《The fire within》Chapter 14
Chapter 14.
Everything happened so fast; Rey had no time to comprehend the danger of the situation. The first thing that caught her eye was Senya, who sprung up and after igniting her lightsaber; she attacked the red guards, while her husband took on Snoke.
Tearing her eyes away from their monstrous fight, Rey's attention focused on Kylo Ren and the twins. All three fought like mad dogs against one another. However, to Rey's surprise, Kylo Ren proved to be a worthy warrior as he skillfully evaded and attacked the two men. Then she noticed many of the guests had started to fight with the Knights of Ren. While the maddening chaos ensued around her, she quickly ran toward the chest that held all the lightsabers.
Breaking the lock off, she opened it and took out several lightsabers. Clutching them close to her chest, she ran toward the edge of the balcony and threw all of them over the railing, except one. Looking down, for a second her frightened eyes met Maul's. Then igniting her weapon, she turned around and ran back to help Kylo Ren.
As soon as the weapons reached the ground, Maul with Savage and Kenobi rushed to pick them up. The one Maul picked up was the green lightsaber that belonged to Kenobi's old Master. But when he looked at Kenobi, he noticed he picked up his double-edged weapon, holding it firmly in his hand.
Calling for his weapon, it quickly flew into his open hand, leaving Kenobi astonished.
"Take this!" Maul shouted over the confusion that completely engulfed the Arena's grounds now.
As soon as his Master's weapon landed in his hands, Kenobi quickly activated it and immediately engaged with a guard, who was trying to stop the prisoners from escaping.
With the help of Darach, and Asajj, one-by-one, all prisoners were freed from their shackles and ready to fight their way out of this hellhole. While Savage and Asajj fought the guards, Maul's attention turned toward the balcony. To get up there, he would have to go through one of the doors and fight his way there. However, he didn't want to take that chance to get caught or killed in the corridors.
Quickly his eyes found Darach, who bravely fought against some of the guards that were trying to stop everyone. Rushing to him, Maul helped him to cut down the three guards and then turning to Darach he shouted in a hurry, as he pointed upwards toward the balcony.
"Give me a boost and put me up there now!"
Standing beneath the balcony, Darach closed his eyes and started to concentrate. Immediately, Maul felt himself slowly elevating. Then suddenly, he was thrust up with a powerful Force push, catapulting him upward.
With rage in his eyes, Maul flew into the fighting mob, quickly cutting down anyone who stood in his way. Looking around the crazed crowd, he noticed a lady in white armor fighting against the red guards, mercilessly killing them. Then his eyes landed on a tall man also dressed in white armor, who was engaged in a powerful Force lightning fight with the Supreme Leader. However, the joy of killing the Supreme Leader himself was quickly taken away, as a young woman in a dark outfit rushed to help the older man. With their combined Force powers, they gravely injured the leader, leaving him crumbled on the floor.
Then Maul's attention turned toward the other side of the balcony, where amongst the fighting guards and guests were Rey and Kylo Ren dueling against the twins. For a second he was confused, but then as he was about to rush over to help Rey, someone landed on his back, making him fall forward. As soon as Maul hit the ground, he twisted his body and was about to cut the foe down, when he noticed it was Kenobi.
Shrugging his shoulders, Kenobi cracked an awkward smile and said.
"I thought I'd follow you."
Jumping to his feet, Maul pulled the young Jedi up and said with a growl.
"Just watch and learn."
Then he rushed toward Rey, closely followed by Kenobi.
This dress was getting hotter and unbearably uncomfortable, Rey thought with annoyance as she evaded Thexan's advances. It was getting so intolerable that she was having a real hard time concentrating on the fight itself. Every time she moved, the dress constricted her. Even though it wasn't tight, she still felt like being in a gilded cage wearing the damned thing. She wanted nothing more than to rip it off and throw it away. The other irritating thing that bothered her was how Thexan fought with her. It was obvious he didn't want her to get hurt and that further infuriated Rey. The gloves need to come off, Rey thought with anger as she tried to conjure up her secret power and end this futile fight once and for all.
Glancing over to Kylo Ren, she noticed he and Arcann seemed evenly matched. Both men fought with powers so great, it left only devastation around them.
However, when she tried to call upon the Force, somehow she was not able to do so.
What is going on? Rey desperately thought trying to bring forward her newfound powers.
Then a sudden dizziness engulfed her and she almost fell over. Gazing up into Thexan's ice blue eyes, Rey noticed slight worry crossing his face. She wanted to open her mouth and tell him to stop looking at her, but she was not able to do that either.
Desperately clutching the front of her dress, Rey felt out of breath and the sensation of being suffocated took over her, which terrified her to the core. She had never felt anything like this in her whole life, and the worst thing was that she had no idea what had caused it.
Stepping closer, Thexan knocked the weapon out of her hand and pulling her up, he held her close and whispered into her ear.
"Don't fight it." Then he added as his lips found hers. "Shhh." He whispered gently kissing her. "Just close your eyes and go to sleep."
Feeling his lips on her gave Rey the shivers. She was certain they were doing something to her. Desperately trying to stay conscious, she started to tug on the front of her dress to pull it off.
It's the dress! She thought fearfully as she felt herself falling into a deep sleep.
Thexan swiftly picked up the barely conscious Rey and was about to leave, when he turned around and found himself face to face with an enraged Zabrak and his companion.
Instantly he recognized the young Jedi, but the other one, with the glowing red eyes, he had no idea who he was. Holding Rey in his arms, and with a grin, he said.
"Get out of my way."
"Where are you taking her?" Kenobi spoke up.
"None of your business." Thexan replied annoyed. "Now get out of my way."
With gritted teeth, Maul growled at him.
"Put her down."
"No." Thexan replied, slowly backing away from them. But as he looked from Maul to his brother, he noticed Kylo Ren was overpowering his brother. And to lose Arcann over Rey, Thexan wouldn't allow that to happen. Quickly he threw Rey to Maul and ran to help his brother.
Swiftly catching her, Maul looked at Rey and shook her a few times trying to wake her up. Then he heard her frail voice.
"The dress." She said in a hushed tone. "Take…it ….off."
For a second Maul was left perplexed. He didn't understand why she said that. Then he heard Kenobi again.
"The dress." He insisted. "Take it off."
"Turn away." Maul ordered him as he violently ripped off the wedding dress. As soon as the dress was off, Rey came to her senses. With eyes that matched Maul's, she sat up and snarled at Maul.
"Give me a weapon."
A huge grin appeared on Maul's face. Then planting a kiss on her lips, he stood up pulling Rey with him. Quickly taking his tunic off, he wrapped it on Rey and with a grin he said.
"Let's finish this."
With weapons in hand, all three turned toward Kylo Ren and the twins. But before they made their move, Rey's determined voice came into Maul's head.
Please don't hurt him.
Maul immediately knew whom she meant by saying that. Still he didn't understand why she wanted him alive. The first thing he truly wanted to do was to kill him, but after hearing her voice, he silently agreed with her. Quickly, they jumped into the fight that was as fierce as Maul shirtless appearance.
Their fight lasted only a few minutes, when all the prisoners including Savage flooded the balcony, cutting down everyone in sight.
The twins and their family with their guests were quickly outnumbered and overpowered by their enemies. Even though they were extremely powerful, still the great numbers of Force users that took over the balcony was just too much to take on. While they're retreated, Arcann turned around and yelled back.
"It's not over! We'll meet again!"
Then they were off, fleeing the fight, defeated.
However, Vaylin was still fighting and didn't notice Savage approaching, and with and extremely hard blow, struck her down, causing her to crumble to the ground, unconscious.
Crouching beside Snoke's dead body, Kylo Ren's loud, frustrated voice, cut through the madness.
"Stand down! All of you!"
Immediately, guards and prisoners alike stopped and looked toward him.
"We're are not each others enemy!" Kylo Ren roared. Pointing to the unconscious Vaylin, he yelled. "The enemy is she and her people!"
Looking at his Master's face he knew he was at peace now and at one with the Force.
Placing his hand on Snoke's face, Kylo Ren gently closed his eyes and then stood up. Approaching Darach and extending his arm, he shook Darach's hand and with a determined voice he said.
"Instead of fighting each other, we need to work together. The Supreme Leader is dead. And the enemy is out there, who wants us dead."
"I agree." Darach replied.
A sudden proudness engulfed Rey watching the two man shaking hands. In her heart, she knew Kylo Ren was more than just a cruel apprentice of Snoke. But as she looked around and measured up the great damage of this unexpected fight, the sight that lay before her eyes was unbearable to observe. There were body parts of guests and guards and prisoners alike scattered all over the balcony. It was a massacre that was hard to look at.
Turning toward Maul, she fiercely hugged him. Glancing toward Kylo Ren, she said to Maul.
"We need to forget about the past and move forward."
"How could you do this to me?" Maul asked, peeling her arms off him. He still didn't understand what was going on with her and the apprentice, who now became the leader of this damned place. "All this time, while I was locked up here, all I wanted to do was to kill his sorry ass." Maul said in a low growl. "Why are you doing this?"
Then in a split second it dawned on him. With accusing eyes, he looked at Rey and asked.
"You and him?!"
Seeing his doubtful face, Rey swiftly replied. "No Maul. There is nothing between us. But while I was also locked up here, I came to know him, and I realized he is not a bad person."
Rubbing his face, Maul felt frustrated and annoyed. Still, her honest words made him feel a little better. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she teasingly bit onto his lower lip and said with a smile.
"I missed you so much."
Gazing into her eyes, with a grin he said.
"I think I missed you more."
Then he pressed his lips onto hers, kissing her with great passion.
To see them passionately kissing made Kylo Ren extremely jealous. However, the sadness and anger he felt at the moment had to be controlled. He couldn't allow losing his head over her. He knew she cared for him and possibly in the future, she might get bored of the Zabrak or it could be the other way around, he thought with a spark of hope. However, right now he had to focus on deciding what will be the fate of the Arena. With Snoke's passing, now he was the leader of the casino, and he needed to decide about its fate. Looking at his men and the prisoners, a thought came to his mind.
"You don't have to tell me, I can just see it in your eyes how much you loathe this place, and how much you want to get out of here." He spoke up, as his eyes searched the crowd around him. Then he said something that surprised everyone. "I will not continue on with the Arena. You are free to go."
For a few seconds, everyone stayed quite, not realizing what he had just said. Then a sudden cheer went up from the prisoners. When they quieted down, he continued. "If you want, you can join me and leave this place to fight another day against our new enemy. The choice is yours. Make it now."
No one made a move. Everyone looked at him and waited for more.
"Aright then. Before we leave." Kylo Ren resumed. "I want to burn this place down to the ground. I do not want anyone ever to set foot in here. What do you say?"
An extremely loud roar enveloped the balcony as all prisoners shouted in agreement all at once. Then he turned to Maul and Rey and said.
"Go get your belongings before this place goes up in flames."
Lightly touching his arm, Rey said with a smile.
"Thank you."
With a small smile, Kylo Ren looked at Rey and said.
"Anything for you."
Then his eyes landed on Maul and extending his hand, he waited on Maul to accept it.
Reluctantly, Maul shook his hand. I could always end him later, if he does try to trick us, he thought with anticipation. Letting his hand go, Maul turned to Rey and said.
"Go get your things."
Then to Kylo Ren he said.
"Where is my ship?"
"It's still on the Supremacy." Kylo Ren replied.
"Then I would like to get back there and reclaim my property." Maul replied intently looking into his eyes.
After getting dressed and collecting her satchel, Rey left her room and quickly headed back to the Arena. Passing Snoke's room, she heard something. Through the slightly ajar door, she noticed a faint glow lightly filtering through. First she thought someone had already started a fire. But as she opened the door, she realized it wasn't a fire, but a mosaic tile on the floor, glowing with a blueish tint. Astonished, Rey stepped closer and looked down.
A light was emitting through the floor where the two sides, the light and dark joined. Squatting down, she reached out and touched the tile. On contact, a high electrical charge rushed through her hand. Instantly, images of all kinds showed up in front of her wide eyes.
She saw a planet, then a mountain with a large cave. Then inside the cave she saw a wooden door engraved with a symbol just like the mosaic tile. Then her vision took her somewhere far, somewhere deep within the past. Looking down on her hands, she noticed they looked much larger and different. Her hands were not hers anymore but someone else's. She was in someone's body and as she looked up, she saw a man walking into the huge chamber she was standing in. His red skin reminded Rey of Maul, but he wasn't a Zabrak but a different species. Instead of horns, his head was bald and around his mouth hung two small tentacles, slightly jiggling as he moved closer.
When his jet black eyes found hers, his stern face morphed into a vicious grin and with a swift move he struck her down with his great Force lightning power, causing an extremely painful sensation within her body. Then standing above Rey, he unleashed another round of Force lightning, making Rey scream with agony. The pain was immensely overwhelming. Rey felt her whole body was on fire. Clutching the left side of her face, she felt her skin was like molten lava. Then she heard her own voice that sounded just like Snoke's.
Squatting down next to her, his pleased eyes roamed over her deformed body. Then with a deep voice he said.
"You overstepped your boundaries old man. I can't allow you to do that. Not when I'm around." Then with a smug face he added. "And I can assure you, I'll be here for all eternity and will be around while the universe exists."
His malicious voice was still ringing in Rey's ears as she came out of the horrible trance.
Lying on the ground, Rey started to cry. She was certain in the vision she was inside of Snoke's body and the man who struck her down was none other than the twin's father, Valkorion. Nevertheless with his different appearance, Rey knew it was him.
He's trying to tell me something, Rey thought, while her heart rate slowed down. Then a thought came to her mind. The ring!
Quickly getting up, she left the room and rushed toward the Arena.
Kylo Ren was ordering his guards to leave everything behind, when Rey reached Snoke's body. Lowering herself next to him, she gently lifted his hand and pulled the ring off his finger. It was too big for her to wear, so she placed it into her satchel, next to the Jedi books.
"What are you doing?"
Kylo Ren's voice was heard behind her.
"Just saying goodbye."
Rey replied, feeling a little guilty about lying to him.
"It's time to leave." He said, pulling her up. Holding her hand in his, he gently rubbed his thumb on the top of her hand and said with a thin smile.
"A new life awaits for us and for everyone else. I'm glad that from now on we will be able to work together." Looking down on Snoke's body, with a low voice he said.
"He was like a father to me. But now he is gone and the only family I have left is his granddaughter." Saying that he looked up and gazed into her eyes.
Reassuringly squeezing his hand, coyly she said.
"I'm here for you."
After every able-bodied guest that was not part of the Emperor's scheme was ordered to leave, every corner of the Arena and the Casino was set on fire.
Watching the flames getting higher and brighter, a mixture of sadness and joy enveloped him. There were a lot of memories, good and bad, connecting him to here. But he needed to move on. He didn't want to continue this lifestyle anymore. The only thing he wanted was his revenge. Just to think about the twins and their family gave Kylo Ren a very good reason to leave everything behind and start over anew.
Let the past die. Kill it if I have to. That is the only way to become what I was meant to be. He thought while the extreme heat started to scorch his narrow, pale face.
Turning around, and followed by his Knights of Ren, Kylo Ren left the inferno that was once the infamous underground city.
A few days later, up on the Supremacy, inside Snoke's red chamber, Kylo Ren, Rey, Maul and some Knights of Ren were discussing some future plans.
"And what is it that you have to deliver?" Kylo Ren asked, searching Rey's eyes.
"We were instructed by Maul's mother to deliver these books." Rey replied, opening her satchel.
Inside were some old, worn books. So that's what she was hiding in there? Kylo Ren curiously thought. Rey knew they had no choice but to tell him. Otherwise, how will we be able to trust each other? Rey thought, shifting from one foot to the other. She felt nervous about telling him about the Jedi books, but she hoped he would understand their importance.
"Only on one condition." Kylo Ren said, pulling up one of his eyebrows.
Rey hoped, this time his "condition" would not involve any kissing.
"And what is that?" Maul asked feeling impatient.
"I want to come with you." Kylo Ren replied, looking from Rey to Maul and then back to Rey again.
"I thought you would have to be here and prepare for the upcoming attack on Zakuul." Rey asked perplexed.
"I have already started on the arrangements." Kylo Ren casually replied. Then he added. "If you remember, we have a high valued hostage within the ship."
Rey didn't have to be reminded of Vaylin. The daughter of Valkorion was a very dangerous one. Confined to her cell, she was forced to wear one of the collars that they used in the Arena. Rey only visited her once and after a few minutes of uncomfortable conversation, she left the cell and vowed to never come back. The pure hatred within Vaylin amazed and scared Rey. But remembering her vision, Rey understood why she was the way she was. His children, Rey thought with distaste. They all inherited his demeanor.
After agreeing with him, Maul and Rey left the chamber and went to look for Savage and Darach.
They found them in the dining area. After a few minutes of conversation, Maul turned to Darach and said.
"Return to Iridonia and bring our brothers and sisters to Dathomir."
"With pleasure." Darach replied with a smile. "After all these years, I'm happy to be able to return there."
Looking at Rey, he said.
"Thank you for everything."
Stepping closer, Rey swiftly hugged him and whispered into his ear.
Letting him go, Darach shook hands with Maul and Savage and saying goodbye he left the room. As he walked out, Kenobi walked in and quickly approached their table. With his boyish smile, he looked at them and cheerfully asked.
"May I join you?"
"Of course you may." Rey replied with a wide smile. Despite Maul's protest the other night about him permanently joining them, she liked him and wanted him to stay with them for this mission.
While they ate, Asajj walked in with Shae. Approaching their table, Asajj walked up to Savage and grabbing his face, she leaned forward and gently kissed him on his lips.
Then placing her hand on his shoulder, she looked at everyone and said.
"We want to accompany you as well."
Looking at her, Maul was curious how she and Shae ended up being one of the Knights of Ren. If what Savage had told him was true that they were also fighting in the pit, Maul wanted to know how they managed to earn their place within Kylo Ren's knights.
"How did you do that?" Maul asked, gazing into her eyes. "How did you become one of them?" Maul said, nodding his head toward the other table, where some of the Knights of Ren were also enjoying their evening meal.
"I earned my place." Asajj replied.
"You must be really good then." Maul said with a grin.
"Oh, darling." Asajj mused. "You wish you knew how good I am."
Looking at Savage, Maul noticed a wide grin on his face. Then his eyes landed on Shae, who sent a flirty wink at him and then she took a seat beside the gawking Kenobi and started to chat.
That night in bed after their passionate lovemaking, Rey was resting her head on his chest. As she slowly twirled her finger on one of the tattoos on his abs, she said.
"He was my grandfather."
"Who?" Maul asked.
"Snoke." Rey replied.
"What?" He asked with amazement.
Turning her head toward his, she looked at him and said.
"He told me how he used others, including my grandmother to accomplish his strange experiments to breed a new kind of Force users."
"Why would he do that?" Maul inquired.
"I think I know why." Rey replied. "To defeat Valkorion." Then she told him about her vision.
"But I thought he and his family were honored guests." Maul said after she had finished her story.
"I don't think Snoke knew who he really was, or at least not until his death." Rey replied. Then she added. "I think he was trying to tell me who Valkorion truly was."
"So you're saying that he is a body changer Sith?" Maul asked with slight amazement.
"Yes." Rey said. "And I believe, the only reason he wanted me because he knew who I was. I think he wanted me to marry his sons and produce an heir that was for his liking."
"That will never happen." Maul said with determination. "We belong to each other."
Rey wanted to hear him saying he loved her, but she knew, he was not the type who would say something like that. He was not like Kylo Ren, who without question opened his heart and freely showed his feelings toward her. Maul was different and Rey accepted this, either she liked it or not.
Gently caressing her face, he said in a hushed tone.
"I will never want to leave your sight, ever."
"And I will never want to leave yours." Rey replied smiling.
A week later, the Supremacy arrived on the planet where the books needed to be delivered. Leaving Asajj and Shae behind to watch over the prisoner, they took Maul's ship and headed down toward the surface.
After ten minutes of a very shaky ride, Maul landed the ship on a rocky flat, bleak terrain.
"You're not bad, but I could have landed this ship much smoother." Kylo Ren said with a mischievous grin.
Looking over to him, with a flat tone, Maul replied.
"This is my ship. Your opinion doesn't matter to me."
With sarcasm, Kylo Ren inquired. "And where did you get a nice ship like this from?"
"From my father." Rey cut in feeling annoyed by their bickering. "Now can we get off this ship please?" Rey asked looking at them both.
"As you wish...princess." Kylo Ren said amused by her behavior.
"Please don't call me that." Rey said shaking her head. Then she turned to Savage and Kenobi and also urged them to get up.
There was this peculiar feeling she had sensed since they landed. The extreme urge to get off the ship and go into the cave that was waiting for them not far from where they landed was overwhelming. She wanted to get there as soon as possible.
As they approached the cave, Rey's heart started to pound with great force. There was something or someone here Rey sensed that caused this extreme reaction from her.
What's wrong? Maul's worried voice was heard in her head.
I don't' know. Rey replied in the same manner. There is something here that makes me feel this way.
Are we in danger? Maul asked looking around.
No. I don't think so. She replied as they reached the cave's mouth.
"I have never seen a large opening like this before." Kenobi's astonished voice cut through the eerie quietness of the land.
Suppressing a grin, Savage was about to say something to him, when Maul signaled for everyone to stop.
Someone was approaching them. From the bowel of the dark cave, four slender figures walked out. Wearing long dark hooded capes, they stepped into the light. Then one-by-one they all removed their hoods, exposing themselves to the amazed newcomers.
Looking at them with wide eyes, Savage exclaimed. "Nightsisters?"
"Welcome." One of them spoke up. "We were expecting you."
"Expecting us?" Kylo Ren asked feeling confused.
"Follow us please." Another one spoke up this time, beckoning them to follow.
They all looked at each other with confusion and amazement. Then Rey started to follow them and everyone else did the same.
After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at a larger opening that led them to an area that looked eerily similar to the Nightsisters cave back on Dathomir. Quickly measuring up the cave, Rey noticed the similarity. The only difference that caught her eye was the color of the water. Instead of being green, here the water that gently flowed between the little islands was a calming deep blue.
There were more Nightsisters on one of the larger islands, and that was where they were headed. Around the table stood many Nightsisters. They all looked at them, except one. Her back was to them, but when she turned around, her bright hazel eyes found Rey and with a nervous smile, she said.
"Praise the Force. She is home."
Then rushing to Rey, she quickly embraced her.
Rey was in utter shock. Her body felt like a stone statue as she let the woman hug her. Then she heard her soft, calming voice. The voice she remembered from a long time ago.
"Aldereya. My sweet, sweet girl."
Slowly, Rey relaxed in her arms and fiercely returned the embrace. Then tears of happiness blurred her vision and between sobs, she said while her voice choked up.
"Yes, my baby girl." The woman replied with a fragile voice. "It's me."
Letting her go, the woman looked into her eyes and with a smile that easily matched Rey's, she said in a hushed tone.
"I knew you were coming. I've seen it in the Eternal Flames."
Rey just stared into her face that looked similar to hers and couldn't believe her eyes. This woman in front of her was her mother. The mother she has been craving for over a decade now. The mother who left her on Jakku and never came back. Here she was healthy and alive and suddenly a wave of extreme anger engulfed Rey. Pushing her away, she accusingly said.
"How dare you call yourself my mother. You are not my mother!" Stepping away from her, with an icy tone she added. "My mother is dead."
"Aldereya, please." Her mother pleaded. "Let me explain to you, why I did what I did."
"I don't need to hear it!" Rey shouted.
Instantly, Maul stepped in between the two women. Looking into the Nightsister's worried face, Maul was certain this woman was Rey's mother. She had the same look that Maul had seen on Rey's face. The look of despair and emotional struggle was written on her pretty aging face, as she gazed into Maul's eyes.
Then she spoke up again.
"Countless times in my life I regretted that dreadful day when I was forced to leave you behind. It was the hardest thing I had ever had to endure. Please, Aldereya, listen to me." Her pleading tone didn't ease Rey's anguish. She felt like she was stabbed in the heart over and over again as she listened to her mother. She wanted to turn and run and never look back. Why, oh why? Rey's confused mind was screaming with great frustration. She was about to take out the books and threw them on the table when she said something that stopped her in her tracks.
"My father Snoke and your father Sidious wanted to get their hands on you. They wanted to use you for their own selfish way."
"You knew about Snoke?" Rey asked with astonishment.
"Not until I had you and we moved here to the Unknown Regions." She explained. "You were still a tiny baby and I was a scared first-time mother. I needed your father to help me and guide me, which he did for a while. But his duties as a Senator were always before us and he left us here to fend for ourselves. It was so hard and I almost gave up, then your grandfather Snoke found us."
Her pleading eyes gazed into Rey's as she continued. "First I didn't know who he was. He came to my house one day with a young boy."
Saying that her eyes landed on the amazed Kylo Ren. Then turning her attention back to Rey she said.
"I was extremely grateful for his act of selfless devotion to help us out. But as time passed, I realized something. His motives were beyond what I could have imagined. I realized what he was after and I was just too scared to lose you." Taking a deep breath, she continued.
"Then your father came back and after he realized Snoke's motives, he also wanted to take you away from me. He said, he met someone very important and extremely powerful and despite the fact that you were only a small child, he promised you to his twin sons. I refused him and we had a great fight that almost killed me."
Saying that she opened up her cloak, to show everyone her scars. There was a deep scar that was clearly visible on her right shoulder. The scar that started on her shoulder continued down on her exposed stomach. Then Rey noticed another scar that ran deeply into her left thigh, deforming her pale, gray flesh. The wound looked old, and Rey couldn't imagine how painful it had been to receive something like that.
Instantly, Rey felt stupid and embarrassed about her sudden and thoughtless behavior. Her mother had to endure so much just to keep her safe, and here she was pushing her away like she was a monster. No! She thought with anger. The true monsters are still out there! As her eyes found her mother's, Rey opened her arms and fiercely hugged her mother again while she apologized.
"I wanted to come back and get you, but I couldn't do it. I had a duty that I was chosen to perform and I was not able to leave."
"What kind of duty?" Maul asked, looking at them.
"I'm a Keeper of the Eternal Flames." She replied.
"Did my mother know about you being here?" Maul inquired. He wanted to know if his mother was hiding more from them.
"Your mother?" The woman asked.
"Mother Talzin was our mother." This time Savage spoke up.
From Savage, she looked back at Maul and said.
"Your mother was a good friend. Even though I missed her so much, she never knew about me being here. I kept my identity a secret." Then she asked. "How is she?"
With a saddened face, Savage replied. "She is dead with everyone else."
A shock of horror crossed her face, and then she asked.
"Who killed them?"
"Sidious." Maul growled.
With a determined face, she said.
"His reign will end soon."
With teary eyes, she turned to Rey and asked.
"Do you have them?"
"Yes." Rey replied wiping her face. Taking the books out, she handed them to her and asked.
"What are you going to do with them?"
"Come. Let me show you." Her mother said, gesturing them to follow.
Walking deeper into the cave, they found themselves in a narrow passageway that seemed like it led into endless darkness.
Suddenly a bright bluish light appeared over Rey's mother hand. The levitating little orb instantly brightened up the darkness, leaving everyone in shock for a second.
"How did you do that?" Kenobi asked astonished.
"I can teach you if you want to learn it." She said with a smile.
Feeling special, with a wide grin Kenobi replied. "Yes please, I would love to learn that."
Scoffing, Maul looked at him and then shaking his horned head, he kept following Rey and her mother.
Rey didn't like to be here. It felt like the walls of the cave were closing in on her, burying her alive. Trying to block out the surrounding darkness, she kept gazing at the blue orb that looked calming and inviting within the confinement of the tunnel. Then to her great amazement, looking ahead, Rey saw an old wooden door with a special carving on its weathered surface. This was the same door she had seen in her vision.
Stopping in front of the door, her mother chanted a few foreign words. When she was done, the carvings on the door lit up the same way that Rey had seen back in Snoke's chamber. Then the door opened.
First Rey didn't see anything; it was pitch black inside the room. Then her mother walked in and placed the little glowing orb into a large metal bowl, which suddenly lit up the whole room, leaving everyone amazed.
In the middle of the room was a wide stone circle. Within the circle were eight tall thrones. Each chair, except for one was occupied with a tall stone figure that had an uncanny resemblance to Snoke. Their taut faces and lifeless eyes blankly stared at each other, while their large hands peacefully rested on their laps. Each one wore a similar outfit and each one had a ring on his left hand. Instinctively, Rey touched her satchel to make sure the ring was still inside.
Then her mother waited until everyone was inside and then she closed the door. Nervously looking around, Kylo Ren couldn't comprehend what kind of place this was. The statues looked just like his late Master. The confusion that took over him was unnerving.
"What is this place?" He asked looking around.
"This is the room of the Eternal Flames." Rey's mother explained. "This is my duty and life to keep them safe."
"The statues?" Savage asked, bewildered. "Why do you need to keep them safe?"
"For many years now, I have been chosen to take care of them and be their keeper." Rey's mother replied. "But today is a special day."
From the statues, Rey's eyes landed on the mosaic-covered floor. The two-toned tiles were in the exact same shape that Snoke had in his bedchamber. On the light half, inside the black spot, there were some old books already placed. Then Rey watched as her mother placed the Jedi books in the other half of the circle, inside the white spot.
"What are those?" Rey asked pointing toward the books.
"Those are ancient Sith codex." She said.
"Who brought them here?" Rey asked perplexed.
"Me, my love." She replied. "I brought them here."
"What are you doing with them?" Kylo Ren asked.
"You'll see." Rey's mother replied. Then standing aside, she opened up her arms and in that strange ancient language, she started to chant again. This time for some reason Rey understood every single word she said. With amazement, Rey looked at the circle and saw both sides started to glow, while the books elevated. They then started to spin and as they kept spinning around, they got faster and faster until the pages started to shred into a million pieces, becoming one with the glowing light. At the same time, each statue's ring also lit up, brightening up the room even further.
Looking down on her satchel, she saw the same light brightly emitting through the leather. Opening it, she took out the glowing ring and placed two of her fingers inside. Then as if she was in trance, she stepped closer to the empty throne and sat down.
While her mother's loud voice filled up the room, everyone looked at Rey and the statues. Maul was about to make his move and remove Rey from her seat when he heard her distorted voice.
Stay. Don't come closer.
In unison, the rings glowed and pulsated, as the light from the mosaic tile grew brighter. Then, each ring shot out a bright blue light that met at the midpoint, just above the symbol. The sound of the electrical charge in the room grew louder as the Nightsister's voice elevated to a sharp ear-splitting shrill, then each statue started to turn into a real thing.
With great astonishment, Maul watched as their stone bodies slowly turned into flesh. Then his eyes landed on Rey. With eyes closed, her calm face looked to be in deep meditation. When all of the stone statues turned into flesh and fabric, Rey's mother stopped singing, leaving the room with an uncanny quietness.
For a few seconds, nothing happened. The only thing Maul heard was their own shallow ragged breathing, as they all stood there amazed. Then all at once, the eyes of the tall beings, and Rey's eyes slowly opened. As her eyes found Maul's a deep, unpleasant shudder rushed through his body. He hadn't felt something like this in a long time and it scared him.
Then he heard Rey's mother's voice again.
"Wise ancient Whills of Eternity. We're here to greet you and we're greatly honored by your presence. Welcome!"
To be continued...
- In Serial178 Chapters
Trickster’s Song [A LitRPG Portal Fantasy]
After a drunken college ritual goes very wrong (or very right), Robin wakes up, naked, in a world of dark priests, angry kobolds, and Lost Gods. The priest wants to crush his will. The kobolds want to catch and eat him. The Lost God, well, it's not yet clear exactly what he wants. None of them care what Robin wants. Robin would like to explore this new world without all the messy complications, thanks. He finally has a bit of real magic at his fingertips, but the monsters on every side won't let him relax long enough to enjoy it! The only tools he has to survive are his wits, the strange messages that keep flashing before his eyes, and a newly-discovered talent for illusions. It’s nothing game-breaking…or is it? *** *** *** This fiction features a bi male protagonist (think Kinsey 5 level). Robin will progress through various levels of power at a steady pace. Progression will be at a moderate pace. The rise to power is far from meteoric. Trickster's Song will update on Mondays and Thursdays each week. Expect Updates to usually post between 16.30 and 17.00 GMT (London Time) If you would like to help increase the posting rate to 3, 4, or even 5 times per week for everyone, or if you'd like to read ahead on your own, check out our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tomobedlam
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Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear
Yuna, a 15 years old girl started playing the world’s first VRMMO. She has earned billions of yen in stocks. She confines herself in her house playing the game without going to school. Today, a huge update has arrived. She obtains a non-transferable rare bear outfit. But the equipment is so embarrassing that she can’t wear it even in the game. Furthermore, when she answers the survey regarding the new update and relaunches the game, she appears in unknown forest in a bear outfit. Where is this? Email from God? Different world? If she wears the bear outfit she’s a cheat, if she takes it off she’s a normal girl. Her adventure starts just like that. Yuna began doing as she liked.
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I can't believe my fiance chose me to be her cheat when she was summoned to another world
*Updates Weekly on Wednesdays
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Will was a normal guy in his mid twenties, living in small town America. He was relatively aimless. Then he got struck by lightning. Waking up reminded him why falling asleep in strange places had stopped being a pleasant adventure for the next day, years before. Then, the crazy started. Life would never be the same, but he wasn't aimless anymore. Plus, you know, super powers are cool. Warning: There will be swearing and casual conversation about subjects that might have some people clutching their pearls. There will be dirty jokes. There will not be graphic depictions of sexual activity, or harem shenanigans, as I'm making my mother read this. That would be very uncomfortable.
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Coalescence of Two Lifetimes
Cilen was you typical, run-of-the-mill kinda guy. Well, until his parents passed away when he was 17 forcing him to learn to grow up. Fast. He figured it wouldn't be that bad. He had a house, he had an inheritance, he had friends that kept him company. And at first, it really wasn't anything But sometimes, the loneliness just gets to you. Sometimes, the expectation to not disappoint just gets to you. Sometimes, life just gets to you. And it brought Cilen to his knees, lamenting, cursing, questioning, "why?" "Why did his parents pass away as they did, forcing him to fend for his own?" "Why wasn't he born in a rich household, with a silver spoon in his mouth that catered to his every need?" "Why was every step forwards so difficult, in this accursed society?" He wished that everything would be easy, like inside the worlds of the wuxia novels that he had grown up reading. Special constitution, lucky breaks, fast powerup, get all the chicks and defeat the big evil guy. Simple, easy, satisfying. But life ain't cut out to be that way. The main actors were already set, and there was no changing them. Unless, you moved to a different stage... But this ain't one of your friendly neighborhood transmigrations. It rewards those that are patient, creative and willing to adapt. But perhaps Cilen is able to make use of this opportunity and become something more. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ This story is a personal love letter to all the pieces of fiction that I have read. Its a culmination of the things that made me laugh, cry and smile when I first read them and It has been a personal wish to craft a story that makes me feel the way I did when reading those stories for the first time. Its gonna be a slow ride but worth it. Promise. Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash
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The Facebook Stalker
Kate Anderson, a girl from a small farming community in Glendale, Wisconsin just got the break of her life -- she was accepted to Chicago's University of Illinois College of Medicine. Ready to take on the Windy City, nothing can stand in her way. Except for one thing -- the night she accepts a 'friend request' on Facebook from a Pete Peterson.***Updated Regularly***
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