《The fire within》Chapter 16
"What am I supposed to tell my men?" Kylo Ren asked as he and Vaylin walked back to his shuttle.
Placing her hands on his chest she abruptly stopped him. With a meek smile, she said.
"You will tell them that you have made a grave mistake regarding me. You will tell them that you have decided to take me back to Zakuul and I had offered you a treaty that would tremendously benefit you and your people."
"Do you think they will believe me?" Kylo Ren asked with slight cynicism.
"You are their leader, right?" She asked pulling up one of her eyebrows. "Make them believe you." Then snaking her arms around his shoulders, she pressed her body against his and while her lips hovered over his, she whispered.
"If you behave, I'll be gentle enough on you….Ben."
"Why are you doing this to me?" Kylo Ren said, feeling repulsed by her closeness.
Pulling away from him, she looked at him and with a wicked smile, she said.
"Because I can." Saying that, she pressed her lips onto his and forced her tongue into his mouth. Kylo Ren tried to protest and push her away, but he was just not able to do so. This reminded him of his nightmare and while her tongue explored his mouth, a sense of nausea started to take over.
Letting him go, she purred.
"Hmmm….you taste so good." Then she added. "I can't wait for more."
Taking the shuttle, they left the planet and its devastation behind.
After returning to the Supremacy, he ordered his men to change course. Instead of heading to Mandalore, they set a new course to Zakuul. When some of the men questioned and rebelled against the sudden change, under Vaylin's spell, Kylo Ren struck them down without mercy. After that, no one dared to question his motives or orders, or even Vaylin's.
Standing at the foot of his bed, Vaylin was waiting on him to get the key out of his safe.
"Please Vaylin." Kylo Ren begged. "Don't make me do this."
Leaning against the bed, and with a wide grin, she said.
"I love to hear you begging."
With trembling hands, Kylo Ren took out the key from his safe and slowly approached Vaylin. When he tried to refuse to open her collar, instantly he felt his throat constricted to the point he wasn't able to breath. Reluctantly he placed the key into the slot and opened her collar.
As soon as the collar was off, Vaylin spun around and with ease, using her powers; she lifted him up and held him in mid air. With satisfaction on her face, she curiously watched him struggling and then with a swift move, she threw him on the bed, keeping him in place.
She felt like her true self again. The collar she was forced to wear indeed dulled her powers, but not entirely. She was able to get inside Kylo Ren's head and that was enough for her to achieve what she wanted to accomplish.
"What are you doing?" Kylo Ren nervously asked as she started to remove his clothes.
With a wicked smile, she said. "I'm getting you ready for bed."
"Do you want this room?" He asked, his voice frantic. "Go ahead, take it. It's yours. But please let me go."
"Awww." Vaylin said amused. "How cute."
As she violently ripped his pants off, Kylo Ren felt completely exposed and awfully embarrassed. Looking at the ceiling, he wanted to die as her hungry eyes roamed over his manhood.
"I can see you are not as excited as I hoped you would be." Vaylin purred, running her hand up to his thigh. Then she added as she grabbed hold of him. "But I think I can still make this happen."
That night, while Vaylin lightly snored beside him, Kylo Ren kept staring at the ceiling. He felt used and disgusted. He was also afraid to fall asleep, fearing he would have another nightmare again. She was just too powerful to fight and he didn't want to upset her. Whatever happened between them was not for his pleasure. Every time she grinded herself against him, he kept thinking of Rey. Only the sweet thought of her helped him through, while Vaylin was having fun on top of him.
Looking at her sleeping beside him, he wanted to grab a pillow and smother her. However, he was no longer in charge of his body anymore. Whatever she did to him, worked very well to her advantage. Feeling pissed off, frustrated, and extremely guilty of what he had done to the Nightsisters, he kept staring at the ceiling until complete exhaustion took over him and unwillingly, he fell asleep.
A few days later they arrived on Zakuul.
Leaving the Supremacy behind, Kylo Ren and Vaylin headed down to the planet. As soon as they approached it, a few security ships quickly surrounded them. Through the holograph, Arcann's image showed up.
"You are in the Empire's territory. Identify yourself."
"Hello Arcann." Vaylin spoke up, as she stood in front of the hologram.
"Vaylin?" Arcann asked surprised. Then he quickly added. "Who is there with you?"
"Let us pass brother." She replied feeling annoyed. "You'll find out very soon."
A few minutes later Kylo Ren landed his shuttle on the outside of their huge palace. Getting out of his seat, he started to feel nervous about meeting her brothers again. He had no idea what she was planning to do with him, and that thought depressed him.
Following her like a good puppy, he swiftly looked around to measure up the new surroundings, as they stepped off his ship.
Not far from where they landed was another ship waiting. As the door opened, Vaylin's brother Arcann stepped out and quickly approached them.
"Why have you brought him here?" He angrily asked. He was about to ignite his weapon to strike him down when Vaylin stopped him.
"I missed you too Arcann." She said with a cynical tone. Then she quickly added. "He is my prisoner and a valuable one. Do not harm him, unless I tell you to do so."
"Your prisoner?" Arcann asked pulling up one of his eyebrows. "How did you get away?" He asked, looking from Kylo Ren to Vaylin.
"You'll hear it as soon as I see father." She said intently gazing into Arcann's eyes.
Arcann didn't want to argue with her. He knew his little sister very well. Letting them pass, he and his guards followed them to his father's chamber. While walking behind Kylo Ren, Arcann wanted nothing more than to strike him down. He still didn't understand why he was a valuable hostage. He is nobody, he thought with a smug grin, watching the back of his head.
Through a narrow, long corridor they finally reached a double-wide metal door. There were two guards in full clad armor standing on either side of the door. Walking past the guards, they entered the chamber.
To Kylo Ren's surprise, the chamber looked similar to Snoke's, except for the coloring. Instead of red, this vast chamber was deep blue with metal accents on its walls and floor. Behind the tall throne, where the Emperor sat, huge fifteen feet windows brightened up the space. Beside the guards and Valkorion, and Thexan, there was another person within the chamber. First, Kylo Ren couldn't see who it was. As they got closer, he realized it was none other than Rey's father, Palpatine. For some reason his presence was not surprising at all, Kylo Ren sourly thought.
Standing up, Valkorion swiftly approached Vaylin. Embracing her, he let out a relieved sigh and then he said.
"I knew I would see you again."
"Did you even look for me?" She asked, gazing into her father's smiling eyes.
"Why would you even ask something like that?" He asked astounded. "Don't be silly child." He gently reprimanded her. Then he added. "Your mother took a small fleet and she has been looking for you all over the galaxy."
Looking over her shoulder, his eyes landed on Kylo Ren and a shadow of confusion passed his face.
"What is the purpose of him being here?" He asked, eyeing Kylo Ren.
With a smug smile, she replied. "Let me explain it to you father."
After Vaylin explained what had happened, Kylo Ren understood why she had done this. The only reason she wanted him was to use him as bait to get to Rey. Of course, whatever Kylo Ren knew was no longer secret from Vaylin. When she told them about Rey's pregnancy and the prophecy of her children bringing down the Empire, suddenly the room went quiet. Then, Thexan's angry voice was heard.
"We can't let that happen, father."
"Yes...yes." Palpatine's raspy voice echoed through the room. "We won't let that happen." He said walking toward Kylo Ren. Standing in front of him, he looked up to his face and with a wicked smile, he said.
"You have changed son." Then he added. "The last time I saw you, you were only a lad. Look at you now." He said, appraising him with his burning gaze. "You are all grown up, eh."
"What do you want from me?" Kylo Ren spoke up feeling irritated.
"I want my daughter back." He said coldly.
"And do you think she would care what happens to me?" Kylo Ren asked, looking from Palpatine to Valkorion.
"I know she would." Vaylin spoke up. "For some reason, she cares about your pathetic self."
"Father." This time Arcann spoke up. "She is already carrying the Zabrak's children's. We need to find her." With distaste in his voice, he added. "She can't give birth to those monsters."
"Yes father, we need to do that now." Thexan said with determination.
Looking at his sons, Valkorion knew exactly how they felt. Betrayed and humiliated by not just Kylo Ren, but by Rey and Maul as well. However, despite her despicable pregnancy, she was still an important element for his visions. Her being a living descendant of Snoke, Valkorion wanted her for his sons. Through their unity, he will finally have what he has been looking for, for thousands of years. The perfect specimen. But first, they needed to find them. Then he will take her babies and kill them, including their father.
"Don't worry my children. We will find them, and lure them into our trap. And after terminating her disgraced pregnancy, she can be yours." Looking at Palpatine, he said. "As was promised."
With a slight nod Palpatine agreed, but on the inside, his mind was racing. This revelation about Aldereya and Maul was a surprise. Of course after seeing them together on Dathomir, he wondered what she was doing with his old apprentice. However, to find out that his daughter was carrying Maul's children, a peculiar thought enveloped his mind. He wanted to get his hands on those children before Valkorion did. When he promised Aldereya to Valkorion, she was still a little child. He was certain she was going to be in good hands, once Valkorion took her in. However, later he became skeptical about the choice he had made in hurry. He was afraid that once his daughter had given birth by either one or both of his sons, Valkorion might use them against him. In Palpatine's mind, everyone was an enemy. Even family can be dangerous, he thought thinking of Lylea. The mother of my child, he thought gazing at the ground thinking of her. I don't believe in prophecies anymore, Palpatine sourly thought trying to dismiss the thoughts of her.
Then his attention turned back to the twins and their father as they eagerly discussed how to find Rey and Maul. However, as his eyes locked onto Vaylin's, he was certain, she'd be more trouble than all her family combined. One day, her powers will be her downfall, he thought as he sent a small grin toward her, and then resumed listening to their conversation.
"Do you think they returned to his home planet, Dathomir?" Vaylin asked while they were inside her bedchamber, getting ready for the night.
"I don't know." Kylo Ren replied, sitting on the bed, gazing at the floor.
"I'll bet he took her there." She said as she removed her boots. "That is the first place we will look for them."
Looking at him, with a frown she asked.
"Why are you not undressed yet?"
As his eyes met hers, with a sly grin, he said.
"I don't want to take them off."
"Awww." She purred in her cold voice. "Are you still mad at me about the sisters?"
"Why did you make me do that?" He growled.
"Why do you care?" Vaylin replied feeling annoyed. "They were nobodies."
"Anyway." She said, lowering herself onto his lap. "In the coming days, you and I will have lots of fun." Grabbing his hair, she pulled his face closer. Gazing into his dark, angry eyes, and licking her lips, in a hushed voice, she said.
"When my father and brothers get what they want, I might keep you around a while longer."
Pressing her lips on his left cheek, she licked his face, causing Kylo Ren to shudder with disgust. Then sensually kissing and biting his lips, she whispered into his mouth.
"I want you to kiss me down there. Just like this."
Reluctantly, Kylo Ren agreed to please her.
On Dathomir, Rey was panting hard from the pleasure she had just experienced, as Maul's skillful mouth worked its way over her stomach and breasts, and then to her lips. Gently kissing her, and in a low voice, he asked.
"Did you miss this?"
Nodding her head, she smiled at him and said.
"What kind of question is that?" Then she added. "Of course I missed it."
Lying down beside her, and placing his hand on her stomach, in a mischievous tone he said.
"You know, you're going to get fat."
"Bastard." Rey exclaimed, playfully slapping his arm. Then with a sly grin, she added. "You are a true monster."
"Thank you." Maul replied grinning. "I know I am."
"Do you think we will be safe here?" Rey asked, still feeling unsure about them staying on Dathomir.
"We will never be safe until they are defeated." Maul replied with a stern voice. Then he added. "Savage and Darach should be returning soon. With the help of my brothers and sisters, Dathomir will rise again and I promise you, no one will dare to challenge us again."
Placing her hand on his chest, she looked him in the eyes and asked.
"Do you wish to have boys or girls?"
"Doesn't matter." He replied. "Boy or girl, it makes no difference. I will teach them the way of the Force." With a grin, he added. "They will be unstoppable."
"You mean we will teach them." She said with a smile, twisting his nipple.
"Oh, I see what you're doing." He said amused. Pressing his lips to hers, he pushed her beneath his body, while his hands deftly explored her again.
Days later the Empire showed up. Hiding in the mountains, on his cloaked ship, Maul was certain, this was the first place they would look for them. That is why he made sure not to touch the corpses of his brothers and sisters. They wanted to properly bury them, but that had to wait, he thought with anger as he watched their ships landing near the Nightsisters cave. With the help of his probe droids, he was able to pick them up in time, as they approached the planet. And now looking through the lenses of his droids, he and Rey silently watched the twins stepping off the ship followed by their guards. Immediately, they started to comb through the area.
Staying on the Infiltrator, they all waited days before the Empire finally left empty-handed.
After returning to the cave, they were ready to bury the dead. Maul was certain, they will not be back, or at least not for a while.
Using the Force, they picked up all of them, or what was left of them. After saying their final goodbyes, each of them was lowered into the green water, while Rey's mother chanted a deep and sorrowful farewell song. Their bodies and bones finally reunited with the planet. When it came to his mother's corps, Maul had a hard time saying goodbye.
With teary eyes, he watched, as Rey with Lylea picked her body up and gently lowered her into the water. The rage he felt toward Palpatine and now the twins were overpowering. He couldn't wait to reunite with his brothers and take their revenge on them. Even though his mother's prophecy said it would be his children who would bring down the Empire, he just couldn't wait that long. He was getting impatient. He wanted to end them now. But Rey had begged him not to go. She wanted to have her children and be able to raise them with him by her side. So, Maul gave in and vowed to her he would not go unless he was forced to do so.
A couple of weeks later, Savage with the others returned. But there was no celebration. The loss of his mother and everyone still felt raw and Maul wanted to respect their memories. Sitting around the stone table, they silently ate their evening meal.
As months passed, life on Dathomir had returned. However, they did not completely return to the old ways. Having only a handful of Nightsisters left, instead of living apart, Maul wanted to unite them all. Together they forged a stronger unity that would leave them less vulnerable.
It was late in the afternoon when Rey went into labor. During her shower, suddenly, a sharp pain traveled up her lower back into her rounded belly. This pain was so unexpected, for a second it took the breath out of her. Holding against the wall of the shower, she clutched her belly and let out a shaky, painful moan. A few seconds later another one of these painful waves hit her hard and with gritted teeth, she loudly moaned, while swiftly she turned off the water.
Slowly and carefully, she stepped out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around her, she walked out of the bathroom, calling for Maul. Then she remembered he was on a hunt with Savage and a sudden panic engulfed her. A loud knock on the front door shook her out of her troubled thoughts.
Shuffling toward the door, and while another wave of torturous pain took over her body; she opened the door to see Kenobi standing there with a bag in his hands. His eyes grew wide with surprise to see her wrapped in a towel.
"Uhmm...I'm sorry." He said feeling embarrassed. "Your mother sent me to drop this off." He said, holding the bag out.
Then he noticed her distressed expression, worriedly he asked.
"Are you alright?"
Grabbing hold of his hand, she squeezed it hard as another wave hit her. Through gritted teeth, she growled, while her hazel eyes turned fiery red.
"Go, get my mother and Maul. NOW!"
"Yes, of course." The young Jedi swiftly replied, fearing the next thing she would do is to blast him with a powerful electric strike. With a frightened expression, he added, as he pulled away from Rey. "I'll go and get your mother."
Putting the bag down, he turned around and ran back to his vehicle. Within an hour, he returned with Rey's mother and Shae. While Asajj went after the men to bring them back, all three attended to Rey's needs.
"Go get some water and more towels." Lylea instructed Kenobi, who stood there awestruck to see Rey in agonizing pain. Every time a wave of pain rushed through her body, he could see her rounded belly slightly shake beneath the towel. It was a frightful and amazing thing to witness. Composing himself, he ran into the bathroom to get the things Lylea was asking for.
When he came back, Shae was administering Rey some green liquid in a cup.
"What is that?" He asked.
"It's an ancient pain reliever." Rey's mother replied.
After taking the drink, Rey's body relaxed a bit, allowing her to sleep a little bit.
Watching the sleeping Rey, Kenobi nervously asked.
"How long this will take?"
"To have babies?" Shae asked with a smile.
"Uhm...yes." He replied.
"It all depends. It could take days or they could arrive anytime now." Lylea replied.
Kenobi hoped that by the time Rey was ready, Maul would be back. The thought of helping with the birth terrified him.
"Don't be nervous." Shae said, placing her hand on his shoulder. Then with a sly grin, she asked. "Have you ever seen a woman give birth?"
"Oh, uhm, not entirely." Kenobi nervously replied. In truth, he had never even seen a woman naked; let alone witnessing a live birth. Even though he was already past twenty, he was still a virgin. However, he didn't want these women to know of this. It was best to keep this to himself.
"I just hope everything is going to be fine." He said, feeling uncomfortable under Shae's piercing gaze.
Hours later, Maul, Savage, and Asajj had arrived.
"She is still sleeping." Lylea said to Maul, as he anxiously stood at the foot of the bed.
"How long has she been asleep?" Maul asked.
"A few hours." Rey's mother replied.
Hearing his voice, Rey's eyes fluttered open and looking at Maul a thin, tired smile appeared on her face. Then suddenly her expression changed into a painful one and tightly clutching the sheets, she let out a sharp cry.
Many hours later, the first baby finally arrived. As the baby's head crowned, Maul was able to see the dark hair that covered the baby's head. Then a cute, crimson face came into view. After a few good pushes, while Rey screamed with agony, the baby's upper half slid out of her, and then with another push, the lower body became exposed, showing the baby's sex.
"It's a girl." Lylea exclaimed, holding the newborn in her hands.
Instantly, the baby's loud scream enveloped the room. After cutting the umbilical cord, Lylea handed the newborn to Maul.
Proudly he gazed at his daughter. Her light crimson skin and dark hair was a beautiful picture to behold. Beneath her silky black hair, Maul was able to see the tiny buds that with time eventually will become her horns. She looked just perfect, he thought, feeling extremely emotional at the moment.
"Her name is Zyre."
Looking at Rey, she slightly nodded her head, showing Maul that she was happy with his choice. Then another painful contraction ripped through her body, as the second baby was about to arrive.
Within a few pushes, the second baby girl came into view. Unlike the first one, this baby's head was completely bald, except for the little buds that covered the top of her pale skin.
As soon as Lylea cut the cord, her loud scream quickly enveloped the room.
This time, Rey asked to hold the baby.
Placing the screaming newborn into her arms, Rey looked at her daughter and with a smile she said.
"Her name will be Saevi."
Looking up from the baby's face, she saw everyone's happy and satisfied faces. This moment was the happiest moment of her life. All the people that stood in the room with her were her family. And they all wanted to see and hold the babies. Even Kenobi, who had looked extremely pale and frightened, was smiling and congratulating them. Then it was time for her to feed them, and after everyone left the room, Maul stayed behind and lying down next to Rey, he watched as she placed each baby on each breast and started to feed them.
"They look beautiful." She said with awe, not believing her eyes.
While feeding, Saevi opened her eyes and looked at Rey. She has my eyes and coloring, Rey thought with a smile. Then Rey's eyes landed on Zyre, who looked just like Maul, except for the dark hair, that reminded Rey of her mother.
I have a family again, Rey happily thought. I will never let you out of my sight, she thought, feeling extremely protective toward them.
Watching them with Rey, a strange sensation rushed though Maul. Until this moment, he had never thought how important Rey or his children were to him. He would do just about anything to keep them safe. Thankfully during the past months, they were left alone. The Empire had not returned, but Maul knew better. Eventually, they will come back and that time they all have to be prepared. Sometimes he wondered what happened to Kylo Ren. Although she didn't talk about him much, Maul knew Rey still cared for him. This disturbing knowledge always left him perplexed. He just couldn't understand why she cared at all.
When Rey finished feeding the babies, she handed them to Maul. Lying back on the pillow, within minutes she was fast asleep. As he held his girls, first a thin smile appeared on his face, and then it grew into a wider one, as each baby cooed and smiled at him.
"How come you haven't found them yet?" Valkorion irritably asked as Arcann and Thexan bowed at his throne.
"Father." Arcann spoke up, agitated. "We have looked everywhere."
"Apparently not everywhere." Valkorion replied. His tone of voice was cold and firm. Then he added. "It's been months. By now, most likely she has given birth."
"We may have found someone who can lead us to them." This time Thexan spoke up.
"And who is this person?" Valkorion impatiently inquired.
"We found her on Mandalore." Thexan replied, gazing up to his father. Then he added. "Vaylin's pet told us that he had known her for a while. The last time he had seen Shae was when he had left her behind with Rey. She will tell us where they are."
"Then get to it." Valkorion replied, and then with a cool voice, he added. "You are greatly disappointing me. Don't come back, until you have the right information."
Bowing their heads, the twins stood up and walked out of the chamber.
While they approached the holding cells, Arcann angrily protested to his brother.
"Nothing is ever good enough for him. We will never please him as Vaylin does."
"Don't let his actions get to you." Thexan calmly replied. "Control your anger, brother."
Feeling extremely agitated, Arcann wanted nothing more than to lash out at their father. Every time they came back from one of their battles, even though they had victoriously won on his behalf, their father was never pleased. However, when it came to Vaylin, he showed a surprisingly tender heart toward their little sister. Now, Vaylin had her own little army. With Kylo Ren being her puppet, she took control of his men and his fleet. Of course, that had tremendously pleased their father.
It has been months and they were unable to find Rey. Even on Dathomir, the only thing they had found was rotten corpses and devastation. After leaving that planet, they searched and searched all over the galaxy. These unsuccessful searches left Arcann impatient and angry. He wanted his revenge. He wanted to bring them back here and kill her mate in front of her. How dare she mated with a lowlife scum like this Zabrak, he thought annoyed. She belongs with me and with my brother.
As they stepped into the holding cell, Shae's frightful eyes locked onto the brothers. She cursed herself many times about being careless. She should've gone to Mandalore. She should have just stayed on Dathomir. However, she missed her home and after years of being captive in the Arena, and years of serving the Knights of Ren, she was happy that she had the chance to return and see her people. Because of her careless mouth, someone ratted her out to the Empire. Now she was their prisoner and she had no idea what was to come.
Closing the door behind him, Thexan approached Shae. For a few seconds, he gazed into her frightened eyes, and then with a swift move, he grabbed hold of her left forearm and started to squeeze it. Shae was used to pain and at first, it didn't bother her as much as Thexan wanted it to. However, while he held onto her, he sent a powerful Force push into her arm that painstakingly traveled up her arm all the way to her heart. For a torturous few seconds, she felt her heart stop. Then, something wet dripped onto her upper lip. Involuntarily, she licked the liquid off, tasting its coppery flavor.
"This was just a small presentation of what will come if you don't tell us what we want to hear." Thexan said, still holding onto her arm.
Then she heard Arcann.
"You are just a useless Mandalorian." With distaste, he added. "Not even a Force-sensitive. Do you think we would want to keep you around?"
When Shae didn't reply, Arcann stepped closer and while his piercing gaze tore into hers, with a serious face he said.
"If you tell us where Rey is hiding, we will not harm you and we might even consider returning you safely to your planet. But, if you refuse to tell us, my brother and I would love to torture you to death. Make your choice and make it now."
Shae didn't want to say a word. She knew if she told them about Dathomir, everyone including the precious babies would be killed. With defiance in her eyes, she looked at Arcann and without warning, she spat into his face.
Reaching up, Arcann slowly cleaned off the bloody saliva off his face, and then his eyes turned red. Through the closed door, Shae's horrified scream was heard as her torture began.
To be continued...
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