《Forsakens' Worlds》Chapter 1 – New Start in Prison


Chapter 1 – New Start in Prison

I would consider rain cleansing to the soul. Sure, water was a thing we see and use every day, but when it fell as drops from the leaden sky, pitter-pattering on the ground, it gave it a unique quality. Cleansing, I would say.

Yet, even when I stood for hours, drenched under the current downpour, that sense of irony inside me didn't disappear, it only grew more prominent. The reason was simple. While I am fond of the rain, there was one instance where I thought it was nonsensical. It was in the movies when it miraculously fell for people who were down on their luck. My reaction to those was pretty consistent, I either scoffed, laughed sarcastically, or outright commented that it was a load of bull.

Here is where the irony came from, I was put in the same situation; showered by the torrent, standing in the middle of a building under construction, no aim for what I should with my life. The white-glowing arching gateway in front of me was perhaps the only thing that could wring some sort of aspiration or a strand of desire from me.

So there I was, someone who was always sceptic about the sanity of people who had gone through this portal, seriously considering whether I should pass through. To be fair, I wasn’t in the right mind to decide such a consequential thing. But I also didn’t really care.

If I go through this, I would have nothing to lose except my life, and I would gladly risk it if I can find something that would re-kindle it. Taking that risk is much better than staying in the dull, soulless, state that it's in right now.

“I saw it there.”

My thoughts were cut short by a shout that was a few pitches away from a scream. I turned around and saw an oval-faced teenager with a southbilled hat dashing towards me, running behind him another teen, freckled-faced, holding a steel rod.

The kid with the hat didn’t stop to talk and came swinging at me. It wasn’t even a straight punch; he just swung his arm from the side. All I had to do was lean backward, and he whiffed.

With his sides open, all I had to do was take a step forward and drove a knee into his abdomen. As I expected, the kid couldn’t take a hit and lurched to the ground, trying to gasp for air.

The other kid came in from the side, swinging the metal rod towards my head. I dropped the suitcase I was holding and ducked. Which right after, I grabbed the rod to lock it in place before he could swing back. I then rotated it a semi-circle and pulled it back, wrenching it out of his grasp. He tried to re-grab the rod, but I struck its end into his stomach before he could, and he fell to the ground as vomit escaped his mouth.

I turned around to check on the kid with the cap, and he was trying to stand up, roughly breathing. I sighed and walked up to him. “This is pointless. Just go home.”

The kid spat in my face and snorted. “Shove that —”

I smacked the kid’s head before he could continue. "Not only can’t you fight for jack. But you are also a moron, and staying here makes you more so. I will ignore that sucker punch you tried, so just take your friend and go home.”

“What home? This cesspit sure as hell doesn't have that,” he retorted as he went to stand on his two feet. “We are taking that portal to paradise.”


Another sigh brewed inside me when he started talking. I couldn't blame him for thinking that way. But, the reason at the end turned that sigh into a snort. “Paradise? Haven’t the wars taught you never to trust any news outlet? Sure, it’s all over now, but that period of history surely has taught you something? Come on, kid, think.” I knew the result, but still, I was disappointed by the more vitriolic look he gave me in response. I turned to his friend, who had stopped gagging. “Don’t tell me you also believe that nonsense.”

There was no need to even listen to his answer; the stubbornness he exuded trying to get up was enough.

I couldn't help but heave another sigh. There was no point in talking to them any further.

After using the sleeve of my suit to wipe the spit on my face, I picked up the suitcase and headed towards the portal, which caused the kids to panic.

Halting right before the archway, I turned to face the kids, who were a short distance away. “I will be the first one to go through the portal. If you both think you can stop me, you’re free to try, but I won’t be pulling back punches.”

The two teens stopped advancing towards me when they heard the end of my sentence. They looked at each other, huddled together, then started whispering. I ignored them and checked the time on my watch. I reckoned he was still awake and took out my phone.

I wince couldn't help but creep up on my face as I hit the dial button. After a few minutes, the phone picked up, and a deep voice sounded out. “You realize what time this is?”

I answered, “My bad, Leo. I know this is sudden, but I just found a portal, and I am going through it. So, please tell the guys not to worry about me.”

A loud shout exploded out of the phone. “God damnit! Why do you always pull some crap like this? Where are you? Don’t you dare —”

I hanged up. If he saw me again, he would undoubtedly kill me. But that’s a problem for another time; I don’t know if I would even return. Honestly, going through this portal might be the best option presented to me. I really didn't like making those guys worry when they even have families now.

Taking a glance at the kids staying away, a tinge of pity arose inside me. There was a possibility of them taking the portal after me, after all the portal would vary from allowing up to five people to only one. But, there was no paradise behind it. I had no concrete evidence to prove it, but what I heard heavily indicated that. So it didn't matter whether they took the portal or stayed here, their life wouldn't change. As a final good deed before leaving, I sent a message before closing off my phone. It would all depend on their luck now.

There was one thing remaining which I needed to do. I laid the suitcase on the ground and opened it. After taking out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from my pocket, I threw the pack on top of the stack of papers inside the suitcase then lit them all on fire with the lighter. When all the papers were burned to crisps, there was this sense of solace wrapping my insides.

Nothing more holding me back, I walked up to the portal. As soon as I passed a foot in, I was struck by a flash of blinding light, and I closed my eyes instinctively. After a few seconds, I cautiously opened my eye. Fortunately, nothing happened, and my eyes were able to re-adjust as I took in the surrounding scenery. I have been transported to a vast verdant meadow. Nothing but trees, grass, and flowers were in my sight. When I squinted my eyes to locate any kind of structure further away, a sound reverberated inside my ear.


“Welcome, human.”

It didn't show on my face, but I was alarmed when a voice suddenly spoke out. I had expected something mysterious given the magicality of the whole thing. But that sound, speaking as if it was just beside me, I couldn’t wrap my head around it.

I took a deep breath to calm down. and asked. “May I ask who is talking to me?”

“I am the conductor, an introducer, a guide. I am to assist you in understanding the results of your choices, if you happen to decide to start your journey.”

“So you’re going to help me to understand what will happen?” I inquired.


“To start, do you wish to start your journey across the worlds?”

“If you mean do I want to continue with this, then obviously, yes.”

“Very well. As a newly initiated human, you will be offered some recommended cores based on your characteristics; please choose one wisely.”

A floating screen popped up in front of me, filled with information on the just mentioned cores.

Core: Bravery

Available types: [Knight]

— [Knight’s] traits: [Eternal Oath] [Arms Call] [Locked] [Locked] [Locked]

Core: Faith

Available types: [Inquisitor]

— [Inquisitor’s] traits: [Weapon of Judgment] [Echoes of Belief] [Locked] [Locked] [Locked]

Core: Nature

Available types: [Monk]

— [Monk’s] traits: [Attunement] [Falling Fists] [Locked] [Locked] [Locked]

Core: Willpower

Available types: [Sentinel]

— [sentinel’s] traits: [Stand of Duty] [Will’s path] [Locked] [Locked] [Locked]

All that mysteriousness went down the drain. I was blasted with screens and told to pick a class. Where are the spells, the techniques, maybe even a simple artifact? Honestly, I expected more.

Still, as much as video-gamey this felt, what kept me ground-headed and vigilant were the rumors I had heard about this place; you never outright hear that someone came back to earth, yet there is always some rumor about someone who made it back warning people from entering.

So, I needed to carefully understand what kind of choice I was making. “Could you provide me some explanations on what cores, types, and traits are? And why are some of the traits locked?”

“To answer your first question, that knowledge is for you to explore and understand. As for your second, some traits are locked due to your vessel's inability to handle the sudden load of all the traits pertaining to the core. If all the traits were to manifest at once, your vessel would break.”

This is a great guide; Wouldn’t even explain to me some basic concepts. At least it had a little bit of usefulness and told me why it wouldn’t give me all the skills or traits as it called them.

Still, I needed to pick a core. A trick I learned was If you don’t have enough experience for a decision, just ask someone with some. “If you won’t explain to me what these are, at least recommend me which one is the most suitable and beneficial for me.”

“Very well.”

All the screens vanished, and only one remained.

Core: Faith

Available types: [Inquisitor]

— [Inquisitor]’s traits: [Weapon of Judgment] [Echoes of Belief] [Locked] [Locked] [Locked]

“I think I said most suitable. Do I look the religious Inquisitor type?” I asked. “I don’t even know what supernatural theology to follow.”

“The human has a misconception, in all of history, no one has ever claimed to be a god. Even Mystic beings with otherworldly powers don’t claim that. An inquisitor is someone who will either act in the faith of his own actions or make a deal and place his faith on another being who would act according to it.”

“So, you’re saying I don’t have to follow a supernatural theology?”


“Then how would I be called an inquisitor?”

“That’s for you to explore and understand. No more information will be provided.”

This amount of little information had me quite lost to be honest. I didn't have enough information to make a decision on my own, and I don’t know whether I should believe in something or someone who wouldn’t explain to me their decisions. But then again, what choice do I have? Picking prematurely might be the worst action.

“Fine, I will go with your recommendation. I choose Faith as a core.”

“Very well.”

I readied myself for something to happen. But there was nothing, only sudden silence that enveloped the meadow. At first, I believed this silence was ordinary, but I slowly began to pick up the abnormalities. I couldn’t feel any wind or heat. The grass beneath me didn’t move, and the trees I saw in the distance didn’t flutter. I tried to move my body, but I could only manage minor movements that were getting harder to do by the second.

Eventually, my body was stuck in place, and all my senses except my vision were stripped away. As seconds trickled by, my vision started to turn blurry, and I saw the world stretch itself, move, and wrap itself around me. Fortunately, this didn't last long, after a few moments of that horrifying experience, the world violently wrenched back into place, and I could feel the sun's heat warming my body and the gusts of winds grazing my skin.

However, before I could relish those sensations, the pit of my stomach jerked around, and acid rose to my mouth. Bending down, I placed my hand on my mouth and stopped myself from vomiting.

When, what I presume, the aftereffects settled down, I said in an annoyed voice, “You know, a warning would have been nice instead of leaving me in the dark.”

“The core placement has been finished. A look at your status will be provided.”

At first, I held a bit of fear and respect for who or what I was talking to, but now my irritation of being utterly ignored was eating away at that respect.

This time a huge screen appeared in front of me.


Name: [Undetermined]

Race: Human

Rank: Disorder/Initiation

Titles: [Lost Wolf]

— Traits: [Lone Wolf’s Howl]

[Versed Multilingual]

— Traits: [Versatile Tongue]

Cores: [Faith] [Empty] [Empty] [Empty]

[Inquisitor (faith)]’s traits:

[Weapon of Judgment (Iron rank)] [Echoes of Belief (Iron rank)] [Locked] [Locked] [Locked]




Gift: [Unawakened]

There were many questions I needed to ask, but first, “Why is my name undetermined?”

“Choosing to start your journey means there’s something you aspire to do. Hence, you’re offered a chance to change your name, a change your being.”

So I assume it meant changing my name to fill myself with a sense of purpose. Even if it meant something different, I took it as such, I needed that. It seems that all those days I spent picking baby names were helpful after all.

“Alright, From now on, my name is Lorn Faer.”

“Very well.”

The name in the status screen was updated to Lorn Faer. Finally, I wanted to ask what my titles and traits were. From the previous interaction, it seemed like I wouldn’t be offered an explanation on the major concepts, but explanations regarding my abilities themselves were viable.

Just as I concentrated on asking about my titles and traits, a bunch of screens appeared in my face.

Title: Lost Wolf.

A wolf had decided to walk alone, yet it was still lost in which direction to take. Although the wolf has left its pack, it still carries its ferocity and viciousness.


[Lone Wolf’s Howl] – Howl towards the sky with fury and indignation.

– Stuns enemies in the same rank for 3 seconds.

Title: Versed Multilingual

A granted title so that the different languages wouldn’t hinder the bearer


[Versatile Tongue] – Grants the bearer with the ability to speak most of the Languages of the major and minor world.

Core: Faith

Type: Inquisitor


[Weapon of Judgment] ­ – Conjure your weapon, assign an enemy, and pass your judgment.

– Conjure a weapon of your choice.

[Echoes of Belief] – With your belief and sentiment as your center, reverberate and resound your spirit.

Although I read all the information provided on the screens to distract myself, I still couldn’t hold the anger I had from reading the first one. If whatever I talked to made me irritated, it managed now to infuriate me.

I knew what the description of the title referenced; what I want to know was how the hell did it know.

I raised my voice. “You piece of crap, Why do you – “

Before I could continue, it cut me off.

“The introduction has been completed. You will now be sent away. May you find happiness in your journey.”

Again, a flashing light blinded my eyes, but this time before I could shield my eyes, my consciousness slipped away with anger still lingering.

When I came to be, It wasn’t like the first time when the portal transported me. This time, my body felt sluggish, and my head was muddled.

As my senses kicked in, I felt a familiar sensation beneath me, one that I never liked, lying on, cold, rugged ground. I got up to my feet and looked around as I registered the stench of dried blood and piss in the air.

Memories of my conversation with the guide flashed and the same anger rose from the pits of my being again. I wanted to go look for whomever I talked to, but as the current situation settled into my awareness, I was forced to calm down. Looking at the rusty iron bars, the shackles on the ground, and the wooden stool right outside my cell, I realized that I apparently was inside of a medieval prison or a holding cell.

A sound came out from my left. “You're the third to wake up. Welcome to the party.”

I looked to the side, in the adjacent cell; I saw a middle-aged man with a bearded chin smiling at me. This made me realize that I wasn’t alone. I took a comprehensive look around and saw that there seven prisoners in this place, including me.

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