《The fire within》Chapter 2
The low humming sound behind her closed eyelids felt relaxing, even pleasurable. It reminded Rey of one of her pleasant dreams. Unfortunately, she did not have many in the past. Living alone she always felt vulnerable. Sleep did not come easily for her.
At nights, she slept with her favorite staff that she had managed to assemble from the junk she had found on the daily basis. That staff on many occasions saved her life and also her purity. How many times she was attacked just because she was a young woman? How many times she had to fight off the disgusting pigs she called, men? As years had passed, she stopped counting them. Constantly looking over her shoulder made her weary and alienated from everyone.
She was a loner. Some days she liked it that way, but there were days when she longed to have a family. She longed to have her family back. The ones they cruelly left her behind. She could never understand why they did that. She was just a small girl, barely five. Why, oh why? She kept asking herself every single day, while she diligently scratched small, thin lines on her metal wall to count the days since their departure. But no one ever came back for her, and there was no one whom she could turn to when she was distressed and utterly lonely. Over the years, she slowly but surely built a wall around herself, a wall that was impregnable.
A light touch on her face awakened her from her slumber. Slowly opening her eyes, she squinted into the artificial light that illuminated the small room she was in.
Then her eyes landed on the man, sitting at the edge of the bed. Instantly, she tried to reach for something to defend herself, when he said.
"I thought you would never wake up."
"Where am I?" She asked, quickly looking around.
"On my ship." He casually replied.
"What am I doing on your ship?" She inquired, as she sat up and pulled her legs up to her chest.
Maul's eyes curiously sized her up. Then he stood up, and asked.
"Are you hungry?"
"No...I'm..." she started, then with an upset tone she continued. "You did not answer my question. Why am I here?"
"You're here because I chose you to be here." Maul replied.
With slight sarcasm, she asked again. "Are you taking me home?"
"Indeed, I am." He replied as he opened the door to her room.
Instantly, Rey's face lit up. Pushing herself off the bed, she stood up and followed him out the door.
Taking an elevator, they went upstairs to the control room. Stepping out of the elevator Rey quickly sized up the small, rounded room. In front of a c-shaped control panel that was blinking with all kinds of colorful lights, there was a large leather bound pilot seat. On the opposite end of the room, also in a c-shaped form were several comfortable looking leather seats.
To her surprise, the ship looked clean and outstandingly neat. As he typed something into the computer, she said.
"Do you need me to set the coordinates to Jakku?"
Without turning around, he replied.
"We are not going to Jakku."
A sudden surprise showed up on Rey's face. With an accusing tone, she said.
"You said you were taking me home."
When he didn't answer, she continued, while her angry voice filled up the small chamber.
"You are not just a thief but a bloody liar as well!" Then she added with distaste in her voice. "Monster."
Casually turning around, he stared into her frustrated and upset face, and then he asked.
"A monster? Looks can be very deceiving. Remember that woman."
Reaching into his tunic, he pulled out one of the Jedi books. Holding it in front of her astonished face, he asked.
"Have you read them?"
When she didn't reply, with a sly grin, he mockingly added. "Do you even know how to read?"
"Of course I know how to read." She replied with annoyance, then she said. "What are you going to do with them?"
"It's not me who needs them." He replied, placing the book on the console. Then reaching inside of his tunic again, one by one, he placed all four books on his console.
Rey looked at the books. He was playing, and she felt the anger rising within her again. She wanted to lash out and hurt him, but she knew better. She was in his territory now. Deep inside she was glad that he had left her live. However, it still didn't excuse him for knocking her out and bringing her here without her consent.
Even though, she wanted to get those books back, she hoped she will have the opportunity soon enough. He had to sleep sometimes, and when it happens, she will take the books and hijack his ship.
As for him, she wasn't sure what she was going to do with him once this crazy plan of hers was in motion. But she knew one thing; he was not the type who would just let her do all this without dire consequences. She imagined what he would do to her if she was caught, which sent a cold and unpleasant shiver down her spine.
"So, are you taking them to your Master?" She asked, still eyeing the books.
"Why would you think that?" He asked incredibly.
Shifting from one foot to the other, she looked him in the eye and replied with faint mockery.
"You look like one of those greedy bounty hunters I have met on Jakku before."
Oh, she is trying to piss me off, Maul thought annoyed.
Stepping closer, and while looking into her somewhat frightened eyes, with gritted teeth, he growled at her.
"I am my own Master."
Swallowing hard, Rey tried to hide her unexplainable sudden fear, while her heart was beating so hard; she thought it was going to burst through her shirt at any moment.
They way he looked at her, she thought that he was going to grab her any second and choke the life out her. However, he didn't do that. Instead, he suddenly grabbed hold of her arms and looking at them, he said.
"You should be grateful that I'm taking you home."
His sudden touch left Rey speechless for a second. Still, his grip felt surprisingly pleasant, Rey thought confused. She had been touched before, but never like this, and definitely never by a man.
Feeling uncomfortable of his closeness, Rey stepped back, while he let go of her arms. Then, she asked.
"Where are you taking me then?"
"Dathomir." He swiftly replied.
"And that is my home?" She asked with uncertainty. Then her eyes grew wide and said again. "In the woods, you mentioned that planet was your home. What you are saying is that we are from the same planet? Are... we ...related?" Her baffled expression amused Maul.
"To answer your question, in a sense, yes, we are related."
His straight up answer left Rey in utter disbelief. Suddenly she burst into a loud laughter.
"What is so funny?" Maul asked, crossing his arms in front of him.
When her laughter dwindled off, her face turned into a frown and turning her back to Maul, she walked to one of the back seats and slump down. As she buried her face into her hands, she murmured.
"I'm related to a monster."
"What makes you think I'm a monster?" He asked, as he took his seat in his pilot chair.
Running her hands through her hair, she let out a frustrated sigh. Leaning back on the seat, and looking at the ceiling, she said.
"All my life, I have been waiting for my family to return and take me away from that hell hole they had left me many years ago. However deep inside, I always knew I was waiting for them in vain." Crossing her arms in front of her chest, she looked at him as she continued. "But now, you're telling me, I have a family on your planet and I might be related to you? How is that even possible? Have you ever looked in the mirror?"
Her question left a sour taste in his mouth. He knew how he looked. He was a Zabrak and very proud of it. He wouldn't change his looks for anything. He knew through human eyes he looked menacing and repulsive, but Maul didn't care for their feelings or useless looks and questions. The only thing he cared about was his freedom and his family. Everything else was unimportant to him.
"You are a daughter of a Nightsister." He said, as he eyed the visibly upset Rey.
"Because of these ugly marks?" She asked, extending both of her arms in front of her.
"Yes." He replied with distaste, and then he added. "Those marks you call ugly are a very important elements to my culture, to the Dathomirian culture."
"How come I don't look like you then?" She asked, folding her arms in front of her chest again.
"The Nightsisters are not like me." He started. "They're descendants of humans, but on my planet they are more than that. They are witches and rulers of our territory. They have tremendous powers. Their powers are coming from the planet itself. "
"And what are you to them?" She asked with an ironic tone.
"Me and my brothers are part of their society." Maul replied. "We are their helpers and warriors." Crossing his arms in front of him, he added with a grin. "We are also helping them with breeding."
Rey's eyebrows furrowed for a second. Instantly, she felt uncomfortable under his intense stare. Crossing her lean legs in front of her, she let out a deep sigh. Then she asked.
"If what you said was true and I am from your planet, do you think my mother or father will be there too?"
"We'll find out when we get there." Maul replied, leaning back on his chair.
Suddenly, Rey remembered her lightsaber. Quickly, she asked.
"Where is my weapon?"
"I have it." Maul replied.
"Can I have it back?" She asked. Then with a pleading voice, she added. "Please?"
"Over my dead body." Maul replied with a serious face, then he asked. "Where did you get that, anyway?"
"It called to me." Rey replied, hoping her answer was satisfying enough for him.
"Fair enough." He replied.
Rey was glad he didn't ask anymore questions. She felt relieved to know that her lightsaber was here on this ship somewhere. I just have to find it, she thought. Then, she asked.
"So, we're heading to Dathomir and you are bringing those books to who?" She tried to figure out what his deal was with the Jedi books.
"My mother." He replied.
"You have a mother?" Rey asked amazed.
"Of course." He replied.
For some reason, Rey couldn't wait to get to Dathomir. She wanted to meet his mother and the others. She wanted to see the Nightsisters with her own eyes. She wanted to know if he was truly telling the truth. And maybe, yes maybe, she will find her family at last.
The rest of the day went by slowly. There wasn't much to do on this small ship. After he showed her around the ship he called the Infiltrator, they ate in silence. When night approached, as you could call night in space, she retired to the same room she had woken up earlier. To her astonishment, he also came into the room and started to remove his top.
Rey was awestruck. She didn't understand what was going on.
"What are you doing?" She asked with an astonished face.
"I need to meditate." Maul replied, as he folded his tunic over the chair.
From the folded tunic, Rey's eyes landed on his chiseled, tattooed upper body. For a second she was just staring at him with awe. She didn't expect him to look like this at all. The tattoos that covered his face continued their intricate designs down on his wide, muscular chest, disappearing into his waistband.
When her eyes landed on his pants, she quickly looked away in shame. Bloody hell, no! She thought, swiftly averting her gaze from his body.
Maul wasn't surprise at her behavior. This was not the first time a human female or any female looked at him like that. He was no stranger to women. However, he never stayed longer than a night with any of them. He liked his lifestyle and he liked his freedom. That is why he never took any of the Nightsisters as his mate. He knew once he did that, he was obligated for life, and he was not ready for that, nor he'd ever be.
Ignoring Rey, he sat down at the foot of the bed and started to meditate.
Closing his eyes, he tried to concentrate, but for some reason he just couldn't. His mind kept coming back to Rey. Her presence was bothersome. Even though, she was surprisingly quite, he was not able to clear his mind with her being in the same room with him. Then he had an idea. Opening his eyes, he called to her.
"Come here and meditate with me."
As Rey sat up, for a few seconds she was confused. He wants me to meditate with him? She thought with surprise.
She had never meditated before. There was just no time for something like that on Jakku. She didn't even know how to do it properly. However, here on this ship, there was plenty of time to do that. However she felt the need to go to him, because in a sense, she wanted to learn from this man. She knew through experience that he was a strong Force user and she wanted to know how he utilized that unexplained power, that she also possessed.
Getting up and sitting down on the ground across from him, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
Maul looked at Rey, and then he closed his eyes, and started to relax. Finally, the peace he was looking for came to him.
Behind her closed eyelids, Rey felt peaceful and relaxed as well. Feeling him beside her gave her an unexpected, but pleasurable sensation. It felt like at some level he was connected with her. The powerful aura she felt around him earlier became more noticeable and much stronger as they deepened their connections with each other. She felt herself drifting closer to him. Even though she hadn't moved physically, she felt her powers intertwining with his in a very unusual manner. It was an odd sensation, but not unpleasant. Then, she heard his voice in her head.
Rey, he called. I want to show you something. Are you ready?
She wasn't sure if she was ready for anything he might want to show her, but reluctantly she replied in the same manner.
Suddenly, she experienced visions coming from him. She saw a planet she had never seen before. Then the vision changed and she saw a large temple with intricate markings on its stone walls. Then the vision took her to a cave full of crystals, and then lastly, the vision showed her an older, deformed man with dark clothing. This vision left her perplexed. Somehow she knew who that man was. When their connection broke, she opened her eyes and noticed him looking at her.
Without saying anything, he got up and walked to the bed. Patting the empty spot next to him, he motioned for her to come closer.
Rey couldn't believe that he wanted to sleep in the same bed with her.
"There is another room." She swiftly spoke up, feeling odd at the moment.
"Yes, there is." He said in a monotone voice.
"Then why are you here?" She asked astonished, standing at the foot of the bed.
"You haven't earned my trust." He replied. Then he added. "I want to make sure that you are in my sight at all times."
Contemplating by the bed, Rey's mind was in turmoil. She wanted to ask him about the visions they shared, but she just didn't want to get into a conversation with him at the moment. She hoped for a good night sleep, but that was obviously out of the question now.
"If you prefer." He said as he motioned toward the ground. "You're welcome to sleep on the floor."
She wanted to say yes, that she would rather sleep on the floor, however, looking at the hard, cold floor, and then the bed, she knew she had no choice but to lie down next to him, if she wanted to sleep more comfortably.
"Can you at least put your shirt back on?" Rey asked with apprehension.
"I prefer to sleep like this." Maul casually replied, then with a grin, he added. "I usually don't wear anything to bed, but I wanted to spare your eyes of my naked body."
Suddenly, Rey felt extremely awkward, as she imagined his naked body lying next to her. A sudden, quick shiver ran through her body. Clearing her throat, she said.
"Thank you. It's very generous of you."
Fully clothed, she reluctantly lay down next to him. The bed was not designed for two people to sleep comfortable side by side. As she tried to get comfortable, her backside accidentally bumped into him, giving her an extremely uncomfortable feeling.
Maul, however felt completely relaxed. He knew if she was here with him, she had no chance of doing something unwise. He sensed that she was planning something and he didn't want to wait to find out what she had conjured up in her little brain. Folding his arms around her, he pulled her closer until her body was completely pushed up against his. Then closing his eyes, and with a grin on his face, he went to sleep.
For Rey sleep didn't come easily that night. Feeling his warm body against hers felt utterly strange. This was the first time that she had shared her bed with a man. She was not used to this type of physical contact. However, after a few hours, exhaustion took over her, and within minutes, she was fast asleep.
When her breathing became shallower and her body relaxed, Maul opened his eyes. As his arms gently enfolded her sleeping form, he slowly buried his face into her soft hair. Breathing her unique scent in, and with a smile, he went back to sleep.
To be continued....
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Yuan, the valiant 'Hero' who defeated the 'Demon King', was unfortunately betrayed by his most trusted comrades who accompanied him in his life-long journey. "Heh... I never thought that I'd die like this... In the hands of my own comrades at that..." With that self-deprecating remark, the great Hero, Yuan, fell into an eternal slumber. Of course, that was what he initially thought, but life had other plans set for him. As his soul was drifting off aimlessly into the unknown, a soft and ethereal voice soon called out to him: "My Child, you have suffered and was betrayed. You gave it your all but didn't receive anything in return. In the end, you were killed by those whom you called your own." And so, a miracle was generously bestowed upon Yuan. "I will give you another chance in life My Child... I hope that you lead this new life the way you want it to be. Next time do not be controlled and easily deceived by others... Do whatever it is that you want and desire." Yuan Amon, born and raised in an ordinary family in the Philippines, led a leisurely new life on Earth, only to get summoned right back to his old one 18 years later. "I... I can't understand... Just why... Why was I sent back here of all places!?" A roar of utter dismay resounded in his private chambers. IMPORTANT NOTE (21/10/20): I have dropped this novel on this website! But don't worry, because I have remade this novel on another website called Webnovel.com so you can check it out over there! The story has completely changed though, so don't expect the same old thing, okay? I will still keep this dropped novel here though because it serves as a memory for me when I just started writing so I won't be deleting it. I hope to see you there on Webnovel!
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