《The fire within》Chapter 5
After the feast, Rey retired to one of the rooms that she temporarily shared with another Nightsister. Lying in bed alone and hugging the covers, she listened to her roommate's shallow, steady breathing, while her thoughts were on Mother Talzin and the Nightsisters. She felt at ease and happy to be able to be here. But on the other hand, she also felt sad. Finding out that her mother was most likely dead and her father might be as well upset Rey. What am I hoping for anyway? Rey asked herself as she shifted on the bed, trying to get comfortable.
Even though, her new bed suited her needs and gave her ample room to sleep, she missed Maul. For the past few weeks, while she shared her bed with him, she grew fond of him. Now thinking back, she indeed missed his warm body and strong arms. Yes, she truly missed that great feeling he gave her when he was around. She didn't want to admit it, not even to herself, but she was longing to have him here with her and longing to have him kiss her again the way he did that night.
Shifting herself on the bed again she looked at the ceiling. Letting out a frustrated sigh, she whispered into the covers. "I'm dreaming and hoping again." Then slowly she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
The next day, she was up early. Quickly declining her roommate's breakfast invite, Rey couldn't wait to see Mother Talzin and hear about her parents.
She found her standing at the edge of water, where just the night before, Old Daka's body was laid to rest. As she approached her, without turning around, Mother Talzin spoke up.
"Did you have a good night sleep?"
Standing beside her, Rey's eyes skimmed over the green water, then landed on Talzin.
With a small smile, she replied.
"Yes. Thank you. I did."
"I guess, you have many questions for me. That is why you are here, right?" Mother Talzin said, turning toward Rey.
"Yes. Indeed I do have questions." Rey replied with anticipation.
"Go ahead, my sweet girl." Talzin encouraged her, motioning for Rey to speak up.
Shifting from one foot to the other, Rey's chaotic mind was struggling to ask the first question. She had so many in her head that she was afraid if she let all of them out all at once, Mother Talzin might think ill of her. Also, one of her fears was that she might not be able to answer all of her questions. That made Rey anxious.
Taking a deep breath, and then slowly exhaling, she asked her first question.
"Have we met before?"
"Yes, my love." Talzin replied. "I was there the day you were born."
"Was I born on Dathomir?" Rey asked again.
"Yes." Talzin replied.
"Do you know why my parents threw me away, like garbage?"
Looking at Rey's upset complexion, Mother Talzin gently touched her face, and said. "I think it's easier for both of us, if I just tell you everything you need to know."
Gazing into Rey's worried eyes, Mother Talzin continued.
"Your mother, Lylea, was born and raised here. She was a fierce warrior and a beautiful person. She was like a sister to me. Brave and strong, she was gifted with the power of the Force. She was someone who would do anything to help you if you were in danger, an extremely selfless person."
A small smile appeared on her face as she continued. "I don't know you yet, but I could tell, her strength and power is strong within you."
Listening to Mother Talzin, Rey was extremely happy to hear about her mother. Although, she didn't get the chance to meet her, and still not understanding why she left her behind, she was still glad to hear about the woman, who gave life to her.
"What happened to her?" Rey asked with worry and anticipation.
Turning her attention back to the water, Mother Talzin let out a shaky sigh, and said.
"Your mother was destined to do great things here on Dathomir. She was destined to follow Old Daka's path. With her powers and personality, she was the greatest candidate to lead our people. However, when your father Sheev came here, everything changed."
At the mentioning of her father's name, a great surprise showed on Rey's face.
"Sheev?" She asked with astonishment. "Is that his name?"
"Yes, my love. His name is Sheev Palpatine. However, he stopped using that name a long time ago."
"Is he still alive?" Rey asked with excitement.
"He is." Mother Talzin replied with distaste in her voice.
"Where is he?" Rey asked again tightly clutching her hands in front of her.
Thinking for a second, Mother Talzin wasn't sure if she should tell her where her father is now. But she knew sooner or later Rey would find out anyway. Talzin thought it was better that Rey heard it from her, instead of hearing it from someone else. This opportunity also gave Talzin a chance to fiddle with Rey's newfound feelings for her father. Yes, she thought, it might be better if she knows everything.
"Your father is none other than our Emperor, Darth Sidious."
"What?" Talzin words left Rey in extreme shock.
"He is one of the most powerful and influential people in this galaxy." Mother Talzin continued. "Twenty one years ago, while he was still in his prime as a Naboo Senator, secretly, he was already forming a new and dangerously powerful entity that eventually took over the Republic and Senate. With time, this new entity became his Empire. The Empire that you and I know as of today."
Talzin noticed Rey was about to speak again, when she quickly motioned her to stay quite.
"When he came here, he wanted Old Daka to give him one of our Nightsisters to become his apprentice. I, myself would have loved to go with him. However, he did not choose me. Instead, he chose your mother. After he took her, he started to train her to become the best possible ally who could help him achieve his evil goal. But one thing he didn't count on was the forbidden attraction that arose between them."
"He fell in love with her?" Rey asked with awe.
"I cannot say it was love. It was more like lust and passion." Mother Talzin replied with a grin.
The words lust and passion made Rey think about the other night in Maul's shack. Quickly dismissing the thoughts of him, she looked at Talzin and was waiting for her to continue.
"You have to know one thing. Your father was already married at the time and much older than your mother. He was a respected Senator and his secret affair would have been disastrous for his reputation and career, if it came to light. When your mother found out she was pregnant with you, she had no choice, but to come back here. Your mother's pregnancy was a great shame to all of us. Old Daka didn't want anyone to know your mother became someone's whore. I was the one who had to hide her away from everyone.
Talzin's words made Rey cringe. It wasn't easy to hear that her mother was a married man's lover. She had never thought that she was a product of a secret affair. This new revelation was upsetting and truly hurtful.
"So, as I was instructed by Old Daka, I kept her away from the others, until you my love were born. The moment I laid eyes on you, I felt your power. I was extremely happy and wanted to tell everyone of your birth. Even Old Daka agreed with me seeing and sensing the pure power and possibilities in you. But our plans were crushed, when a few days after your birth, uninvited, your father showed up and took you and your mother away."
Saying that, a shadow of sorrow passed her taut face.
Then, Rey asked.
"Do you know where he took us?"
"He said, he was going to take you both to the Unknown regions."
"The Unknown regions?" Rey asked incredibly. "Jakku is not in the Unknown regions!" She exclaimed as her eyes looked into Talzin's. Then, she asked. "How did I end up on Jakku? And why did they leave me there?"
Placing her long fingers on Rey's forearm, Mother Talzin gazed into her eyes and said in a flat tone.
"If my informants were correct, after your father took you away, he left you and your mother to fend for yourselves. Do you know how hard and dangerous life is over there?"
When Rey didn't answer, she continued.
"He felt ashamed of you and wanted nothing to do with you or your mother. He wanted you to stay away as far as possible from his growing Empire. If anyone would have found out, he had an illegitimate child with one of our Nightsisters, it would have been a terrible blow to his advancing career."
"Why didn't he just kill me then?" Rey asked with anger, feeling greatly disappointed in the man who fathered her.
"He tried, but he failed. However, unfortunately, this failed attempt possibly caused the death of your mother."
"What do you mean?" Rey asked.
"I believe, to save your life, your mother dropped you off on Jakku, hoping to keep you out of sight, but still close by, if she needed to retrieve you."
"But she never came back for me!" Rey accusingly said, feeling the tears swelling in her eyes.
"That is why I think she is dead, my love." Talzin said. "Knowing her, she would have gone back to get you."
With teary eyes, Rey looked at her and asked.
"Did my father kill her?"
"I believe so." Talzin replied in a flat tone.
An extreme anger bubbled up inside Rey. She felt like if she doesn't calm herself down, she could have punched holes on the side of the cave. Knowing all this made her feel sad and furious. She wanted to lash out at the man who she called her father. She didn't know him. The only thing she heard of him on Jakku was that he was the Emperor and a very powerful person. But she never really paid attention to politics; therefore she didn't care at all. But now having all this knowledge, she definitely didn't want to do anything with him, ever! Secretly, she wished one day their path might cross, and if an opportunity would arise, she could end him, just like he ended her mother's life.
"I have more to say." Mother Talzin spoke up again, watching Rey's bitter expression. "Years later, after your mother's failed apprenticeship, he dared to come back once again to Dathomir to collect another promising apprentice. This time, he took one of the Nightbrothers."
"Who did he take?" Rey asked with great curiosity.
"My son. Maul." Talzin replied.
"Maul?" Rey asked with apprehension. "Why?"
"He was still young when he took him away from me. Letting him go was the hardest thing that had ever happened to me." Talzin said with a sorrowful voice.
"Why would you let him do that?" Rey asked with astonishment. After all that happened, she didn't understand why this woman gave her son to this evil, twisted man.
"If I had refused him, he would have killed all of us, including our Nightbrothers. You see, I couldn't say no to him. Even though I truly wanted to."
Rey was in complete shock to hear this. She couldn't believe the most evil man in the galaxy was her biological father. Now she wished, she never asked about him. This was just too much to hear. He not only used her mother for his lustful desires, but also he took Maul away from his family to do who knows what with him.
Looking into Mother Talzin's saddened eyes, Rey asked.
"What did he do to Maul?"
Letting out a deep sigh, with a saddened expression, Talzin replied
"You don't want to know, my love."
Suddenly, Rey realized why Maul was the way he was. Years of possible abuse by her father most likely made Maul who he is today. Since she met him, she sensed somewhere buried deep within, there was a spark of good inside him still. But knowing that her father also used him, made Rey furious. Clenching her fists, she was slightly shaking with anger now. How could he do that? She was asking herself. He is a true monster!
Watching the visibly upset Rey, Mother Talzin smiled on the inside. Now, she was certain Rey would stay with them and hopefully, accept the proposal she was about to offer her. She needed her to stay and become one with her son. With their union, her vision would come true. And that was something she was looking forward to.
Cupping Rey's face, she looked into her eyes and said in a calm tone.
"I had a vision the other night. This vision showed me a great future. The downfall of your father's Empire."
Rey's eyes grew wide, then she asked.
Caressing her face, Talzin continued.
"The bond that you are already feeling with my son would grow much stronger after the mating ceremony. Your offspring's would bring great balance to the Force and with time you and Maul would be able to bring down the Empire as well."
Mating ceremony? Offspring's? Rey asked herself, while her mind was still in shock.
Finding her words, she quickly asked with a suspicious look.
"What do you mean by mating ceremony?"
Placing her hand on Rey's stomach, she said.
"You haven't experienced a man's touch yet, I can tell. But, I can guarantee you, my son would not disappoint you."
From her hand, Rey looked into Talzin's eyes and then back to her hand again. She was astonished about this unusual proposal.
"You want me to marry him?" Rey asked absurdly.
"Yes, my sweet girl. If that is what you want to call it." Talzin replied as she removed her hand.
"Does he know about this?" Rey asked incredibly.
"Yes. He knows." Talzin replied with a smile.
"And...he said….yes?" Rey asked, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable under her gaze.
"Of course my love. Why would he want to turn you down?" Talzin replied, while her eyes appraised her small form, then she added. "You would be an unstoppable and powerful couple. No one would stand in your way."
Rey's mind was swirling with all kinds of thoughts. This was something she definitely didn't expect to hear. When she came to see Mother Talzin, she was hoping to hear about her parents. But after hearing everything and also this proposal, suddenly, she felt lightheaded and needed to sit down.
Walking her to the nearest table, Mother Talzin sat her down and asked one of the Nightsisters to bring a cup of water for Rey.
Taking a few sips of water, Rey cleared her throat and asked.
"What if I say no?"
"Is that what you really want?" Talzin asked looking into Rey's confused eyes.
Rey wasn't sure what she really wanted. Truly, she wanted to run away and hide from all this, but she knew that would have been wrong and cowardly. If Mother Talzin's vision was right, and if she and Maul could bring down her father's Empire, then this proposal was not as bad as she thought.
If she could have her revenge, not just for the wrongdoings that were done to her mother, but for her death as well, this would be worth every second, Rey thought with determination.
Then she spoke up.
"How is this mating ritual done?"
Mother Talzin's eyes lit up with glee and then she said.
"It's done in a very traditional Dathomirian way. I would make preparations in advance. The only thing you need to worry about is to enjoy it. Everything else would be irrelevant."
Then she added. "Until then, you and Maul can spend some time together to get to know each other a little better. Of course his brother, Savage would accompany you both. He is my son and a trustworthy person. I am sure he will be great company for both of you."
Stepping away from the table, she turned around and said to the still amazed Rey.
"The ceremony will be held two weeks from now. I am truly looking forward to it. I hope you feel the same."
With that, she walked away, leaving the confused Rey alone.
A few days later, in the wee hours of the morning Rey heard a loud knock on her door. Opening her eyes, she looked at the empty bed against the opposite wall, then her eyes landed on the door. For days now, she was left alone, and Rey was glad that she didn't have to share the room with anyone.
Rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes, and stretching her slender body, she slowly got up, and walked to the door.
As she opened the door, her tired eyes landed on Savage. Lazily leaning against the wall, Savage looked at Rey and said with a grin.
"Wakey-wakey. It's time for us to go for a fun ride."
"Do you even realize what time is it?" Rey asked accusingly.
"It's time to go time." Savage replied with a grin, and then he motioned Rey to get ready.
Closing the door on him, and taking her time, she dressed, thinking about where Savage was going to take her.
It was still dark and cold outside, when they approached his speeder.
"Where are you taking me?" Rey asked with apprehension.
Sitting down on his speeder, he patted the small seat behind him and said. "Hop on and stop asking questions. It's too early for that for me."
Too early? Rey thought with amazement. Rolling her eyes, she took her seat behind him. While holding onto his thick waist, he revved up his speeder and took off toward the mountains.
Leaving the bare terrain behind, and after a thirty minutes ride, they arrived at the foot of one of the mountains.
Stopping the bike, they got off and started to walk toward a narrow stone staircase that was carved into the side of the mountain.
"Where are we going?" Rey asked again, not understanding what was going on.
"Up." Savage replied, walking past her heading up the stairs.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, Rey reluctantly followed him. These Zabraks were not the friendliest beings, she thought with disheartenment as she took the stairs one-by-one.
The further they walked up; Rey noticed the air became lighter and cleaner. Holding onto the rough stonewalls of the mountain; she kept her eyes ahead, not wanting to look down.
This was the first time, she had been up high like this and a sudden wave of anxiety took a hold of her. Fearing to look elsewhere, she kept her eyes on the wide back of Savage, as he casually took the stairs.
After a few minutes of ascending, they reached a flat landing with an extraordinary view.
In the far distance, the dark sky became a lighter shade of gray, with a thin streak of orange, signaling the upcoming sunrise.
It was breathtaking, Rey thought astonishingly. Then she heard something. First she didn't know what made that sound, then as they walked around a large boulder, another landing came into view and that is when she saw him.
With a long staff, similar to what she used to have, Maul was practicing his extremely unique fighting skills a few yards away from them.
His shirtless upper body was glistening with sweat as he twisted and turned with a fluid motion. Rey watched with awe, as he did a couple of back flips, and then smoothly landing on his feet, he thrusted the staff out in front of him. Then, spinning it above his head and letting it go, he suddenly flipped his whole body sideways, while the staff was still spinning in the air. As he hit the ground, with great skill, he caught the staff and looked their way.
He definitely toyed with me, Rey thought with unease, thinking back on their fight in the forest.
As he approached them, Rey couldn't take her eyes off of his muscular body. Quickly reprimanding herself, she tore her eyes off him. Nervously, she looked at the ground in front of her boots.
"Morning brother." Savage spoke up. Then to Rey's surprise he added. "She is here and ready for you."
Instantly, Rey's eyes shot to Savage's smug face. Furrowing her eyebrows, she asked.
"Ready for what?"
Crossing his large arms in front, Savage replied with a sly grin. "For your morning practice of course."
"My morning….what?" Rey asked incredibly.
"Maul told me, you fought him before. I thought that was a very brave thing to do from someone like you." With a wide grin, he added. "Come on...go on… don't be shy."
Rey just looked at him with utter disbelief. Then, her eyes landed on Maul, who was waiting on her.
Beckoning her to come closer, Rey approached him. There was another staff just like his leaned against one of the boulders. Extending his left arm, the staff silently flew into his open palm. Handing the staff to Rey, he asked.
"Have you used this type of weapon before?"
"Yes, I have." Rey replied staring into his eyes. Swallowing hard, she took the staff out of his hand and held it tight.
"Follow me." Maul said, walking back to the place Rey had seen him practicing.
With horror she realized, there was a deep chasm, right next to the flat edge of the landing. One wrong step and she would fall to her death.
"Don't fear it Rey." Maul said watching her fearful expression. "Embrace it. Feel it. Taste it. That is the power of the Force. It flows through you, around you. Let yourself go and you could be one with it. If you hold onto your fear of failure, you would lose and die. Remember that."
Hearing his calm voice gave Rey a fluttery feeling inside her stomach. Looking into his eyes, she said.
"I can do this."
"Very well then." Maul said with a sly grin. Then he added. "First, we have to establish a mutual trust between us. You have to trust me the same way I have to trust you. Are you ready for your first lesson?"
Rey's heart was beating so fast, she thought it was going to burst through her chest at any moment. Nodding her head in agreement, she was wondering what kind of lesson he was talking about.
"Stand here and close your eyes." Maul said, pointing to the edge of the abyss. Hesitantly, Rey stepped to the edge and looked down into an endless darkness.
"Close your eyes." Maul voice was heard behind her. Taking a deep breath, Rey closed her eyes and felt Maul stepping closer to her. She was sure he didn't want her to come here today just to get hurt. Trying to relax her shoulders, she took a couple of shallow breaths and then she heard him again.
"Now, jump."
Rey's eyes flew open and she was about to protest, when he spoke up again.
"I said jump."
For a second, Rey wanted to turn around and tell him that he was crazy and out of his mind, but then she thought otherwise. If they were destined to be together, as Mother Talzin had foreseen, then today was definitely not the day when she was going to die.
Putting the staff down, she closed her eyes again. Slowly shuffling closer to the ledge, Rey felt her whole body tensed up. She thought she was about to pass out from utter fear.
Then in an instant, she felt herself falling fast. Before she could even utter a scream, she suddenly stopped falling. As she opened her eyes, she realized she was levitating in the air above the darkness. Looking up, she saw Maul with outstretched arms, standing on the ledge looking down on her.
His breathing was deep and even as he concentrated on the Force. Then, slowly, he started to lift her back up. Pulling her closer, Rey could see now, it took him tremendous effort just to keep her levitated. Placing her on the ground in front of him, he asked with exhaustion.
"Do you trust me now?"
Nodding her head, she replied.
"Yes. I do."
"Now I have to see if I am able to trust you as well." Maul said stepping closer to her.
Looking into his eyes, Rey felt confused.
"I…" She started. "I won't be able to do…. what you just did."
"I'm not asking you to do that." He replied. "At least not now."
"Then what do you want me to do?" Rey asked with apprehension.
"I want you to look me in the eye and promise me you would never turn your back on me, no matter what happens, we will stay together." Saying that, Maul grabbed hold of her arms, and pulled her closer. "And if you lie, I will know."
His intense gaze was penetrating into hers, while his face was only inches from hers. But instead of saying her promise in an old fashion way, she gently grabbed hold of his face and pressed her lips to his. As she deepened their kiss, he heard her soft voice in his head.
I promise you.
Then breaking the kiss, she stepped back while her face flushed with excitement. Coyly smiling at him, she said.
"I'm ready for my next lesson."
This unexpected gesture took Maul by surprise. A slight confusion took over him. While her sweet kiss was still lingering on his lips, he quickly composed himself and said.
"Alright. Lesson number two." Saying that he swiftly swept her foot out under her, making her fall on her bottom. Then he added with a slight grin. "Never trust your opponents. Be alert at all times. Never underestimate your enemies."
Sitting on the ground, Rey felt betrayed and pissed off. If that is how we're going to play this game, so be it! She thought with anger.
Quickly she jumped up and spun in the air, connecting her foot with his midsection. Making Maul falter back a few steps.
"I'm a fast learner." Rey teased as she force grabbed one of the staffs and took on a fighter's stance, ready for him.
"Then this more fun for me." Maul growled, force grabbing the other staff.
Instantly their weapons collided. Their loud smacking sounds echoed through the tall mountains.
Leaning against one of the boulders, Savage watched them fight. Every time Rey managed to land her staff on Maul's exposed skin, with an amused smile Savage grinned, thinking about how these two would get along in the long run. Somehow, he had a good feeling about them. He even caught his brother smile once. That was something Maul rarely did, but today he looked happy and that made Savage happy as well.
The sun was already up, when they finally stopped. Breathing hard and fast, Rey crumbled to the ground while large beads of sweat ran down her face and neck. Looking at Maul, he seemed in a much better condition than her, she thought sourly. I definitely have a lot more to learn, she thought watching him talking with Savage.
Putting his shirt back on, he walked back to Rey and pulled her off the ground.
"Savage wants you to see something." Maul said.
Taking a different direction, they slowly and carefully descended on the side of the mountain. Half way down, they stopped. In the deep, wide valley down below was something Rey had never seen before. Or at least not alive. There was a large herd of Rancor's roaming, searching for food. Rey was amazed by their size and the sound they made was truly frightening to her ears. Some were larger than others. She even caught a glimpse of their babies that were already a few heads taller than Savage.
"Oh Maker." Rey exclaimed grabbing the rock in front of her. Turning to Savage she asked with amazement.
"And you said the Nightsisters were riding one of these for fun?"
"Indeed I did." Savage replied, then he added. "I don't do fun rides. I just like to hunt them and eat them."
Maul didn't pay any attention to the herd. His eyes were focusing on Rey. While she talked with Savage, he watched the way her hands moved as she smiled. Then the way her face became serious, and the way she laughed. He slowly but surely recognized him in her. These tiny gestures of hers were a telltale sign of where she came from. Even her fighting style reminded Maul of him. Yes, he thought disheartened, the part of his old Master was living within her. My mother was right, he thought sourly. She is his daughter.
It was late in the afternoon when they returned to the Nightsisters.
This time, Rey traveled with Maul on his speeder. Sitting in front of him, Rey felt a strange desire to press her body into his and lean her head against his, while the cool wind blew against her flushed skin.
Feeling her body tightly pressed against his and feeling her soft hair on his lips, made Maul think of what will happen in a few weeks during the ritual. He was certain she was still a virgin and that thought made him somehow excited. The women he encountered in his past were mostly whores. Their lustful embrace was nothing but a calculated desire to have Maul for themselves even for just a night. Not once did he care to ask them about his performance, or at least no one complained, as far as he knew. However, with Rey, it would be different and he sensed that.
Their short but passionate kiss inside his shack left his thoughts in turmoil. Suddenly, he started to doubt himself. He wanted to make sure she would be satisfied, and to do that, he had no choice but to perform a different kind of approach that he never used on the other women before. With a sly smile, he already knew what he needed to do.
That night lying in bed, Rey started to think about the days ahead. She felt like there was a swarm of butterflies living in her stomach. Every time she thought about her parents, especially her father, she felt not just rage, but also nervousness as well. Knowing whom her father was, made Rey want to get up and leave and go to him and confront him. But she knew that was futile. It's better if he never finds out that I'm still alive, she thought as she shifted on the bed. Yes, it's better that way, she reassured herself.
While her troubled thoughts dissipated, new and more interesting thoughts flooded her mind. The thoughts of the upcoming ritual gave Rey a mixture of pleasant and anxious feelings. Having no experience at all, she was fairly nervous about what would happen that day. She knew how others did it, even witnessing one by accident, but she never experienced it herself. Rey always wondered how it would be, especially her first time, but for the love of Force, she would have never imagined it would be with someone like Maul.
Instinctively clenching her thighs together, she felt a warm sensation rushing through her body thinking about him being on top of her again. But this time without clothes and more intimate than before. That sweet, forbidden thought gave her a small pleasurable shudder as she tightly clutched her covers.
As the days went by, Rey felt more at home with the Nightsisters during this short time, than she had ever felt in her life on Jakku. On some days, she just loved to watch them practice their fights. Some used bows and arrows, while others used swords and lances. Their small, family oriented community was something Rey loved about this place. She was part of their family as much as they were part of hers. Feeling more confident about her markings, she even tried on a few of their outfits to match with the rest of the sisters.
When Maul came to collect her for their daily practice and seeing her wearing a new, revealing outfit, for a second, he felt speechless. Red really suits her, he thought amusingly as he tried to keep his eyes in level with hers.
Rey even helped Savage to fix his speeder when he broke down in the middle of one of his hunts. He was truly surprised and impressed about her mechanical knowledge. And Rey was happy to help him. She grew fond of him and looked at him like he was the brother she never had.
Finally, in the first time in her life, Rey was happy and content. She felt she had found her true home and that was something she would never give up, not even if she was forced to.
On the morning of the mating ritual, Rey woke up feeling extremely nervous. She still had no idea how this ritual was done. Even though she's been asking about it, she never received the answer she was looking for. Suddenly, she heard a knock on her door. When she opened it, she saw two Nightsisters waiting outside with a small basket full of toiletries and towels in their hands.
"Come with us." One of them spoke up. With a smile, she gestured Rey to come outside.
They led her to the back of the cave, where the sisters took their daily baths. After a few minutes of washing and scrubbing, Rey realized, they were preparing her for the evening's event. She didn't mind to be pampered, not a bit, as their hands deftly cleaned her slender body off. However, there was one thing she found extremely odd and even though she tired to protest against it, they assured her, this was the proper way to represent herself in front of her mate. Eventually, she let them get away with it as they kept on with their grooming.
When they were done, they put a red silk, sleeveless dress on Rey that reached all the way to her ankles. Wearing nothing underneath her dress, Rey felt exposed and fairly uncomfortable. Then, she was escorted back into her room, where Mother Talzin was waiting on her.
There was a tray of fresh food on the table and also a suspicious drink that glowed green as Rey looked into the cup.
"What's this?" Rey asked pointing to the drink.
"We call it Ichor." Talzin replied, motioning Rey to drink it.
"What does it do?" Rey asked with apprehension.
"It will dull your senses a bit. When the time comes, it will help you cope with pain." Mother Talzin said in a flat tone.
"Pain?" Rey asked with worry. "Am I going to get hurt?"
"No female that I have ever known truly enjoyed their first coupling. However, it all depends on your partner. But if I were you, I would take it to make you feel more, hmmm…satisfied."
Quickly, Rey grabbed hold of the cup and drank the green liquid in one big gulp. Feeling the cool, sweet liquid running down her throat, made Rey feel energized, then after a few seconds, she felt completely relaxed.
Placing her long fingers on Rey's arm, Talzin said in a smooth voice.
"I'll see you shortly my love. Enjoy your day."
When Talzin left the room, Rey sat on her bed, and then lying back on the covers, she closed her eyes and started to giggle as the magic potion took a hold of her body. She was ready for anything that evening may bring.
To be continued...
- In Serial30 Chapters
Dragonheart Core
To take a dragon's hoard is to challenge death. The greatest of the sea-drakes wakes, curled on his silver throne; but there is no silver. His hoard is stolen. He rises, screaming, and chases the thief to the ends of the world—only to be shot from the sky. But dragons do not die easy, and never one with such festering hatred. A dungeon core rises from his corpse. If he intends to survive so near the cove of pirates that slew his past self, he'll need to master his powers—and quickly. For these pirates are dragonslayers; they won't be felled by mere mushrooms or spiders. Beneath the lawless Calarata, the young dungeon core will have to fight to survive; and one day, he will return death to the man who killed him. Updates twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday at 1 pm EST!
8 312 - In Serial23 Chapters
World Renewal Project
Joshua Campbell -- just your regular nobody. A geek who spends more time playing games on his phone, than he does interacting with the rest of the world. Definitely not a guy who might end up having to save the world from God's "World Renewal Project". Definitely not someone who might end up becoming a hero, forming an endless harem, and become recognized as the most powerful, most perfect, most exceptional hero of humanity! Definitely not!! Or, is there more to the story of his life, which not even he is aware of at the moment??
8 116 - In Serial6 Chapters
Shattered Souls
The world of Yera is alive more so than ever, inhabited by many races intertwined together. Several kingdoms and empires each vying for power. Creatures that roam the planet some bloodthirsty and mindless, others ancient and wise. The magic powerful, ethereal, and dangerous. Many forces move on this planet that seems so large, yet above our own skyies there are the beings who see this world as a small fraction of existence. We focus in on our 'hero'. Waking lost and confused, he doesn't even know who he is much less his own place in the world. Still, all he can do is gather himself to his feet and walk forward and forge himself a place.
8 148 - In Serial42 Chapters
Shadowrun: Blake Island School of Magic
It's a high tech, low life. It's the Seattle Metroplex in 2074. It rises like a steel and concrete cancer out of the earth. Poverty is rampant, corruption is everywhere, crime is out of control, corporations basically control everything, the old United States is fractured, magic has come back and now it turns out that humanity has been joined by elves, dwarves, orks and trolls. The old world ended but the rent is still due. Life goes on. You'd be surprised what people can adapt to, especially if they don't have a choice. One of the places where life goes on is just west of Seattle. Surrounded by the waters of the Puget Sound is an island. On that island is the Blake Island School of Magic. A decade ago it was known for producing some of the most talented awakened in the world. That reputation was hijacked by the wealthy corporate elite who now park their teenage children there. And since it's a boarding school, their parents mostly forget about them. Three young people, who are certainly not wealthy or elite, are chosen this year to attend this school of magic in hopes of revitalizing their reputation for talent. One from the ash drifts of the Puyallup Barrens, one from the most densely populated slum hive in the world and one from prison. This is their story. -- This story is set in the Shadowrun universe. If you're not familiar with Shadowrun, it mostly tells the stories of deniable mercenaries called shadowrunners in a cyberpunk dystopia. Instead of telling another story solely about shadowrunners, this story will tell the tale of young people navigating a world that is indifferent to them at best and actively hostile at worst. Shadowrunners will be in the story and we'll see them operate, but they won't be its main focus. This story originally began in 2017 as a passion project and continues to this day on the Somethingawful.com forums. The unedited version is over a million words strong. There are currently seven books in this series and I am currently in the process of editing them. If you read this story then you won't lack for content. -- The Topps Company, Inc. has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork, marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the game Shadowrun. The Topps Company, Inc. has granted permission to the Blake Island on Royal Road to use such names, logos, artwork, marks and/or any proprietary materials for promotional and informational purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not affiliated with Blake Island on Royal Road in any official capacity whatsoever.
8 164 - In Serial15 Chapters
I Am Legend
Faced with the reality of life Caleb decided to fight against the odds thrown at him by fate.What would you do if you were crossed by fate?Will you cry and sulk in a corner?Who will you blame? God? or yourself?Not Caleb, like his favorite Quote spoken by the one and only Captain Jack Sparrow “I regret nothing, Ever.â€Legends are made not born…
8 154 - In Serial20 Chapters
8 124