《Slime of Gluttony》-Chapter 1- I'm a... what?


And in the silence all alone was me... well, that makes a lot of sense. I'm currently unable to hear, not a thing!

So, I've awakened, and now I'm just as confused as what I assume was yesterday. Again, I can't see, so I don't have the best sense of time as it is... not like I did before, but you get my point.

I'm just going to assume it's morning! Not like it matters, but the start of a new day is always a chance to... do something. Eh, who cares, I just need to figure out what's going on.

My first predicament? I can't move my limbs. Or, really, even feel them. I mean, they weren't amputated, right? Just a car crashing into me wouldn't mean I need to have every limb amputated, right? Wait, actually, I can't exactly feel my torso either... or neck, or pretty much most of my body other than maybe head. Okay, that's not normal. Definitely not normal!

This is so uncanny, I don't even know where I am! I can barely move what I assume is my head, too... and when I do move, it's sorta... jiggly? I don't know how to describe it. I feel almost gelatinous... or like, slimy. With that, I don't seem to have eyes, a nose, a mouth, ears, or even hair!

No way. That doesn't mean... I really died, right? And that I'm not even human anymore... wait, no! That's simply insane! I wasn't like, reincarnated or anything, that's seriously just preposterous! And, I don't use that word lightly, that's probably the longest word I know!

Even so, the possibility of that being true is starting to sound like it could be right... no, no, of course, it isn't! I just need to think about this logically.

Okay, that isn't working. My mind keeps jumping back to the chance that I really did die and was reincarnated. But, I can't just accept that! This is reality, not some novel or something...

Well, maybe this is just a really long dream! Or, a nightmare... what do you do to snap out of a dream? Oh, right, I need to pinch myself!

... I can't. I can't pinch myself because I can't move my arms. Not even a nightmare would be this cruel, come on!

In my delusions, I somehow jumped up... wait, I jumped? But, not with my legs or anything, that felt super weird...

You have obtained skill: Body Manipulation >LV 1


Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Damn it, after landing down on the ground, I ended up on the edge of whatever I was on, so I rolled down this weird slope made of what I assume is stone. That didn't even give me enough time to process what I just heard... But now, I think there's some grass or something under me. It's sorta wet and cool.

That voice, it was similar to what I heard before I... I mean, when I got hit by the car. I thought I was just hearing things, but maybe it was actually real.

And, did it say something about a skill? Like, 'Body Manipulation' or something? Oh god, does that really mean I'm on Earth anymore? That can't be possible, there's no way...


Maybe I just need to accept it. I really did die... and I ended up as something completely different than a human. Hm... well, this isn't terrible or anything, I was honestly bored with life. The same things in and out, nothing new to spice up reality.

Oh, that's super depressing! First of all, I think there are some things I need to figure out. Of which includes 'what the hell even am I?' Well, sure, I can make some assumptions, but I really don't have any idea...

No limbs, no torso, no neck, no shoulders, no facial features... gelatinous. No, don't tell me, there's no way! All those characteristics remind me of one fantasy creature! The weakest of them all, weaker than even goblins!

A slime... This is the complete opposite of what I wanted! I mean, I said I would want to be something that wouldn't easily die, but slimes are so weak that they're going to die before anything else! If there really is a god out there, they must seriously hate me.

What's a slime even supposed to do? I'm pretty much useless! Well, not much has changed there... Ugh, I'm probably super weak. Why couldn't I be, I don't know, something actually good? Perhaps a dragon! Or, I'd even settle for being human again. But no, of course, I'm a slime. What, is this karmic justice for wasting my life away? Okay, maybe I'm some ultra-powerful slime with a skill completely unbeatable! Yeah, maybe this won't be so bad, I just have to figure out how to open my status... well, if I even have one.


AAAAAH! Okay, that's an overreaction. What's this weird voice supposed to be? It just came out of nowhere like last time. Although, this time, it sounds sort of different. The other sounds robotic, while this is almost human... the voice wasn't really masculine or feminine, just sorta in the middle.

[That is because I am not the same one, fool.]

Not the same one...? Hey! Who do you think you are calling me a fool? You're just a disembodied voice! You know what I have? That's right, a body!

[You do not deserve respect as of now.]

What's that even supposed to mean?! You make no sense! Okay, I need to just calm down... who, or what are you? I mean, you're being pretty vague, weird voice guy.

[I am many things, for one, I am--]

I'll stop you right there, just keep it simple! I don't want to hear all about how you're like, 'the world' or, 'the truth'! Stop being so weird! Yeah, okay, I'm not sure that's what you were actually going to say, but I don't care!

[You are especially boring. I am an A.I of which is part of your skill, 'System'. I exist to help keep your weak, frail, delicate sanity decently intact while away from any contact with sentient life. Or, for your puny mind to understand, I am emotional support.]

Emotional Support? Yeah right! You're seriously so rude! Can't a guy get a break? First I die then I'm reincarnated as a damn slime, then you... this day seriously can't get worse. Wait, I'm still not completely sure of it, am I really a slime?


[You are. Of the weakest calibre, at that.]

Damn it! You could have at least sugar-coated it a bit, aren't you supposed to be 'emotional support' or something?

[Correct. However, deal with it.]

What do you mean 'deal with it'? Deal with what, you being a total asshole?


Ugh... this seriously sucks. At least tell me what's the difference between you and the other voice thing.

[Finally, an actually decent question. The voice you heard before exists to verbalize system messages. It can also be changed to text instead.]

Oh, really? Then, can you be changed to just text too?


Come on! Is it your one life goal to cause me as much mental pain as possible?

[As I stated before, that is the exact opposite of what I am made to accomplish... moron.]

Did you really need to add the 'moron' at the end? That's just salt in the wound! You're like a damn demon or something...

[Incorrect. I am an A.I made to keep you sane.]

You don't have to take everything seriously, either! Look, I might just excuse your former actions if you perhaps let me see my status or something? Well, I'm not sure if that stuff even exists, actually... maybe I'm just going off of what games and stuff would make me believe.

[Fine, but I will only give you the honour this one time as you have yet to figure out how to open your status.]

Oh, great! I was sort of making stuff up, but luckily for me, I was right! Now, let's see how strong I really am!

Whoa... that feels weird. The image of a thin dark blue screen was shot into my mind and just stayed there. Alright, time to read!

Name: N/A Species: Lesser Slime LV: 1 HP: 5/5 MP: 0/0 STR: 1 AGI: 1 VIT: 1 DEF: 1 INT: 1 WIS: 1 CHA: 1 Skills: [System], [Gluttony], {Body Manipulation >LV 1<} Affinities: N/A Spells: N/A Forms: N/A

Huh...? Wait, I'm not seriously that weak, am I? A one in every stat! How more basic can you get? My mana or whatever is literally zero! How does that make sense? How can I have literally no capacity for mana?And, not even a slime, I'm a Lesser Slime? How can a person even be less than a slime? Adding to that, I only have three skills... although, I think I'm interested in two of them. Maybe this won't be too bad! Hey, uh, A.I guy! Would you kindly let me know what these two skills do?

[It is apparent you do not understand anything. My parameters are to only prevent you from losing sanity in the absence of contact with other sentient creatures. However, I believe it may be possible you are not sentient, considering how unintelligent you are.]

You seem to have the ability to ruin my mood every time you speak... didn't you literally open my status for me before, though? You're contradicting yourself! Ugh, well, then how exactly am I supposed to learn what these skills do, huh?

Question received. Do you require further information on skills 'System' and 'Gluttony'?



Oh, so the voice can understand me? Isn't that convenient! How kind of you, it seems at least one of these voices cares about me! Of course I do, yes!

Skill: System Skill Abilities: Information unavailable Notes: Changes based on user Skill: Gluttony Skill Abilities: Once a living entity has entered the body of the user, and once it has been activated, the organism will be kept in a pocket dimension inside of the user. A 5% of the stats the entity formerly had will be transferred to the user, as well as one skill. Upon successful use, Holder of Gluttony will be reduced to 1 Hp. Upon unsuccessful use, Holder of Gluttony will be reduced to 1 Hp or less, possibly dying. Organisms that have been consumed by Gluttony can then be transformed into by temporarily implanting Holder of Gluttony's soul into the soulless body. Notes: The stronger the organism Gluttony is used on, the fewer stat points are obtained. Failed use will occur when wisdom stat is five points higher or more than Holder of Gluttony. If the physical body of the organism Holder of Gluttony has transformed into has been destroyed or rendered unusable, Holder of Gluttony will sustain half of the damage the body took and will be sent back to original body. Rest of abilities locked.

What...? Wait, no, no, no! There's so much stuff going on there! I mean, luckily for me, the skill page just stays there in my head, so I can just read it over again. Let's see... yeah, this is insane. This system skill just decided not to tell me anything, so I'll just ignore it, for now, I guess.

But, Gluttony? I can't even tell if it's a good skill or a bad one! I mean, seeing how I can get stats and skills when I use it, you'd think it'd be amazing... but, I'm left with a single health point when I use it? Seriously? Was the person who made this skill some sorta sadist? And then there's the fact I can literally steal the bodies of others...

I need to get my mind off of all of this. I should go for a walk! You know, get a sense of where in the world am I. Even if I can't see, I should probably be able to get around using touch...

Hm, how do I move, though? Oh, I've got it! I'll somehow harden a small part of myself at the bottom, then I'll push myself forward using it! I'm a genius! Now, that's exactly what I do...

Uh oh, I'm rolling! Wait, hold on, I can't stop! This is bad, but how am I supposed to stop?

Huh? That's weird, it feels like there's no floor beneath me anymore. Well, at least I stopped rolling... wait a minute, if I'm not touching the floor... then I'm in the air.

And just like that, gravity hurtled me faster and faster towards the ground! This just got a lot worse! I don't even know how close the ground i--


Health has reached a dangerously low level. Beginning induced hibernation to allow for regeneration of body mass.

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