
Archage Cultivation system.

There are two stages to becoming a Spell Caster/ Mage. The Body development stage and the Spiritual Refining Stage.

-Body Development Stage

+This stage is where the body is prepared to store and utilize spiritual essence

-Spiritual Refining Stage

+This stage is where the body finally starts storing spiritual essence and utilizing it to strengthen one’s body

-First Minor Tribulation

+After passing this tribulation, the infant soul will be awakened therefore allowing the casting of spells.

Spiritual Actualization Stage.

*Soul Affinity Test* This is where the soul is tested to see which element it is suited for cultivating and how much Spiritual essence it can hold.

+Elements are:

Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Light, Darkness, Order, Chaos+

*Spells has different tiers= Tier 1 (everyone uses them. Aka household spells) Tier 2 (Single Target Combat spells) Tier 3 ( Single Target Combat Spells with added Specialties: Example, Tier 2 firebolt spell which is a single target penetrative spell, its’ Tier 3 counterpart would be FlameBolt which also explodes. Tier 4 (AOE Spells) Tier 5 (END Spells: These spells are used to target nations and countries and is typically performed by more than 10 Mages.

+ There are four main versions of Spell Casters. Wizards: A scholar of Spells utilizing spells books, grimoires, scrolls and staffs to cast spells. Sorcerers: A Spell Caster with an affinity to all the elements, usually acclaimed to be the strongest type of spell casters. Warlocks: These are Spells Casters who specialize in rituals, arrays and summonings. Magic Knight: These spell casters reinforce their bodies and fight with swords and spears together with magic.

There are 4 main Tiers of Spell Casters/ Mages

Primary Mage (Primary Wizard, Primary Sorcerer, Primary Warlock, Primary Magic Knight): Is the

first stage of Spell Casters. They can hold 50-500 points of SE (spiritual essence)


Tier 2 spells can only be casted with a SE count of 50 and up.

[ Each Tier 2 Spell uses 50 SE]

Intermediate Mage (Intermediate Wizard, Intermediate Sorcerer, Intermediate Warlock, Intermediate Magic Knight): Is the second stage of Spell Casters. They can hold from 500- 5000 SE

Tier 3 spells can only be casted with a SE count of 500 and up.

[Each Tier 3 spell uses 100 SE]

Advanced Mage (Advanced Wizard, Advanced Sorcerer, Advanced Warlock, Advanced Magic Knight): Is the Third and stage of Spell Casters. They hold from 5000-100000 SE

Tier 4 Spells can only be casted with a SE count of 5000 and up.

[Each Tier 4 Spell uses 1000 SE]

[A Tier 5 spell needs at least 1,000,000 points of SE for it to take effect] Magus Sage (Wizard Sage, Sorcerer Supreme, Warlock Overlord, Magic Knight Paladin): This is the final stage of spell casters. They hold an infinite number of spells and is no longer bound by Tiers due to the fact they can command the Laws of the spiritual essence themselves.

TO NOTE: Between each Major tier of Mages- there are sub-tiers. These sub-tiers are not defined by any barrier or SE level but by a Mages comprehension level. This usually dictates whether or not a Mage may grow to a higher Tier. Levels are, minor -low - medium- high- exalted.


This is how Spells Work.

Tier 2 Spells are blueprints used to create Tier 3 spells and up. Example, Tier 2 spell fireball is a single target spell that will hit a target at a certain speed at a certain temperature and with a certain level of destruction. A Intermediate Mage’s Fireball however will be something like Fiery Bomb which will have a delayed explosion but not to the extent of a tier 4 AOE spell, it will have a stronger destructive force than Tier 2 fireball and will be much higher in temperature. On the other hand, the Tier 4 counterpart for Fiery Bomb can be something like Fiery Combustion, which is an AOE level spell as it hits an area wider than 10 meters with the added specialty of delayed explosions.


*Hybrid Elements. created by compressing the Pure SE of four sorcerers of the natural element.

*Spells are limited to one’s imagination and understanding of their element. Thus technically there can be an unlimited amount of spells that can be created.

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