《Chrono Born》Unwelcomed Guests


Chapter 3

“So what’d you get from him.” Captain Cason asked as he and Ise walked to the bridge.

“He says his name is Chrono and that he doesn’t remember anything that happened before he got here,” Ise replied with a downcast expression.

“Is that so? The boy’s got amnesia. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Did he say how he got here?” Captain Cason asked.

“He said he was in a box and the second later he was here,” Ise answered.

“Is it really necessary for us to investigate him like this?” Ise asked, “I mean, he doesn’t seem to be older than I am. What harm could he do?”

“That’s the problem Ise,” Captain Cason said deeply “He’s young and for the boy to be here and have no memory beforehand means trouble.”

“I…” Ise uttered slightly teary.

“I know you mean well, but we’ve got enough trouble in our hands. If the boy were to bring trouble, then I’m afraid we can’t do much to help.” Captain Cason said with a hint of compassion.

Ise nodded her head and followed him silently.

Following Auran, Chrono silently looked around him hoping for a new surprise in the day. He had finally escaped his box, saw beautiful scenery, and found and talked to a pretty girl. For him - it was the best day ever. To his disappointment, the corridors to the quarters were tight and compact with the dull color of iron. After passing a few doors, Auran stopped at Chrono's door and turned to Chrono.

With a deep voice, Auran spoke to Chrono “This here is your room. Don’t do anything that will bring trouble.”

Chrono nodded, and Auran passed Chrono and left for the bridge. Opening the door, Chrono entered the room that had a simple cotton bed and a wooden desk and chair that faced a circular window. Chrono zoomed to sit on the chair and looked through the window. He had seen the same scenery as he did with the bigger glass window but with a smaller view. He continued to look through the window and witnessed the changing landscape going from dense jungles to empty ground. The land was no longer there, it had cut off a moment ago, and now the clouds in the sky had replaced the ground. As they traveled further and further, floating islands can be seen. Though they were small, they each still had their own ecosystem which fascinated Chrono. He had noted down birds with four wings, three long legs, and a single long beak and even land creatures that use their four short legs but large hand like feet to navigate through the rocky cliffs.


In the midst of his fascination, the ship shook violently, nearly causing Chrono to fall from his chair. Curious but mostly worried about Captain Cason, Auran, and especially Ise, Chrono quickly got up and ran to the room outside the lounge. Running out, he ran to where he was found by Captain Cason. As he nearly reached his destination he could hear voices outside; the tones of their voices disgruntled and discontent. Silently opening the door, Chrono peeked out to see Captain Cason facing off with twelve men wearing bandanas marked with a skull around their faces. There was also Auran who hid Ise behind his back, with his hand circling his side that held a holster.

“We’re going to make this easy on you old man. Hand what you have in your cargo, and we’ll be on our merrily way.” Their pirate leader demanded.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that. You blasted a hole through my ship, and you expect me to hand you over my cargo without you paying for the damages?” Captain Cason replied.

“Here, how about I make this easy on you. You pay for the damages and get on outta here, and there won’t be trouble.” Auran threatened.

“Looks like it has to be the hard way.” The man said and signaled his boys to take action; Two of the men drew circles in front of them, causing balls of fire to appear; Four took out their sabers from their sides and gave out disgusting and dreadful snarls; Three twirled and turned their revolvers into position; And the last three placed their foot back and placed themselves in a stance.

Captain Cason didn’t pay mind to their actions and had his finger in his ear twisting and twirling. His ear wax that had slowly accumulated was more interesting than the twelve men. One of the men grew furious and launched a condensed fireball made from three smaller fireballs at Captain Cason. Chrono wanted to yell out for Captain Cason to dodge but he couldn’t help but feel his throat dry as he saw the approaching fireball. Before the fireball could touch Captain Cason; Captain Cason had opened his mouth wide, and the fireball found its way into his mouth. With a big gulp, Captain Cason smiled with smoke coming from the corners of his mouth.


“That was pretty appetizing,” Captain Cason said patting his belly, “But that’s not real fire. This is.”

He opened his mouth wide, and fire roared from the depths of his throat and out his mouth. The flames that were coming from his mouth were many times higher than the fireball that he had eaten. The three that were unlucky enough not to react fast enough were turned to cinders as the cone of fire struck past them and onto their ship. The ship was blasted away by the flames causing it to release it’s hook on Captain Cason’s ship, causing the other ship that had only one pilot but several burning parts to descend at a rapid pace and crash on the side of a floating island.

Chrono’s eyes lit up with astonishment and couldn’t help but exclaim ‘how cool!.’

Now the pirates only had nine people left: one fire caster, three saber men, three martial artists, and two duelists. The pirate leader who was a duelist gave a piercing glare and aimed his dual revolvers at Ise. Chrono who previously stood still, felt his body move to action causing him to dash forward. Before the pirate leader could press the trigger of his revolvers, Chrono was already on him. Chrono who was merely six-year-olds and could barely reach the man’s waist only had one method of attack. Chrono swung an uppercut to the man’s jewels causing him to wince in pain and drop the revolvers on the ground. Chrono who felt as if time stopped around him, quickly grabbed hold of the revolvers but felt that one revolver was heavy enough and opted only to wield one. With one big leap, Chrono leaped backward to Ise’s side and held the revolver gunpoint at the pirates.

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