《Archage》Chapter 2: A Wife ?


In a clearing of the greatest forestation in the continent of Iopia, a massive earthquake occurred. The ground split open and the body of a boy was swallowed. After the crack closed a golden light shimmered and solidified on the ground in the same image of the boy whom the earth devoured. The boy had shoulder length ashburn coloured hair, a white robe with golden stripes and a white gold insignia. His body slim and skin almost pale he seemed to be having the best dream of his life.

Waking up from his sleep the boy’s eyes was filled with confusion and frustration.

“Where am I”, Mike asked himself, “That stupid being, was that really god I can’t believe that god can have a smile so unsettling.” Standing up and stretching his sore limbs he started to assess his surroundings. He was situated in a circular clearing in the middle of a forest with a trace bordered by fences leading out towards wherever he or rather the previous occupant of the body came from.

Suddenly a light flew out from between his eyes. The light started to flash in a bright white then solidified into a white box.

[Initialization of analysis system]

[Initiating start up proceedings]

[Conducting preliminary analysis of host]

[Conducting preliminary analysis of surroundings]

[Accessing introductory data]

[Start up procedures completed]

Watching the floating white box talk like the system from the novels he read, Mike who had thought he had seen it all stared with his mouth open at this phenomenon. The box then went quiet and only the rustling of leaves and chirping of birds in the distance could be heard. Hesitantly reaching out and poking the box, it moved a few centimetres before coming back to about 2 feet from his face and started talking again.

[Hello Prince Lutius Whitstar. I am the Matrix, a gift given to you by god to aid you in your goal of conquering this planet] the box said in a melodic female voice.


“Uh hi. My name is Mike nice to uh meet you…” Mike was unsure of what to do. He was simply dumbfounded by what was happening to him right now. Though in his previous world there were artificial intelligence artifacts and great technological advancements, this white box, or Matrix as it called itself, was translucent. All he could make out inside of the box was a white hazy fog.

‘How the hell is the box fly… wait I have more serious things to take heed of now. Where the hell am I?’

[Answering host. I do not have a name. I can be compared to the AI from your memories and it is your duty to name me. After conducting an analysis of your current situation, the following information can be inferred. Your name is now Lutius Whitstar, you are the Crown Prince of the Whitstar Kingdom in the country of Htrae, of the Iopian Continent, in the magical world called Archage. Answering following question that host is going to ask. I am linked to your mind therefore I can answer and provide information at the fastest time possible] the box said.

‘Indeed, I was about to ask if she could read my mind. Seems I can name her and as she said this is a magical world therefore flying boxes should be something not to surprising.’ After listening to what the box had to say and organising his thoughts, Lutius {the mc will now be called Lutius from now on}, calmed down and started skimming through the memories of the previous occupant of his body.

“Alright, from now on your name is Trixie, what are your functions?” Lutius asked.

[Answering Host. Analysing and storing data and providing suggestions when necessary.]

‘Huh… that’s it. Well better than nothing I suppose.’ Though surprised at the simple operations Trixie can perform he knew the benefits of having such a system in a foreign land would be astronomical.


“Your highness where are you!” Suddenly a loud male voice shouted, seeming to come from the trace leading out from the clearing.

“Your highness, His Majesty is looking for you!”

A man about 6’1 in height walked into the clearing followed by 5 soldiers. The man was a behemoth of a person whose physique would give those ‘strongmen’ in his previous world a sense of shame.

‘Hmm, from memory this man name should be Eobard Night, the chief eunuch and these soldiers should be from the undercover division tasked with spy-craft and the safety of the royal family. He has been a real thorn for our kingdom's enemies and a great asset to us.’

“One moment chief, I am coming.” Lutius replied after making eye contact with Eobard. After consolidating all the memories of the past with the help of Trixie, Lutius was familiar with all the nuances and mannerisms the previous occupant of his body had. However, even still there were a few key differences. Due to living close to 100 years in his previous life and accumulating a variety of accomplishments the simple vibe he gave off was very distinct. His blue eyes shun with an intent which screamed superiority. This he was unaware of and couldn’t control for it was deeply embedded in his soul.

Noticing these minor changes after seeing the Prince, Eobard eyes flashed with surprise for just a second before returning to normal.

‘His highness is looking more and more like his father with each passing day. Seems like the kingdoms future is sure to be prosperous.’ Eobard thought to himself before smiling to Lutius.

The soldiers who were part of the undercover forces titled, Nightingales, all wore hoods and seemed to blend and fade into the surroundings. Lutius had to focus just to ensure that what he was seeing was not just an illusion.

“Chief, for what purpose does father wish to see me?” Lutius asked as he walked towards the group. Form memory he knew the reason that the original Lutius died was due to his soul being poisoned and destroyed which allowed -Mike- to take over. However, the poison used was unfamiliar to him and was not present in any of the memories he or Trixie analysed.

‘Was it my brothers? No, seems like infighting is banned by our father and the only reason I was chosen as Crown Prince was due to my talents. Maybe a foreign country?’ As these thoughts circulated his mind Lutius met up with Eobard and company and made their way back to the Palace which was connected to the forest by the trace.

“Today is your 18th birthday Your Highness thus, His Majesty, King Lucian Whitstar has decided that today is the day you get married. Princess Rose from the neighbouring Kingdom is already speaking to your mother, Queen Alexis and is helping prepare for the wedding. You must be very excited now. Huh?”

As Eobard finished explaining what was happening and looked at Lutius he saw expressions of shock, frustration, anger which was quickly replaced by a smiling face which gave even a man of his calibre the creeps.

“Is something wrong Your highness?” he asked tentatively.

‘Is something wrong? How about you try being thrown to a different world and before you can even settle down you get a wife.’ Lutius was screaming on the inside but towards Eobard’s question he simply gave a bright smile as if nothing was wrong, yet this gesture seemed to send chills down the veterans’ spine.

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