《Archage》Chapter 4: The Wedding


“Those maggots! To think they would dare attempt an assassination in my kingdom! Do they truly think I wouldn’t retaliate!” The King’s voice resounded. “Lutius, you may withdraw to your quarters for rest, your wedding will be held tomorrow. I truly would like to see if they are brave enough to try something. It seems some people is begging for their heads to be relieved of duty!”

Noticing his father’s agitated state, Lutius didn’t bother trying to postpone the wedding as Trixie notified him that it was the right move to carry on as usual.

[It’s a show of strength,] Trixie said, [Postponing the wedding will only give confidence to the enemy and they may try something drastic the next time.]

Relinquishing himself to his fate, Lutius retired to his quarters depressed.

“Trix, sort any and all important information for me to browse through when I wake up,” Lutius mumbled before falling asleep on his bed.


[Gathering Data]



[… Done! Host, assigned task is completed]

After about 2 hours Lutius was awakened by Trixie’s notification. It was pretty late at the moment, around 9:30pm, still feeling tired he told Trixie to assimilate the data with his memories, after which he fell back to sleep.

“Your Highness, it’s time to awaken. You need to prepare for the ceremony today. Your Highness!”

A young maid who was the same age as Lutius, wearing a white apron and a small white hat was by Lutius’ side desperately trying to wake him up, lest she got punished. Finally waking up, Lutius sighed deeply as it dawned on him this was his life from now on. However, suddenly the depressed feeling disappeared, and an excited feeling arose, remembering today he was to be wed to his childhood love Princess Rose.

‘Wait childhood love?’ For some reason for a few minutes Lutius experienced an extreme headache which immediately set of alarms in the maid’s mind as she ran to call for help.

[Host, assimilation of memories completed. Reason for headache- the huge amount of data which was assimilated.]

[After realising that your will power will be upgraded after the assimilation, the plan of assimilating bits of information at a time was disregarded]

Soon the loud slaps of footsteps were heard as Queen Alexis followed by a team of 5 doctors appeared. Following a diagnostic light spell which scanned the body for abnormalities and coming up empty handed, the doctors casted simple healing spells to alleviate the pain that Lutius was feeling. After about 10 minutes the headache stopped and Lutius opened his eyes and quickly relieved his mother of her worries that he was experiencing some latent side effect of the poison.

After Trixie had assimilated all the information of the previous Lutius, a surprising effect occurred as a complete merger of the memories transpired. The memories of Mike Johnson were now stored as if it was something Lutius read in a book, whilst the memories of the previous Lutius took precedence. This was not to say that “Mike” was gone, as Trixie explained, he was now 50% Mike and 50% Lutius, having achieved a balance between the two. What made the original Lutius happy, made the current Lutius happy, what made Mike sad, made the current Lutius sad. How this phenomenon occurred, only god knows and Lutius didn’t bother spending the time to figure it out.


After getting the all clear from the doctors, Lutius with the help of his maids started preparing for his marriage. This involved getting dressed in what resembled a white Indian kurta from his previous world, with a small golden crown on his head and a golden short sword by his waist. He was reminded of the procedures which was uncannily similar to a traditional wedding ceremony from Earth and was told to make his way to the main castle by his mother. Leaving his quarters and entering the hallway that lead to the main building, he caught a glimpse of the Ember Kingdom’s people, who haughtily made their way to the wedding area.

If it was not for the fact that the Ember Kingdom’s sixth prince was married to Princess Rose’s sister, Lutius’ father wouldn’t have even thought about inviting them because of the enmity between them. Due to various reasons, the Crescent Kingdom, which was where Princess Rose originated from, the sixth prince of the Ember Kingdom Thiosa Ember and the fourth princess of the Crescent Kingdom, Phrixa Crest, met by chance and fell in love and arranged a lowkey marriage in hiding because they knew their family wouldn’t allow it. After the deed was done, either side could only hold their rage and unwillingly give their blessings to their children. On one hand this was a chance for the wars between kingdoms to stop because they were now family, but on the other, after countless years of fighting, to simply call a total cease fire was a difficult task. Thus, both sides came to a mutual agreement. They agreed to stop fighting in a large scale, such as full-blown wars, but espionage and spy-craft became the new norm of warfare. Rarely would both sides clash in small skirmishes at the border of their kingdoms but it never escalated to anything more.

From this, the story of the love between enemies who stopped the war of nations was spread amongst the citizens in a frenzy but to those truly smart and conniving strategists, they knew that once this couple was gone, the wars would resume, and many attempted to make this a reality.

“Well atleast my life would be anything but boring,” Lutius mumbled to himself as he reached the main building. The wedding procedure was simple but a little different as Lutius was the Crown Prince. From the doorway to the main building, Lutius and Princess Rose greeted one another and exchanged rings. Then under the watch of the Magus Sage of the kingdom, they swore their vows and received the blessings of the Magus Sage, whilst if was one of his brothers, they would simply exchange vows. With entwined hands, the couple made their way to the throne of the King and Queen and sat on it whilst both their parents stood to the side and gave them their blessings, hanging a garland around their necks made with the most rare flowers and plants. Sitting on the throne was only allowed when the Crown Prince was getting married as it symbolised the promise of the future King and Queen of the kingdom. Meanwhile all in attendance shouted praises and well wishes for the newly wed couple. Only the Ember Kingdom’s people were quiet, but to Lutius he couldn’t care less. After the main ceremony was finished it was time to mingle with the nobles and receive gifts.


Sitting on the throne, Princess Rose was shyly watching Lutius from the corner of her eyes. Sensing her, Lutius looked at her in her eyes which resembled the starry night. Her purple dress and white tiara accentuated her beauty taking Lutius’ breath away.

“My Princess how is it possible that every time I look at you, you seem more and more beautiful. Just like the queen of the garden, the rose plant, can evoke a myriad of feelings within a maiden’s heart, your red lips and beautiful smile has fully captured my soul.” Though what Lutius said might seem cringy, to the innocent Princess she was totally enraptured by what he said and couldn’t help bowing her head slightly to hide her blushing and smiling face.

Nesilia Crest, Princess Rose’s mother saw the two flirting and couldn’t help but give a slight cough to remind them they were in front of people. At the end of the ceremony Princess Rose and Lutius made their way to Lutius’ private quarters to perform the consummation of their marriage. Sitting on both ends of the bed, still in their wedding gowns, thousands of thoughts whistled through each of their minds. On one side, Princess Rose was thinking about if she was 100% ready, if it will hurt, if Lutius would be happy with her, if she would mess up, etc. On the other side though, Lutius’ mind was filled with the image of his previous life’s wife, which for some reason was fading away from his memory. After a while, the sudden noise of clothes and jewellery hitting the ground was heard. Turning around Lutius eyes were blessed by the beauty he witnessed. Supple, full, round breasts, slender legs and a slim waist with a firm butt, ignited a fire in Lutius teenage mind totally forgetting whatever he was thinking of previously. With rosy cheeks and fair skin, the only word that came to Lutius’ mind at this moment to describe what he was seeing was “Fairy.”

“Y…Your Highness, am I to your liking?” a nervous but sweet-sounding voice reached Lutius’ ears awakening him from his trance.

“My beautiful fairy,” Lutius said as he pulled her in to his embrace whilst removing his clothes instantly with magic. Running his right hand through her hair whilst caressing her body with his left, Rose shivered at his touch. Eventually stopping at her perky nipple, he began to twirl his finger around her areola before giving her a hard pinch which resulted in her moaning out loud in pleasure. He then threw her down on the bed and started kissing her from her neck, to her lips, to her breasts, to her sides, before finally reaching her inner thighs. Using a simple magic incantation making his tongue cold as ice, he ran his tongue along her thighs before giving a quick lick to her now extremely wet pair of lips. Rose gripped the bed sheets as she moaned out loud before reaching for Lutius’ head and holding it between her legs pressed against her vagina. Without hesitation, Lutius started his feast and greedily ate the delicious meal that was in front him. After seemingly finding her weak spot, Lutius had a wicked thought and decided to have a little fun. Sucking on her clitoris, when she was about to orgasm Lutius stopped for a bit and listened to her cry out begging for the release before continuing his meal.

‘Doing this about 3 times was enough for her first time,’ Lutius thought

“My Princess, you taste very delicious. Oh, you wish to orgasm? Sorry my dear but you will only be cumming when I tell you to.” An evil smile played on Lutius’ face as he positioned his erection against her opening. Rubbing his dick on her for a few seconds, was like torture to Rose as she squirmed about on the bed.

“Please! Please take me now Your Highness! I… I can’t take it anymore!” Rose cried out before instinctively starting to push herself on Lutius’ 8” of joy.

“Well since you asked so nicely… then,” Lutius stopped talking and with one solid thrust he broke into her hymen penetrating deep inside her. She was shocked because she didn’t expect the sudden penetration and didn’t mentally prepare herself, but she was even more surprised that she felt no pain. But she didn’t have the time to think, as soon after, Lutius started thrusting, causing her mind to be overcome with pleasure.

“Ah, Ah, Yes, Yes, Yes Your Highness! It feels so good!” Rose’s moans filled the room as the graceful and elegant look was replaced by a lust filled and hungry one which only excited Lutius even more. Suddenly Lutius reached out and grabbed her by the throat tightly before speeding up his thrust, reaching even more deeply inside her.

“AHHH, Lutius, Yes, Harder, Harder! I’m… I’m cumming!” After about 10 minutes of extremely fast thrusting, Rose let out a loud shout as she had her first orgasm.

“That… That was amazing Your highness,” she said but she got worried as Lutius started back thrusting into her.

“You didn’t think I was finished now did you? No, my dear, the night is still young,” Lutius smiled at Rose before he flipped over, grabbed and pulled back her hair and continued to fuck her.

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