《World of Elestia: Seasons of War》(Summer) Interlude: The Coming Storm


The only sound that could be heard in the ring was the sound of breathing and rain. Most people were bothered when rain showed it's unwelcomed face during what was an otherwise pleasant day. But not her, she welcomed the rain like an old friend. In front of her stood a buff looking guy who looked like he spent his days bench pressing anything he could put his hand on. The Knights were full of people like him. She too showed a bit of muscle under her chocolat colored skin. You don't wear an armor that weight a ton and expect to stay slim.

"Ready... set... fight!" The announcer yelled and that was their cue. The man was the first one to make a move and ran toward her while letting out a scream. The man used the trunks he called arms and tried to punch her, but she was ready for it. Some say the way she dodged looked like a dance, a dangerous choreography between deadly blows. She did not see it as anything that fancy, but it had a way to infuriate and her opponent and angry opponents weren't thinking straight.

She dodged and dodged again until finally she began to see signs of fatigue in her opponent and she went to the offensive. Once she started hitting the match was arleady over. Her punches were lightning fast and precise, before he could even understand what was happening the man was left groaning on the ground while holding his aching head.

The few people who had not fled from the heavy rain clapped and cheered at her victory. But before she could savor her victory any longer a man wearing a full armor ran toward her. "Duchess Jasmine! The Queen has asked for an audience with you! She said it was urgent!"

She internally sighed in response but quickly composed herself and nodded. "Very well, I'll put my armor and meet her immediatly."

- - - - -

If she didn't know any better she would assume the throne room she was standing in had costed millions to make. But all of it was crystallized ice created by Queen Roxanne. She couldn't imagine how long the woman had spent meticulously crafting this room filled with arched windows, etchings of the Knights of Humanity emblem which consisted of a shield with a Dragon being skewered by a sword etched into it. And of course the massive throne where the Queen herself was now sitting looking at her with her usual unreadable expression. Jasmine removed her helmet before bowing in front of the Queen.

"Duchess Jasmine, I want to offer my condolence for the loss of your brother. Losing love ones is never easy, I would know." She said with what might look like a sympathetic look if you were looking for it.

"Justin was a traitor, the man that died fighting Boreas was not my brother." Jasmine replied with a cold expression.

The Queen smirked in response. "Very well then, I suppose we should get to the reason why I called you here. As you just said Justin Jones and three members of the Ding Dong Resistance killed the Winter Dragon not even a month ago. Normally I would rejoice at the fact that one of these demons are dead, but unfortunately Boreas death came with consequences for us. Since we were not the one to kill the Dragon some of the settlements under our protection have begun to switch side with the Resistance under the excuse that they made a better job than us to restore peace to Orchestralia." She said with barely contained rage.


"I see... but what can we do about it? Boreas is already dead, there's nothing we can do about it." Jasmin replied with a frown on her face.

"We have to show that we're still the better option over the Resistance. And to do that we will have to kill a Dragon of our own." Roxanne replied with a grim expression.

Jasmin eyes widened at her words. "Killing a Dragon?! I thought you said we weren't ready yet!"

''I wanted to have all the cards in my deck before making a move. But the Resistance has forced my hand. If we don't make a move now the Knights of Humanity will lose their credibility as the protectors of Orchestralia.'' Roxanne replied bitterly.

''...Alright then, which Dragon are we going after? And how many men are you sending with me?'' Jasmin asked with what she hoped was a neutral expression on her face.

The Queen looked at her with bored eyes before responding. ''I'm allowing you to take your whole team with you, you will need them. As for the Dragon we're aiming for, the obvious choice is Gaia. That Dragon hasn't moved from New Scitofi since the Invasion. It will be easy to track down.''

''Only my team?! Are you not sending another Duke for this mission?!'' Jasmine asked incrediously.

''I cannot afford to lose two Dukes at the same time, especially now that things are heating up with these traitors from the Resistance. Now go, you have a long road ahead of you.'' The Queen replied coldly.

Jasmine resisted the urge to show any emotions in front of her and bowed to the Queen before walking out of the throne room with a frown on her face.

- - - - -

The heavy footfalls of heavy armored men and women could be heard clearly throught the abandoned and decaying speedway. Then it suddenly stopped as the woman in charge raised her arm.

''I think we've walked long enough for today let set up camp.'' She said, without losing any time the Knights began to set up tents in the woods outside of the view of any wanderers that might come this way.

''Duchess Jasmine?'' The small voice of a young woman that couldn't be older than nineteen asked unsurely.

''Yes Squire? What do you want?'' Jasmine replied patiently. Her name was Noelle, she had been her Squire for only six months now. but she showed great promise and one day Jasmine fully expect she will take up her role of being a Duchess.

''We were so quick to leave the castle you never told us what was our mission. Sorry if I'm speaking out of line.'' She said while nervously fidgeting with her hands.

Jasmine sighed. ''I suppose that talk had to happen eventually. Go fetch the other Knights I will explain everything to everyone at once.''

''Yes Ma'am!'' Noelle exclaimed with a salute before rushing toward the camp.

It didn't take long at all before all ten Knights were assembled before Jasmine in orderly position. ''I suppose all of you are wondering what mission our Queen has assigned to us. There's a reason why I was apprehensive to talk to you about it. But you have a right to know, the mission we've been tasked with will more than likely be the most dangerous you've ever been assigned to do. We're tasked with slaying Gaia, the Dragon of New Scitofi.''

The group was so silent after her announcement that you could have heard a pin drop on the ground. Then finally it was broken by the same young woman as earlier. ''She want us to do what?! No offense to the Queen but how do she expect ten people to kill a Dragon?! I know the Resistance did it with four people, but that was a miracle!''


The other Knights were not as loud as the young woman but it was clear they somewhat agreed with her sentiment. Jasmine sighed, ''Do not repeat what I'm about to say to anyone. But I have a feeling that this is a suicide mission. Since the death of my brother, the Queen has been questioning my loyalty to her. And I think she want to get rid of loose ends before the conflict with the Resitance begin. If any of you want to back out of this mission I will tell Queen Roxanne you died fighting with honor. Assuming I come out of this alive.''

''...I'm sorry but this is too much for me. I signed up to protect people and I'm willing to put my life at risk for that, but this is just straight up suicide.'' A man said while bowing his head in shame.

''Me too, I'm sorry my Duchess, but Gaia hasn't even attacked anyone since the Invasion. This is just pocking at the hornet nest for fame and glory and I'm not willing to risk my life for that.'' A woman said with an equally shameful voice.

The two Knight left while the other Knights looked on. ''What about the rest of you? Don't be ashamed about running away I know how insane this mission is.'' Jasmine said, but to her surprise no one moved.

''I'm staying with you Duchess Jasmine! You took me in when I had nowhere else to go in this world. There's no way I'm walking away now when you need me the most!'' The voice of Noelle yelled defiantly.

''I've been dreaming to kick these ugly lizards asses since I joined up the Knights, there's no way I'm running now when it's finally happening!'' The bolstering voice of a man yelled loudly while hitting his two fists together in anticipation.

The other Knights all said things with the same sentiment. Jasmine was thankful she had an helmet on right now or her men would see how much of a crybaby she could be right now. ''Alright then, tomorrow at dawn we continue our march to kill a Dragon!''

''Sir yes sir!'' All the Knights responded proudly.

- - - - -

''You're back.'' Said the indiferent voice of Michael Balsam. Everytime she heard him speak Maikoh could feel her hairs stand on end. There was just something extremely wrong about the man standing in front of her. ''So how did your mission go? Did you manage to kill my daughter and her friends?''

That question made her mentally recoiled. Clara was his daughter?! And he had just sent her to try to kill her and Oliver, what was wrong with this man?! ''Unfortunately they managed to escape before I could kill them, but next time I will definitely get Oliver.''

Michael shook his head. ''What a waste of H serum, you can't even do a simple task. No matter we will have a much bigger force soon.''

''What do you mean by that?'' Maikoh asked apprehensively.

''Oh right you weren't there when we made the plans. Our blimps is on the way to Bajoon city as we speak. They will be the first settlement we will spread project Rebirth to. I wanted to wait to perfect the formula before starting the conversion, but as always Claire is an impatient woman.''

''You mean to tell me you're going to transform a whole settlement into freaks like me?! I'm going to kill you!'' She tried to jumped on him but as soon as she tried a burning sensation started around her neck and spreaded over her whole body making her scream in agony. She noticed that the man was pointing a remote at her and she growled savagely at him.

''Poor clueless child, did you really think you had any power here? In case you haven't caught on you are a slave to The Cult of The Great Ones. But I am feeling generous, once we convert every humans into better version of themselves you will be free to go.''

''You call this a better version of humans?!'' Maikoh yelled angrily.

''Oh of course not. The hybrids were an unfortunate side effect. Once I perfect the serum I created, humans will be able to use the power of the Elestia without any side effects. You and the others were just some unfortunate casualties for the betterment of humanity.''

''I'll kill you!'' Maikoh screamed in pure rage.

Michael looked at her writhing form with an unimpressed look. ''That's what they all say.''

- - - - -

The day for William had started like any others. He had waken up in the shitty excuse of a shack Bajoon had given him and walked around the wall looking for any wild Elestia that might come too close to the limits of the settlement.

It was a boring job most of the time. The only excitement in recent memories had been when the Bunterra mating season had begun and the Resistance had sent three Chosens to help him. He sometime missed Oliver, Clara and Xofamai. He hadn't known them for long at all but they were some of the only people that were somewhat pleasant to him.

Just as he was about to head back home for lunch he saw it. A gigantic blimp heading straight toward the city. What's worse is that he recognised the emblem painted on it, a eight headed Dragon. The symbol of the Cult of The Great Ones. He didn't know what that cult was planning but it couldn't be anything good.

He ran straight toward the gates and began to shout. ''Ring the alarm something is coming! Ring the alarm!''

An annoyed man peaked his head out of the wall. ''Shut up kid! If you're here to complain about some wild Rodair again I'll kick your ass.''

''There's a blimp heading straigth for the city!'' William yelled back frantically.

''Sure and I'm the King of Canidas.'' He replied sarcastically, before looking up at the sky and noticing it for himself. ''Holy shit you're right! Ring the alarm we have invaders!''

The sound of a bell rang throughout the city alerting everyone that something was very wrong. Meanwhile William retreived a glowing red gem from his pocket and yelled. ''Rose come out!'' His loyal Skurnace appeared in front of him with a determined cry. ''Rose throw a fireball at that blimp!''

The skunk-like Elestia made a sound of approval before throwing the biggest ball of fire she could manage out of her mouth. Unfortunately the fire disolved in mid-air before it could even reach it's target. ''Crap it's too far, Rose return! And Wulfric come out!''

The fire Elestia was recalled in her gem and was replaced with a leemur-like creature. ''Alright Wulfric try to throw ice spikes at that blimp!'' The Leemicy did as commanded and sent a dozens of frozen spikes toward it's target. This time the projectile managed to hit, but much to William's dissapointment it only managed to create small holes in the blimb that didn't seem to affect it that much.

However he noticed that leaking out of the holes was some sort of strange purple gas. ''What is that?'' He asked incrediously. Unbeknownst to him he would get a response much sooner than anticipated.

As soon as the blimp was close enough to the city it opened a large hatch under itself. Leaking out a large portion of the same purple gas that came out of it's holes. William recalled Wulfric and tried to run away as fast as he could but it was arleady too late. With only one breath of the purple smoke he felt like his entire body was on fire. His entire vision was beginning to get blurry until he felt his mind go dark as his body fell on the ground.

He had failed to destroy the blimp. He just hoped the residents of Bajoon had managed to escape in time...

- - - - -

It had taken a long time, she didn't know how much time had passed, a few days? A week? She couldn't be sure. But finally they were here at the limits of New Scitofi. In it's prime it was one of the biggest city in the world. Now thought, it was barely recognizable as any sort of civilisation.

The city had grown into a literal jungle of plants and twisted metal. The gigantic buildings were almost entirely covered by green folliage. And there were so many trees littered everywhere that sunlight was barely visible under the leaves. Throughout the entire city they could hear the sound of birds, rodents and even the cries of monkeys in the distance. Nature had completely overtaken what was once a pillar of civilization.

"Be careful, try to kill as few Elestia as possible. I know that's usually our goal but alerting the Dragon of our presence too soon could be a really bad idea. If our information is right, Gaia's nest should be in Median Park." Jasmine said with a grim expression.

"Yes Ma'am!" The Knights said in unison.

With that said the group of eight made their way inside the city, most of the Knights looked up into the leaves with wary expressions. Fully expecting that a wild Elestia could jump out and attack them at any moments.

The group was forced to stop after a few minutes of walking. Before them stood what looked like the remain of a warzone. The wrecks of camo trucks and tanks littered the streets. And further ahead a giant pile of metal of what used to be a building blocked the road.

"Crap, it look like we'll have to go around." Jasmine said with a an uneasy expression. She felt like at any moments something would jump at them and this detour wasn't helping with that feeling.

The Knights followed her lead and went to cross another road. Then as if to respond to her paranoia a shrill cry echoed in the city. After it ended there was an uncomfortable silence pervading throught the entire area. The sound of wild Elestia that only a moment ago rang throught the entire ruined city were now completely silent.

Then it began, a small tremor in the ground just under them. "Men, fall back!" Jasmine cried out in alarm.

The Knights followed her order just in time before a large creature popped out of the ground. It was a large bipedal lizard with brown scales, there was also moss and flowers growing out of it's body. It was about the size of a truck and it had large claws covered in dirt and rock pebbles.

"Is that Gaia? I expected it to be way bigger than this." Noelle said with a sense of confidence in her voice.

Jasmine frowned grimly and shook her head. "No... this is just a Earth Dragonling, but do not lower your guard. Even a Dragonling could bring our end on it's own if we're not careful."

As if to prove her point the Dragonling roared before summoning a slab of rock, which it hurled at the group with a slap of it's tail. Jasmine countered with a large stream of water that cutted the slab in two and fell harmlessly behind the group of Knights. The Dragonling growled angrily at the fact it's attack had been stopped so easily.

Meanwhile Jasmine lifted her helmet and took a large gulp out of her flask of water. "Ugh, this is why I don't like to fight in the heat, the sweat plus my attacks drain my water too quickly." She then turned to Noelle. ''Are you ready to assist me squire?''

The young woman eagerly nodded and ran up to Jasmine. ''Alright on my mark freeze my water.'' Having said that Jasmine took a pose and waved her arms in a circular motion to gather water not only from inside herself but also from the molecules in the air. Then when she judged she had enough she pushed the water with all her might toward the advancing Dragonling creating a huge wave of water in the middle of the streets. Then she waited patiently until the water reached her foe. ''Steady...Steady... Now freeze it!''

Noelle did as commanded and froze all the water Jasmine had created. The Dragonling only had the time to let out a sharp cry of surprised before it's whole body was frozen solid. Every Knights held their breath for a moment and then let out a sigh of relief once it seemed like the Dragonling wouldn't come out of it's icy prison.

Jasmine putted her hand on Noelle's shoulder with a smile hidden by her helmet. ''Good job my squire I wouldn't have been able to stop it so easily without you.''

The younger girl looked down nevously. ''Y-you're exagerating you're the one who did most of the work, any ice wielders could have done what I did.''

Jasmine shook her head. ''Are you kidding? Not anyone can freeze such a huge amout of water in such little time, give yourself more credit. Speaking of water I really need some right now, this attack maker me feel like I haven't drink anything in a week.''

''Right away ma'am.'' One of the men said retrieving a bottle of water from the backpack he had on him.

Jasmine lifted up her helmet and greedily drank the full bottle in a matter of seconds. ''Ahh, that hitted the spot. Oh sorry squire did you want some too?''

Noelle shook her head quickly in response. ''N-no I'm fine thanks.''

Jasmine shrugged and putted her helmet back on making it hum back to life as soon as it was attached to the rest of the armor. ''All right men! Now that this minor inconvenience is out of the way let's go kill a real Dragon!''

''The Dragons shall fall, so that humanity may rise!'' All of them yelled with high morales after the show of power their leader had just shown.

- - - - -

''I can't believe the General send us on a road trip together! It's been such a long time since we have been together darlings! Now that I think about it I think the last time was when we save those poor little kittens from the big bad Boreas, ironic that they would end up being the ones to kill kim in the end.''

The blonde man of the group, otherwise known as Dave Clementine sighed deeply at his companion rambling. ''Can't you take anything seriously Steven?! This is not a laughing matter, Bajoon just got attacked! We were sent to check if there's any survivors. So can you please stop acting like we're going on a night out?''

Steven Pierce huffed at that and dramatically lifted his nose in the air. ''You're always such a party pooper Dave, you should get that stick out of your bum and learn to live a little, don't you agree Satoshi?''

The youngest man of the group. Satoshi Dogwood, snapped out of his focus on the road ahead when he noticed he was being adressed. He gulped nervously when he noticed both of them was looking at him expectantly. ''D-don't involve me in this.''

Steven responded by smiling widely his perfect white teeth glinting in the sun. ''Oh come on, you must have an opinion on this do you not? Dave could learn a lot from your grandfather he's the most renowned scientist in the world and yet he take the time to give each Elestia a delightful and funny name.''

Dave shook his head in disgust. ''Delightful and funny? You mean groan inducing right? I can't believe he would call one of the most dangerous Elestia in Orchestralia a Scorbat, it doesn't even begin to describe the horror these things can unleash.''

''Oh yeah? And what would you call it?'' Steven challenged.

Dave shrugged in response. ''I dunno maybe something like Face Melter, I think it would give the message across.''

Steven scoffed at that. ''That's why I'm glad you're not the one naming the Elestia, you would make it sound like we live in a horror movie.''

Dave crossed his arms. ''Well in case you haven't notice we live in a post-apocalypse world! This might as well be a horror movie and these silly names does nothing but make these monsters seem a lot less threathening than they really are!''

Sterven stomped his foot on the ground in protest. ''Well this might be the end of the world but this doesn't mean we have to be constantly bleak about it! A world govern by you would be beyond depressing!''

Dave snarled in response. ''Oh yeah well-''

''Guys stop arguing, we're there!'' The voice of Satoshi interupted both of them.

Both men and turned around and realised he was right. The wall of Bajoon was standing right in front of them, but they instantly could tell something was horribly wrong. For one there was no guards standing on top of the wall which is something that usually never happened. Bajoon always make sure someone was keeping watch in case Elestia or humans would come attack their farms. And secondly it was too quiet for the middle of the day. The usual loud chatter of the marketplace was nowhere to be heard.

''Look at that, is that an Elestia?'' Satoshi asked with curiosity.

There on the floor was a bipedal creature with orange fur, black stripes and feline ears. Strangely it wore ragged clothing and was clutching a Draconid Gem in it's hand. Dave's face paled when he finally got the pieces together. ''No... This is a hybrid.''

The three men looked at each other understanding dawning on all of them. ''So that mean the attackers were the Cult of The Great Ones. I thought they were a bigger threat than we thought after what they did to Xofamai and that girl on his team. But to attack the biggest settlement in the country? I'm not sure even the Knights would be bold enought to do that.'' Satoshi said with a deep frown on his face.

''Satoshi stay with her and make sure she's alright, me and Steven will scout ahead and see what happened to the rest of Bajoon.'' Dave said in a no-nonsense tone and for once even Steven didn't want to argue with him.

Satoshi quickly looked over the newly transformed hybrid to see if anything was wrong with her. But as far as he could tell she was completely fine, well apart from her complete change of species that is.

Then without warning she started stirring in her sleep and then when she opened her eyes she started to panic. ''Whoa, whoa, calm down! I'm not here to hurt you, I'm from the Resistance!''

But that did not seem to calm her, if anything it seem like she wasn't even listening. She was too busy trashing about. Satoshi tried to restrain her as best as he could before she hurted herself. Then finally it seemed like she finally noticed the presence of Satoshi and she stopped trashing but her breaths were still erratic.

''That's it, calm down. You're not in danger anymore.'' Satoshi said in his most reassuring voice.

But her eyes were still wide and she shook her head and she managed to say a single phrase that sent dread into the young man's stomach before she fell back into unconsciousness. ''Vulcan is coming!''

- - - - -

The group of Knights had arrived in Median Park, if Jasmine thought the foliage was out of control before it was nothing compared to this place. Everywhere you could look was full of green the only other color they were able to see was the myriad of blooming flowers everywhere.

''Be as silent as possible we're inside Gaia's den now. If none of us come out of this alive I want to say it was an honor having all of you under my command.'' Jasmine said barely above a whisper.

They advanced as silently as their heavy armor could allow and they came into a clearing where three small Dragonling were sleeping. ''What do we do?'' Noelle asked with a nervous look in her eyes.

''We'll have to take them down silently. They look very young but I still don't want to take the risk of them joining the fight with Gaia.'' Jasmine said with a grim expression. Then she turned to two men. ''Barry, Lars are you two up for you infamous molten lava combo?''

The two of them saluted silently in confirmation. The first man known as Barry created a hole in the ground with a stomp of his foot and Lars immediatly started pouring a huge stream of fire into the hole. The three Dragonlings started waking up from all the noises but Barry did not looked worried, instead he slammed his foot on the ground and tored a hole under them. The young Dragonlings cry of agony could be heard as they fell in the hole and into the newly created stream of lava hidden underground. And then complete silence as their body disolved into the extreme heat.

''Good job you two, these monsters will never have the chance to be a threat to humanity.'' Jassmine said proudly. But her victory was short lived as a loud roar began to shake the earth.

Barry gulped at that. ''Was that-'' Before he could even finished his question the dirt underneath him exploded and a huge maw snapped up the man with a loud crunch.

Jasmine's eyes widened in horror. ''Barry no!''

Then the creature that had killed the man fully emerged from the ground. It shared a stricking resemblance to the Dragonling they had just face just much, much bigger. It had brown scales, moss and flowers were blooming upon it's back, it had massives claws covered in dirt, it's tails was spiked and looked like it could easily pierce anything, even their armor. But the most striking thing about it was what it was missing compared to most other Dragons. It had no wings.

Then much to their surprise the Dragon began talking in a booming voice. ''How dare you, you insignificant humans! I haven't attacked a single one of you since the end of our assault on this planet ten years ago. And yet you came here in my den and killed my children without any mercy. If you want death I would be more than happy to oblige, it's been a long time since I feasted on humans ether!''

''Your days are numbered Dragon! From this day foward humanity will not cower at your sight, we will take you down and take back the world that is ours!'' Jasmine cried defiantly hiding how scared she really was under her helmet.

''The Dragons shall fall, so that humanity may rise!'' All the Knight cried in equally defiant tones.

''How amusing, just because Boreas is dead you suddenly think you arleady won the war. Let me remind you why we Dragons were able to bring this whole world on it's knee in a matter of days.'' Gaia said before slamming her claws on the ground.

The earth around them began to shake violently. Fissures were opening left and right. Lars rose up in defiance. ''I'll make you pay for killing Barry!'' He said before charging at the beast.

''No wait!'' Jasmine cried but it was too late. Before he could even reach the Dragon another fissure opened in front of him and he fell isnide with a scream before Gaia closed down the fissure with another slam of her claw, crushing the man that had fallen inside in the process. In anger Jasmine gathered all the water from the plants surrounding her, killing them in the process and sent a torrent of water toward the Dragon.

Gaia looked unimpressed as the water splashed her entire body. ''Is that it? You expect to kill me with some water? I always thought the inteligence of humans was overblown but this is just sad.''

''Oh yeah? then what about this?!'' A man Jasmine knew as Zack said before unleashing a massive bolt of lightning at Gaia. The water helped to make the attack more effective but the Dragon still shook it off.

''A bit better, but let me show you a real attack.'' It replied before opening it's mouth wide and letting out hundred of vines. Zack cried out in shock as they grabbed him and then screamed again but this time in horror as the vines dragged him directly in the mouth of the Dragon. It's jaw clamped shut and the man known as Zack was no more.

''I'll kill you, you monster!'' Jasmine yelled in pure anger. She turned toward Noelle with a clenched fist. ''Are you ready squire?'' Immediatly undertanding what she meant the younger girl nodded.

Jasmine gathered all the water from the tress surrounding her making their leaves all turned to orange, red and black before they began to fall on the ground. Once she had gathered enough she sent a huge stream of water toward Gaia.

The Dragon did not looked threatened in the slightest. ''Have you not learned anything? Water is useless against me!''

Instead of listening to it she turned toward her loyal squire. ''Now do it!''

She followed her order and instantly froze all the water she could. Gaia cried out in shock as the ice began to form all around her and before she could even begin to struggle against it, she was completely frozen.

The remaining men all cheered at this. ''The Dragon is slain, it will never haunt this world ever again!'' The happy voice of a Knight known as Jason cried out.

But they had celebrated too quickly, because the earth began to shake once again and crack in the ice start appearing all over the frozen body of Gaia. And then with a final crack the ice sculpture broke letting the beast free from it's prison.

''You really thought you could get rid of me that easily?! You're never getting out of here alive filthy humans!'' Then without another word Gaia dug in the ground leaving everyone to wonder who the beast would target first.

Jasmine closed her eyes, they arleady lost three men she didn't want to lose a single one more. With a resoluted sigh she turned toward Noelle. ''Squire... Bring me my rum.''

The girl eyes widened in shock at the request. ''Y-you don't mean you're going to.''

''Yes we have no choice, I have no time to argue give it to me quickly.'' She said in an impatient tone. Noelle seemed hesitant but finally she gave in and gave her the bottle of rum.

Jasmine wasted no time chugging it down fighting the urge to spit it out as it assaulted her throat with what felt like fire. Then she chucked the bottle away and immediatly started to feel woozy but more than that she felt something changed within her.

But before she could think about that something moved underground just under the feet of Noelle. With horror Jasmine realized what was about to happen and before she could even think she tackled the younger girl just in time before a huge maw emerged from the ground.

Gaia growled once she realized she had missed her target, she opened her mouth wide and just like earlier sent out hundred of vines aiming at Noelle once again. But Jasmine putted herself in front of the younger woman, getting snatched in her place. ''Duchess Jasmine, no!'' Noelle screamed in horror.

But Jasmine was not worried instead she concentrated and gathered as much power as she could. Then just before she could enter the massive jaw of the beast she let out a massive stream of water. But this water was different. It was a putrid green color and as soon as it entered inside the mouth of Gaia it started screaming in agony.

''What is this?!'' The Dragon screamed furiously.

''I changed my water into acid, now eat this you filthy monster!'' She said before letting out a even bigger torrent of acidic water inside the mouth of the beast.

Gaia tried to cut the vines and let go of Jasmine but it was too late. Too much acid had entered inside it's belly and it was eating it from the inside. The giant beast began trashing on the ground creating a massive earthquake in the process everyone had to hang on, on something to not fall on the ground. Finally with a last scream the creature fell with a meaty thud and stayed motionless on the ground.

It stayed still for a few seconds, but then it started to glow brighter and brighter and just before it could blind everyone witnessing it, the corpse exploded. The Knight cried out in alarm as what seemed like rocks started raining from the sky. Jasmine received one on her helmet and was sent sprawling on the ground. The hit combined with the rum she had just drank made her feel really woozy.

Finally the chaos died down and everyone was left in silence too tired and disoriented to celebrate this time. Jasmine finally got a good look at what had hit her and was surprised at what she saw. ''A Draconid Gem? Those things come from Dragons?!''

In her mind that made the Ding Dong Resistance even more traitorous. Were the Dragons the one to supply them with the gems?! Then again if the Dragons were the one that had given them such gems why did they turned around and killed Boreas? She shook her head she would think on this when she wasn't so tired and drunk, for now she just wanted to take a quick nap...

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