《World of Elestia: Seasons of War》(Spring) Chapter 19: The Lord of Winter


Just as she had promised Sandy had no trouble getting rid of the wall of rocks blocking the exit outside of the metro. As soon as the wall was gone the group was hit by the frigide cold air of Ringabell City.

As they look at the frozen landscape nothing had changed from their last few visits. For some reason Oliver found it almost insulting. Here there were after the biggest tragedy that had hit their community and the world didn't even aknowledge it, as if it didn't matter.

He knew it didn't make sense, of course nothing would change the city had been dead for ten years. But at least the world could have the courtesy of looking at least a little bit gloomy on this day. Instead the sun was shining brightly and the white snow and the icy buildings made it seem even more bright as they casted their glows like really large mirrors.

''So umm, where are we going exactly?'' Clara asked suddenly.

Oliver looked up in the sky but saw nothing but an empty sky. ''I thought Boreas would still be roaming the city. But he's not here.''

Xofamai shook his head. ''He got a good meal yesterday so it's very probable he went back to sleep in his den. Dragons only wake up to eat once or twice per month. They're very lazy creatures, luckily for us.''

''Wait why are you saying it had a good meal? I didn't see him eat anything yesterday.'' Clara asked with a questioning glance.

Xofamai sighed. ''Dragons don't eat like normal living beings. They eat the life force of humans and Elestia. When it killed all those people yesterday it was a feast for him. He didn't need to swallow them he could easily absorb their energy as they died.''

Oliver clenched his teeth and felt his blood boil inside of him. ''That bastard! As if killing them was not enough he fed on them too! I'm going to enjoy killing that monster!''

''Calm yourself, if you rush into this in a rage you'll get yourself and all of us killed.'' Xofamai said in a warning tone.

Justin was the one to ask a question this time. ''So if the Dragon is asleep what do we do now?''

''We go close to it's den and wake it up. After that we'll try to make him follow us in a good place to fight him.'' Justin nodded in understanding but Oliver and Clara looked at him as if he was stupid.

''Why would we wake him up? Wouldn't it be much better to just kill him before he wake up?'' Oliver asked incrediously.

Xofamai sighed and shook his head. ''That would get you killed before you can even blink. Do you know where Dragonlings come from? I'll give you a hint they come from the Dragons themselves. If we go into Boreas den, we'll get assaulted by his children before we can even make it to him. Fortunately most Dragonlings that live with the Dragons are too young to leave the den so they won't follow us if we attract Boreas outside.''

Finally they stopped as they arrived in front of a big circular building that was once the pride and joy of Ringabel City. ''The Olympic Stadium? This is where Boreas den is?'' Clara asked in disbelief.

Xofamai nodded in confirmation.''Yep, but this place was important for another reason. This is where the third and final shelter you father built was. It was made to house Orchestralia highest ranking soldiers. Unfortunately Boreas made it his den. The soldiers were arleady frozen in pods. But that didn't protect them. There's a thin line between being cryogenically frozen and just plain normal freezing and that difference is life and death.''


After he was done talking he dug throught his pockets and retreived a flare gun. He looked at the group with a grim expression. ''Are you ready for this? Once I fire this there's no turning back.''

Oliver and Clara nodded their eyes were burning with a fire that wouldn't be so easily extinguish. Justin nodded his helmet hiding any emotion he might have shown. ''I'm ready man, let's kill that son of a bitch.'' He said with a modified voice created by the armor.

Xofamai raised the flare gun in the sky and pressed on the trigger. A ball of fire emerged and lit up brightly into the sky before falling down inside of the stadium. Before they could even begin to question if it had worked a loud roar shook up the earth. He turned toward the group and in his usual voice said. ''Run.''

They didn't need to be told twice, even in his heavy bulky armor Justin was more than able to keep up with the group. In fact he looked even less tired than them after a few minutes of running. Finally they stopped running as they entered inside the large central square of the city.

The Dragon came toward them with rage in his eyes. ''Bolt come out! Sandy get ready!'' Sandy took a defensive position in front of Oliver but as soon as Bolt saw the large Dragon he hid behind Oliver with a large frightened squeak. ''You can do it Bolt don't be afraid! We've been training for this day for months!''

Clara took a fight stance ready to dish out her full power at the oncoming beast. Meanwhile Xofamai took a blue Draconid Gem in his hand ''Aqua come out!'' Xofamai called out. The fox-like slime appeared in front of him with an agressive stance. Xofamai also dropped his coat on the ground and unsheat his sword which started glowing with black energy soon after.

For his part Justin was just getting ready for the fight. His armor was humming with raw power and he was more than ready to get revenge for everyone.

Boreas stopped in mid-air and looked down at the gathered group with a calculating gaze. ''Is that all? You have some guts humans to wake me up from my slumber in so few numbers.'' He said in a deep rumbling voice.

''It can talk?!'' Oliver exclaimed with wide eyes.

The Dragon glared at Oliver and snorted in disdain. ''You should feel honored that I lower myself to talk the tongue of lower life forms like you. Most Dragons wouldn't bother talking to humans but I have come to somewhat respect how many times people of this city managed to escape my grasp.''

''You killed dozens of people yesterday and for that you will pay!'' Oliver yelled at him.

In response Boreas chuckled. ''Is that why you came to me like a bunch of fools? I could have killed these people hiding underground like rats a long time ago. But I wanted to wait a little longer for your kind to breed so I could have a feast with my children, but oh well now that I have provoked all of you I suppose I will have to nip this little problem in the buds early before it become too bothersome.''

''Don't talk of us as if we're just an incovenience! We're going to kill you right here right now!'' Oliver screamed at him his eyes glaring sharply at the gargantuan beast.

The Dragons voice boomed with a full hearty laugh at the declaration. ''What you? Kill me with your little ragtag team? I destroyed this entire country by myself. Thousands of humans have thrown themself at me trying to stop my rampage, but in the end they all died and I had the greatest feast of my life. It's not little ants like you that could bring me any harms.''


Oliver was about to reply but a horde of smaller creatures interupted them and his face paled in horror when he realised what they were: Dragonlings.

Clara turned toward Xofamai with an accusatory glare. ''You told us his children were too young to fight!''

Xofamai winced and looked apologetic. ''All the intels I could gather said they were, but it look like they might have been outdated.''

Justin glanced between Clara and Xofamai with growing concern. ''So what are we doing now?'' He asked.

''Oliver, Clara do you think you can keep Boreas attention on you? Don't fight him directly just keep him occupied for a while. Meanwhile me and Justin will fight off Boreas childrens. Once we're done we're going to regroup and take down Boreas together.''

Oliver gulped but bravely nodded, Clara did the same. Xofamai turned toward Justin and raised an open hand in his direction. ''You're with me?'' he asked.

Justin hesitantly nodded before taking Xofamai's hand and shaking it. ''Let's make this fucker pay.''

Then almost at the same time the group of four dove into action. ''Sandy! Bolt! Attack Boreas right now make him focus on us!'' Sandy followed orders without hesitation and threw a rock at Boreas that proceeded to land right in his face.

Clara then followed by launching a coin in the air and blasting it with her power. it only made a dent in the scales of the Dragon but it was enough to anger him and let him focus on the group. As soon as they saw this Oliver recalled his two Elestia and they ran away with the Dragon following them closely behind.

Meanwhile Xofamai and Justin were still surrounded by the horde of ice Dragonlings. ''Aqua! Use Tidal Wave at the enemies!'' The Kitsubi took a fighting stance and opened her mouth wide before summoning a large wall of water that managed to hit three of the dragonlings. Their body were so cold that as soon as the water made contact it instantly froze leaving their movements hindered by the huge chunk of ice that had formed on them.

Justin took this opportunity to attack, his armor lit up with raw energy and his visor glowed with an intense green light. Then it was followed by a massive gust of wind that went directly toward the group of frozen Dragonlings. The wind acted like hundred of blades that cutted them to pieces.

The three Dragonlings screamed in agony before their body was engulfed into a pale blue light. Then they exploded Xofamai and Justin instantly backed away as Draconid Gems emerged from the explosions and destroyed everything in their path leaving craters everywhere in the streets and in the frozen buildings. Both of them sighed in relief once it calmed down and the three Dragonlings were gone.

But their relief was short lived as the other Dragonlings reminded them of their presence by angrily roaring at them at the loss of their siblings. ''Ready for another round?'' Justin asked with a grin behind his helmet.

Xofamai sighed. ''Ready as I'll ever be.'' He replied.

- - - - -

Oliver didn't dare look behind himself as he sprinted throught the frozen streets of Ringabell City. The only reason he knew Boreas was still following them was because of the constant crashing noises as the Dragon slammed into building and tossed away cars that were in his way.

''This was a bad idea! The worst idea of all time! I'm going to kill Xofamai after this!'' He yelled over the wind.

Instead of responding Clara was busy looking all around in search of something finally her eyes landed on top of a building with a large mountain of snow sitting at the top. With a smirk she took Oliver's hand and dragged him toward it.

''What are you doing?!'' Oliver asked in alarm.

''Just trust me, alright?'' Clara simply said.

Then without any warning she stopped running and just turned back to look at the massive oncoming beast that was aproaching thejm with his maw wide open. ''Clara we're going to get killed, let's run!'' Oliver yelled.

But Clara did not moved an inch the Dragon was still coming closer, twenty meters... Fifteen meters... Ten metters... Now! She lifted her right hand in the sky and it began to glow brightly so much so that Oliver had to cover his eyes. Boreas was almost on them now, the beast could almost taste them. But just before he could reach the two teens a large mountain of snow fell on him. He roared in surprise as he was burried alive under the heavy white mass.

Oliver realised he had stopped breathing and finally took a large breath of fresh air before turning to Clara with both amazement and annoyance. ''You could have told me that was your plan! I almost peed in my pants!''

Clara looked sheepish for a second. ''Sorry I didn't really have time to explain.'' Their conversation was interupted as the snow slowly started to stirred. ''Let's get out of here before he get out.''

Oliver nodded in agreement and both of them started running. Once they were far away the pile of snow exploded and a really pissed off Dragon emerged with murder in his eyes. He looked around and tried to find the two teens but found only empty streets he screamed in rage before flying into the sky in search for his prey.

- - - - -

Another Dragonling exploded as Xofamai cutted his head off with his black sword. They had killed around half of them but he was arleady getting tired. They had to wrap this up quickly otherwise they wouldn't have enough energy left for the real threat.

Justin blasted away two Dragonlings away with his wind as they tried to get the jump on him. ''Look man, I don't mean to offend you or anything. But I heard the Death Nature was way more powerful than what you have shown thus far and you're a legendary Ranger among the Resistance. So if you have a trick up your sleeve this might be the time to use it.''

''To use my power at it's full potential I have to disturb the rest of the dead. This is something i do not like to do... But I guess I know a few people who would like to help us this time. I just hope I won't regret this, give me some time, alright?''

Justin nodded before producing a blast of air that sent a few of the aproaching Dragonling slam into a wall. Meanwhile Xofamai closed his eyes in concentration a black cloak of darkness came into existence around him and two extra tails formed behind him. He putted both of his hands together similar to a prayer and when he started talking his voice had took an ethereal tone.

''Laurette, Collin, Martin, Ruby, Maurice, Diane, Joseph, Tony, Lucah. Fallen people of the Ding Dong Community come to my aid in my time of need and curse these creatures of evil. Protect your community one last time before your next life begin!''

Black clouds began to gather in the sky and a ominous wind began to blow around them the wind carried whispers of people with it, they began to chant mournfully. The words themselves were incomprehensible to Justin who gulped nervously as he saw all this happening. The Dragonlings didn't seemed deterred by this new development and instead flew straight toward the two men with killing intent.

But they were never able to reach them. Without any warning they all fell on the ground with loud thuds. Justin noticed that their skin looked even paler than before and they laid completely motionless. Then his eyes widened in shock as his he noticed what had really happened. The Dragonlings had turned to stone. Their body forever frozen in their last moment.

Justin felt his hair stand on ends as he turned toward Xofamai who looked out of breath after using his power. ''Remind me to never piss you off, that was some freaky shit.''

A loud roared pierced the silence and both men saw Boreas rise into the sky as he frantically looked for something on the ground. ''Look like the kids managed to piss it off, let's go before they get in real trouble.'' Xofamai said, Justin nodded in aknowledgement and both of them ran.

- - - - -

''Clara where are we going? Shouldn't we go where Xofamai and Justin were fighting the Dragonlings?'' Oliver asked with a frown.

In response she shook her head. ''No Xofamai said to me if we ever get lost in Ringabell City to reunite with him where the hospital used to be.''

At that Oliver narrowed his eyes. ''Why did he never told me this?''

Clara chuckled. ''Probably because he knew you would forget it in the heat of action.''

He snorted at that. ''No I wouldn't.''

''If you say so.'' She replied with a knowing smirk. Finally the two of them arrived to where the hospital was. All that remained of it was a giant pile of frozen shards on the ground.

Oliver looked around and saw no one waiting for them. ''Are you sure he really said that because I don't see them anywhere.'' As if to prove him wrong at that moment they heard two pairs of footsteps approaching them and saw the two men in question rounding the corner.

''You dealt with the Dragonlings?'' Clara asked.

Justin answered her with a thumbs up. Xofamai looked in the sky and saw that the Dragon was still circling in the sky aimlessly. ''Look like Boreas hasn't noticed us yet. Let's find a fitting battlefiled before gaining his attention.''

The group nodded in agreement. It took them a while to find a good spot to fight. Boreas was starting to lose patience and was now staring to take his anger unto the city. He first smashed a small bank to pieces and then he began to throw cars around. Unknowing to him the group of four was silently watching him from behind a wall.

Oliver eyes weren't focused on the Dragon however. He was entirely focuse on a lone frozen figure in the middle of the street. Even after all this time he felt a pain in his chest everytime he saw the frozen figure of his father. Then his focus was snapped as the unthinkable happened. Boreas in his anger slammed into the street destroying a row of cars and also the frozen figure of Franklin Wilden.

Oliver didn't even noticed his body moving, he instantly started to run toward the Dragon with a war cry. The rest of the group were too slow to stop him. Boreas head immediatly snap toward the sound of screaming and his eyes gleamed dangerously as he saw his prey coming to him. ''I'll kill you!'' Oliver screamed before taking a brown gem and calling out his loyal friend. ''Sandy come out!''

As she emerged from her pocket world the Flodeera immediatly noticed something was wrong with her Chosen. She left a powerful wave of life energy coming from him it wasn't quite enough to make her Boost but it made her feel a lot more powerful than she ever did before. ''Sandy kill Boreas, make him suffer like the scum he is!'' Oliver said in a low dark tone.

Sandy wanted to help her Chosen and stopped him from being angry. But she realised this was not the time to do it. If she didn't fight her master would get killed by the giant looming beast, she would have to help him after the battle was done.

''Oliver what are you doing?! You're going to get killed!'' Clara yelled at him as she arrived along with Xofamai and Justin.

''It wasn't enough that he killed my father he had to desecrate his remains too! I'm going to kill him by myself if I have to, but he's going to die! Sandy kill him, now!''

The Elestia did as ordered and slammed her hoof on the ground without warning hundred of vines shot up from the ground and restrained the large Dragon so tightly that any other creature would have all it's bones crushed. Then she slammed her other hoof and a large tree sprouted from the ground in front of Boreas.

Then Sandy lift her hand and flicked her fingers toward Boreas. The leaves on the tree started to glow before they detached themselves from the branches and hurled themselves toward the restrained beast. Boreas roared in anger and pain as hundred of leaves cutted into his scales without mercy.

He began to trash around and one after another the vines started to snap around him. ''Oliver watch out!'' Clara tried to warn but she was too late. Boreas set himself free from the vines and immediatly exact revenge upon his attacker. He opened his mouth wide and summoned dozens of ice spikes that proceeded to fly into the direction of Sandy and Oliver.

The Elestia tried to block the attack by raising a stone wall in front of herself and her Chosen but the Dragon's power was too enormous and it easily destroyed her defense. Sandy received two spikes that pierced her arm and her leg. Oliver on the other hand received one in his stomach. Both of them cried out in pain before falling on the ground motionless.

''Oliver no!'' Clara yelled in despair. But her sadness quickly turned to rage and she turned toward the Dragon with an angry twitch in her eye. ''You're going to die!'' Her hand glowed with ethereal power. Without warning a frozen fast food restaurant exploded and the shards of ice it created were blasted toward Boreas.

The Dragon yelled out in surprise as the shards dug into his scale and sent him crashed into another building. The blue energy in her hand vanished and suddenly she felt her vision start to blur. Then before she knew it she fell on the ground unconscious.

''Crap this is not good she used too much power.'' Xofamai sai with a frown, then he turned toward his own Elestia. ''Aqua go see if you can help Oliver, quickly. I'm going to return Sandy inside her gem.''

The water Elestia nodded. ''Understood.'' Then she ran toward the unconscious boy. Xofamai took the brown gem from his pocket and returned the Flodeera in her gem. A large bang interupted him and he only had time to look in shock before he was slammed by a large oncoming car. Xofamai was sent crashing into the window of a small clothing store before falling unconscious too.

Justin looked around himself and noticed that everyone was out of the fight and the Dragon was standing above them with clear venom in his eyes. ''It's been a long time since any creatures took me this far. But it's over humans, you lost ten years ago and you lost again. The Dragons will forever rule over your pathetic species.'' Having said his closing statement Boreas looked at his fallen foe with hungry eyes before opening his mouth wide. He inhaled deeply prepared to unleash his freezing power unto the fallen humans but before he could release his attack he was assaulted by a blast of air that sent him reeling.

''It's not over yet! We've suffered too much to let you get away with it! This is the day humanity bring justice to the Dragons!'' Justin yelled while his armor hummed with raw power.

''Insolent insect! You should have ran while you had the chance. Now you will die like the rest of them!'' Boreas growled angrily.

Justin grined behind his helmet. ''Bring it on you overgrown Groundean new year decoration!''

Boreas roared angrily before unleashing a torrent of ice toward the armored man. Justin quickly sent a gust of wind toward the oncoming attack. He could feel himself sliding on the ground with the recoil from the attack.

As soon as the Dragon's icy breath died down, Justin began to move. He ran under the belly of the beast and unleashed a blade of wind under him that cutted deep. Boreas responded by trying to crush him under his body, Justin was prepared for this and unleased a large blast of air that sent himself flying in the air just long enough to get out of the way.

Boreas quickly tried to lift himself from the ground but began to panic once he noticed that his weight had created a hole in the ground and now he was stuck. Justin saw it as his chance, but he also realised what it would cost to do it. He looked at the fallen from of Oliver and Clara and smiled with a bittersweet expression.

Then his entire armor lit up so much so that anyone that would see him right now would think that a small green star had been born in the middle of the streets. Then a large gust of wind rose all around them, the snow swirled around as if a huge tornado had just materialized in the middle of the street. It was as if the entire world had awaken and was now helping Justin. Then the wind merged and attacked the beast stuck in the ground.

''What is this?! What are you doing?! There no way a human could be this powerful, this is blasphemy!'' Boreas yelled in disbelief.

Justin only grinned in response. ''It's over Boreas, I'll be waiting for you in hell you piece of shit.'' The wind hit the Dragon so hard that the entire ground beneath him gave in and produced a large crater. Boreas last scream was drown out in the wind and he was silenced. His lifeless body was all that remained of him once the wind had died down...

- - - - -

The first thing he felt was pain in his stomach but it wasn't as bad as he throught it should be. Then he noticed that he felt wet and very, very cold. As he opened his eyes he noticed that Aqua was above him. She had put water where his wound was and the water was glowing blue. ''W-what is this?'' He asked in confusion.

Aqua looked at him before replying to him in a refined voice. ''Some Water Elestia have the power of healing other beings. It's not that useful to heal other Elestia owned by a Chosen since they can simply be putted inside a gem. But it can be very useful for wild Elestia or for humans in this case. Unfortunatly I don't have enough water in me to completely heal you, so be careful or you'll reopen your wound.''

Oliver nodded before slowly lifting himself from the ground. He noticed that Clara was laying on the ground. ''Clara are you alright?!'' He asked with a worried frown.

Clara groaned before opening her eyes. ''I feel like I haven't slept for a week.'' She replied groggily.

A cough interupted their conversation, turning their heads they saw Justin in his armor laying on the ground. ''Justin are you alright?!'' Clara asked with a frown.

''I would like to say yes, but I'm not a liar.'' He replied in a raspy voice.

Instantly the two teens ran to him much to the chagrin of Aqua who reminded Oliver to not move too much around. Once they were close enough they noticed that the light in his visor was flashing on and off slowly.

Clara went to remove his helmet but Justin stopped her. ''Believe me you don't want to see me right now.''

She shook her head and removed his helmet anyway. She almost drop it to the ground when she noticed his face. He had so much wrinkles that he was barely recognizable and his face had turned almost completely gray. ''W-what hapened?''

Justin smiled but it was interrupted by a loud series of coughs. ''I... I killed Boreas, The fucker was really hard to bring down. I used all the life force I had left to deliver the final hit.''

Oliver and Clara looked at the lifeless corpse of the Dragons in awe but then their expression turned to concern once Justin coughed even more violently than before.

''You shouldn't have done this we would have found another way!'' Oliver said, guilt clear on his face.

Justin shook his head. ''Let's admit it, we weren't anywhere close to prepared to face a Dragon.'' Their guilt became even more clear as they realised he was right. ''Don't feel bad, I was a fool just as much as you two. Just like you I always wanted to save this world. I wanted something better for me and my family. That's why I joined the Knights I thought they would help me save the world.''

He chuckled before letting out another few coughs. ''What a fool I was, I didn't realise how bad they were until it was too late. I did things I'm not too proud of while in this organisation... But I think the thing that broke the camel back for me was when our Queen killed a poor defenseless girl from the orphanage. Just because she had an Elestia as a pet. She tried to claim she was a traitor to humanity like CGO, but I know traitors and she wasn't one. And then as if that wasn't enough she went and burned down the whole village after they protested her death.''

Unseen to both Justin and Clara, Oliver flinched and began to shake slightly at the retelling of his story. ''That's horrible.'' Clara said with a disturbed frown and Justin nodded in agreement.

Justin then winced. ''I-I'm sorry but I think my time has come I can't feel the rest of my body anymore.''

''I'm sorry we weren't strong enough and you had to sacrifice yourself.'' Oliver said with deep regret in his voice.

Justin shook his head. ''Like I said I always wanted to save the world. I can smile knowing that i did what the Knights promised to do all those years ago when they started out. We swore an oath to kill the Dragons. But that oath was a lie, they prefer to gain control over Orchestralia with their 'protection' rather than risk fighting the real threat. For once in my life I can be proud to wear this armor. If you see another Knight in the future tell them that Justin the traitor died with his pride intact.'' He said with a chuckle.

Clara has tears in her eyes and the fur around her cheeks was becoming damp. ''I will tell them, I promise.''

Justin smiled but then with great effort he lifted his arm and took something from around his neck. It was a necklace with half of a heart. On it, it was written 'Jo'. ''If you ever see my sister Jasmin, give this to her. And tell her I still believe I did the right thing.'' Justin said before giving the necklace to Oliver who carefully took it in his hands.

Then Justin fell silent and before their very eyes the man they had just talked to started to dissolved into dust until there was nothing left of him but particles floating in the air. Clara started to break down and sob at the tragic loss they had just witness. Oliver only closed his eyes and solemnly made his farewell to a man who he wished he could have known better.

''...Humans... Humans!... HUMANS!'' A loud crashing noise followed as a large beast they all thought dead slowly rose from the ground. ''How dare you wound me, you insignificant ants! I will show you why we're the Gods of the Elestia!''

Without warning a large cloud covered the entire city of Ringabell and a snowstorm began to emerged all around them. Pretty soon they could see almost nothing but the Dragon in front of them as fog sprang up all around them. Oliver should have been scared at the display of power but instead he only felt a boiling anger in his stomach.

''How dare you still be alive after Justin sacrificed himself, you monster!'' Oliver took a yellow Draconid Gem from his pocket and yelled. ''Bolt come out!'' The Shockrirrel emerged from his gem and immediatly squeaked in horror as he saw the large looming Dragon in the distance. Bolt ran away and hid behind Oliver's leg.

''Don't be scared Bolt we got this, I believe in you, so believe in me alright?'' The small squirrel-like creature was shaking but seeing the trust in the eyes of his Chosen he gulped and nodded bravely.

As soon as he got confirmation Oliver and Bolt's body were engulfed into a bright yellow light. Once it died down the Boosting had been done and a much larger and bipedal Bolt was standing there. But Oliver wasn't down with just that, his body started to glow once again.

Clara eyes widened once she saw this. ''Oliver what are you doing?! You can't Boost your Elestia twice!''

Bolt was engulfed by another light and pretty soon another new being stood in his place. He hadn't become taller but he was still bipedal and he had become much fatter than he used to be. His size would probably put a sumo wrestler to shame. Why would an evolution sacrifice the great speed that was known to Lighting type? The response became pretty clear once his two metalic arms started to transformed into two large weapons with multiple holes.

Clara looked at them in shock. ''Are those Miniguns?!''

Oliver smiled at his newly transformed Elestia. ''Bolt make him pay!'' The now much larger Elestia squeaked in a much deeper voice. Then he unleashed his attack unto Boreas who after his fight against Justin was too beat up to escape the oncoming onslaught of electric bullets.

''This is for the Ding Dong Community!'' Oliver said with a savage grin.

Despite his carelessness Clara decided to help. She sent out a massive wave of blue energy toward Boreas that exploded on contact. ''This is for Justin Jones!'' She yelled angrily.

Another wave of electric bullets were sent at the Dragon who roared in pain.''This is for my father!'' Oliver yelled over the wind.

Then the arms of Bolt transformed once again this time they turned into two large cannons. At the same time Clara took a fistfull of nickels and quarters and threw them in the air. Two large beams of electricity emerged from the cannons and Clara managed to blast every coins in the air at the same time. The two attacks collided on the Dragon at the same time. ''And this is for everyone else you killed in the last ten years you monster!'' Oliver and Clara both yelled at the same time. Boreas let out a last scream before his body was enveloped by a pale blue light and exploded.

Hundred of pale blue Draconid Gems shot out of where Boreas used to be. Oliver and Clara had to take cover as the gems created craters everywhere they impacted. Finally the light died down and where Boreas used to be was a massive Draconid Gem about twenty time the size of a normal one.

''I-It's over.'' Oliver said in disbelief, Clara could only nod in response. Bolt was then enveloped into a yellow light and returned back to his original form. Oliver was about to congratulate the small squirrel on his victory. But before he could he felt a spike of pain in his stomach, he felt like he hadn't slept at all for days and his vision started to blur before he fell on the ground, the last thing he heard was Clara yelling his name...

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