《Wielder》Soothsayer 5
Fynn looked up startled at the abrupt change in topic. He sniffed and wiped his eyes, a little embarrassed to have had the soothsayer console him.
‘Wielders? Umm only what you taught us in the evening lessons.’
‘Well that’s a start at least,’ Sentor said moving back to his side of the fire. ‘Now what I’m about to tell you will probably come as a bit of a shock, but you’ll have to find out some time and frankly the sooner the better,’ he paused gathering his words. ‘Fynn, you have the talent.’
Fynn stared for a moment then gasped. ‘Wha.., what?’
‘It became necessary to test you while you were unconscious and once confirmed, your chi was successfully triggered. It is unlikely you could have pulled through otherwise. Now, I know it is a lot to take in, but it does mean that things are going to change for you, not only, as you have just alluded to, physically and mentally, but also to every aspect of your life. You are now one of a very exclusive and privileged segment of the Heavenly Empire’s populace and while this will open up a host of opportunities it will also bring with it great trials and responsibility.’
Fynn was left speechless. He could hardly believe what he was hearing. Emotions flooded over him, elation tempered with caution in case it was some kind of sick joke. Fear also played a part in his feelings as he wondered exactly what this, if true, meant for his future. After the initial shock, his mind began to whir and he began to rapidly recall everything he had learned about wielders.
‘But, but Han, how is it possible? I thought you said you needed a pathfinder to get tested and that it would cost…,’ he floundered a bit. ‘I don’t know, more than what anyone in Tenbi waypoint has. What about the backlash you spoke of?’
Sentor sighed ruefully. ‘I had hoped you wouldn’t think to ask that just yet but perhaps it’s for the best you know everything now. First things first,’ he said his voice turning grave. ‘Can you keep a secret Fynn?’
Fynn nodded his heart in his mouth. He got the impression from the soothsayer’s expression that this was not something to take lightly.
‘I can Han. I promise.’
After a moment Sentor nodded satisfied. ‘Then the first thing you need to know is that I am a wielder and for reasons of my own I would rather that stays between the two of us,’ he let that sink in before continuing. ‘It follows that it was also I that conducted your testing and the successful ignition of your chi as this was the only way I could see to save your life. The chi, even at an untrained level, activates every preservation mechanism in the body, increasing vitality and healing ability. Now as to the second point you raised, the reason I was relatively assured that you would have the talent is because your father is also a wielder and as you know this greatly increases the odds that….’
‘My father is a wielder?’ Fynn burst out in disbelief.
The soothsayer nodded in affirmation. ‘Though perhaps it would be more accurate to say that he used to be a wielder. If you recall from my lessons, I mentioned that there are certain risks involved when wielding chi, which is an extremely potent energy. Backlash can cause physical harm, mental impairment or both. In your father’s case he appears to have suffered a mental backlash, how exactly that happened is anybody’s guess, but it would explain his current condition.’
‘But how did you know he was a wielder?’ Fynn asked faintly.
Sentor briefly narrated the circumstances that had led him to visit Fynn’s home and the resulting meeting with his father, prudently leaving out certain bits.
‘It was only for a fleeting moment but I was able to detect it when he grabbed my shoulder and begged me to save your life. Experienced wielders are able to control and regulate the flow of their chi making it impossible for others to detect merely by touch, however, your father, at that moment when his anguish and concern for you caused his chi to flair in response, was not able to fully maintain his control. Only someone that has successfully had their chi triggered would have that type of energy in their body. And only someone who has trained diligently and with great dedication for many years would have the concentration and potency of chi that he has which far outstrips regular levels found in most people with the talent. Though it is only speculation, it is probable that your father was once a very powerful wielder indeed. With his mental impairment, I am absolutely amazed that he been able to prevent the chi from destroying himself from within, it must take everything he has left to keep it in check.’
The soothsayer stopped and looked with concern at Fyn, who despite his best efforts had begun to cry again. To hear that his father had probably been a powerful wielder was absolutely nothing when compared to hearing that he clearly cared deeply for him.
‘Are you all right? Perhaps it was all too much to spring on you so soon?’
Fynn shook his head as he wiped his runny nose with his sleeve. ‘No it okay. It’s just I never knew that he..that he…,’ unable to finish his sentence he dissolved sobbing again.
‘No, of course you couldn’t have known that he was a wielder lad. You would have had to train for many years to detect..’
‘That he cared for me so much,’ Fynn finally finished.
This soothsayer fell awkwardly silent at this.
Fynn had never heard his father speak nor seen him do anything of his own accord other than sleep and eat, everything else he had to be reminded and in most cases walked through. It drove Fynn’s mother to despair. When he was younger he had sometimes believed that he saw some indications of interest and affection from his father and had on many evenings even sat on his lap desperately seeking those few signs. Only after his mother had snapped at him to grow up and stop acting like a girl, did he reluctantly accept that it had probably all been in his mind. In recent years a deep sadness and resentment towards his father had begun to build up in him.
However, he now had reason to once again believe that perhaps those few glimpses and little moments they had shared had been true after all, and it made all the difference in the world to him.
Finally, he smiled at the uncomfortable and awkward looking soothsayer. ‘Han, thanks for saving my life. I don’t know why you did it and I don’t know how I will be able to repay you, but I promise I will, whatever it takes.’
‘Now now, don’t be so sentimental,’ the soothsayer said gruffly, clearly perturbed by Fynn’s earnestness. ‘It was the least I could do for a fellow wielder down on his luck. Now I know you have much to think on, so let’s turn in for the night. We can talk about your options and a course of action tomorrow morning.’
Back in his makeshift bed in the back of the soothsayer’s wagon; Fynn began processing everything he had learned. His extraordinary healing now made sense and he now also understood why the soothsayer had brought him back to his camp, no doubt it would have been hard to explain certain things to Tenbi waypoint's inhabitants. Above all, his thoughts turned to his father and he couldn’t stop smiling to himself. Father was a wielder! He also wondered at the circumstances that had led his parents to live in Tenbi waypoint. Everything the soothsayer had told him about wielders had led him to believe they were typically nobles or such like. But ultimately that mattered little to him at the moment, all that did was that somehow his father had mustered the will to ask the soothsayer to save his life. And it was with this happy thought that he finally fell asleep.
The following morning he awoke bright and early, a spring in his step. He had already brewed the tea by the time Sentor joined him.
‘Morning,’ the soothsayer said with an appraising look from the corner of his eye. ‘This is a first, it would seem my patient is fully recovered.’
‘Morning,’ Fynn responded, blushing slightly at the soothsayers playfully mocking tone. He proffered a cup of tea, which the soothsayer accepted. ‘Han, can I go see my parents today?’
‘Yes, of course you can Fynn,’ Sentor responded as he sipped his tea. ‘You do seem much better and it will do you good to stretch your legs and build up some stamina. Still, perhaps it would be wise to have Anya walk with you in case you need some help.’
‘Thanks I’ll do that. Ummm…. Han, are you planning on leaving soon, now that I’m better?’ he asked hesitantly.
‘Indeed, I will be leaving early tomorrow morning. I didn’t want to go before first talking to you about your plans. I suppose you understand that staying here in Tenbi waypoint is no longer an option for you Fynn?’
He had indeed wondered about this and once again began to feel anxious as he recalled Sentor talking about the options for non-noble children found to have the talent. They would essentially auction themselves off to the noble family with the best offer.
‘What do you think I should do Han?’
‘Well lad, you probably remember what I said in the lessons, however, your case isn’t quite so simple.’
‘Because of my father?’ Fynn asked quietly.
The soothsayer’s brow raised in surprise. ‘Well deduced, you are a smart one. That is exactly right. It is no coincidence that a former wielder is in a place like this and making any hasty decisions could lead to unknown consequences.’
‘Unknown consequences?’ Fynn said alarmed
Sentor coughed. ‘Er, isn’t that what you had also concluded?’
‘No… well I’m not sure. I just thought that since my father was a wielder I could find out who taught him and learn from them too.’
The soothsayer sighed. ‘Of course it would have been impossible for you to figure everything out. Fynn has your mother ever told you anything about their past, I mean before they came to Tenbi waypoint?’
‘No. Nothing.’ Fynn said in shock, trying desperately to understand what the soothsayer was getting at.
‘Do you know your real family name?’
‘Um yes, it is Brayer.’ Fynn said uncertainly.
Brayer was a very common peasant name and folklore had it that it originated from serf families that were referred to as that by the nobles on whose land they toiled. In other words, the serfs were seen as donkeys that did the hard, manual, backbreaking work, hence the word Brayers.
Sentor snorted. ‘Yeah, and my real name is Sentor. Listen Fynn, my bet is that your real family name is a dangerous one. One that should we learn, would probably put you and your parents in real danger.’
‘What are you trying to say Han?’ Fynn gasped.
‘Fynn, you are not stupid so I don’t want to hide anything from you. You will likely need to be armed with as much knowledge as possible to ensure you do not misstep. Though it is all conjecture at this point, there is no other plausible explanation that I can think of for these circumstances. An ex wielder displaying symptoms of a mental backlash whose origins are a mystery, living an inconspicuous life in, sorry to say this so harshly, the most obscure settlement in the most unproductive lands of a minor and unimportant Lord in what is also widely recognized as the most insignificant Kingdom of the Heavenly Empire. It can only be that your small family are either in hiding or have been hidden away.’
‘But…. but from who Han?’
The soothsayer tossed the dregs of his cup of tea into a nearby bush. ‘No idea. What is important for the moment is ensuring you don’t put yourself or your family in any danger by making any hasty decisions before you know more.’
‘I understand Han. I think. I will try and find out more from my mother today.’
‘Good luck with that,’ Sentor said in a tone, that to Fynn sounded suspiciously cynical. ‘I will be finishing up all my business here in Tenbi waypoint today and this evening will be organizing myself and packing everything to leave at sunrise tomorrow.’
‘Okay Han, well everything that I own is already here, so I will be ready too.’
There was a silence as they both digested what he just said. With everything that they had talked about, Fynn had blurted out what he had unconsciously been thinking. He had known deep down that his father would not be able to help him further and had already resigned himself to leaving, so it made complete sense to go with the man that had saved his life and awoken the talent in him.
‘Umm, if that’s okay with you Han.’
The soothsayer nodded. ‘I think that would be for the best. I intend on heading east to Norfelk, the Local Lord’s seat to attend some personal business and stock up on supplies. Earlier this week I discreetly questioned the waypoint’s chief clerk on what he knew about your family before they arrived here, and though he claimed to know little, I was at least able to obtain some clues that lead me to believe we may find out more in Norfelk.’
Everything was becoming horribly real and scary to Fynn but the soothsayer's cautious approach and logical plan of action helped calm him down.
‘There is a very small chance that somebody here in Tenbi waypoint is watching your family Fynn, so we will have to move carefully. I will make it known today that I will be taking you with me to Norfelk in order to seek more specialized care for your injuries and the trip will take a month at most. I suggest you also say the same thing if anyone asks.’
‘You mean we will come back to Tenbi waypoint?’ Fynn asked with relief.
‘Yes, I think whatever we learn in Norfelk will help us decide your next course of action, which I’m pretty sure won’t require you to stay there. And, of course, the quickest route to get to anywhere else will then require us to come back through Tenbi waypoint.’
With that established Fynn helped Sentor prepare for the coming day and not long after, Anya cheerfully joined them. Bidding the soothsayer goodbye, Fynn and Anya began a slow walk down the hill.
Once Fynn was outside the familiar decrepit building he called home he thanked Anya for her help. With a cheeky grin and a wave she unapologetically fled. Anya was no stranger to his mother’s sharp tongue and wanted no part of it.
‘Come and get me at my house when you are done,’ she shouted once she was safely in the distance.
Slowly, he opened the door and peered in hesitantly before stepping in. Though he had only been away for a few weeks, the room felt small and cramped. It held the familiar strong smell of smoke he had grown up with. He couldn’t think of many good memories in this room. As his eyes adjusted to the dark interior he saw the silhouette of his father snoozing away in his seat. His mother wasn’t there which could only mean she was still asleep in the bedroom. Usually, when she got back home from work in the very early morning, she would unceremoniously kick Fynn’s father out of that room, so that she could get a few hours sleep before she got up again to do the chores. The thought of all this caused Fynn’s heart to ache, and he vowed to himself that he would change his parent’s lives for the better.
Quietly, so as not to startle his father, he went and knelt down beside him, gently taking one of his large hands between his two. He had always marveled at how powerful the hands felt and now that he knew his father had once been a wielder he wondered at the deeds they had accomplished in the past.
‘Father, it’s me. I’m back,’ he almost whispered.
It took a moment but slowly his father’s eyelids opened revealing the familiar deep but very vacant brown eyes.
‘I’m better now thanks to the soothsayer. He saved me. He also said I have the talent, just like you, father,’ he said eagerly.
He had hoped that this would bring forth some kind of response but, as always, his father’s expression stayed the same. Fynn looked back down at the hands trying to hide his disappointment.
‘Thank you for asking him to help me,’ he continued his voice cracking a little. ‘I know it can’t have been easy for you but it really does mean everything to me.’
Tears began to fall from his eyes dripping onto the large hand he held. He hated that he cried so easily of late.
‘Father I’m going to leave for a while because I need to figure out what to do next. Sentor says we could all be in danger if I do the wrong thing. I don’t really understand it all so I will be patient and take his advice. I know I can trust him because you spoke to him and I should hopefully be back within the month.’
As he finished speaking, something extraordinary began to happen. He felt a tingling sensation come from where his hands met his father’s. A foreign but strangely familiar energy connected to him through their touch, it hummed and pulsed, calling at something within him. He gasped in shock jerking his head up with wide eyes. He saw that his father now had his eyes closed, a peaceful expression on his face. Fynn felt the energy in his father's hand rise, powerful and potent. The pulsing continued, increasing in tempo. Then from deep within himself, he began to sense his own minuscule, but no less potent, energy surge up. It hurtled through channels in his body as if in answer to the call. This, in turn, caused incredibly sharp and painful spasms to flash through his body and he panicked trying to jerk his hand back. His father, however, gently tightened his fingers as if asking him to stay in place.
As Fynn looked on with confusion at the peaceful expression on his fathers face, he decided then and there to take a leap of faith and trust in whatever his father was trying to do. So slowly, he closed his eyes and immersed himself in what was happening.
Fynn wasn’t exactly sure what he had expected to happen when the two energies met, but given the crazy nature of his own energy coursing painfully through him, he imagined it would be explosive. However, what actually happened was the last thing he could have possibly imagined. When his tiny but exceedingly wild untamed energy met his father’s vast but exquisitely controlled one, his own almost instantaneously and very meekly blended into it falling into a perfect rhythm. A wonderful feeling coursed through him, one of perfection, control, and peace. All pain vanished and his body felt vibrant and alive, he could feel every part of it in astonishing detail, every muscle, every vein, every organ with a clarity that he had never experienced before. He felt powerful.
His father controlled the energy to perfection; Fynn realised this was a gift, he was now able to gain an insight into wielding that he may never get again.
With his enhanced senses he began focusing on the rhythm of the energy in an effort to try and discover the secret to his father’s control. He quickly realized that it wasn’t just the tempo that had changed, but also the way it moved through the channels in his body. Rather than flowing haphazardly throughout as it had before, it was now following a pattern with unerring accuracy. Almost like a carefully choreographed dance, it weaved its way through the myriad of channels, like it instinctively knew the way. Effortlessly and with maximum efficiency it flowed. Here it slowed where the channels narrowed before speeding up again, twisting and turning in perfection to ensure no damage to the insanely convoluted and tricky route.
Energy had paths throughout his body, he realised and he now fully appreciated the seemingly impossible task pathfinders had when trying to ascertain if someone had the talent. One wrong move and they could damage all of this. He was also able to understand the reason testing could only be done as a child. If an untrained adult’s level of energy were released into an equally untrained body, then energy channels and routes would be ripped to shreds resulting in a horrible backlash. A child’s minuscule energy, in comparison, was able to run wild and uncontrolled through the channels like his had done earlier without causing lasting and significant damage, giving the bearer time to learn to control and wield it.
He didn’t know how long he knelt there besides his father but he immersed himself in the feeling knowing that his father was trying to teach him something. Therefore he burned the pattern, rhythm, movements, everything into his brain. He also at some point realized that his breathing had changed, matching exactly his fathers and he committed the timings to memory. The breathing seemed to be a training tool, he realized, as the energy intensity perfectly matched the breathing. But what would happen if I were in a fight or was being pursued up a hill? He pondered to himself. How could I possibly control my breathing then?
Eventually, he felt his father’s energy withdraw and with it the heightened awareness and clarity departed too. He also noted that his own energy was nowhere to be found, leaving him thoroughly exhausted. A longing for the feeling of strength and control he had just experienced overcame him. He slowly opened his eyes and found that his father, eyes as vacant as ever, had a small content smile on his face.
‘Father,’ he whispered in amazement. ‘Thank you.’
A small sound from behind him caused him to look back. His mother stood in the bedroom doorway, a look of barely concealed fury on her face. He stood slowly.
‘Mother, I…’
‘Get out,’ she hissed.
‘Mother please.’
‘I said get out now,’ she yelled pointing repeatedly at the door, tears now streaming down her face. ‘You don’t know what you have done. What you have brought upon us. Leave now and never come back.’
The last she said almost screaming and Fynn in complete shock, with one last look at his father, ran out of the house.
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At the world’s top college of magic and technology, every day brings a new discovery -and a new disaster. The advanced experiments of the college students tend to be both ambitious and apocalyptic, with the end of the world only prevented by a mysterious time loop, and a small handful of students who retain their memories. Freshman Vell Harlan, the newest student to get caught in the loop, now has to deal with stopping the apocalypse on a daily basis on top of having to study for exams- but he takes every doomsday in stride. While the dragons, gun-wielding octopi, and alien tourists are new, this isn’t Vell’s first brush with death and resurrection...Updates Tuesdays and Fridays
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In Aralt ‘Wolf” syr Tremayne’s world, skyships sail above tidal extremes, crystal swords are Tuned, and the soul-touched inspire both awe and fear. The latter doesn’t phase him, he carries a Tuned blade, and as for the ships…Aralt prefers to keep his feet on solid ground. Having finally laid to rest the ghosts of his past, he is unprepared when the grave gives one of them back. To his shame, it isn’t the one he wants. Lian Kynsei’s arrival upends Aralt’s life, but there is nothing he can do about it. Oath-bound to Lian, the last of a priestly clan, he is now defender of the scion of a faith he no longer shares. But the boy Aralt once knew is gone. In his place is a reckless, traumatized teen who can light the sky on fire. The more they get reacquainted, the less Aralt likes him—and the feeling is mutual. As revenge against a common enemy boils in his blood, Aralt struggles to do his oath-sworn duty and secure sanctuary for the heir-apparent to a mystical dynasty. But instead of safety, every step brings them closer to danger: sky pirates, cannibals, and a relentless soulless scourge unleashed by their enemy are all intent on killing Lian—or worse. Death, Aralt realizes, might be the greater mercy. ---------------------------------------------------------- What to Expect: Character-driven Plot Novel Pacing (which I accept isn't typical for serials) Elaborate Worldbuilding (you gotta pay attention) Soul-bonded Swords Sentient Wolves Longish Chapters What Not to Expect: Litrpg (sorry!) Harem (not sorry!) Magic System Short Chapters Dancing Bears (at least so far) Seriously, this is a second-world low fantasy/science-fantasy featuring a strong, but flawed male protagonist, a cheeky teenage boy that’s driving him crazy, a wee bit o’ Scots flavor, and a whole lot of culture clashing. I’m preparing to relaunch this story on Kindle once the second and third books are ready and I’d love some feedback as I move through those revisions. I'm serious about the feedback. All comments are welcome. I'll name a characters after you. And kill them, if you want. :) Oh, did I mention soulless assassins and cannibals? Yeah, Aralt’s day is not getting any better. cover image by brosedesignz
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