said.
"Who are you?" With a grin, he added. "And what are you doing here?"
Quickly composing herself, Saevi mockingly replied.
"I was about to ask the same from you."
"I asked you first." He pressed on while eyeing the two women.
"We don't have to tell you anything." This time Zyre spoke up. She didn't like this at all. Most likely he was here for the same reason they were here for.
"Well then." He said as he reached for his lightsaber that was clipped to his side. "I guess I have no choice but to introduce myself in my way."
Saying that he ignited his weapon engulfing his young face with a bright yellow glow.
"Let me introduce myself as well." Saevi mockingly said as she ignited her weapon that glowed bright red in the dimness of the cave.
Then Zyre followed, igniting her double edge lightsaber, illuminating her crimson face with a bright purple glow.
Within seconds their weapons collided with high-pitched buzzing sounds that echoed through the cave.
The end
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